
Indonesian MCI Ensures Telecommunication Access for Successful ASEAN Chairmanship 2023

JAKARTA, Apr 1, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – Indonesia’s Ministry of Communications and Informatics (MCI) is preparing digital infrastructure to support the successful ASEAN Chairmanship 2023. Acting Director-General of Posts and Informatics Operations of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Ismail, stated that his ministry is continuously monitoring the telecommunications network to maintain its quality.

Indonesian MCI Ensures Telecommunication Access for Successful ASEAN Chairmanship 2023

“One of MCI’s tasks is to provide telecommunications networks and internet access to ensure the smooth running of ASEAN Chairmanship 2023,” he emphasized in Jakarta on Friday, March 31, 2023.

Ismail also stated that specifically for the ASEAN Summit slated to be held in May 2023 in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, MCI has ensured adequate network infrastructure. There are 3,773.73 km of fiber optic network and 2,055 ODP points in the area. In addition, there are 1,635 4G BTS and 3 5G BTS.

Regarding the quality of the network, Ismail stated that Labuan Bajo, which had previously hosted the G20 event, has been served by 4G and 5G telecommunication networks. In fact, fixed broadband operators are also available in the area.

“78.12% of the Labuan Bajo area has been covered by 4G signals. Even in residential areas, the coverage has reached 94.51%, and some areas have been served with 5G signal,” he said.

The ministry is also monitoring the quality of mobile telecommunications networks. In fact, telecommunications service operators have taken anticipatory measures by upgrading their networks through Combat BTS provision.

“We are monitoring from our Telecommunications Monitoring Center. And for the needs of ASEAN Summit 2023, telecommunications operators, especially the Telkom Group, are making various preparations, such as providing Combat BTS and upgrading some existing BTS in Golomori and Labuan Bajo, which are currently in progress by 44.7% and targeted to be completed by the second week of April 2023,” he said.


Copyright 2023 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/indonesian-mci-ensures-telecommunication-access-for-successful-asean-chairmanship-2023/

廣受認可的 ROSEN LAW FIRM 鼓勵 Kornit Digital Ltd. 的投資者在對 KRNT 提起證券集體訴訟的重要截止日期前聘請律師

紐約, April 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via SEAPRWire.com) — 事因:全球投資者權益律師事務所 Rosen Law Firm 提醒於 2021 年 2 月 17 日至 2022 年 7 月 5 日(含上述兩日期,下稱「集體訴訟期」)期間購買了 Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ:KRNT) 證券之人士:首席原告的重要截止日期為 2023 年 4 月 17 日

影響:若您在集體訴訟期內曾購買 Kornit 證券,您可能有權獲得賠償,並透過後酬約定,免去任何自付費用或開支。

下一步:如欲加入 Kornit 集體訴訟,請造訪 https://ift.tt/eSf7aoZ或是撥打免費電話 866-767-3653 或寄送電子郵件至 pkim@rosenlegal.comcases@rosenlegal.com,與 Phillip Kim 律師聯絡,了解關於此集體訴訟的資訊。該案已提起集體訴訟。若您希望擔任首席原告,請務必於 2023 年 4 月 17 日前向法院提出申請。首席原告是集體訴訟中代表其他成員主導訴訟的代表方。

為何選擇 ROSEN LAW:我們鼓勵投資者選擇在領導角色方面有成功記錄的合格法律顧問。通常,發布通知的律師事務所並無可相比的經驗、資源或任何有意義的同儕認可。許多此類律所實際上並不處理證券集體訴訟方面的業務,只是充當轉介客戶的中間人,或與實際提起訴訟的律所合作。請務必明智地選擇律師。Rosen Law Firm 在全球各地為投資者提供服務,專注於證券集體訴訟和股東代位訴訟。Rosen Law Firm 曾針對一家中國公司發起過迄今規模最大的證券集體訴訟,並成功達成和解。Rosen Law Firm 曾因其證券集體訴訟案件的和解數量,於 2017 年獲 ISS Securities Class Action Services 評選為排名第一的法律事務所。自 2013 年以來,Rosen Law Firm 每年都進入該排行榜的前四名,且已為投資者追回數億美元的資金。僅在 2019 年,事務所便為投資者追回了逾 4.38 億美元的資金。2020 年,創始合夥人 Laurence Rosen 獲 law360 評選為「最佳原告律師」(Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar)。事務所的多名律師均曾得到 Lawdragon 和 Super Lawyers 的表彰。

案件詳情:根據訴訟,被告在整個集體訴訟期間作出了虛假和/或誤導性陳述及/或未披露如下事項:(1) Kornit 及其高階主管人員了解或至少輕率地忽視了困擾公司數位印刷業務的兩個問題:重大品質控制問題和客戶服務不足;(2) 因此,Kornit 比以往所更容易受到來自競爭對手的壓力,並且缺乏其向投資者推銷的競爭優勢;(3) 因此,這些問題和不足導致 Kornit 將市場份額輸給了競爭對手,導致公司收入下降,因為對 Kornit 不滿的客戶正尋找替代方案,以滿足他們的數位印刷需求;且 (4) 至於公司聲稱會警告以下相關風險:質量和客戶服務問題、競爭加劇,Kornit 未能披露此類風險已經顯現。當真實的細節資訊流入市場時,根據訴訟,投資者遭受了損失。

如欲加入 Kornit 集體訴訟,請造訪 https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=12250或是撥打免費電話 866-767-3653 或寄送電子郵件至 pkim@rosenlegal.comcases@rosenlegal.com,與 Phillip Kim 律師聯絡,了解關於此集體訴訟的資訊。


透過以下方式獲知我們的最新動態,LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm、Twitter:https://twitter.com/rosen_firm 或 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/



        Laurence Rosen 律師
        Phillip Kim 律師
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016(美國)
        電話:(212) 686-1060
        免費電話:(866) 767-3653
        傳真:(212) 202-3827

source https://netdace.com/globenewswire/%e5%bb%a3%e5%8f%97%e8%aa%8d%e5%8f%af%e7%9a%84-rosen-law-firm-%e9%bc%93%e5%8b%b5-kornit-digital-ltd-%e7%9a%84%e6%8a%95%e8%b3%87%e8%80%85%e5%9c%a8%e5%b0%8d-krnt-%e6%8f%90%e8%b5%b7%e8%ad%89%e5%88%b8/

享譽全球的投資者法律顧問 ROSEN 鼓勵 Inspirato Incorporated 的投資者在該所針對 ISPO 發起的證券集體訴訟的重要截止日期前聘請律師

紐約, April 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via SEAPRWire.com) —

事因:全球投資者權益律師事務所 Rosen Law Firm 提醒在 2022 年 5 月 11 日至 2022 年 12 月 15 日(含上述兩日)期間,簡稱「集體訴訟期」)購買 Inspirato Incorporated (NASDAQ: ISPO) 證券之人士注意,由 Rosen 發起的證券集體訴訟的首席原告的重要截止日期為 2023 年 4 月 17 日

影響:如果您在集體訴訟期間購買了 Inspirato 證券,您可能有權透過勝訴收費安排獲得賠償,而無須支付任何自付費用或訟費。

下一步:如欲加入 Inspirato 集體訴訟,請造訪 https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=10246或是撥打免費電話 866-767-3653 或寄送電子郵件至 pkim@rosenlegal.comcases@rosenlegal.com,與 Phillip Kim 律師聯絡,了解關於此集體訴訟的資訊。集體訴訟經已提出。若您希望擔任首席原告,請務必於 2023 年 4 月 17 日前向法院提出申請。首席原告是代表其他集體訴訟成員主導訴訟的代表方。

為何選擇 ROSEN LAW:我們鼓勵投資者選擇在起主導作用方面具有成功業績記錄的合格律師。通常,發佈通知的律師事務所並無可相比的經驗、資源或任何有意義的同儕認可。許多此類律所實際上並不處理證券集體訴訟方面的業務,只是充當轉介客戶的中間人,或與實際提起訴訟的律所合作。選擇法律顧問還需明智。Rosen Law Firm 在全球各地為投資者提供服務,專注於證券集體訴訟和股東代位訴訟。Rosen Law Firm 曾針對一家中國公司發起迄今規模最大的證券集體訴訟,並成功達成和解。Rosen Law Firm 曾因其證券集體訴訟案件的和解數量,於 2017 年獲 ISS Securities Class Action Services 評選為排名第一的律師事務所。自 2013 年以來,Rosen Law Firm 每年都進入該排行榜的前四名,而且已為投資者追回數億美元的資金。僅在 2019 年,事務所便為投資者追回了逾 4.38 億美元的資金。2020 年,創始合夥人 Laurence Rosen 獲 law360 評選為「最佳原告律師」(Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar)。事務所的多名律師均曾得到 Lawdragon 和 Super Lawyers 的表彰。

案件詳情:根據訴訟,被告在整個集體訴訟期間作出了重大虛假性和/或誤導性陳述及/或未披露如下事項:(1) 該公司就截至 2022 年 3 月 31 日止及截至 2022 年 6 月 30 日止季度期間(統稱「非信賴期」)向美國證券交易委員會 (「SEC」) 提交的非依賴期 10-Q 表格季度報告中的未經審計簡明合併財務報表不能再被信賴;(2) 該等季度報告不能再被信賴,是因為會計準則更新 (ASU) No. 2016-02,租賃(主題 842)(「ASC 842」) 在關於評估使用權資產和負債方面的錯誤應用,導致在每個非信賴期少報了使用權資產和總租賃負債約 9%,導致在每個非信賴期少報了總資產和總負債約 5%,並且由於物業相關及其他費用在第一季度少計和第二季度多計,導致第一及第二季度的收入成本分別少報了約 1% 和多報了約 5%。(同樣,先前發佈或提交的任何報告、新聞稿、盈利報告和投資者演示文稿或其他描述該公司涵蓋非信賴期的簡明合併未經審計的財務報表及其他相關財務資料的通信都不應再被依賴);(3) 由於該公司沒有在規定的到期日前向美國證券交易委員會提交截至 2022 年 9 月 30 日止季度的 10-Q 表格季度報告(第三季度報告),因此該公司未遵守納斯達克上市規則第 5250(c)(1) 條(「規則」)中載明的繼續上市的定期申報規定;以及 (4) 因此,被告在所有相關時間的關於其業務、營運和前景的陳述均嚴重失實和具有誤導性及/或缺乏合理依據。控方稱,當市場了解真相後,投資者蒙受了損失。

如欲加入 Inspirato 集體訴訟,請造訪 https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=10246或是撥打免費電話 866-767-3653 或寄送電子郵件至 pkim@rosenlegal.comcases@rosenlegal.com,與 Phillip Kim 律師聯絡,了解關於此集體訴訟的資訊。


歡迎透過以下方式關注我們以了解最新動態:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm、Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm 或 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm

Rosen Law Firm 在全球各地為投資者提供服務,專注於證券集體訴訟和股東代位訴訟。Rosen Law Firm 曾因其證券集體訴訟案件的和解數量,於 2017 年獲 ISS Securities Class Action Services 評選為排名第一的律師事務所。自 2013 年以來,Rosen Law Firm 每年都進入該排行榜的前四名。Rosen Law Firm 曾針對一家中國公司發起迄今規模最大的證券集體訴訟,並成功達成和解。Rosen Law Firm 的律師在諸多獨立的、受人尊敬的資料來源中榜上有名且備受認可。Rosen Law Firm 已為投資者追回數億美元的資金。



        Laurence Rosen 律師
        Phillip Kim 律師
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016(美國)
        電話:(212) 686-1060
        免費電話:(866) 767-3653
        傳真:(212) 202-3827

source https://netdace.com/globenewswire/%e4%ba%ab%e8%ad%bd%e5%85%a8%e7%90%83%e7%9a%84%e6%8a%95%e8%b3%87%e8%80%85%e6%b3%95%e5%be%8b%e9%a1%a7%e5%95%8f-rosen-%e9%bc%93%e5%8b%b5-inspirato-incorporated-%e7%9a%84%e6%8a%95%e8%b3%87%e8%80%85/

ScamAdviser Coin ‘Scams’ the Internet for April Fools

AMSTERDAM, Mar 31, 2023 – (亞太商訊 via SEAPRWire.com) – To prove how easy it is for anyone to launch a scam site, the Global Anti Scam Alliance and ScamAdviser launched ‘ScamAdviser Coin’ in the lead-up to April Fool’s Day 2023. The goal of this campaign was to highlight the importance of forming better policies to combat scammers.

Investment Options ScamAdviser Coin

Investment Options ScamAdviser Coin

Last year, nearly 300 million consumers lost more than $55 billion, according to the Global State of Scams 2022 report. Especially, investment scams continued to rise, caused by digitalization, high inflation, and the increasing cost of living.

Within a matter of days, a website was set up that promised investors 100% returns in 14 days. Setting up the site was just $250, including purchasing a website template, registering the domain name ‘scamadviser.club’ and purchasing website hosting.

UK’s Companies House lacks a Due Diligence process

To create a sense of trust, a fictitious company named ‘ScamAdviser Coin Limited’ was registered in the UK’s Companies House Registry, using as Directors names the notorious fraudsters Charles Ponzi and Bernard Madoff for just $15.

This is possible as the Companies House itself states, “Companies House does not verify the accuracy of the information filed”. However, few, if any, people know that Companies House does not do any due diligence. Many people, especially from abroad, believe that if a company is registered in the United Kingdom, it must be legit.

Promoting the Scam on Facebook and Google

The fake investment website was even advertised on Facebook for a brief period before being reported by users. The ads were disapproved by Google’s search engine advertising platform, citing their policies regarding ‘Unacceptable business practices’.

Several ‘experts’ on a popular freelancing platform offered to help advertise the scheme on Facebook and Google. Their advice: You need to “warm up” a Google Adword or Facebook account. After three weeks and not using specific keywords like “coin”, it’s easy to promote any kind of investment scam.

The Result: $11,000 earned in 10 days

ScamAdviser Coin only has been up for 10 days. Many could not spot the signs of a scam as 144 users signed up to join the waitlist for the program, which was supposedly set to launch on 1 April 2023. With the users pledging to invest a total of $11,010, the scheme would have generated an ROI of 4400% for the scammer.

Jorij Abraham, General Manager of GASA, said regarding the campaign, “For only $250, you can not only set up an investment scam but also a legitimate-looking company. The way Companies House operates is hurting consumers. Many believe that a company registered in the UK must be trustworthy. Instead, it seems to be the opposite.”

About the Global Anti Scam Alliance

Our mission is to protect consumers worldwide from scams by raising awareness and facilitating knowledge sharing. The full article can be found on ScamAdviser ( https://pr.report/CEG9N2Wu) and GASA ( https://pr.report/cZbHvWtd ).

Contact Information
Jorij Abraham
General Manager

SOURCE: Global Anti Scam Alliance

Copyright 2023 亞太商訊. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/scamadviser-coin-scams-the-internet-for-april-fools/


Trump criminally charged in NY, a first for a US ex-president

Former US president Donald Trump speaks during a 2024 election campaign rally in Waco, Texas, March 25, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP)

NEW YORK – Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury after a probe into hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, becoming the first former US president to face criminal charges even as he makes another run for the White House.

The charges, arising from an investigation led by Democratic Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, came as Trump seeks the Republican nomination to run again in 2024. He indicated in a statement on Thursday that he intended to remain in the race.

Trump said in the statement that he was "completely innocent."

Former US president Donald Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen has said he coordinated with Trump on the payments to Daniels and to a second woman, former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who also said she had a sexual relationship with him

"This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history," he said, providing no evidence.

Shortly after, Trump appealed to supporters to provide money for a legal defense. He has raised over $2 million, according to his campaign, since he incorrectly predicted on March 18 that he would be arrested four days later.

The specific charges are not yet known and the indictment will likely be unsealed by a judge in the coming days. Trump will have to travel to Manhattan for fingerprinting and other processing at that point.

Bragg's office said it had contacted Trump's attorney to coordinate a surrender. A person familiar with the matter said it seemed likely that would happen early next week.

Trump's lawyers Susan Necheles and Joseph Tacopina said they will "vigorously fight" the charges.

ALSO READ: NY braces for Trump indictment after ex-president urges protests

The Manhattan investigation is one of several legal challenges facing Trump. The charges could hurt his presidential comeback attempt, as the mug shot from his arraignment and any visuals from his courtroom appearances could provide fodder for rivals.

Some 44 percent of Republicans said he should drop out of the race if he is indicted, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released last week.

Trump's allies and fellow Republicans blasted the indictment as politically motivated, while Democrats said he is not immune from the rule of law.

The White House declined to comment.

Outside the courthouse, several protesters silently held signs criticizing Trump. Authorities bolstered security around the courthouse after Trump called for nationwide protests on March 18, recalling his charged rhetoric ahead of the Jan 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.

Hush money

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has said she received money in exchange for keeping silent about a sexual encounter she had with Trump in 2006.

The former president's personal lawyer Michael Cohen has said he coordinated with Trump on the payments to Daniels and to a second woman, former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who also said she had a sexual relationship with him. Trump has denied having affairs with either woman.

"No one is above the law," Daniels' lawyer Clark Brewster said on Twitter.

ALSO READ:Trump returns to YouTube and Facebook after two-year ban

Cohen pleaded guilty to a campaign-finance violation in 2018 and served more than a year in prison. Federal prosecutors said he acted at Trump's direction.

Cohen said he stood by his testimony and the evidence he provided to prosecutors. "Accountability matters," he said in a statement.

No former or sitting US president has ever faced criminal charges.

A NYPD police patrol car sits outside Trump Tower in New York City on March 27, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP)

Bragg's office last year won the criminal conviction of the businessman-turned-politician's real estate company for tax fraud.

Trump also faces two criminal investigations by a special counsel appointed by US Attorney General Merrick Garland and one by a local prosecutor in Georgia.

Trump has escaped legal peril numerous times. In the White House, he weathered two attempts by Congress to remove him from office, including for the Jan 6, assault on the US Capitol by his supporters, as well as a years-long probe into his campaign's contacts with Russia in 2016.

In last year's tax-fraud case, Bragg targeted Trump's business but declined to charge Trump himself with financial crimes, prompting two prosecutors who worked on the probe to resign.

ALSO READ: Pence: History will hold Donald Trump accountable for Jan 6

Trump in 2018 initially disputed knowing anything about the payment to Daniels. He later acknowledged reimbursing Cohen for the payment, which he called a "simple private transaction."

Cohen testified before the Manhattan grand jury, as did David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer. The tabloid publication bought the rights to McDougal's story about her alleged relationship with Trump for $150,000 but never published it, a method known as "catch and kill" used to bury damaging information about a third party.

Trump leads his early rivals for his party's nomination, holding the support of 44 percent of Republicans in a March Reuters/Ipsos poll, compared with 30 percent support for his nearest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has yet to announce his candidacy. President Joe Biden is expected to seek re-election.

source https://netdace.com/latest-news/trump-criminally-charged-in-ny-a-first-for-a-us-ex-president/


EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2023-03-31 / 10:10 UTC+8





































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文件: 開拓藥業公佈2022年度業績:持續深耕差異化創新,皮科管線表現亮眼

2023-03-31 此新聞稿由EQS Group via SEAPRWire.com轉載。本公告內容由發行人全權負責。

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中遠海發公佈2022年度業績 著眼新生態 擁抱新變化

EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2023-03-31 / 10:06 UTC+8



著眼新生態 擁抱新變化


(2023330日,香港)-中遠海運發展股份有限公司(「中遠海發」或「公司」)(上海證券交易所股份編號:601866;香港聯合交易所股份編號:2866) 今日公佈截至20221231日止十二個月(「報告期內」)之年度業績。公司2022年實現營業收入人民幣254.65億元,歸屬於上市公司股東的淨利潤人民幣39.23億元,實現基本每股收益人民幣0.29元。公司擬向全體股東每股派發現金紅利人民幣0.087 元。




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文件: 中遠海發公佈2022年度業績 著眼新生態 擁抱新變化

2023-03-31 此財經新聞稿由EQS Group via SEAPRWire.com轉載。本公告內容由發行人全權負責。

瀏覽原文: https://ift.tt/XO6r4bF


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現代牙科集團公佈2022年全年業績 純利2.2億港元錄得歷史以來第二高位 構建高質量發展的綜合牙科生態圈

EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2023-03-31 / 10:03 UTC+8

現代牙科集團公佈2022年全年業績 純利2.2億港元錄得歷史以來第二高位 構建高質量發展的綜合牙科生態圈




● 截至2022年12月31日止年度收益約為2,830.1百萬港元,按年減少約4.2%;毛利約為1,383.3百萬港元,按年減少約10.8%;毛利率約為48.9%;純利約為220.5百萬港元,按年減少約38.8%。

● 截至2022年12月31日止年度,歐洲市場業務錄得收益約1,180.6百萬港元,佔集團收益總額41.7%。按原列值貨幣計算的收益較2021年同期仍增加4.9%。

● 2022 年,集團於中國內地生產廠房生產之數碼化解決方案個案增加至約549,736宗,較2021年同期增加82.5%。歐洲地區口腔內部掃描儀的銷售額同比增長約13.6%。

● 截至2022年12月31日止年度的每股基本盈利為23.1港仙。

● 董事會建議宣派截至2022年12月31日止年度末期股息每股普通股4.4港仙。



(2023年3月30日,香港)– 全球領先之義齒器材供應商–現代牙科集團有限公司(簡稱「現代牙科」或「本集團」,股份代號: 03600.HK)公佈截至2022年12月31日止年度(「年內」)業績。







歐洲市場為本集團於年內銷售收益的最大部分。 截至2022年12月31日止年度,歐洲市場錄得收益約1,180.6百萬港元,佔集團收益總額41.7%。儘管歐洲地區運營受到2022年第一季度中國內地生產短暫停運等疫情措施下的相關影響,以及歐元兌港元貶值10.3%的影響,但實際上集團按原列值貨幣計算的收益較2021年同期仍增加4.9%。此增長乃因消費者在牙科專科治療方面的支出增加、牙科市場的數碼化進程加速及牙科市場中口腔內部掃描儀的採用。具體而言,年內歐洲地區口腔掃描儀的銷售額增長13.6%。作為全面數碼化解決方案的先驅,本集團業務范圍涵蓋多項微創及美容義齒解決方案以至口腔內部掃描儀及透明矯正器。本集團已充分準備好把握牙科行業數碼化趨勢加速帶來的機遇,並致力繼續裝備好自己,為市場上的牙科領域提供最先進的數碼化解決方案。






大中華市場(包括中國內地、香港及澳門)為本集團於年內銷售收益的第三大部分。截至2022年12月31日止,大中華市場錄得收益約為666.7百萬港元,佔集團收益總額約23.6%。隨著中國內地市場於2023年的重新開放,本集團對該市場前景持相對樂觀態度。在內地政府最新的採購相關措施中,預計將 (i)規範義齒價格及建立價格透明度,有利構建更公平的競爭平台;(ii)讓本集團領先的品牌名優勢及聲譽成為客戶及顧客的主要考量;及 (iii)讓本集團從其具規模的生產團隊中得益及更有效地根據客戶需求分配資源。事實上,鑑於集團於產品質量方面的競爭優勢、產品供應及財務資源提升,以使集團在香港政府訂單中佔有大部分的市場份額,這充分證明本集團在中央採購制度下具備獲得市場份額的競爭優勢。展望未來,集團計劃將於香港大學旗下全港唯一的研究生培訓設施開設內部實驗室,以進一步鞏固現代牙科集團的行業地位,藉此能為客戶提供更好的服務,故香港將繼續作為本集團所主導的市場。本集團將致力於支持大中華地區的牙科領域發展,包括通過加強推廣集團最新的先進創新解決方案及產品、繼續擴大產品組合的深度及闊度,例如在中國內地增加中端產品及透明矯正器產品,強化產品品質及競爭優勢,充分把握當下市場環境的發展機遇。












現代牙科集團有限公司 (股份代號: 03600.HK) 為全球領先的義齒器材供應商、經銷商和顧問,專注於發展迅速的義齒行業為客戶提供定制式義齒。我們的產品組合大致可分為三類﹕固定義齒器材,例如牙冠及牙橋;活動義齒器材,例如活動義齒;及其他器材,例如正畸類器材、透明牙套、運動防護器及防鼾器。


現代牙科集團擁有多個備受稱許的全球品牌,包括西歐的Labocast、Permadental及Elysee Dental、中國的洋紫荊牙科器材、香港的現代牙科器材、美國的Microdental、澳洲、紐西蘭及愛爾蘭的Modern Dental Pacific、新加坡的Modern Dental SG、台灣的 Modern Dental TW及馬來西亞的 Apex Digital Dental等。我們提供穩定和優質的產品及卓越的客戶服務,令這些公司品牌能茁壯成長。我們於全球超過 25 個國家擁有超過 80 家服務中心及服務逾 30,000 名客戶。


文件: 現代牙科集團公佈2022年全年業績 純利2.2億港元錄得歷史以來第二高位 構建高質量發展的綜合牙科生態圈

2023-03-31 此財經新聞稿由EQS Group via SEAPRWire.com轉載。本公告內容由發行人全權負責。

瀏覽原文: https://ift.tt/XO6r4bF


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VC Holdings Announces 2022 Annual Results

HONG KONG, Mar 30, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – Value Convergence Holdings Limited (“VC Holdings”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”; Stock Code: 0821.HK), a well-established and one-stop financial services institution in Hong Kong, is pleased to announce its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2022 ( the “Year”). During the Year, the Group sought to expand its asset management business to enhance its core competence in the industry, and launched virtual asset sales and marketing business to diversify its business development.

During the Year, the world economy was perilously close to recession overshadowed by the lingering impacts of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19” or “the pandemic”), escalating geopolitical tensions between regions and tightening central bank monetary policies, leading to a gloomy and uncertain outlook of Hong Kong financial markets. With the challenges presented in global and Hong Kong financial market, the Group’s consolidated revenue decreased by about 19.1% year-on-year to approximately HK$73.3 million (2021: approximately HK$90.6 million). The Group recorded a loss for the year attributable to owners of the Company of approximately HK$178.1 million (2021: Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company of approximately HK$15.2 million). It was mainly attributable to decrease in revenue, coupled with net realised and unrealised loss in financial assets at fair value through profit or loss of approximately HK$171.7 million against net realised and unrealised gain of approximately HK$32.9 million for last year. Basic loss per share from continuing and discontinued operations was HK8.57 cents (2021: Basic earnings per share from continuing and discontinued operations of HK0.81 cents).

Mr. Peter Fu, Chairman and Executive Director of Value Convergence Holdings Limited, said, “The year was a tumultuous one for global capital markets, marked by significant and intensifying volatility. Sluggish economic environment and escalating uncertainty was witnessed in both global and Hong Kong financial markets. Under this backdrop, we took further steps to enhance our core competence in the industry. Following the establishment of a professional sales and marketing team to broaden our sales channels, we also formed strategic cooperation agreements with large enterprises, notably those in the tech sector.”

Business Overview
Financial Service Business
The financial service business remained the Group’s core business during the Year and contributed approximately 96.8% of the Group’s total revenue. Amid the deterioration of the economic environment, the segmental revenue decreased approximately 21.4% year-on-year to approximately HK$71.0 million (2021: approximately HK$90.3 million). During the Year, the Group continued to offer local and overseas securities trading, derivatives and trading in other structured products, placements, underwriting and margin financing through VC Brokerage Limited (“VC Brokerage”), and financing services through VC Finance Limited (“VC Finance”). In addition to continuously acting as a placing agent and underwriter for Hong Kong-listed companies’ fundraising activities. the Group continued to offer corporate finance advisory services, including mergers and acquisitions advisory through VC Capital Limited (“VC Capital”) and company secretarial services through VC Corporate Services Limited (“VCCS”).

Proprietary Trading Business
In line with the underperforming global and Hong Kong stock markets, the Group recorded a segmental revenue of approximately HK$250,000 during the Year, representing a 12.0% year-on-year decrease (2021: approximately HK$284,000). As at 31 December 2022, the Group held equity securities listed in Hong Kong worth approximately HK$300.6 million as financial assets for trading (31 December 2021: HK$423.5 million).

Sales and Marketing of Virtual Asset Business
While maintaining the development of its traditional financial service businesses, the Group has also been actively seeking diversified business development opportunities and identifying new revenue growth engines to expand its portfolio. The Group kick started its virtual assets sales and marketing business in December 2021, and has since benefited from significant effort and resources to expedite its development.

During the Year, the Group continued to enhance its collaboration with Tencent and became one of its selected partners. The Group also commenced a collaboration with the distributor of Microsoft products in Hong Kong, involving sales of Xbox-related virtual assets.

Looking ahead, after years of macroeconomic and geopolitical turmoil, global stock markets are expected to remain gloomy in 2023. On a positive note, a slower pace of interest rate rises followed by a gradual cooling of inflation, coupled with China’s recent border reopening, will provide a more favourable environment for fundraising and pave a way for an economic rebound in the Greater China region.

To expedite development of the financial services business, the Group obtained shareholders’ approval of acquiring Anli Asset Management Limited and Anli Investment Fund SPC in March 2023, following by the proposed acquisition in November 2022. The acquisition is expected to help the Group enlarge its customer base, expand its asset management business and improve the quality of its asset management services, thus enhancing the Group’s core competence.

Besides, while enhancing strategic collaborations with partners, especially tech giant Tencent, the Group will allocate more resources to its virtual asset business in order to drive syncretistic effects among its businesses, as well as enhancing the profitability and market share of the business segment. It will also explore trends in virtual asset markets to drive its virtual asset marketing, intellectual property collaboration and marketing cooperation development.

Mr. Fu concluded, “To broaden our revenue streams and tap new growth drivers for sustainable development, the Group will adopt a business strategy of steadily expanding its financial operations and virtual asset business. The Group will also elevate service quality and provide premium financial offerings to its customers at competitive prices, at the same time expanding its scale and broadening the scope of its services by identifying suitable acquisition and investment targets, in order to maintain its competitiveness in the market. Leveraging our solid experience and all-rounded portfolio of financial products and services, we will continue to create the greatest possible value for our shareholders and investors.”

About VC Holdings Limited
Value Convergence Holdings Limited (Stock code: 0821.HK) was listed on the GEM board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2001, and completed transfer of listing to the Main Board in 2008. Being a well-established financial services group committed to delivering premier financial services and products in the Great China region, the Group’s services include (i) provision of financial services comprising securities and options brokering and dealing, financing services, corporate finance and other advisory services, asset management and insurance brokerage; (ii) proprietary trading; and (iii) sale and marketing of virtual assets.

For more details, please visit www.vcgroup.com.hk.

Copyright 2023 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/vc-holdings-announces-2022-annual-results/

Baguio Green’s 2022 Net Profit* Increased by 3.2 times, Contracts On Hand Recorded a Historical High with a Surge of 67% to HK$3.6 billion

HONG KONG, Mar 30, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – Baguio Green Group Limited (“Baguio” or the “Group”, Stock Code: 01397.HK) is pleased to announce its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2022 (the “Year”).

During the Year, the Group’s revenue was approximately HK$1.79 billion, representing an increase of approximately 40.8% as compared with the preceding year. The Group’s profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company was approximately HK$53.7 million, representing a surge of approximately 3.2 times as compared with the preceding year. The Board recommends the payment of a final dividend for the Year at HK$3.8 cents per share.

Business Overview and Prospects

In 2022, new contracts awarded to the Group amounted to a total of HK$3.08 billion. As a result, the Group recorded a historical high for its contracts on hand of approximately HK$3.59 billion (as of 31 December 2022), representing a surge of approximately 67.3%.

During the Year, The Group’s core business, cleaning services, recorded a substantial growth. Revenue of cleaning services increased by approximately 61.2% to approximately HK$1.33 billion. During the Year, the Group secured a number of service contracts worth approximately HK$1.99 billion in total for street cleansing services. Winning these contracts from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (“FEHD”) of the HKSAR Government signifies that Baguio is a leading player in the Hong Kong cleaning market. The Group currently provides FEHD street cleansing services in a total of eight Hong Kong districts, serving over 2.8 million people.

With regard to the waste management and recycling business, the Group continued to expand its operational capacity and collection network for recyclable items. During the Year, the Group secured two new contracts with FEHD for the provision of waste collection services, worth approximately HK$140 million. The Group is contracted by the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”) of the HKSAR Government to handle over 5,000 recycling spots (including plastic, glass bottles, metals and waste paper) across Hong Kong. During the Year, Baguio won a new 33-month EPD Plastic Recycling Pilot Scheme contract to provide plastic collection services for three districts (Eastern, Kwun Tong and Central & Western). Baguio also provides plastic collection services for Recycling Stations of “GREEN@COMMUNITY” and Reverse Vending Machines (“RVMs”), which were introduced by EPD and other institutions in Hong Kong. In addition, the Group also provides collection and management services of glass bottles for the Hong Kong Island, the New Territories and Islands District.

With the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) charging scheme scheduled to be launched in the second half of 2023, the recycling volume is expected to increase rapidly. To support the expected growth in the volume of the plastic recycling business, a new high-speed and fully-automated plastic-sorting facility was introduced to the Group’s recycling plant. When fully operational, its plastic processing capacity per year could exceed 10,000 tonnes, equivalent to 400 million bottles.

Leveraging the extensive recycling experience and innovative capability, the Group has been successfully awarded a 2-year service contract by the EPD for the provision of the self-developed Smart Recycling Machines (“SRMs”), and a Big Data Analytics Platform to help bring recycling in Hong Kong to the next stage and to drive the smart city development in Hong Kong.

During the Year, the Group has been awarded EPD’s first service contract for using bioconversion technology (Black Soldier Flies) to help solve Hong Kong’s chicken manure problem. The project has commenced production.

Both green technology contracts (SRMs and Bioconversion technology) represent important milestones for Baguio’s development, and has strategic significance for rapid development of the Group’s green technology business. It is expected that the green technology business will be one of the main growth drivers of the Group.

With regard to recyclable food waste collection services, the Group secured two contracts with EPD for the provision of recyclable food waste collection services in Kowloon District and New Territories West, worth approximately HK$68.9 million. Among the total four EPD’s similar contracts granted, Baguio has secured half of them, highlights Baguio’s position as Hong Kong’s market leader in food waste collection.

For the landscaping services, Baguio secured a contract for the provision of landscaping services to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Tung Chung East Promenade. For pest management business, the Group won the FEHD’s contract for pest management services in the Wong Tai Sin and Tai Po districts during the Year worth approximately HK$150 million.

With the increasing emphasis on social and environmental issues, the Group has been actively integrating “Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)” into its core business. By launching the “ESG+” solution, the Group provides sustainable low-carbon waste management, waste audit, recycling, sustainability professional services and green products, as well as green/ESG data, which can greatly enhance the ESG performance of listed company clients, thereby increasing their chances of securing green financing and becoming an ESG index constituent.

Mr. Ng Wing Hong, Chairman of Baguio, commented, “2022 marks a year with outstanding result performance with net profit* substantially increased by 3.2 times and contracts on hand recorded a historical high since Baguio established 43 years ago. This further signifies Baguio’s successful focus on cleaning, collection & recycling, green technology and sustainability related business. With reference to the contracts on hand as of 31 December 2022, HK$1.80 billion contract value will be recognised as revenue in 2023. This value is higher than the revenue for the whole year of 2022 (HK$1.79 billion). With potential new contracts to be obtained in 2023, the revenue growth of 2023 should be considered commendable considering the current unsatisfactory global economic environment.

Looking ahead 2023, with the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme scheduled to be launched in the second half of 2023, it is expected to further motivate the public to recycle and to increase the recycling volume. With the potential legislation of the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers this year, when the new regulation becomes effective, producers of plastic beverage containers will add a deposit to the selling price and refund the deposit to consumers when they return their plastic beverage containers. The recycling volume of plastic beverage containers is expected to have a significant increase. The two schemes are expected to directly drive the growth of Baguio’s recycling business and create solid returns from our investment in recycling facilities which creates a strong entry barrier to the competition.”

For details of the Group’s 2022 annual results announcement, please visit the following website:

* The Group’s profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company

About Baguio Green Group
Established in 1980, Baguio Green Group (Stock code: 01397.HK) is one of Hong Kong’s largest integrated environmental services groups. It provides a full spectrum of professional services including professional cleaning, waste collection & recycling, waste management, green technology, organic fertilizer and animal feed production, horticulture & landscaping, and pest control. It serves a wide range of customers in various sectors including Government departments, statutory organizations and multinational corporations. Fully committed to ESG, the Group works relentlessly to advance sustainable development and create a cleaner, greener, healthier city.

Copyright 2023 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/baguio-greens-2022-net-profit-increased-by-3-2-times-contracts-on-hand-recorded-a-historical-high-with-a-surge-of-67-to-hk3-6-billion/

TA Detailed Look at Fosun International’s Annual Results: Create Space to Concentrate on Core Businesses in 2022, Poised for Rebound in 2023

HONG KONG, Mar 30, 2023 – (ACN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – After a year of ups and downs, can Fosun spark a new round of growth by continuing its strategy of “streamlining the organization and focusing on core businesses”? Fosun International released its 2022 annual results on 29 March, revealing some clear signals.

Fosun International reported both growth and declines in its annual results announcement. The total revenue for the year was RMB175.39 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 8.7%; the net profit attributable to owners of the parent was RMB0.54 billion as compared to RMB10.08 billion in the same period of 2021. The sharp decline in net profit attributable to owners of the parent was mainly due to the recurrent outbreak of COVID19 pandemic in 2022 and the turmoil and downturn of the international capital markets, resulting in high business costs and an increase in floating losses in secondary capital market investment. By sorting out data such as balance sheets, cash flow statements, asset disposals, and business changes, it is clear that the “transient” impact of the pandemic fades away, Fosun, which has accelerated its focus on core businesses in the household consumption sector, is poised to usher in a new round of growth.

Complementing the financial figures, Guo Guangchang, Chairman of Fosun International, published a Letter to Shareholders on 29 March. In the letter, Guo Guangchang candidly responded to questions such as debt, business, and strategy that investors are highly concerned about.

“This year, the Company decided to further ‘streamline the organization’, focusing on businesses in the household consumption sector and devoting the limited resources to industries with growth potential.” Guo Guangchang said in the letter, “changes in economic and social development and the birth of emerging technologies will definitely have an impact on consumers’ choices, and consumption sentiment usually depends on the individual’s confidence in income, economic growth and the consumption environment. However, I believe that people’s aspirations for a better life and the fundamentals of China’s long-term sound economic growth will remain unchanged. Therefore, we remain committed to our vision of bringing healthier, happier, and wealthier lives to families worldwide.”

Fosun International significantly eases its debt pressure with a cash inflow of nearly RMB30.0 billion from divestment during the period

Both the results announcement and the Letter to Shareholders disclosed on 29 March indicated that the impact of the domestic pandemic and fluctuations in the global capital market in 2022 brought great challenges to Fosun International’s financial structure. Coupled with the disturbance of market rumors, Fosun’s debt issue was once questioned.

In response to the challenges of external force majeure factors, Fosun has adopted “multiple measures to optimize its funds and capital structure” since the second half of last year.

First of all, Fosun has stepped up its efforts in the divestment of non-strategic and non-core assets to consolidate its liquidity cushion. The results announcement showed that the divestment at the group level was far greater than the investment in 2022. The amount based on the consideration set out in the disposal agreements exceeded RMB40.0 billion, bringing a cash inflow of nearly RMB30.0 billion at holding company level.

Fosun’s divestment of assets in 2022 included the systematic divestment of the iron and steel asset, the transfer of partial equity interests in Yong An Insurance, and the sale of all equity interests or substantial reduction of shareholding in Tsingtao Brewery, Zhaojin Mining, Zhongshan Public Utilities, etc.

While stepping up its efforts in the divestment of non-strategic and non-core assets, Fosun has also made continuous efforts in financing. In 2022, the Group completed syndicated loans of US$875 million and RMB1.66 billion, completed the issuance and resale of domestic bonds equivalent to RMB10.2 billion, and redeemed several offshore bonds in advance.

In 2023, Fosun successfully obtained a loan of RMB12.0 billion from a domestic syndicate, which was the largest private corporate loan led by five major state-owned banks in cooperation with policy banks and joint-stock banks since the announcement of “encouraging and supporting the development of the private economy and private enterprises” at the Central Economic Working Conference held in December 2022.

According to outside commentators, this move reflects the confidence of financial institutions, especially state-owned commercial banks, in Fosun’s capital and business strategies, and further reduces Fosun’s reliance on public market financing, increasing its risk tolerance to cope with fluctuations in the international capital market.

Through the above-mentioned series of actions, Fosun has established a satisfactory risk tolerance strategy. Its ratio of total debt to total capital was 53.2%, down 3.6 percentage points from mid-2022; the average cost of debt was at a low level of 4.7%; the adjusted NAV was HK$21.6 per share; the duration of existing interest-bearing debt has also been extended to more than two years. As of the end of the Reporting Period, cash and bank balances and time deposits were relatively abundant, amounting to RMB100.56 billion.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned liability figures are still based on the consolidated statement at the group level. If the liabilities of its consolidated listed subsidiaries such as Yuyuan, Fosun Pharma, and Fosun Tourism Group (FTG) are excluded, the actual decline in liabilities attributable to Fosun International is even greater.

Analysts believe that based on the financial figures for 2022, it is evident that Fosun’s debt structure has been further optimized in the past six-plus months, and it has remained at a relatively healthy level as a whole, while the quality of assets has been greatly improved during the same period. As a result, its adjusted NAV remained solid at HK$21.6 per share.

“In the future, Fosun will continue to prioritize ‘sustainable growth’. As the external environment is gradually picking up, I believe that Fosun has survived the most difficult time. In the future, we will continue to achieve sustainable growth,” Guo Guangchang said in the Letter to Shareholders.

Businesses in consumer and tourism sectors see robust rebound as “one-off” impact fades away

Due to the impact of the pandemic, especially the violent fluctuations in the global capital market, Fosun International’s net profit attributable to owners of the parent was greatly affected. Its annual results announcement indicated that, the Group’s net profit attributable to owners of the parent fell 94.7% year-on-year to RMB0.54 billion in 2022.

However, it is a total different story if we take a closer look at Fosun International’s total revenue.

Against the backdrop of a complex macroeconomic environment in 2022, Fosun’s total revenue still maintained growth, reaching RMB175.39 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 8.7%. Focusing on the needs of global families for health, happiness, and wealth, the four core subsidiaries, namely Yuyuan, Fosun Pharma, Fosun Insurance Portugal, and FTG contributed 72% of the Group’s total revenue.

Market analysts believe that the sharp decline in profits is mainly resulted from the “one-off” impact caused by external force majeure factors in 2022. Once the force majeure factors are gone, the “one-off” impact will also fade away. In 2023, Fosun’s core businesses in the household consumption sector may usher in an important period of opportunity for rebound, and its forward-looking layout in the anti-epidemic field will gradually yield results. It is worth noting Fosun’s rebound following a period of strategic deployment.

In fact, since the beginning of 2023, Fosun’s businesses in consumer and tourism sectors have shown a remarkable upward trend. In 2023, the Yuyuan Garden Lantern Festival, which received wide recognition in Chinese mainland and overseas, attracted more than 4 million visits, effectively driving consumption in the area. Fosun’s tourism business has rebounded rapidly, the occupancy rate of Atlantis Sanya, a subsidiary of FTG, has fully recovered and surpassed the level before the pandemic, recording a business volume of RMB399 million, representing an increase of 10% over the same period in 2022, the average room occupancy rate reached 96%; the business volume of Club Med increased by 55% compared to the same period in 2022; the business volume of FOLIDAY Town Lijiang increased by 149% compared to the same period in 2022.

It is worth noting that FTG has demonstrated a robust momentum of recovery since the second half of 2022. Its annual results announced on 26 March showed that the business volume of tourism operations in 2022 increased by 85% year-on-year relative to the same period last year. Adjusted EBITDA turned positive by a notable extent, up from RMB213 million in 2021 to RMB2,345 million in 2022. Loss attributable to equity holders narrowed significantly from RMB2,719 million in 2021 to RMB545 million in 2022. Among them, the business volume of Club Med reached RMB12,011 million in 2022, representing a year-on-year surge of 108%.

Growth momentum: twin drivers of global operations and technology innovation

In the Letter to Shareholders, Guo Guangchang said, “In 2022, Fosun divested some non-core assets and further focused on core businesses in the household consumption sector, which has created space and built momentum for future business rebound and rapid development.” Global operations and innovation are the two driving forces for future endogenous growth.

According to the annual results announcement, Fosun has established businesses in more than 35 countries and regions (based enterprises with revenue exceeding RMB 100 million in such year) during the year. In 2022, Fosun’s global operations capabilities has been further improved, and its overseas revenue amounted to RMB77.4 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 14% and accounting for 44% of its total revenue. As of the end of the Reporting Period, it had 43 overseas brand enterprises with more than 45,000 overseas employees.

Guo Guangchang set the year 2022 as a new starting point for the third stage of Fosun’s globalization to foster cross-regional, cross-cultural, and cross-organizational operation capabilities of Fosun’s global business ecosystem through “global organization + local operations”, thereby providing new impetus for the improvement and expansion of Fosun’s industry operations.

Taking Lanvin, a French couture house, as an example, after joining Fosun, Lanvin has maintained robust growth. On 15 December 2022, Lanvin Group was listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol LANV. In 2022, Lanvin Group achieved an unaudited revenue of EUR425 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 38%, of which the revenue of its flagship brand Lanvin increased by 67% year-on-year. Lanvin Group became one of the fastest growing companies in the global luxury goods industry.

While its global operations capabilities continue to improve, Fosun is gradually ushering the harvest period after years of dedication and continuous investment in technology innovation.

Taking Shanghai Henlius’ self-developed HANSIZHUANG as an example, since its launch in March 2022, it has been approved in China for the treatment of three indications and has become the world’s first anti-PD-1 mAb approved for the first-line treatment of small cell lung cancer. Since its launch nine months ago, it has generated a revenue of RMB300 million.

The annual results announcement showed that, Fosun’s R&D investment reached RMB10.4 billion in 2022, representing a year-on-year increase of 17%; as of the end of 2022, it had a total of 1,771 patents for intention.

“Both business and economy have cycles, and innovation is our core capability to win out. In between the ups and downs of the cycle, we must step up investment in innovation. Looking ahead in 2023, we will continue to increase investment in innovation to ensure that innovation is driving growth continuously and efficiently,” Guo Guangchang said.

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source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/ta-detailed-look-at-fosun-internationals-annual-results-create-space-to-concentrate-on-core-businesses-in-2022-poised-for-rebound-in-2023/