
三菱自、軽スーパーハイトワゴン『eKクロス スペース』『eKスペース』が「2020年度グッドデザイン賞」を受賞

TOKYO, Oct 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱自動車工業株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表執行役CEO:加藤 隆雄、以下三菱自動車)が今年3月に発売した、軽スーパーハイトワゴン『eKクロス スペース』『eKスペース』が、公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会の主催する「2020年度グッドデザイン賞*1」を受賞しました。

このたびの受賞では、多彩なボディカラーラインアップや使い勝手が良く快適な室内空間、先進の運転支援技術などの利便性が高く評価されました。デザイン面の特長として、『eKクロス スペース』は、三菱自動車のフロントデザインコンセプト「ダイナミックシールド」を採用。彫刻的で立体感のあるキャラクターラインや、ブラックのサイドシルガーニッシュやホイールアーチを用い、SUVらしい力強く安定感のあるデザインとしました。また『eKスペース』は、親しみやすく、しっかりと丁寧に作りこまれたフロントフェイスに、柔らかなラインで構成された伸びやかでスタイリッシュなデザインを特長としています。

その車名の通り、軽自動車とは思えない圧倒的な室内空間の広さが魅力である。クラスNo.1の後部座席のスライド量*2や、650 mmもの開口部があり、ハンズフリーで開けられるオートスライドドア、後部荷物室から片手で動かせる後部席も利便性を最大化している。軽自動車を購入する際の一番の選択理由が『色』であるそうだが(三菱自動車調べ)、爆発的に普及している軽自動車の色の美しさとバラエティは重要なポイントである。高速道路走行時のレベル2相当の高度運転支援機能の装備も遠乗り時の魅力を増している。




人とクルマ、社会とクルマ、地球とクルマの新しい時代を拓くために。いま、三菱自動車は挑戦を始めています。走行中のCO2排出ゼロ。地球温暖化防止に貢献する新世代電気自動車、i MiEV(アイミーブ)の世界投入。軽自動車で培った技術を存分に活用、燃費性能にすぐれたグローバル・スモールの提案。世界の環境基準をクリアしながら、走りの楽しさにあふれた三菱ならではの小型SUVの開発。さらに、新ディーゼルエンジンによるラリー参戦を通じて、走りと環境を両立する、新次元のクルマづくりを追求してゆきます。


詳細はこちらからご覧ください。 www.mitsubishi-motors.co.jp

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三菱自、月額定額サービス「ウルトラ マイカープラン」を開始

TOKYO, Oct 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱自動車工業株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表執行役CEO:加藤 隆雄、以下三菱自動車)は、月額定額サービス「ウルトラ マイカープラン」の取扱いを、MMCダイヤモンドファイナンス株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:服部 俊彦)を通じて、全国の系列販売会社で10月1日(木)に開始します。

クルマへのニーズが、所有から利用へと広がりをみせている中、お客様にクルマをより気軽に利用していただくために、新しい月額定額サービスを設定しました。本サービスは、車両本体代金や車両登録時の初期費用、車検・メンテナンス費用に加え、購入後の各種税金、自賠責保険料、さらに自動車保険料を一つにまとめた月額定額のお支払いで、一定期間(ご利用期間満了36ヶ月・48ヶ月・60ヶ月 / 契約期間6ヶ月[ご利用期間満了まで自動更新])クルマをご利用いただける、分かりやすくシンプルなサービスです。





人とクルマ、社会とクルマ、地球とクルマの新しい時代を拓くために。いま、三菱自動車は挑戦を始めています。走行中のCO2排出ゼロ。地球温暖化防止に貢献する新世代電気自動車、i MiEV(アイミーブ)の世界投入。軽自動車で培った技術を存分に活用、燃費性能にすぐれたグローバル・スモールの提案。世界の環境基準をクリアしながら、走りの楽しさにあふれた三菱ならではの小型SUVの開発。さらに、新ディーゼルエンジンによるラリー参戦を通じて、走りと環境を両立する、新次元のクルマづくりを追求してゆきます。


詳細はこちらからご覧ください。 www.mitsubishi-motors.co.jp

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

TOYOTA、カローラ ツーリングにツートーンカラーを新設定

Toyota City, Japan, Oct 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - TOYOTAは、カローラならびにカローラ ツーリングを一部改良し、全国のトヨタ車両販売店を通じて、10月1日に発売しました。


- カローラ ツーリングの外板色に、新たに2色のツートーンカラー(ブラックマイカ×ホワイトパールクリスタルシャイン、ブラックマイカ×ダークブルーマイカメタリック)を設定
- カローラのハイブリッド全車に、アクセサリーコンセント(AC100V・1500W/コンセント2個/非常時給電システム付)をオプション設定。カローラのHYBRID S、HYBRID G-Xには、充電用USB端子3個(従来より2個追加)を標準装備
- カローラ、カローラ ツーリングのS、HYBRID Sに、切削光輝+ミディアムグレーメタリック塗装の17インチアルミホイールを設定



詳細は http://toyota.jp/ をご覧ください。

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

LEXUS、「UX」に特別仕様車“Urban Elegance”を設定

Toyota City, Japan, Oct 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - LEXUSは、特別仕様車“Urban Elegance”を設定するとともに、「UX」を一部改良し、全国のレクサス店を通じて10月1日に発売しました。

特別仕様車“Urban Elegance”は、UX250h “version C”/UX200 “version C”をベースに、専用内装色としてリッチクリーム&ブルーとブラック&ブルーの2種類を設定。さらに、アームレストやドアトリムにはブルーのアクセントカラーを施すなど、スポーティかつ上質な室内空間としています。外装ではスピンドルグリルをはじめ、ヘッドランプ、ドアミラー、ルーフレール、ホイールにブラック塗装を施すなど、UXの洗練されたスタイルをより一層際立たせました。


また、一部改良では、パーキングサポートブレーキ(静止物)[PKSB*2]を全車標準設定としたことで、予防安全装備がさらに充実したほか、マルチメディアシステムがSmartDeviceLink(TM)*5、Apple CarPlay*6やAndroid Auto(TM)*7に対応。お使いのiPhone*6やAndroid(TM)*7スマートフォンを10.3インチワイドディスプレイに連携することで、リモートタッチによる画面操作や音声操作を可能としました。さらに従来の“F SPORT”に加えて“version L”、“version C”(特別仕様車“Urban Elegance”含む)にもパドルシフトを標準設定とするなど、操作性/利便性を向上させています。加えて、特別仕様車を含むUX250h全車で、上下2段階で使用可能なデッキボードを標準設定し、デッキ下段時、最大荷室容量約268L(アンダーデッキを含む)を確保しました。



詳細は http://toyota.jp/ をご覧ください。

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TANAKA Develops "TRuST" Precursor for CVD/ALD Processes; Using Liquid Ruthenium Precursor to Achieve World's Highest Vapor Pressures

TOKYO, Sep 30, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & CEO: Koichiro Tanaka) announced today that TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & CEO: Koichiro Tanaka), which operates the TANAKA Precious Metals manufacturing business, has developed a new liquid ruthenium precursor named "TRuST" for CVD[1] and ALD[2] processes. The vapor pressure of "TRuST" is more than 100 times higher as compared to that to previous liquid ruthenium (element symbol Ru) precursors[3], which is currently the world's highest vapor pressure value at room temperature as per TANAKA's internal evaluation.

During this precursor development, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo focused on material design and synthesis research, while Professor Soo-Hyun Kim, Ph.D., School of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering at Yeungnam University in South Korea, researched to optimize the film formation characteristics.

Technologies developed through this collaboration will help increase performance and reduce energy consumption for the semiconductor devices used in smartphones, computers, and the data centers where demand is to grow well into the future.

Precursors are metal-organic compounds used in chemical vapor deposition (CVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD) and other processes to form thin metal films or metal wiring on substrates. CVD and ALD processes enable the formation of films with superior step coverage on various types of base substrate. These are useful methods for forming films as semiconductors become increasingly miniaturized, with increased structural complexity, and narrower wires with every new generation.

TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo has developed a range of precious metal precursors over the years, including ruthenium precursors. This time, computer simulation and other techniques were used to achieve miniaturization and optimization of the molecular structure. This resulted in the successful development of a precious metal compound in a liquid form, with high vapor pressure, and thermal stability suited for film formation, all of which are important characteristics for precursors. As a result, this compound has the world's highest vapor pressure over 100 times higher than that of previous liquid ruthenium precursors. The higher the vapor pressure of precursors and the smaller their molecular structure, the higher the possible concentration of precursor in the film formation chamber, and the greater the adsorption density of precursor molecules on the substrate surface. Compared to previous precursors, this achieves excellent step coverage and improved film formation speed.

According to research carried out at Yeungnam University, ALD film formation at approximately 1.7 angstrom (A) per cycle is possible, which is the world's fastest of its type using liquid ruthenium precursor. Also, specific resistivity after film formation is approximately 13 microhm-cm, which is close to the value of bulk ruthenium metal (7.6 microhm-cm).

When bulk ruthenium is used for vapor deposition, with a temperature as high as 3000 degrees C. However, if it is converted into an organometallic compound of ruthenium precursor, it can be vaporized at low temperatures (between room temperature to 200 degrees C) under vacuum. As a result, the formation of high-quality ruthenium film with excellent step coverage at high productivity is expected. This has been an issue in the past because it is technically difficult to achieve all these characteristics at the same time. With the development of "TRuST" however, it is now possible.

Samples of Shipments of "TRuST" should begin shipping samples are planned to start in October 2020.

Background and TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo's development of precursor for CVD/ALD processes

In the past, the most common wiring materials used for semiconductors were copper, tungsten and cobalt. However, as semiconductors have evolved, there are increasing expectations for the precious metal ruthenium to promote further miniaturization of semiconductors because of its lower resistance and higher durability. With its superior characteristics, ruthenium is also being considered for use in transistor gate electrodes and DRAM capacitor electrodes.

The progress of technologies such as IoT, AI, and 5G over recent years has led to rapidly increasing volumes of digital data used in clouds, smartphones, and computers. Therefore, the need for even greater miniaturization of semiconductors is increasing to enable the creation of devices with higher performance and lower energy consumption. As a specialized manufacturer of precious metals, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo will continue contributing to this evolution of semiconductors through the development of high-quality semiconductor materials.

With the support of Professor Soo-Hyun Kim, from the College of Engineering at Yeungnam University, a researcher from TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo will give a presentation of this technology at the "International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC) 2020", which will be held online from October 5-8, 2020. The title of the presentation is High-growth-rate atomic layer deposition of high-quality Ru Using a Novel Ru metalorganic precursor.

[1] Chemical vapor deposition (CVD): CVD is a chemical film formation method. It is a method of forming thin metal films on the surfaces of base materials or substrates through a chemical reaction induced and accelerated by directing energy, in forms such as heat, plasma and light, at gaseous vapor material fed into a reaction chamber at pressures between atmospheric pressures to medium vacuum pressures (100-10-1 Pa).
[2] Atomic layer deposition (ALD): Both CVD and ALD are film formation methods that use chemical reactions inside reaction chambers to deposit material onto substrates through the vapor phase. The main difference between the two methods is that while CVD continually forms atomic and molecular layers, ALD forms the layers intermittently one layer at a time.
[3] Precursors: Precursors are compounds used as the raw material for forming thin metal films and metal wiring on substrates.

TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (Holding company of TANAKA Precious Metals)
Headquarters: 22F, Tokyo Building, 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Koichiro Tanaka, Representative Director & CEO
Founded: 1885
Incorporated: 1918*
Capital: 500 million yen
Employees in consolidated group: 5,138 (FY2019)
Employees: 221 (March 31, 2020)
Net sales of consolidated group: JPY 1,149,604 million (FY2019)
Main businesses of the group: The holding company at the center of TANAKA Precious Metals responsible for strategic and efficient group management and management guidance to group companies.
URL: https://www.tanaka.co.jp/english/
* TANAKA Holdings adopted a holding company structure on April 1, 2010.

TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
Headquarters: 22F, Tokyo Building, 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Koichiro Tanaka, Representative Director & CEO
Founded: 1885
Incorporated: 1918
Capital: 500 million yen
Employees: 2,393 (as of March 31, 2020)
Sales: JPY 992,679,879,000 (FY2019)
Main businesses: Manufacture, sales, import and export of precious metals (platinum, gold, silver, and others) and various types of industrial precious metals products.
URL: https://tanaka-preciousmetals.com

About TANAKA Precious Metals

Since its foundation in 1885, TANAKA Precious Metals has built a diversified range of business activities focused on precious metals. TANAKA is a leader in Japan regarding the volumes of precious metals handled. Over the course of many years, TANAKA has not only manufactured and sold precious metal products for industry but also provided precious metals in such forms as jewelry and resources. As precious metals specialists, all Group companies within and outside Japan work together with unified cooperation between manufacturing, sales, and technological aspects to offer products and services. Additionally, to make further progress in globalization, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo welcomed Metalor Technologies International SA as a member of the Group in 2016.

As precious metal professionals, TANAKA Precious Metals will continue to contribute to the development of an enriching and prosperous society.

The five core companies that make up TANAKA Precious Metals are as follows.
- TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (pure holding company)
- TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
- TANAKA Denshi Kogyo K.K.
- Electroplating Engineers Of Japan, Limited
- TANAKA Kikinzoku Jewerly K.K.

Press release in PDF: http://www.acnnewswire.com/clientreports/598/20200930.pdf

Press Inquiries
TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd.

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61802/


TOKYO, Oct 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 当社は、総務省が2020年9月11日に公開した住民記録システムの標準仕様に完全に準拠する次期住民情報ソリューションについて、2021年度中に大都市向けから順次提供することを目指し、このほど開発に着手します。


また、2020年度末に提供予定の、住民がスマートフォンなどから各種申請・届出を行える「FUJITSU 自治体ソリューション MICJET スマート窓口(以下 「MICJET スマート窓口」)」と本ソリューションを連携させることで、住民の異動手続きに関する職員の事務処理のうち、約8割の作業を自動化できる見込みです。



概要: 富士通株式会社

詳細は http://jp.fujitsu.com/ をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Oct 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - エーザイ株式会社(本社:東京都、代表執行役CEO:内藤晴夫、以下 エーザイ)と生化学工業株式会社(本社:東京都、代表取締役社長:水谷建、以下 生化学工業)は、このたび、生化学工業が創出した変形性関節症治療剤SI-613(ジクロフェナク結合ヒアルロン酸)について、韓国における販売提携に関する契約を締結しましたのでお知らせします。エーザイと生化学工業は、SI-613について、2020年4月1日に中国における共同開発及び販売提携に関する契約を締結しており、2カ国目の提携となります。








詳細は www.eisai.co.jp をご覧ください。

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USDT Trading Arrives on Bitcoin Global

LONDON, Sep 30, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Bitcoin Global continues its peer-to-peer trading platform. Following demand from customers, the company enables USDT support alongside Bitcoin. Tether's USDT is the most prominent stablecoin in the cryptocurrency industry today.

Introducing USDT Trading on Bitcoin Global

Bitcoin Global users can now gain access to a second major crypto asset. Alongside Bitcoin, users will be able to trade Tether's USDT. The prominent stablecoin has a market cap of over $14 billion and continues to dominate the cryptocurrency trading landscape. Its overall trading volume is more than 50% of Bitcoin's, and nearly three times that of Ethereum.

Giving users more options to trade affirms the company's outlook on crypto assets. Bitcoin is the world's leading cryptocurrency, and USDT is the world's leading stablecoin by market cap and trading volume. Offering both assets to customers will elevate Bitcoin Global position in the peer-to-peer trading industry. It also increases the worldwide appeal of this platform.

A new Breed of Peer-to-peer Trading

Bitcoin Global differentiates itself from other platforms by not requiring users to verify their identity. Adding a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedure is not beneficial when the platform in question never controls user funds. Connecting buyers and sellers is not the same as providing financial transactions.

Funds flowing through this platform are kept in escrow to protect both the buyer and seller. The funds will be unlocked once the seller confirms the recipient of the buyer's payment. During this procedure, there is no one who can access the funds, not even members of Bitcoin Global. Providing security and peace of mind are two aspects Bitcoin Global prides itself on.

Ongoing Developments to Drive Adoption

Introducing traders to USDT is the latest development for Bitcoin Global. This platform has seen many changes over the past few months, all of which are designed to make Bitcoin more accessible and appealing to users globally.

The introduction of price equations has been a game changer for the platform. This option ensures users looking to either buy or sell Bitcoin - and USDT starting next week - to actively maintain their advertisements. Price equations formulas will ensure the order price derives pricing information from different exchanges.

On the developer side of things, the recently launched API will automate advertisement management. The ever-changing value of Bitcoin warrants the use of different technologies to ensure one's advertisements will always remain competitive.

Last but not least, Bitcoin Global recently introduced support for Chinese and French translations of its platform. This brings the total number of supported languages to 4, as both English and Russian were already in place. More languages will be added in the future.

Media contact
Contact: Yurii Nesterov
E-Mail: ceo@bitcoin.global
Telephone: +447367568263
Website: https://bitcoin.global/

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61793/

USDT Trading Arrives on Bitcoin Global

LONDON, Oct 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Bitcoin Global continues its peer-to-peer trading platform. Following demand from customers, the company enables USDT support alongside Bitcoin. Tether's USDT is the most prominent stablecoin in the cryptocurrency industry today.

Introducing USDT Trading on Bitcoin Global

Bitcoin Global users can now gain access to a second major crypto asset. Alongside Bitcoin, users will be able to trade Tether's USDT. The prominent stablecoin has a market cap of over $14 billion and continues to dominate the cryptocurrency trading landscape. Its overall trading volume is more than 50% of Bitcoin's, and nearly three times that of Ethereum.

Giving users more options to trade affirms the company's outlook on crypto assets. Bitcoin is the world's leading cryptocurrency, and USDT is the world's leading stablecoin by market cap and trading volume. Offering both assets to customers will elevate Bitcoin Global position in the peer-to-peer trading industry. It also increases the worldwide appeal of this platform.

A new Breed of Peer-to-peer Trading

Bitcoin Global differentiates itself from other platforms by not requiring users to verify their identity. Adding a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedure is not beneficial when the platform in question never controls user funds. Connecting buyers and sellers is not the same as providing financial transactions.

Funds flowing through this platform are kept in escrow to protect both the buyer and seller. The funds will be unlocked once the seller confirms the recipient of the buyer's payment. During this procedure, there is no one who can access the funds, not even members of Bitcoin Global. Providing security and peace of mind are two aspects Bitcoin Global prides itself on.

Ongoing Developments to Drive Adoption

Introducing traders to USDT is the latest development for Bitcoin Global. This platform has seen many changes over the past few months, all of which are designed to make Bitcoin more accessible and appealing to users globally.

The introduction of price equations has been a game changer for the platform. This option ensures users looking to either buy or sell Bitcoin - and USDT starting next week - to actively maintain their advertisements. Price equations formulas will ensure the order price derives pricing information from different exchanges.

On the developer side of things, the recently launched API will automate advertisement management. The ever-changing value of Bitcoin warrants the use of different technologies to ensure one's advertisements will always remain competitive.

Last but not least, Bitcoin Global recently introduced support for Chinese and French translations of its platform. This brings the total number of supported languages to 4, as both English and Russian were already in place. More languages will be added in the future.

Media contact
Contact: Yurii Nesterov
E-Mail: ceo@bitcoin.global
Telephone: +447367568263
Website: https://bitcoin.global/

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

WeR1 Client SGX-Listed Sasseur REIT Wins Second Consecutive Top IR Award

SINGAPORE, Sep 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Singapore Exchange ("SGX") Mainboard-listed Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust ("Sasseur REIT"), a client of investor relations ("IR") specialist WeR1 Consultants Pte Ltd ("WeR1"), has been named Platinum winner for IR at the Asia Pacific Best of the Breeds REITs Awards 2020. This is the second consecutive year that Sasseur REIT has secured top IR ranking, having won the Gold award in 2019.

Sasseur REIT, which has been a retained client of WeR1 since 2019, secured a total of three awards at the annual event this week. The other two are Platinum Awards for Best Retail REIT and for Best CEO - also for the second year running. All 2019 and 2020 awards received by Sasseur REIT are for REITS under U$1 billion in market value.

The Platinum IR award cited Sasseur REIT's prompt and informative communication of information to stakeholders, media and the community. Listed in March 2018, Sasseur REIT continues to report its financial performance on a quarterly basis. It has maintained a high level of engagement through regular virtual briefings even after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sasseur REIT closed its four retail outlet malls in China for several weeks in the early days of the pandemic. The closures coincided with falls in global stock markets in March 2020 and concerns about how retail REITs may be impacted by health concerns and changes to shopping trends.

After the release of Sasseur REIT's Q1 2020 results, WeR1 worked with the management team to explain how it aligned the interests of mall owner, merchants and REIT holders. This mitigated the impact of the temporary mall closures on various stakeholders.

WeR1 worked closely with management to engage sell-side and buy-side (including remisiers serving retail investors) on Sasseur REIT's unique 'A x 1+N x DT' formula which enshrines Sasseur REIT's commitment to refresh mall concepts regularly to keep attracting foot traffic.

KGI Securities issued a fresh research report with an Outperform call, raising the number of sell-side coverage of the REIT to five. WeR1 also organised a virtual briefing between Sasseur REIT's management and over 20 KGI brokers on 15 July 2020, as well as a webinar with Phillip Securities which attracted over 100 participants.

As a result of the efforts to explain the decisive response to the pandemic, Sasseur REIT received significant media coverage in 2020.

Bloomberg ran a commentary which mentioned how Sasseur REIT managed the landlord-tenant relationship differently. The Edge of Singapore carried an in-depth piece on this subject based on interviews with management. The coverage followed a prominent interview in 2019 of Sasseur's founder and Chairman Mr Vito Xu who was featured in the "In Good Company" column of The Straits Times of Singapore.

Anthony Ang, CEO of Sasseur REIT, said: "We were very happy to receive the significant coverage, as well as the awards for the second consecutive year; Sasseur REIT has been working hard to achieve a swift recovery once lockdown measures in China were lifted, and a strong media strategy gave Sasseur REIT's investors and analysts renewed confidence in our recovery."

"We are also pleased to have WeR1 working alongside us to ensure our key differentiators were clearly and swiftly communicated, going the extra mile to offer strong media angles that were in-depth and engaging."

Mr Lai Kwok Kin, Managing Director of WeR1, said: "The COVID-19 presented challenges as well as opportunities to position Sasseur REIT positively to the media and investment community. We are honoured to support the excellent and committed management team of Sasseur REIT, and are elated by successive awards they have secured."

About WeR1

WeR1 Consultants is a pan-Asian communications specialist in Investor Relations, Tech PR, Crisis Communications and Litigation PR based in Singapore. Our service is distinguished by a high level of strategy led by senior consultants with decades of experience in media, capital markets and communications. For more information on WeR1, please visit https://wer1.net/

About Sasseur REIT

Sasseur REIT is the first outlet mall REIT listed in Asia. Sasseur REIT offers investors with the unique opportunity to invest in the fast-growing retail outlet mall sector in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") through its initial portfolio of four quality retail outlet mall assets strategically located in fast-growing cities in China such as Chongqing, Kunming and Hefei, with a net lettable area of 312,844 square metres.

Sasseur REIT is established with the investment strategy of investing principally, directly or indirectly, in a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate which is used primarily for retail outlet mall purposes, as well as real estate-related assets in relation to the foregoing, with an initial focus on Asia. For more information on Sasseur REIT, please visit https://www.sasseurreit.com.

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

Construction Machinery Industry Displays Vibrant Growth in Mainland China, Precision Tsugami Achieves nearly 140% Growth in Construction Machinery-Related Orders

HONG KONG, Sep 28, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - With the COVID-19 pandemic gradually under control in Mainland China, the resumption of work and production has started while demand for infrastructure and real estate construction has driven the strong growth of construction machinery industry. Precision Tsugami (China) Corporation Limited ("Precision Tsugami", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group", stock code: 1651), the largest foreign-owned CNC high precision machine tool manufacturer in China has made advanced business deployment in the industry and capitalised on the related opportunities, leading to a substantial year-on-year growth of nearly 140% in construction machinery-related orders between January and August 2020.

According to the latest data issued by China Construction Machinery Association, statistics from 25 excavator manufacturers showed that a total of 20,939 excavators in different types were sold in August 2020, representing a growth of 51.3% year-on-year. Sales volume of excavators in China maintained a year-on-year growth of over 50% for the fifth consecutive month. Total sales volume in the first eight months this year already accounted for 89.3% of the annual sales volume in 2019.

The construction machinery industry is one of the downstream application sectors that the Group has been engaged in over the years. Buoyed by factors such as higher demand for infrastructure and equipment upgrades, the Group recorded a notable year-on-year growth of nearly 140% in the amount of construction machinery-related orders between January and August 2020. These orders mainly came from the renowned high-end hydraulic device manufacturers in China, with the Group serving as their provider of parts for high precision hydraulic device such as the spools of hydraulic pumps for excavators. As the largest foreign-owned CNC high precision machine tool manufacturer in China, the Group's core product CNC high precision automatic lathe has an edge over its peers in the processing of hydraulic device parts, with higher precision and rigidity requirements.

Looking ahead, China's flourishing construction machinery industry is expected to create opportunities for the CNC lathe industry, in particular the high-end CNC lathe products with high precision, high rigidity and high efficiency. The Group is focusing on developing models with higher processing efficiency for construction machinery products so as to complement the latest industry trends and expand its market share in the industry. As always, the Group will execute sound, pragmatic and aggressive business strategies to overcome difficulties in the challenging market environment and capitalise on opportunities in the industry with agility.

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61714/

Smart Cybersecurity Summit to Help Companies Build Resilience Beyond the Crisis

SINGAPORE, Sep 28, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Cyber Security World Asia today announced the launch of its latest conference & exhibition, the Smart Cybersecurity Summit, taking place on 11th March 2021 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

The theme of the Smart Cybersecurity Summit will be Singapore's Cybersecurity: Building Resilience Beyond the Crisis.

Dominic Pinfold, Event Manager, said, "The Smart Cybersecurity Summit is a response to the opening up of the Singapore MICE industry to live events, and the Cybersecurity industry having managed one of the most dramatic changes to everyday life in living memory.

"With 2020 witnessing a huge migration to working from home, and an expanded and more complex perimeter for organizations to defend against, the Smart Cybersecurity Summit is launched for IT Security professionals to share their successes and learnings with each other in a safe, live environment."

The Smart Cybersecurity Summit will offer a safe environment for a group of exclusively-invited IT Security professionals to network, and learn from a free-to-attend conference that includes closed door roundtable sessions, open panel discussions and insight from industry visionaries. Conference tracks will focus on topics like Strategy, Architecture & Operational Security; Risk, Management & Governance; Cybersecurity Culture, and more.

The exhibition, limited to 30 leading cybersecurity vendors, will present Singapore's latest and most forward-thinking technology innovators and service providers.

The Smart Cybersecurity Summit has been guided in terms of content format and theme by the honorary Advisory Board comprising of:

- David Siah, APAC VP Southeast Asia and Australasia, Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies
- Andy Woo, Regional Director & Co-founder, Pacific Tech Pte Ltd
- Magda Chelly, Head, Cyber Advisory, Asia, Marsh Asia
- Dan Tinsley, Global Head of Threat Management, Cyber Defence Operations & Intelligence, Dyson

On the launch of the Summit, Andy Woo, Regional Director & Co-Founder of Pacific Tech said, "Pacific Tech is excited to hear the return of live events for Singapore's IT Security industry. As the region's leading IT Security Value Added Distributor, we are keen to share how organisations are building resilience and being proactive in securing their IT infrastructure."

The Smart Cybersecurity Summit is accepting speaker, and sponsorship applications. Visitor registrations will open in the coming months.

For more information on the Smart Cybersecurity Summit, visit www.cybersecurityworldasia.com/scs2021

For media enquiries, kindly contact Nic-cole Chia at n.chia@closerstillmedia.com.

About CloserStill Media

CloserStill Media specialises in international professional events chiefly in the technology markets, across five global territories. Its portfolio includes some of the UK's fastest-growing and award-winning events including Cloud Expo Europe and Data Centre World. Having delivered unparalleled quality and relevant audiences for all its exhibitions, CloserStill Media has been repeatedly recognised as a leading innovator with its teams and international events winning multiple awards in Europe and Asia including Best Marketing Manager - four times in succession - Best Trade Exhibition, Best Launch Exhibition, and Rising Star - two years in succession - among others.

For more information, visit www.closerstillmedia.com.

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61713/


WeR1's Client SGX-Listed Sasseur REIT Wins Top IR Award For Second Consecutive Year

Singapore, 30 September 2020 – Singapore Exchange ("SGX") Mainboard-listed Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust ("Sasseur REIT"), a client of investor relations ("IR") specialist WeR1 Consultants Pte Ltd ("WeR1"), has been named Platinum winner for IR at the Asia Pacific Best of the Breeds REITs Awards™ 2020. This is the second consecutive year that Sasseur REIT has secured top IR ranking, having won the Gold award in 2019.

Sasseur REIT, which has been a retained client of WeR1 since 2019, secured a total of three awards at the annual event this week. The other two are Platinum Awards for Best Retail REIT and for Best CEO - also for the second year running. All 2019 and 2020 awards received by Sasseur REIT are for REITS under U$1 billion in market value.

The Platinum IR award cited Sasseur REIT's prompt and informative communication of information to stakeholders, media and the community. Listed in March 2018, Sasseur REIT continues to report its financial performance on a quarterly basis. It has maintained a high level of engagement through regular virtual briefings even after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sasseur REIT closed its four retail outlet malls in China for several weeks in the early days of the pandemic. The closures coincided with falls in global stock markets in March 2020 and concerns about how retail REITs may be impacted by health concerns and changes to shopping trends.

After the release of Sasseur REIT's Q1 2020 results, WeR1 worked with the management team to explain how it aligned the interests of mall owner, merchants and REIT holders. This mitigated the impact of the temporary mall closures on various stakeholders.

WeR1 worked closely with management to engage sell-side and buy-side (including remisiers serving retail investors) on Sasseur REIT's unique 'A x 1+N x DT' formula which enshrines Sasseur REIT's commitment to refresh mall concepts regularly to keep attracting foot traffic.

KGI Securities issued a fresh research report with an Outperform call, raising the number of sell-side coverage of the REIT to five. WeR1 also organised a virtual briefing between Sasseur REIT's management and over 20 KGI brokers on 15 July 2020, as well as a webinar with Phillip Securities which attracted over 100 participants.

As a result of the efforts to explain the decisive response to the pandemic, Sasseur REIT received significant media coverage in 2020.

Bloomberg ran a commentary which mentioned how Sasseur REIT managed the landlord-tenant relationship differently. The Edge of Singapore carried an in-depth piece on this subject based on interviews with management. The coverage followed a prominent interview in 2019 of Sasseur's founder and Chairman Mr Vito Xu who was featured in the "In Good Company" column of The Straits Times of Singapore.

Anthony Ang, CEO of Sasseur REIT, said: "We were very happy to receive the significant coverage, as well as the awards for the second consecutive year; Sasseur REIT has been working hard to achieve a swift recovery once lockdown measures in China were lifted, and a strong media strategy gave Sasseur REIT's investors and analysts renewed confidence in our recovery."

"We are also pleased to have WeR1 working alongside us to ensure our key differentiators were clearly and swiftly communicated, going the extra mile to offer strong media angles that were in-depth and engaging."

Mr Lai Kwok Kin, Managing Director of WeR1, said: "The COVID-19 presented challenges as well as opportunities to position Sasseur REIT positively to the media and investment community. We are honoured to support the excellent and committed management team of Sasseur REIT, and are elated by successive awards they have secured."

About WeR1 Consultants

WeR1 Consultants is a pan-Asian communications specialist in Investor Relations, Tech PR, Crisis Communications and Litigation PR based in Singapore. Our service is distinguished by a high level of strategy led by senior consultants with decades of experience in media, capital markets and communications. For more information on WeR1, please visit https://wer1.net/

About Sasseur REIT

Sasseur REIT is the first outlet mall REIT listed in Asia. Sasseur REIT offers investors with the unique opportunity to invest in the fast-growing retail outlet mall sector in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") through its initial portfolio of four quality retail outlet mall assets strategically located in fast-growing cities in China such as Chongqing, Kunming and Hefei, with a net lettable area of 312,844 square metres.

Sasseur REIT is established with the investment strategy of investing principally, directly or indirectly, in a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate which is used primarily for retail outlet mall purposes, as well as real estate-related assets in relation to the foregoing, with an initial focus on Asia. For more information on Sasseur REIT, please visit https://www.sasseurreit.com

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61773/

WeR1's Client SGX-Listed Sasseur REIT Wins Top IR Award For Second Consecutive Year

SINGAPORE, Sep 30, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Singapore Exchange ("SGX") Mainboard-listed Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust ("Sasseur REIT"), a client of investor relations ("IR") specialist WeR1 Consultants Pte Ltd ("WeR1"), has been named Platinum winner for IR at the Asia Pacific Best of the Breeds REITs Awards(TM) 2020. This is the second consecutive year that Sasseur REIT has secured top IR ranking, having won the Gold award in 2019.

Sasseur REIT, which has been a retained client of WeR1 since 2019, secured a total of three awards at the annual event this week. The other two are Platinum Awards for Best Retail REIT and for Best CEO - also for the second year running. All 2019 and 2020 awards received by Sasseur REIT are for REITS under U$1 billion in market value.

The Platinum IR award cited Sasseur REIT's prompt and informative communication of information to stakeholders, media and the community. Listed in March 2018, Sasseur REIT continues to report its financial performance on a quarterly basis. It has maintained a high level of engagement through regular virtual briefings even after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sasseur REIT closed its four retail outlet malls in China for several weeks in the early days of the pandemic. The closures coincided with falls in global stock markets in March 2020 and concerns about how retail REITs may be impacted by health concerns and changes to shopping trends.

After the release of Sasseur REIT's Q1 2020 results, WeR1 worked with the management team to explain how it aligned the interests of mall owner, merchants and REIT holders. This mitigated the impact of the temporary mall closures on various stakeholders.

WeR1 worked closely with management to engage sell-side and buy-side (including remisiers serving retail investors) on Sasseur REIT's unique 'A x 1+N x DT' formula which enshrines Sasseur REIT's commitment to refresh mall concepts regularly to keep attracting foot traffic.

KGI Securities issued a fresh research report with an Outperform call, raising the number of sell-side coverage of the REIT to five. WeR1 also organised a virtual briefing between Sasseur REIT's management and over 20 KGI brokers on 15 July 2020, as well as a webinar with Phillip Securities which attracted over 100 participants.

As a result of the efforts to explain the decisive response to the pandemic, Sasseur REIT received significant media coverage in 2020.

Bloomberg ran a commentary which mentioned how Sasseur REIT managed the landlord-tenant relationship differently. The Edge of Singapore carried an in-depth piece on this subject based on interviews with management. The coverage followed a prominent interview in 2019 of Sasseur's founder and Chairman Mr Vito Xu who was featured in the "In Good Company" column of The Straits Times of Singapore.

Anthony Ang, CEO of Sasseur REIT, said: "We were very happy to receive the significant coverage, as well as the awards for the second consecutive year; Sasseur REIT has been working hard to achieve a swift recovery once lockdown measures in China were lifted, and a strong media strategy gave Sasseur REIT's investors and analysts renewed confidence in our recovery."

"We are also pleased to have WeR1 working alongside us to ensure our key differentiators were clearly and swiftly communicated, going the extra mile to offer strong media angles that were in-depth and engaging."

Mr Lai Kwok Kin, Managing Director of WeR1, said: "The COVID-19 presented challenges as well as opportunities to position Sasseur REIT positively to the media and investment community. We are honoured to support the excellent and committed management team of Sasseur REIT, and are elated by successive awards they have secured."

About WeR1 Consultants

WeR1 Consultants is a pan-Asian communications specialist in Investor Relations, Tech PR, Crisis Communications and Litigation PR based in Singapore. Our service is distinguished by a high level of strategy led by senior consultants with decades of experience in media, capital markets and communications. For more information on WeR1, please visit https://wer1.net/

About Sasseur REIT

Sasseur REIT is the first outlet mall REIT listed in Asia. Sasseur REIT offers investors with the unique opportunity to invest in the fast-growing retail outlet mall sector in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") through its initial portfolio of four quality retail outlet mall assets strategically located in fast-growing cities in China such as Chongqing, Kunming and Hefei, with a net lettable area of 312,844 square metres.

Sasseur REIT is established with the investment strategy of investing principally, directly or indirectly, in a diversified portfolio of income-producing real estate which is used primarily for retail outlet mall purposes, as well as real estate-related assets in relation to the foregoing, with an initial focus on Asia. For more information on Sasseur REIT, please visit https://www.sasseurreit.com

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61772/


TOKYO, Sep 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - エーザイ株式会社は本日、人事異動ならびに組織改編(2020年10月1日付)を以下のとおり発表しました。

<2020年10月1日付 主な組織改編>

■ 認知症プラットフォームEasiit関連機能および次世代アルツハイマー病治療薬上市準備機能の再編

認知症プラットフォームEasiit関連機能をチーフデジタルオフィサー直下に再編する。また、次世代アルツハイマー病治療薬の上市準備機能をエーザイ・ジャパンに異動する。これに伴いディメンシア トータルインクルーシブエコシステム(DTIE)事業部は発展的に解組する。

1. コンシューマーエクスペリエンス トランスフォーメーション(CX)本部の新設

2. コンバージョンサイエンス室の新設

3. テック スクワッド(Tech Squad)の新設
各事業やファンクションと連携したデジタルプラットフォームのシステムアーキテクトとインフラの構築を担うテック スクワッド(Tech Squad)を新設する。テック スクワッドは、デジタル関連プロジェクトの推進を支援するとともに、デジタル人財の獲得と育成における中心的機能を担う。

■ エーザイ・ジャパン

1. EJ デピュティプレジデントの新設
デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)戦略およびADコマーシャリゼーションの実行責任を担うEJデピュティプレジデントを新設する。EJ デピュティプレジデントは、新設するヘルスケアプロフェッショナルエンゲージメント トランスフォーメーション(HX)本部とADF(AD Franchise)推進本部を管轄する。

2. トランスフォーメーション部の新設

3. ヘルスケアプロフェッショナルエンゲージメント トランスフォーメーション(HX)本部の新設

1) デジタルソリューション部の新設

2) フィールドフォースサポート部の新設
フィールドフォースサポート部は顧客への効率的かつ効果的な情報提供体制構築を企図し、新たなCustomer Relationship Management(CRM)の仕組みを構築し、マルチチャネルな顧客接点を一元的に管理するとともに、事業戦略や活動プロセスも含めたビジネススタイルの変革を推進する。

3) デジタルマーケティング部の新設

4) リアルワールドデータ(RWD)マーケティング部の新設

4. ADF(AD Franchise)推進本部の新設

■ コンシューマーhhc事業部

1. デピュティプレジデント トランスフォーメーション担当の設置
生活者の新たなニーズと「ニューノーマル」を踏まえたブランド戦略の構築、DXの推進、オムニチャネルの推進等を担うデピュティプレジデント トランスフォーメーション担当を配置する。

■ グローバル本社

1. 医療政策部の再編



詳細は www.eisai.co.jp をご覧ください。

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

TANAKA Develops "TRuST" Precursor for CVD/ALD Processes; Using Liquid Ruthenium Precursor to Achieve World's Highest Vapor Pressures

TOKYO, Sep 30, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & CEO: Koichiro Tanaka) announced today that TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & CEO: Koichiro Tanaka), which operates the TANAKA Precious Metals manufacturing business, has developed a new liquid ruthenium precursor named "TRuST" for CVD[1] and ALD[2] processes. The vapor pressure of "TRuST" is more than 100 times higher as compared to that to previous liquid ruthenium (element symbol Ru) precursors[3], which is currently the world's highest vapor pressure value at room temperature as per TANAKA's internal evaluation.

"TRuST" precursor for CVD and ALD processes

Comparison of vapor pressure of precursor

During this precursor development, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo focused on material design and synthesis research, while Professor Soo-Hyun Kim, Ph.D., School of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering at Yeungnam University in South Korea, researched to optimize the film formation characteristics.

Technologies developed through this collaboration will help increase performance and reduce energy consumption for the semiconductor devices used in smartphones, computers, and the data centers where demand is to grow well into the future.

Precursors are metal-organic compounds used in chemical vapor deposition (CVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD) and other processes to form thin metal films or metal wiring on substrates. CVD and ALD processes enable the formation of films with superior step coverage on various types of base substrate. These are useful methods for forming films as semiconductors become increasingly miniaturized, with increased structural complexity, and narrower wires with every new generation.

TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo has developed a range of precious metal precursors over the years, including ruthenium precursors. This time, computer simulation and other techniques were used to achieve miniaturization and optimization of the molecular structure. This resulted in the successful development of a precious metal compound in a liquid form, with high vapor pressure, and thermal stability suited for film formation, all of which are important characteristics for precursors. As a result, this compound has the world's highest vapor pressure over 100 times higher than that of previous liquid ruthenium precursors. The higher the vapor pressure of precursors and the smaller their molecular structure, the higher the possible concentration of precursor in the film formation chamber, and the greater the adsorption density of precursor molecules on the substrate surface. Compared to previous precursors, this achieves excellent step coverage and improved film formation speed.

According to research carried out at Yeungnam University, ALD film formation at approximately 1.7 angstrom (A) per cycle is possible, which is the world's fastest of its type using liquid ruthenium precursor. Also, specific resistivity after film formation is approximately 13 microhm-cm, which is close to the value of bulk ruthenium metal (7.6 microhm-cm).

When bulk ruthenium is used for vapor deposition, with a temperature as high as 3000 degrees C. However, if it is converted into an organometallic compound of ruthenium precursor, it can be vaporized at low temperatures (between room temperature to 200 degrees C) under vacuum. As a result, the formation of high-quality ruthenium film with excellent step coverage at high productivity is expected. This has been an issue in the past because it is technically difficult to achieve all these characteristics at the same time. With the development of "TRuST" however, it is now possible.

Samples of Shipments of "TRuST" should begin shipping samples are planned to start in October 2020.

Background and TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo's development of precursor for CVD/ALD processes

In the past, the most common wiring materials used for semiconductors were copper, tungsten and cobalt. However, as semiconductors have evolved, there are increasing expectations for the precious metal ruthenium to promote further miniaturization of semiconductors because of its lower resistance and higher durability. With its superior characteristics, ruthenium is also being considered for use in transistor gate electrodes and DRAM capacitor electrodes.

The progress of technologies such as IoT, AI, and 5G over recent years has led to rapidly increasing volumes of digital data used in clouds, smartphones, and computers. Therefore, the need for even greater miniaturization of semiconductors is increasing to enable the creation of devices with higher performance and lower energy consumption. As a specialized manufacturer of precious metals, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo will continue contributing to this evolution of semiconductors through the development of high-quality semiconductor materials.

With the support of Professor Soo-Hyun Kim, from the College of Engineering at Yeungnam University, a researcher from TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo will give a presentation of this technology at the "International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC) 2020", which will be held online from October 5-8, 2020. The title of the presentation is High-growth-rate atomic layer deposition of high-quality Ru Using a Novel Ru metalorganic precursor.

[1] Chemical vapor deposition (CVD): CVD is a chemical film formation method. It is a method of forming thin metal films on the surfaces of base materials or substrates through a chemical reaction induced and accelerated by directing energy, in forms such as heat, plasma and light, at gaseous vapor material fed into a reaction chamber at pressures between atmospheric pressures to medium vacuum pressures (100-10-1 Pa).
[2] Atomic layer deposition (ALD): Both CVD and ALD are film formation methods that use chemical reactions inside reaction chambers to deposit material onto substrates through the vapor phase. The main difference between the two methods is that while CVD continually forms atomic and molecular layers, ALD forms the layers intermittently one layer at a time.
[3] Precursors: Precursors are compounds used as the raw material for forming thin metal films and metal wiring on substrates.

TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (Holding company of TANAKA Precious Metals)
Headquarters: 22F, Tokyo Building, 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Koichiro Tanaka, Representative Director & CEO
Founded: 1885
Incorporated: 1918*
Capital: 500 million yen
Employees in consolidated group: 5,138 (FY2019)
Employees: 221 (March 31, 2020)
Net sales of consolidated group: JPY 1,149,604 million (FY2019)
Main businesses of the group: The holding company at the center of TANAKA Precious Metals responsible for strategic and efficient group management and management guidance to group companies.
URL: https://www.tanaka.co.jp/english/
* TANAKA Holdings adopted a holding company structure on April 1, 2010.

TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
Headquarters: 22F, Tokyo Building, 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Koichiro Tanaka, Representative Director & CEO
Founded: 1885
Incorporated: 1918
Capital: 500 million yen
Employees: 2,393 (as of March 31, 2020)
Sales: JPY 992,679,879,000 (FY2019)
Main businesses: Manufacture, sales, import and export of precious metals (platinum, gold, silver, and others) and various types of industrial precious metals products.
URL: https://tanaka-preciousmetals.com

About TANAKA Precious Metals

Since its foundation in 1885, TANAKA Precious Metals has built a diversified range of business activities focused on precious metals. TANAKA is a leader in Japan regarding the volumes of precious metals handled. Over the course of many years, TANAKA has not only manufactured and sold precious metal products for industry but also provided precious metals in such forms as jewelry and resources. As precious metals specialists, all Group companies within and outside Japan work together with unified cooperation between manufacturing, sales, and technological aspects to offer products and services. Additionally, to make further progress in globalization, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo welcomed Metalor Technologies International SA as a member of the Group in 2016.

As precious metal professionals, TANAKA Precious Metals will continue to contribute to the development of an enriching and prosperous society.

The five core companies that make up TANAKA Precious Metals are as follows.
- TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (pure holding company)
- TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
- TANAKA Denshi Kogyo K.K.
- Electroplating Engineers Of Japan, Limited
- TANAKA Kikinzoku Jewerly K.K.

Press release in PDF: http://www.acnnewswire.com/clientreports/598/20200930.pdf

Press Inquiries
TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd.

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61712/


Madrid, Spain - Statistaによると、世界のビッグデータ市場は2027年までに1030億USドル(2018年時点での予想の2倍)に達するとみられている。日々数百万件にも及ぶ取引が実行され、途方もない数の貴重なデータが生み出されている。金融機関はデータ分析ソフトを使用して株式市場の動向を把握し、ビジネス上の重要な意思決定を下す。その一方で、プロトレーダーたちはより多くの利益を生み出す投資判断をするために高度なデータ解析を用いている。


GRSTAR CEOのトム・モリソン氏は、「STARの非常に高い予測精度を達成するためにはユーザーから直接大量のデータを収集する必要があります。そしてそのデータは、社会的選好から個人の健康状態、思考ロジック、消費習慣、投資パータンなどあらゆる種類の情報を含んでいる必要があります。」と強調する。

またモリソン氏は、「私たちは一般向けに公開されている様々なプラットフォームから収集したデータを活用し、GRS Data Exchangeというデータ提供と引き換えにユーザーが報酬を得られる個人データ収集エコシステムを活用して"ワストワンマイル"問題を解決します。」と付け加えた。

Alejandro García
Image: pixbay.com

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MADRID, SPAIN, Sep 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Statistaによると、世界のビッグデータ市場は2027年までに1030億USドル(2018年時点での予想の2倍)に達するとみられている。日々数百万件にも及ぶ取引が実行され、途方もない数の貴重なデータが生み出されている。金融機関はデータ分析ソフトを使用して株式市場の動向を把握し、ビジネス上の重要な意思決定を下す。その一方で、プロトレーダーたちはより多くの利益を生み出す投資判断をするために高度なデータ解析を用いている。


GRSTAR CEOのトム・モリソン氏は、「STARの非常に高い予測精度を達成するためにはユーザーから直接大量のデータを収集する必要があります。そしてそのデータは、社会的選好から個人の健康状態、思考ロジック、消費習慣、投資パータンなどあらゆる種類の情報を含んでいる必要があります。」と強調する。

またモリソン氏は、「私たちは一般向けに公開されている様々なプラットフォームから収集したデータを活用し、GRS Data Exchangeというデータ提供と引き換えにユーザーが報酬を得られる個人データ収集エコシステムを活用して”ワストワンマイル”問題を解決します。」と付け加えた。

Alejandro Garcia
Image: pixbay.com

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02


SEOUL, S.KOREA, Sep 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Joonghun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(本社:韓国ソウル、代表取締役:尹錫俊、以下「ジュンホン製薬」)は2020年08月26日、ヒアルロン酸使用軟組織注入材「Lorient(ロリアン)」がCEマークを取得し、今年10月中旬に発売開始することを発表した。





ヒアルロン酸使用軟組織注入材「ロリアン」は、リドカイン含有の有無によりLorient with lidocaineとLorient pureの2つに分かれており、さらに、物性及び注入部位によって、Lorient with lidocaine(volume, filler, fine)とLorient pure(volume, filler, fine)の合計6つのラインで構成されている。

2014年に設立されたジュンホン製薬は、約100品目以上の製品を保有している医療用医薬品・医療機器の製造業者であり、特にLufla Inj.やTrial Inj.など、関節用ヒアルロン酸注射に特化している製品を提供している。

ジュンホン製薬の代表取締役 尹錫俊は、「ロリアンは、徹底した高純度工程管理を通し、他社に比べ不純物の水準を著しく下げることに成功した製品。」だとし、「ヒアルロン酸注射の施術が初めての方でも安心して受けられるよう、安全性を最優先に考えたヒアルロン酸注射だ。」と強調した。


製造販売:Joonghun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(株式会社ジュンホン製薬)
代表者:代表取締役 尹錫俊(ユン・ソクジュン)
15, Gukhoe-daero 62-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
URL:公式ホームページ http://www.joonghun.com/
Email: lorient-filler@joonghun.com

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

Aptorum Group Launches Infectious Disease Liquid Biopsy Subsidiary Start-up and Exclusively In-licensed from Singapore based Accelerate Technologies To Co-Develop Molecular Based Rapid Pathogen Diagnostics Technology To Track Pathogenic Genome

HONG KONG, Sep 29, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Aptorum Group Limited (Nasdaq: APM, Euronext Paris: APM) ) ("Aptorum Group" or "Aptorum"), a biopharmaceutical company focused on novel technologies including the targeting of infectious diseases, announced its launch of Aptorum Innovations - an infectious disease liquid biopsy diagnostics subsidiary and its newly established exclusive in-licensing arrangements with Accelerate Technologies Pte Ltd ("Accelerate Technologies"), commercialization arm of the Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research ("A*STAR"), to co-develop novel molecular-based rapid pathogen identification and detection diagnostics ("RPIDD") technology. Aptorum Innovations, intends to target the global molecular diagnostics market estimated to reach USD$13.8billion in market size by 2025, of which 60% is estimated to be attributable to the infectious disease segment , with its next-generation RPIDD technology.

The RPIDD technology was initiated and currently under development at A*STAR. The core objectives of RPIDD are to rapidly and accurately identify and detect existing or emerging unknown pathogens (including DNA/RNA-based viruses such as coronavirus, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, fungi, etc.), in a cost-effective, unbiased and broad-spectrum manner, through liquid biopsy (patients' blood samples and is potentially adaptable for other sample types), genome sequencing and artificial intelligence driven software analytics. A key objective is also to develop RPIDD to leverage existing and emerging Next-Generation Sequencing platforms for pathogenic genome sequencing analysis.

Aptorum Innovations Pte Ltd ("Aptorum Innovations"), a subsidiary of Aptorum Group, is the exclusive licensee and commercializing party of the technology being developed in close cooperation with A*STAR and licensed by Accelerate Technologies. Subject to further validation and optimization of the RPIDD technology, Aptorum Group intends to open its initial series of RPIDD-driven infectious disease liquid biopsy diagnostics laboratories over the course of the next two years, with at least one flagship location in Singapore in collaboration with local hospitals and clinics; other targeted follow-on locations include the United States, European Union and the United Kingdom. Through A*STAR, the technology is currently undergoing product optimization at its Diagnostics Development Hub (DxD) and A*STAR will continue to perform further clinical validation with Singapore based hospital provider; Aptorum Innovations will facilitate further clinical validation with other locations including but not limited to Australia-based Talem Medical Group, Raffles Medical Group (Hong Kong) and other future collaboration potentials.

Dr. Clark Cheng, Chief Medical Officer and Executive Director of Aptorum Group, commented: "With the significant worldwide disruption caused by the COVID19 pandemic and the current global focus on antimicrobial resistance, further to our recent joining with the BEAM alliance , Aptorum Group expands its potential infectious disease liquid biopsy diagnostics capabilities in synergy with its current infectious disease platform (for example, the leading Staphylococcus aureus drug program ALS-4) and supports worldwide antimicrobial stewardship policies (ASPs). Bacteremia infections, for example, alone cause nearly 500,000 hospitalizations in the United States annually and account for 11 percent of intensive care unit (ICU) admissions with over $20.3 billion in aggregate cost . Mortality associated with these infections is extremely high and can range anywhere from 25 percent to 80 percent . In accordance with Infectious Diseases Society of America's (IDSA) policy paper , many patients with suspected infections receive empiric antimicrobial therapy rather than appropriate specialized therapy dictated by rapid identification of the infectious agent and as a result, leading to nearly 50% of inappropriate overuse of our small inventory of antimicrobials challenged by rising levels of antimicrobial resistance . Current blood culture-based testing is often inaccurate and time-consuming (up to 3 days on average ) resulting in unnecessary patient morbidity and increased risks of mortality. Moreover, current broad spectrum molecular diagnostics are often too cost-benefit prohibitive and therefore are not adopted as the first line of diagnostics for healthcare providers - with our technology we target to reduce end user costs by over 60% (or more) relative to current service provider average prices. With the forecast global molecular diagnostics market size to reach over US$13.8billion by 2025, the need to integrate broad-spectrum and affordable rapid molecular diagnostics into day-to-day clinical care and public health has never been greater and the RPIDD technology is being developed to target the improvement of clinical outcomes for patients and tracking of unknown pathogens in a cost-effective manner for our healthcare system . Aptorum Group, through its subsidiary Aptorum Innovations, intends to commercialize RPIDD through the future set up of proprietary clinical microbiology laboratories as part of our dedicated focus to counter worldwide infectious disease related issues and will explore future collaborations with, for example, other NGS platforms to support this endeavour. It is with great pleasure to announce our planned global diagnostics expansion via Singapore's robust healthcare ecosystems, such as this cooperation with A*STAR whose experienced and innovative molecular engineering team we are confident will help disrupt the global infectious disease liquid biopsy diagnostics market and further promote molecular-based diagnostics as the first line of defence for infectious diseases."

About The Rapid Pathogen Identification and Detection Diagnostics Technology (RPIDD)

RPIDD is an innovative liquid biopsy-driven rapid pathogen molecular diagnostics technology with proprietary and patented technologies being developed to deplete host DNA and enrich pathogenic DNA / RNA for analysis through harnessing the power of Next-Generation Sequencing platforms (such as Illumina's sequencing platforms) and proprietary artificial intelligence-based software analytics to rapidly identify and detect in blood over a potential targeted 1000+ viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites present through its genome composition and other unknown pathogens. RPIDD has been and continues to be validated in human samples and so far, such testing has been able to detect pathogens - ranging from bacteria, fungi and viruses in an unbiased manner. RPIDD is currently under optimization for upcoming planned validations in collaboration with a number of healthcare providers in Singapore and other jurisdictions before it may be commercialized.

About Aptorum Group

Aptorum Group Limited (Nasdaq: APM, Euronext Paris: APM) is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development and commercializing of therapeutic assets to treat diseases with unmet medical needs, particularly infectious diseases and cancers (including orphan oncology indications). The pipeline of Aptorum is also enriched through the establishment of drug discovery platforms that enable the discovery of new therapeutics assets through programs such as the systematic screening of existing approved drug molecules and microbiome-based research platform for treatments of metabolic diseases. In addition to the above main focus, the company is also pursuing therapeutic and diagnostic projects in neurology, gastroenterology, metabolic disorders, women's health and other disease areas. Aptorum also has projects focused on surgical robotics and natural supplement for women undergoing menopause and experiencing related symptoms.

For more information about Aptorum Group, please visit www.aptorumgroup.com.

Disclaimer and Forward-Looking Statements

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to buy any securities of Aptorum Group.

This press release includes statements concerning Aptorum Group Limited and its future expectations, plans and prospects that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For this purpose, any statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "could," "intends," "target," "projects," "contemplates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential," or "continue," or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. Aptorum Group has based these forward-looking statements, which include statements regarding projected timelines for application submissions and trials, largely on its current expectations and projections about future events and trends that it believes may affect its business, financial condition and results of operations. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions including, without limitation, risks related to its announced management and organizational changes, the continued service and availability of key personnel, its ability to expand its product assortments by offering additional products for additional consumer segments, development results, the company's anticipated growth strategies, anticipated trends and challenges in its business, and its expectations regarding, and the stability of, its supply chain, and the risks more fully described in Aptorum Group's Form 20-F and other filings that Aptorum Group may make with the SEC in the future, as well as the prospectus that received the French Autorite des Marches Financiers visa n 20-352 on 16 July 2020.

As a result, the projections included in such forward-looking statements are subject to change and actual results may differ materially from those described herein. Aptorum Group assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this press release as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

This announcement is not a prospectus within the meaning of the Regulation (EU) n 2017/1129 of 14 June 2017 as amended by Regulations Delegated (EU) n 2019/980 of 14 March 2019 and n 2019/979 of 14 March 2019.

This press release is provided "as is" without any representation or warranty of any kind.


Aptorum Group Limited
Investor Relations Department:
Tel: +44 20 80929299
Email: investor.relations@aptorumgroup.com

Redchip - Financial Communications United States
Investor relations
Dave Gentry
+1 407 491 4498

Actifin - Financial Communications Europe
Investor relations
Ghislaine Gasparetto
+33 1 56 88 11 22

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source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61761/

NEC、住友商事の「MIRAI LAB PALETTE」にて顔認証とサーマルカメラによる感染症対策の実証実験を実施

TOKYO, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - NECは、住友商事株式会社(以下、住友商事)が開設したオープンイノベーションラボ「MIRAI LAB PALETTE」(注1)にて、NECの生体認証「Bio-IDiom」(注2)の中核技術であり世界No.1の認証精度(注3)を有する顔認証技術と、サーマルカメラを組み合わせた感染症対策ソリューションを活用した実証実験を本日9月29日より実施します。来場時に顔認証と体表温度の測定を同時に行うことで、スタッフ・来場者の感染リスクを低減します。

新型コロナウイルス感染症が世界的に拡大し、人々の暮らしや経済活動に大きな影響を与えています。また、社会の在り方がNew Normalへと変革していく中、経済活動を継続する上で人が集まる場所での効果的な対策が求められています。

感染症の拡大を受け、MIRAI LAB PALETTEにおいても利用者の検温を従業員が行っていましたが、非接触かつスムーズに体表温度測定が可能なサーマルカメラを導入することで、スタッフと来場者の接触を減らし、感染リスクの低減に貢献します。また、顔認証技術を活用し来場者の把握を同時に実施することで、設定値以上の体表温度が確認された場合は、対象者の顔情報と併せてスタッフに通知し検温を促すこともできます。





詳細は www.nec.co.jp をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 株式会社日立製作所(執行役社長兼CEO:東原 敏昭/以下、日立)は、このたび、大規模なエンタープライズシステム開発向けに、システムの軽量化や開発の柔軟性・即応性などで注目されるマイクロサービスへの効率的な移行を支援し、モダナイゼーションを実現する「マイクロサービステクニカルソリューション」を、10月1日から提供開始します。










詳細は www.hitachi.co.jp をご参照ください。

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Honda、2020年8月度 四輪車 生産・販売・輸出実績を発表

TOKYO, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Hondaは本日、2020年8月度 四輪車 生産・販売・輸出実績を発表し、8月として中国生産が過去最高を記録したことを明らかにしました。



詳細は www.honda.co.jp をご覧ください。

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02


TOKYO, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱自動車は本日、2020年8月単月生産・販売・輸出実績を以下の通り発表しました。

【 参考資料:2020年8月 単月 】
2020年4月以来、5ヶ月連続前年比減( 前年比48.4% )

2019年10月以来、11ヶ月連続前年比減( 前年比45.5% )
アジア26,159台 : 前年比 45.2%
(中国)( 5,967台 : 前年比 71.1% )
(タイ)( 12,625台 : 前年比 45.0% )

2019年9月以来、12ヶ月連続前年比減 ( 前年比46.7% )

2019年10月以来、11ヶ月連続前年比減( 前年比54.7% )
当社シェア*:1.4%( 前年同月:2.3% ) *含.軽自動車及び輸入車
『デリカD:5』625台 : 前年比 56.1% * 2007年1月31日発売
『RVR』73台 : 前年比 28.9% * 2010年2月17日発売
『ミラージュ』208台 : 前年比 110.1% * 2012年8月31日発売
『アウトランダー』72台 : 前年比 64.3% * 2012年10月25日発売
『アウトランダーPHEV』165台 : 前年比 64.0% * 2013年1月24日発売
『エクリプス クロス』 237台 : 前年比 42.4% * 2018年3月1日発売
『eKワゴン・eKクロス』 938台 : 前年比 28.7% * 2019年3月28日発売
『eKスペース・eKクロススペース』 1,124台 * 2020年3月19日発売

2020年4月以来、5ヶ月連続前年比減 ( 前年比22.4% )
アジア 609台 : 前年比 100.3%
北米 0台 : 前年比 -%
欧州2,303台 : 前年比 21.6%




人とクルマ、社会とクルマ、地球とクルマの新しい時代を拓くために。いま、三菱自動車は挑戦を始めています。走行中のCO2排出ゼロ。地球温暖化防止に貢献する新世代電気自動車、i MiEV(アイミーブ)の世界投入。軽自動車で培った技術を存分に活用、燃費性能にすぐれたグローバル・スモールの提案。世界の環境基準をクリアしながら、走りの楽しさにあふれた三菱ならではの小型SUVの開発。さらに、新ディーゼルエンジンによるラリー参戦を通じて、走りと環境を両立する、新次元のクルマづくりを追求してゆきます。


詳細はこちらからご覧ください。 www.mitsubishi-motors.co.jp

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JCB and Banco Santander partner to enable a more diversified e-commerce portfolio in Spain

Madrid & Tokyo, Sep 28, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - In June 2019, JCB International Co. Ltd., the international operations subsidiary of JCB Co., Ltd., and Banco Santander, through its subsidiary Santander Espana Merchant Services, partnered to support the growth of face-to-face transactions made by JCB cardmembers across Spain. Earlier this year, in March 2020, JCB and Banco Santander pivoted this collaboration to additionally support online exchange between JCB cardmembers and Banco Santander's e-commerce merchants. This extensive merchant list includes those in the retail, hospitality, transportation, travel, restaurant, and education sectors, to name a few.

In the past 4 years, JCB's annual sales volume has increased by approximately 37% globally, with over 140 million cardmembers and around 34 million merchants now accepting JCB cards. This JCB partnership with Banco Santander offers merchants and cardmembers a safe online purchase experience with JCB's J/Secure™1.0 (based on Visa's 3-D Secure Core Protocol Specifications).

This secure platform enhances the online shopping experience, as it identifies cardmembers by requesting a password. J/Secure™ 2.0 (based on the EMV 3-D Secure Protocol and Core Functions Specification) is set to follow the additional expansion in future.

Ruben Justel, Managing Director at Santander Espana Merchant Services, said, "This new step on our fruitful partnership with JCB contributes to our vision to help our merchants increase their sales by accepting the most demanded means of payments, in addition to reaching more international clients from JCB issuing countries."

Tsuyoshi Notani, Managing Director, JCB International (Europe) Ltd. said, "Partnering with Banco Santander has enabled us to further fulfil our promise to provide our card members with as many safe payment methods for international online transactions as possible. We are further delighted to be able to support Banco Santander's merchants, as they welcome e-commerce trade while we have seen a decline in face-to-face sales in recent months. It is our hope that this collaboration will support recovery of the payment industry, especially in Spain, after the global COVID-19 pandemic."

About JCB

JCB is a major global payment brand and a leading credit card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. Its acceptance network includes 34 million merchants in the world. JCB cards are now issued in 24 countries and territories with more than 140 million cardmembers. As part of its international growth strategy, JCB has formed alliances with hundreds of leading banks and financial institutions globally to increase merchant coverage and cardmember base. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to providing responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide. For more information, please visit: www.global.jcb/en/

About Banco Santander

Santander, with more than 160 years of history, is a retail bank operating in 10 main markets that obtained an attributable profit of EUR 7,810 million in 2018 - which is an increase of 18% on the previous year. Santander's European businesses serve 9.9 million loyal customers and 14.2 million digital customers, with 70,000 employees and 4,900 branches. In the first quarter, the bank achieved more than EUR 100 million in efficiencies with costs falling 5% in real terms year-on-year.


JCB International/Europe
Contact: India Stone
Email: istone@jcbeurope.eu
Phone: +44 020 7087 4754

JCB (Head Office in Japan)
Contact: Kumiko Kida, Ayaka Nakajima
Email: jcb-pr@jcb.co.jp
Phone: +81 3 5778 8353

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/61750/


HIROSHIMA, Japan, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - マツダ株式会社の2020年8月の生産・販売状況の概況は以下のとおりです。

I. 生産

1. 国内生産

「CX-5」 : 21,659台 (前年同月比−19.2%)
「MAZDA3」 : 10,031台 (同-39.2%)
「CX-9」: 5,678台 (同+22.5%)

2. 海外生産

「CX-30」: 11,702台
「MAZDA3」 : 8,906台 (前年同月比−24.3%)
「CX-4」 : 7,330台 (同+184.1%)

II. 国内販売


「MAZDA2」*: 1,979台 (前年同月比+9.6%)
「CX-30」: 1,901台
「MAZDA3」: 1,655台 (同-58.7%)

III. 輸出


「CX-5」 : 17,784台 (前年同月比−34.3%)
「MAZDA3」 : 8,703台 (同-28.2%)
「CX-9」: 5,764台 (同+20.1%)

IV. グローバル販売


「CX-5」 :31,420台 (前年同月比−15.7%)
「MAZDA3」:19,502台 (同-29.8%)
「CX-30」: 15,931台 (同+3587.7%)
* 「デミオ」を含む



詳細は www.mazda.co.jp をご覧ください。

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02



Toyota City, Japan, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - トヨタ自動車(株)(以下、トヨタ)は、2020年8月のトヨタ、ダイハツ工業(株)(以下、ダイハツ)及び日野自動車(株)(以下、日野)の販売、生産、輸出実績を下記の通り発表しました。

<中国(販売台数 : 164,354台、前年比 : 127.2%)>
<日本(販売台数 : 104,535台、前年比 : 89.4%)>
*7-9月 : 約85%、10-12月 : 約95%、1-3月 : 約105%と本年末から来年初めにかけて前年並みに戻ることを想定

<中国(生産台数 : 119,711台、前年比 : 115.0%)>
<日本(生産台数 : 202,691台、前年比 : 88.5%)>
新型コロナウイルスの影響で前年割れしたものの、グローバルの市場回復に伴い、引き続き回復傾向(6月 : 55.2%、7月 : 78.0%、8月 : 88.5%)



詳細は http://toyota.jp/ をご覧ください。

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02


Singapore - 世界のDapp市場で名実共に1位を守っているEOS基盤のブロックチェーンゲームプラットフォームフェリックスは去る10日、ニューデックスグローバル取引所(Newdex exchange)への上場を皮切りに、 国内外の取引所への上場を拡大していく計画を明らかにした。


フェリックスは公式グローバルDapp市場分析サイトの'ダブレビュー'(dapp review)と'ダブレイダ'(Dapp radar)のプラットフォームで去る2月の発売から2カ月で世界Dapp市場1位に躍進して以来、現在まで不動の1位を守っている。










Media Contact
Company: FL Entertainment
Contact: Jane
Phone: +65-9457-8122
Email: contact@felixball.io
Website: https://felixball.io

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02


SINGAPORE, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 世界のDapp市場で名実共に1位を守っているEOS基盤のブロックチェーンゲームプラットフォームフェリックスは去る10日、ニューデックスグローバル取引所(Newdex exchange)への上場を皮切りに、 国内外の取引所への上場を拡大していく計画を明らかにした。


フェリックスは公式グローバルDapp市場分析サイトの'ダブレビュー'(dapp review)と'ダブレイダ'(Dapp radar)のプラットフォームで去る2月の発売から2カ月で世界Dapp市場1位に躍進して以来、現在まで不動の1位を守っている。










Media Contact
Company: FL Entertainment
Contact: Jane
Phone: +65-9457-8122
Email: contact@felixball.io
Website: https://felixball.io

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富士通、自動車のコラボレーション開発を支援する車載ソフトウェア開発基盤「Design Collaborator」を販売開始

TOKYO, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 当社は、自動車に搭載されるソフトウェアを開発する上で、各設計部門のコラボレーション開発を支援する車載ソフトウェア開発基盤「Future Mobility Accelerator Design Collaborator」(以下、「Design Collaborator(デザイン コラボレーター)」)をモビリティ業界向けに、10月1日より販売を開始します。




概要: 富士通株式会社

詳細は http://jp.fujitsu.com/ をご覧ください。

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2,000 Industry Leaders Gather Online to Transform the Future of Payments, E-commerce, Retail, Fintech, and Identity in the Philippines

Philippines, Sep 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - On 30 September & 1 October, Seamless Philippines' 2020 edition will take place online, bringing together the entire Philippines' commerce & finance ecosystem to innovate, transform and disrupt.

On the morning of 30 September, Mohamed Keraine, Managing Director - Head of Retail Development Asia of ING Bank will kickstart the keynote session as he shares how he and his team have grown ING Bank's Philippines business successfully. This Lito Villanueva, EVP and Chief Innovation and Inclusion Officer, RCBC takes to the stage next, to talk about RCBC's virtualization journey and the final morning keynote session will be delivered by banking heavyweight Dr. Justo Ortiz, Union Bank of the Philippines' Vice Chairman to offer insights into Unionbank's Transformation Journey.

On 1 October, Shopback Country Manager, Prashant Kala; foodPanda Commercial Director, Hardik Batra; Lazada Group Head of Business Development, Petrus Paolo Carbonell; Cebuana Lhuiller Bank VP and Head of Retail Banking, Jimmy Ang and Metromart Co- Founder & CEO, Steffano Fazzini, will gather virtually for their Keynote Panel Discussion on Innovating retail & e-commerce in the Philippines.

In addition to the highlighted keynote speakers, over 100 other experts will share their insights across six channels of content in the Payments Innovation, Banking and Financial Inclusion Channels on Day 1 and the E-commerce & Retail Strategy, E-commerce Marketing and Digital Identity Channels on Day 2. All channels are free to attend and for the first time ever at Seamless Philippines, all sessions will be available on-demand.

Additional featured speakers at Seamless Philippines Virtual 2020 include:
- Henry Aguda, Chairman of the Board at UBX/ SEVP, CTOO and Chief Technology Officer, Unionbank of the Philippines
- Bettina Quimson, IT Expert Resource, Philippine Senate and Congress
- Rogelio "Nooky" Umali, FWD Life Chief Technology Officer, FWD Insurance Corporation
- Janette Y. Abad Santos, VP & Head Marketing Group, Robinsons Bank
- Frederick Faustino, Assistant Vice President, Head, Digital Channels Business Development and Onboarding, Bank of the Philippine Islands
- Esel De Sagun-Madrid, VP, Analytics and Insights, Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
- Gay Santos, Executive Director, Fintech Alliance Philippines
- Christian Jerome Dobles, Senior Vice President, Philippine National Bank
- Jayan Dy, Head of Digital Transformation, SM Retail
- Rajeev Tummala, Director-Digital & Data, HSBC
- Kim Lato, President & CEO, Kimstore.com
- Mary Jean T. Pacheco, Assistant Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry
- Ernest Ryan Valencia, Head Digital Marketing, Ayala Malls
- Dan Mejia, Head of Communications & Press, H & M Philippines
- Diego Buenaflor, General Manager, Ellana Mineral Cosmetics
- Dominador Gamboa, Director, House of Representatives
- Frances Nicola Mendez, Law and Policy Consultant, Department of Information and Communications Technology
- LtCol Francel Margareth Padilla-Taborlupa, Information Systems Officer, National Task Force Against Covid19, Office of the Chief Implementer, National Incidence Command, Emergency Operations Center

Alongside the online conference sessions, Seamless Philippines 2020 will also feature a virtual showcase of the latest solutions and technologies from leading solution providers. Exhibiting companies include Cognitec, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Sybrin, FIME, Goldpac, LG Business Solutions, Amihan, Home Credit, Share Treats, Phonexia, POSMart, Veritaspay and WizarPOS.

The two-day virtual event is expected to gather over 2,000 payments, retail, e-commerce, fintech stakeholders from across the Philippines and beyond.

About Seamless Philippines Virtual 2020
Date: 30 September - 1 October 2020
Conference Hours: 09:00 - 17:00 , Live Online
Website: www.terrapinn.com/seamlessphvirtualnow

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