

HONG KONG, Dec 1, 2022 – (亞太商訊 via SEAPRWire.com) – 為配合公司的戰略規劃及創新金融服務發展方針,意博金融控股有限公司(下稱「意博金融」/「集團」)今天正式宣布何志光先生、谷文棟先生以及楊紅梅女士的強勢加盟,分別委任為集團戰略諮詢委員會主席、科技諮詢委員會主席及業務發展委員會主席,帶領意博金融邁向新里程。


意博金融戰略諮詢委員會主席何志光先生是國內保險業的領軍人物,在業內享負盛名,曾在人保、平安、太平、新華等大型保險集團公司擔任領導層核心職務, 掌管公司戰略及營運部署。 他曾幫助平安集團開拓在上海的壽險業務,如今他帶領的團隊在業內仍被譽為保險界的「黃埔軍師」。 何先生離開平安後又領導籌建了太平人壽。 在何先生的領導下,太平人壽持續創造業績輝煌,不僅「太平人壽速度」一度成為業界佳話,個險團隊批量出品百萬精英,業務品質超越IQA,至今太平的團隊組織在行業依舊保持強大的組織戰鬥力。 何先生現任康養產業聯盟輪值會長,深入研究國內康養行業,整合金融及康養產業上下游的產品與服務資源。 意博金融何先生緊的帶領下,均會提升至另一高度。

委任為意博金融科技諮詢委員會主席的谷文棟先生是國內互聯網金融和金融科技領域的領軍人物,在推動國內推薦引擎算法與機器學習在國內企業的發展作出了巨大貢獻。谷先生曾創立了面向推薦引擎領域的專業技術社區ResysChina,舉辦了「ResysChina推薦技術大會」,為當時推薦引擎算法尚未普及的中國互聯網業界提供了一個高質量的技術討論平台,可見谷先生的高瞻遠見。 2017年谷先生加入字節跳動集團,任職集團副總裁分管開拓公司的金融業務,谷先生在個性化與大數據驅動的互聯網金融創新產品研發擁有豐富的經驗,他的加入促使字節跳動在移動支付與消費金融業務的佈局節奏不斷加快,在任職期間孵化出了數個金融創新項目。谷先生將引領意博金融結合科技與金融,打造全方位數字科技平台,推動金融創新。

另被委任為意博金融業務發展委員會主席的楊紅梅女士職業生涯起步於交行,1990年進入保險行業,先後轉戰於太平洋壽險、平安人壽、中德安聯人壽。 2010年,楊女士加盟新華保險,歷任總公司培訓部、機構管理部總經理、深圳分公司總經理。近30年壽險職業生涯中,楊女士曾獲得「中國平安三級榮譽勳章 」 、 「優秀營銷部經理 」 、 「2008年中國十大保險經理人」等榮譽。楊女士主要在業務團隊建設、體系化管理、業績突破方面具有多年的實戰經驗,特別是其在帶領績優團隊在客群定位、經營戰略、全資產管理配置方面的前瞻性規劃,對業內外優秀人才形成強烈吸引。在楊女士的帶領下,其團隊和意博金融將結合互補,相信可為集團的私人財富和家族辦公室業務的發展注入強力血液,將可加強集團整體作戰能力。

意博金融主席諸承譽先生對三位行業領袖的加盟深表興奮,相信在幾位主席的帶領下,意博金融在集團戰略、技術沉澱以及業務發展各個維度都將邁向一個新高度,更可推動金融創新,身體力行支持香港虛擬資產及金融科技發展。 「何志光先生、谷文棟先生和楊紅梅女士均是業內舉足輕重的人物。 憑藉他們的豐富經驗、高瞻視野及獨到的市場觸覺,將引領我們更有效地連接傳統資產和數字資產,對我們整體業務佈局將會有一大突破。」 諸先生續稱。

香港特別行政區財經事務及庫務局(「財庫局」)早前發表的政策宣言,闡明了政府對香港發展蓬勃的虛擬資產行業和生態圈的政策立場和方針。 意博金融已與三位行業領袖達成初步共識,如何充分發揮自身綜合實力,銳意打造全方位數字科技平台,合規地連接傳統資產和數字資產; 同時2022年行政長官施政報告特別提到家族辦公室係資產及財富管理行業的重要增長領域,意博金融將不遺餘力喺相關產品設計、團隊儲備等方面繼續加強力量、全力參與到香港成為全球數字資產中心嘅建設工作中。



2020年6月,意博金融成為香港首家獲香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」)批准的數字資產管理人,可管理高達100%比例的加密資產投資組合; 公司一直致力於研究和開發在合規監管框架下可以連接傳統和虛擬資產的產品及服務,幫助個人客戶和機構有序配置資產在數字虛擬世界,特別是在Web 3.0和元宇宙領域上,更與關聯公司一同致力積極開發、篩選和提供相關服務,全力支持香港建設全球數字和虛擬資產中心 。

有關意博金融嘅其他資料,請瀏覽 www.vsfg.com。

高斯薇女士( Ms. Natalie Ko)
電話:+852 3589 6934/ +852 9611 4111

Copyright 2022 亞太商訊. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/%e6%84%8f%e5%8d%9a%e9%87%91%e8%9e%8d%e5%ae%a3%e4%bd%88%e4%b8%89%e5%a4%a7%e8%a1%8c%e6%a5%ad%e9%a0%98%e8%a2%96%e5%bc%b7%e5%8b%a2%e5%8a%a0%e7%9b%9f/

Fully Charged Wuling Motors Sets Sail On Completion of the Restructuring of New Energy Business

HONG KONG, Dec 1, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – It was recently known to us that Wuling Motors (00305. HK) had completed the capital increase into Wuling New Energy. Wuling Motors, capitalized from the restructuring as an important participant, will expedite its in-depth deployment in the field of new energy vehicles in promoting a robust and comprehensive development in the new energy business.

After the restructuring, Wuling New Energy would integrate the resources from the group companies of Wuling Motors and focuses on R&D, manufacturing, and sales of new energy vehicles. According to public information, Wuling New Energy has a respectable performance in the domestic market. At present, it has the second-largest market share in the market segment of new energy logistics vehicles. The plug-in hybrid new model G200, for the commercial and multi-purpose segment market, is expected to be launched in early 2023. As regards the international market, Wuling New Energy also performs well. On 2 September 2022, Wuling New Energy delivered a pure electric logistics vehicle prototype to Japanese clients and successfully entered into agreement for mass production. The pure electric logistics vehicle is expected to commence mass production by the end of April 2023 with a target sale volume of 100,000 vehicles in five years.

Not long after Wuling New Energy appears in the public eye, good news continues to come out. It can be seen that the integration of prime assets and resources has given Wuling New Energy a solid operating foundation. Relevant resources revealed that Wuling New Energy products have already developed a product pipeline with a batch of products being launched or ready to be launched to the market, a batch of products under research and development, and a batch of products under the design and planning process. In essence, a spectrum plan of products has been initially constructed, which could allow Wuling New Energy to capture the tremendous future market potential under this promising environment for the new energy vehicle industry.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the Letter of Intent relating to the capital injection project to Wuling New Energy released in December 2021, Wuling Motors has intention to become the controlling shareholder of Wuling New Energy by further capital increaser based on its development. Given that Wuling Motors and Wuling New Energy are both subsidiaries of the Guangxi Automobile Group, the development would be sensible if further capital increase can bring long-term benefits to both parties. Overall, with the ample business opportunities provided by the new energy vehicle business, the close cooperation between Wuling Motors and Wuling New Energy in promoting business bestowed upon their own strengths and capabilities will be beneficial to the business operation and development of both. It can be expected that the better Wuling New Energy develops, the more opportunities and sustainable benefits Wuling Motors can enjoy.

Indeed, since Wuling Motors announced its restructuring plan in December 2021, it has attracted great attention from the market. According to the relevant news, a smooth kick start of the operation of Wuling New Energy would bring about favourable market responses, which in turn would benefit Wuling Motors from realizing its business strategic layout with promising growth potential. Furthermore, completion of the restructuring would also allow Wuling Motors Industrial Company Limited to transfer the related R&D expenditure on new energy vehicles to Wuling New Energy, from which the R&D costs would be substantially reduced and resources and energy could be more effectively deployed in developing more competitive core component products. At the same time, Wuling Motors Industrial, being a strategic key supplier to Wuling New Energy, together with its keeping of the export business will continue to serve as a solid and steady growth driver in contributing to the business performance of Wuling Motors.

Essentially, Wuling Motors has already actively expanded the new energy parts industry, including various types of new energy electric rear axles, motors, electronic controls, hybrid power systems, and other products. Sales volume of electric motors and electronic controls has just exceeded the volume of 10,000 units. Recently, Wuling Motors Industrial has also celebrated the milestone of the production of the one-millionth car-axle component for new-energy vehicle, impressively making it the first enterprise in China in reaching the 1,000,000 units of the miniature integral electric rear axle in less than three years period. In terms of hybrid-power systems, Wuling Motors has successfully developed its hybrid power system products for new energy vehicles, achieving a reduction in fuel consumption of more than or equal to 30% as compared with the same type of traditional fuel power vehicles. The high thermal efficiency Atkinson engine was first mass-produced in April this year, and shortly after the high-efficiency and cost-effective HEV hybrid powertrain was also mass-produced in June, which signified an important step in the transformation and upgrades from traditional fuel vehicle power to new energy vehicle hybrid power. It can be seen the profound R&D and innovation capabilities and strong production and manufacturing capabilities of Wuling Motors would undoubtedly enable it to become a key and well-deserved strategic supplier to Wuling New Energy.

The participation of Wuling Motors in the restructuring of Wuling New Energy has not only accelerated the strategic layout of the new energy vehicle field, but also allows Wuling Motors to be more focus on the research and development of automotive components for the new energy vehicles, which represents virtually a full coverage of the entire industry chain of new energy vehicles.

Wuling New Energy is now integrated with the prime assets and resources of the group companies of Wuling Motors for enhancing its strengths in the field of new energy vehicles, while the re-positioned Wuling Motors in the new energy business segment is also fully charged with power. The road ahead could be a new era of growth and development. On the back of the favourable government policies with huge market opportunities for grasping, we would wait and see whether Wuling Motors can be succeeded in beating the targets when turning this corner of the race track.

Copyright 2022 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/fully-charged-wuling-motors-sets-sail-on-completion-of-the-restructuring-of-new-energy-business/


EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2022-11-30 / 18:01 UTC+8






杜均先生作為區塊鏈及數字資產行業的早期佈道者、連續創業者和投資人,擁有近10年的行業經驗,涵蓋企業管理、戰略規劃、市場拓展、投資併購等多個方面。加入新火科技之前,其曾在2013年與公司董事會主席李林先生共同創立全球領先加密貨幣交易平台火幣集團(Huobi Group),在此之後的幾年作爲火幣集團聯合創始人負責公司的戰略規劃、管理及市場拓展。而後杜均先生分別于2017年起擔任Chainup Pte. Ltd.的聯合創始人及董事,2022年起擔任ABCDE Capital的聯合創始人及合夥人。在加入區塊鏈行業之前,杜均先生曾就職於騰訊、康盛創想等知名互聯網公司。当前,杜均先生於新加坡國立大學修讀管理碩士。













文件: 杜均獲委任新火科技CEO,賦能數字資產業務多元化發展

2022-11-30 此財經新聞稿由EQS Group via SEAPRWire.com轉載。本公告內容由發行人全權負責。

瀏覽原文: https://ift.tt/9dRetnM


source https://netdace.com/eqs-newswire/%e6%9d%9c%e5%9d%87%e7%8d%b2%e5%a7%94%e4%bb%bb%e6%96%b0%e7%81%ab%e7%a7%91%e6%8a%80ceo%ef%bc%8c%e8%b3%a6%e8%83%bd%e6%95%b8%e5%ad%97%e8%b3%87%e7%94%a2%e6%a5%ad%e5%8b%99%e5%a4%9a%e5%85%83%e5%8c%96/

Aniverse Introduces New Characters & Launches Web 3.0 Metaverse Service

SEOUL, KOREA,November30, 2022- (SEAPRWire) – Aniverse announced on the 30th that it will officially launch its Web 3.0 Metaverse. Services currently provided within the Aniverse Web 3.0 Metaverse include Larva NFT Staking, Larva Kids NFT Breeding, NFT Marketplace, Media, and Swap.

Aniverse’s Web 3.0 Metaverse, which is scheduled to be launched as a web service, has been designed to look like a movie set. Animations that fit the concept of various services provided by Aniverse have been formed within the Metaverse.

In July, Aniverse introduced five new characters called ‘ANIVERSE TOWN’, the mascot characters of the Aniverse Metaverse. The names of each character were decided by holding a vote for users within the community and names chosen were; Elin, Marvin, Bran, Balboa, and Annie. Aniverse also seeks to continuously expand the ecosystem by adding partner company’s IP characters to the Aniverse Metaverse.

After selling all 10,000 Larva PFP NFTs on OpenSea in March, Aniverse is expanding its services by launching staking, swap, and breeding services in quick succession. Currently, one of the benefits of the breeding service is the launch of the Larva NFT staking boosting service.

Social Links

ANIVERSE NFT Discord: https://discord.gg/larvanft

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANIVERSE17

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aniversefoundation

YouTube: https://bit.ly/2VAzaWe

Telegram Official Group: https://t.me/aniverse_official_worldwide

Media Contact


Contact: Media team

Email: ysc@aniverse.io

Telephone: +82 070-4609-6487

Website: https://aniverse.io/


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source https://netdace.com/top-story/aniverse-introduces-new-characters-launches-web-3-0-metaverse-service/

JE Cleantech (JCSE) Announces Strong Growth in Q3 2022

SINGAPORE, Nov 30, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – JE Cleantech Holdings Limited (Nasdaq: JCSE), (“the Company”) a Singapore-based cleantech company, today announced encouraging Q3 financial results, for the three months period ended 30 September 2022 (the “reporting period”). During the reporting period, the Company has maintained strong growth in its overall business performance with revenue that more than doubled and a strong turnaround in net income.

For the three months period ended September 30, 2022, the Company’s total revenue increased by approximately S$3.5 million or 141.8% to approximately S$5.9 million from approximately S$2.4 million in the quarter ended September 30, 2021. The increase was mainly derived from the increase in revenue generated from the Company’s sale of cleaning systems and other equipment business of approximately S$3.2 million and the provision of centralized dishwashing and ancillary services business of approximately S$0.3 million, attributable to the post COVID-19 recovery of business.

Net income of the Company for the reporting period amounted to approximately S$0.6 million, compared to a net loss of approximately S$0.2 million in the same period last year, indicating a significant turnaround for its business performance.

During the reporting period, the Company recorded a gross profit margin of approximately 26.0%, an increase of 63.5% year-over-year. Diluted Earnings Per Share was approximately S$0.05, compared to the basic losses per share of approximately S$0.01 during the same period in 2021.

Ms. Bee Yin Hong, CEO and Founder, JE Cleantech said, “We are excited to announce that JE Cleantech has performed well during Q3 2022. Our Q3 results reflect our strong focus on exploiting the rapid recovery of the electronic manufacturing and F&B sectors. As a leading manufacturer of precision cleaning systems and provider of centralized dishwashing and ancillary services in Singapore, we will continue to drive our long-term expansion plans”.

JE Cleantech has been providing centralized dishwashing services in Singapore since 2013, for customers in various industries, including HDD manufacturing, semiconductor manufacturing, food and beverage, and public transportation. The Company’s revenue contributes approximately 15 per cent market share in 2020 in terms of revenue (source: Euromonitor estimates from desk research and trade interviews with leading centralized dishwashing services providers and the relevant trade associations in Singapore). Moving forward, the Company will persistently spare no efforts in further expanding its business, widening its product offerings to more industries, growing its market share, and generating long-term and sustainable returns for its shareholders and investors.

About JE Cleantech Holdings Limited

JE Cleantech Holdings Limited is based in Singapore and is principally engaged in (i) the sale of cleaning systems and other equipment; and (ii) the provision of centralized dishwashing and ancillary services. Through its subsidiary, JCS-Echigo Pte Ltd, the company designs, develops, manufactures, and sells cleaning systems for various industrial end-use applications primarily to customers in Singapore and Malaysia. Its cleaning systems are mainly designed for precision cleaning, with features such as particle filtration, ultrasonic or megasonic rinses with a wide range of frequencies, high pressure drying technology, high flow rate spray, and deionized water rinses, which are designed for effective removal of contaminants and to minimize particle generation and entrapment. The Company also has provided centralized dishwashing services, through its subsidiary, Hygieia Warewashing Pte Ltd, since 2013 and general cleaning services since 2015, both mainly for food and beverage establishments in Singapore. http://www.jecleantech.sg/

[1] These financial and other data for the three months and nine months periods ended September 30, 2021 and 2022 have not been audited or reviewed by the Auditors.

Disclaimer: Forward looking statements

This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such words or phrases as “should,” “intends,” “is subject to,” “expects,” “will,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “estimated,” “projected,” “may,” “I or we believe,” “future prospects,” “our strategy,” or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements made in this press release that relate to our future contract revenues among other things involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results to differ materially from those expected and stated in this announcement. We undertake no obligation to update “forward-looking” statements.

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Copyright 2022 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/acn-newswire/je-cleantech-jcse-announces-strong-growth-in-q3-2022/


HONG KONG, Nov 30, 2022 – (亞太商訊 via SEAPRWire.com) – 艾伯科技股份有限公司(「艾伯科技」或「公司」,連同其附屬公司統稱「集團」;股份代號:2708.HK)欣然宣佈截至2022年9月30日止六個月(「期間內」)的未經審核綜合中期業績。為推動信創業務發展和把握行業黃金機遇,集團於期間內與四川省綿陽市涪城區人民政府(「涪城區人民政府」)合作展開智能製造產業園項目。

期間內,三大業務板塊—信創IT(終端產品及行業解決方案)、5G(通信設備及專網解決方案)及物聯網(產品及解決方案)的需求穩步上升,且呈現良好的發展態勢。主要受惠於經濟活動復甦,集團於期間內的智能終端產品銷售業務收益大幅增長,帶動收益同比增長約37.5%至人民幣約36,615萬元(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:人民幣約26,628萬元),而集團毛利亦上升約14.2%至人民幣約7,633萬元(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:人民幣約6,685萬元)。毛利率則為20.8%(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:25.1%),主要由於毛利率較少的智能終端產品銷售業務佔集團總收入由去年同期的77.5%上升至期間內的85.7%所致。集團的公司擁有人應佔溢利上升約69.1%至人民幣約739萬元(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:人民幣約437萬元),主要由於集團於期間內在智能終端產品銷售業務的收入大幅增加帶動下,收入和毛利比2021年同期錄得可觀增長,以及集團於期間內的行政開支、財務成本、研發開支及所得稅開支比2021年同期有所下降。

國產替代空間廣闊 信創產業需求旺盛


積極把握國產替代機遇 主營業務需求穩步上升

期間內,智能終端產品銷售仍是集團的主要收入來源,佔總收益約85.7%。集團於期間內致力開發、生產及向客戶銷售度身定製的智能終端產品。受惠於經濟活動復甦,帶動智能終端產品銷售業務收益增長約52.2%至人民幣約31,387萬元(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:人民幣約20,626萬元)。

軟件開發業務方面,集團根據客戶的業務及管理需求,為客戶規劃及設計軟件系統框架及功能列表,提供定製的軟件應用開發服務。憑藉強大的軟件開發能力,集團多年來提供優質軟件應用開發服務,服務不同行業客戶。受到季節性服務需求下降影響,該業務於期間內錄得收入人民幣約4,616萬元(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:人民幣約5,492萬元),佔集團總收益約12.6%。

系統集成業務和系統維護服務方面,集團的分部收益分別為人民幣約26萬元(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:人民幣約2萬元)和人民幣約586萬元(截至 2021年9月30日止六個月:人民幣約508萬元)。

大力推動信創業務發展 把握信創市場缺口




進軍量子計算產業 擴闊收入來源



三大業務齊頭並進 協同優勢構築護城河




Copyright 2022 亞太商訊. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

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LeddarTech 憑藉其 LeddarVision ADAS 與 AD 軟件獲 Tech.AD USA 授予傳感器與感知類獎項第一名

魁北克市, Nov. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via SEAPRWire.com) — LeddarTech®是一間全球領先的科技公司,供應最靈活可靠且精確的高級輔助駕駛系統 (ADAS) 與自動駕駛軟件 (AD software) 技術。日前其隆重宣佈在底特律 於 2022 年 11 月 14 日憑藉 LeddarVision™ 低階傳感器融合與感知解決方案榮獲令業界神往的 Tech.AD USA 傳感器與感知大獎 (Sensor Perception award )。該活動作爲北美著名的知識交換平台,聚集了汽車自動化領域的主流業界人士。在眾多提交的申請當中,有九個最佳項目獲國際專家評審團提名進入涵蓋三個不同類目的最終角逐。

會上展出了 LeddarCar™,這是 LeddarTech 的實況道路演示車輛,裝備有 LeddarVision 軟件。LeddarVision 是一項高性能、傳感器抽象、自動駕駛級解決方案,能提供高精度 3D 環境模型,實現 2-5 級自動駕駛。活動期間,LeddarTech 的技術專家展示了低階融合技術如何做到簡化複雜的傳感器套件並擺脫對硬件的依賴,爲客戶提供靈活的調節性,並能夠更加快速地交付更強大的.ADAS.與.AD.性能。

「大獎得主設立了自動駕駛行業的創新和創造性科技全新標準,」 Tech.AD USA 2022 活動負責人 Davina Thalmann 這樣說道。「該獎項對造者們的技術、創造力和遠見都是一種肯定。能夠將未來實時呈現,無疑是把握了先機」,她還補充道。

「我們的傳感器融合與感知軟件解決方案已獲得國際同行的極大認可,這一獎項對 LeddarTech 來說更是錦上添花,」 LeddarTech 行政總裁 Charles Boulanger 表示。「今年,我們的 LeddarVision 科技還獲得了 The Volkswagen Group (福士集團) Innovation Tel Aviv 2022 Konnect、CARIAD Startup Challenge(創業挑戰賽)以及深圳市汽車電子行業協會的認可」,Charles Boulanger 先生繼續講道。「我爲大家有幸獲得的公司獎項感到驕傲, CEO Views committee 認可我們爲「2022 年度最快成長公司」 (Fastest Growing Companies of the Year 2022) 之一,而 Globe and Mail 旗下商業導 Report on Business 更是將我們稱作「加拿大頂尖成長中公司」之一。這些獎項是對我們團隊的認可,大家在世界各地致力於開發解決方案來提升安全性,並以真誠和熱情支持著我們的客戶,」他總結道。

關於 LeddarTech

LeddarTech 成立於 2007 年,是一間全球軟件公司,開發並供應綜合感知解決方案,從而實現 ADAS 與自動駕駛應用程序的部署。LeddarTech 的自動駕駛級軟件應用 AI 人工智能和計算機視覺算法生成高精度環境 3D 模型,實現更優的駕駛決策與更安全的道路導航。這項高性能、多用途且具成本效益的技術幫助原始設備製造商 (OEM) 和 1-2 級供應商發揮優勢,用於自動化與野外車輛解決方案的高效實施。

LeddarTech 在多項遠程傳感創新發明上有所成就,擁有已獲得或申請中的專利超過 140 項,均爲提升 ADAS 與 AD 能力而設。爲使全球的汽車機動性更安全、更有效率、可持續發展並且價格可負擔,可靠的感知能力至關重要,正是這一點推動 LeddarTech 成爲被最廣泛採用的傳感器融合與感知軟件解決方案。

如欲了解 LeddarTech 其他資訊,可造訪 www.leddartech.com 或關注 LinkedInTwitterFacebook 以及 YouTube

Daniel Aitken,副總裁,全球營銷,通訊與投資者關係,LeddarTech Inc.
電話:+ 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com


Leddar, LeddarTech、LeddarSteer、LeddarEngine、LeddarVision、LeddarSP、LeddarCore、LeddarEcho、VAYADrive、VayaVision、XLRator 以及相關徽標是 LeddarTech Inc. 及其附屬公司的商標或註冊商標。所有其他品牌、產品名稱和標誌均爲或可能爲用於識別其個別擁有者產品或服務的商標或註冊商標。


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D3eSports Announces REV3AL Partnership for Virtual-to-Real E-Racing Programs

Houston, TX, Nov 30, 2022 – (JCN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – D3eSports, a division of StemGen Inc., (OTC: SGNI), today announced REV3AL, a leading cybersecurity company in the Web3 space, as a new partner in D3eSports’s virtual-to-real e-racing programs.

The partnership and esports program align with REV3AL’s core values of safety and performance, and both companies believe strongly in a shared vision of providing meaningful community engagement that incorporates education and sustainable development and collaboration among like-minded people and companies.

‘We are happy to have REV3AL join our virtual-to-real program with StemGen’s D3eSports,” said Simon Dawson, President/CEO of StemGen, Inc. “It is important for us to continue to grow with like-minded companies who are transforming their industries as we all strive for a more sustainable future. Our strategic partnerships embrace our technology-driven plan of the automotive future, along with providing safety, security, and value to our partners and fan communities in both digital and real environments.”

“As Simon says about motorsports safety, ‘the faster you want to go (in racing), the further up the road you have to look’, and the same is true in security and technology,” said Adam Russell, Co-Founder and CRO of REV3AL. “There is an intersection where innovation, preparedness, and expectation meet, and we’re excited to be working towards a shared vision with D3eSports.”

REV3AL will also be participating in STEM-centered education programs to provide Cybersecurity educational guides and content.


StemGen, Inc. (OTC: SGNI) is growing for future generations in a sustainable way through motorsport-inspired esports technology focused on the digital transformation of motorsports, gaming, and education through strong data insights. The Company generates revenues through audience and education programs delivered through virtual motor sports events platform, and Direct to Consumer (DTC) sale of purpose-built racing simulators and esports retail products. StemGen manages racing and gaming operations on a global basis from the corporate headquarters located in Houston, Texas.

Visit stemgeninc.com for more information.


REV3AL is at the forefront of security technology in the Web3 & Blockchain space, with the goal to provide new & dynamic security solutions to protect creators, artists, and users. REV3AL offers the ability to protect digital media assets such as NFTs, Avatars, In-Game Assets and more, by applying a unique, encrypted marker that follows the asset around the internet providing protection at the core creation level. With plans for its own NFT Marketplace and Avatar Creation Portal, REV3AL will provide a fun and engaging, but still security centric user experience.

REV3AL’s vision is not only to solve real problems in the industry today, but also provide simple but robust solutions in the future to protect and provide confidence to the millions of expected new users into the Web3 space.

Learn more about REV3AL: https://www.rev3al.io and https://linktr.ee/rev3altech

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include the words “believes,” “expects,” “anticipate” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the company to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Barbara J. Burns
BurnsGroup PR
+1 770-329-7134

Copyright 2022 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

source https://netdace.com/jcn-newswire/d3esports-announces-rev3al-partnership-for-virtual-to-real-e-racing-programs/


EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2022-11-30 / 09:00 UTC+8




20221125日(星期五), 香港電商物流協會(https://www.hkela.org/)與數碼港(https://ift.tt/j603Q9g) 舉辦交流活動,為電商物流,創新科技和初創企業提供講座和配對活動。我們很高興邀請到數碼港及多位嘉賓分享創新概念、電商技術和營商經驗。活動旨在為會員提供網絡平台,連接並促進電子商貿合作;讓中小企能藉著彼此之間的優勢來擴大、維持和及增加他們的整體市場份額。在全球漸漸恢復並適應新常態的同時,企業將不得不繼續努力轉型,以適應不斷變化的需求,並重塑商業模式,從而提高本身的價值、效率及韌性。

香港電商物流協會會長張淑明表示, “我們致力透過多項戰略合作創造價值,協助會員進行行業轉型,為行業吸引人才,並為復甦作好準備,在時機成熟時推動下一浪業務增長。







文件: 香港電商物流協會(HKELA)與數碼港共同推進數字貨運與智慧物流

2022-11-30 此財經新聞稿由EQS Group via SEAPRWire.com轉載。本公告內容由發行人全權負責。

瀏覽原文: https://ift.tt/iwsgVHj


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Singapore – CryptoManu,領先的加密貨幣新聞發佈和市場研究機構,發佈了一份關於 “區塊鏈和加密貨幣技術創新改善機器學習 “的報告。








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SOURCE: CryptoManu

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Rare success for Alzheimer’s research unlocks hope for future therapies

This undated image courtesy of, Dr Timothy Rittman, University of Cambridge, shows an MRI image of a healthy brain (left) and an Alzheimer's brain (right) with large black gaps where brain has shrunk.

CHICAGO – The first big breakthrough in 30 years of Alzheimer’s research is providing momentum for clinical trials of “cocktail” treatments targeting the two hallmark proteins associated with the mind-robbing disease, according to interviews with researchers and pharmaceutical executives.

Drugmakers Eisai Co Ltd and Biogen reported in September that their therapy lecanemab could slow progress of the disease by 27 percent over 18 months compared with a placebo.

The finding validates the theory that clearing the amyloid protein that forms clumps in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients could slow or halt the disease and has strengthened the support from some scientists for simultaneously targeting another notorious protein linked to Alzheimer's

The finding validates the theory that clearing the amyloid protein that forms clumps in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients could slow or halt the disease and has strengthened the support from some scientists for simultaneously targeting another notorious protein linked to Alzheimer's.

ALSO READ: Exposure to PM2.5 linked to Alzheimer's, research shows

Eisai and Biogen are scheduled to present full data from their lecanemab study on Tuesday at the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease conference in San Francisco. The US Food and Drug Administration is expected to make a decision by early January on the companies’ application for accelerated approval.

If approved on an accelerated basis, the companies said they would immediately apply for full US regulatory approval which could help secure Medicare coverage.

"I think lecanemab has reinvigorated the idea that now you could do a combination of amyloid (and) tau,” Dr Reisa Sperling, a neurologist and Alzheimer’s researcher at Harvard Medical School, said in an interview.

Tau naturally accumulates in a memory center of the brain called the medial temporal lobe as people age. A growing body of research suggests that rising levels of amyloid in Alzheimer’s patients act as an accelerant, causing an explosive spread of tau that forms toxic tangles inside brain cells, eventually killing them.

ALSO READ: HK scientists develop simple blood test for Alzheimer's

“We’ve been trying to do combination trials for years,” Sperling said. Nearly a decade ago, Alzheimer’s experts met in Washington to discuss testing combined therapies. At the time, “no one would listen,” she said.

Now, however, Sperling and other researchers in the Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Consortium (ACTC), a research network backed by the National Institute on Aging, say drugmakers are increasingly interested in participating in a study to test tau drugs alone and in combination with anti-amyloid drugs such as lecanemab.

“We've been talking to multiple companies about working with us on our proposed platform, which can evaluate multiple drugs, and everybody's interested,” said Dr Paul Aisen, director of the Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, and a leader with Sperling of the ACTC.The scientists said they expect an answer on funding by year-end. NIH said it does not discuss grants under review.

More than 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s, costing the US economy nearly $6 billion a year in direct spending and unpaid caregiving expenses, according to congressional briefing documents. By 2050, Alzheimer’s cases are expected to double to 12.7 million, bringing the total yearly cost to nearly $1 trillion, according to the documents.

Last year, the FDA gave Biogen and Eisai’s drug aducanumab conditional approval even though it failed one of its two late-stage trials. The approval was based on the drug’s ability to remove amyloid from the brain.

Biogen initially priced the drug at $56,000 a year, but the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said it needed more compelling evidence, and that Medicare would only cover the drug for use in clinical trials.

Lecanemab’s success rests on years of research into the causes of Alzheimer’s as well as advances in measuring amyloid deposits through brain scans and spinal fluids. Trials of tau drugs will aim to build on that progress, using brain scans, spinal fluids and blood tests to better assess the stage of disease, when to intervene and whether the drug is hitting its target. That would allow companies to test drugs even before symptoms emerge.

READ MORE: Shares soar after US approval of Biogen Alzheimer's drug

Nearly a dozen drugmakers, including Roche, Merck & Co, Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly and Co, are working on therapies that target tau. At least 16 treatments are being tested in clinical trials, with results expected over the next three years, according to a Reuters review of the clinicaltrials.gov registry.

Merck is testing its MK-2214 therapy aimed at clearing tau in patients in very early stages of the disease in several small trials.

"The understanding of the disease is getting much, much better," said Jason Uslaner, Merck’s head of discovery neuroscience. The drugmaker has been largely absent from the Alzheimer's space after the high-profile failure of its drug verubecestat five years ago.

So far, only a few trials combine an amyloid-lowering therapy with a drug that targets tau in a “cocktail” approach, similar to those used against cancers and HIV.

Such combinations may improve on the benefit of lowering amyloid alone in people who have symptoms, researchers told Reuters. And when used earlier in the disease, the hope is that they might prevent dementia altogether.

“It may be that you need both – the removal of amyloid that's driving that biological cascade – and you need to clean up any tau that's already spreading from one cell to another,” said Dr Adam Boxer, a tau expert at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Memory and Aging Center.

But several antibody therapies from Lilly, Biogen and AbbVie that were designed to slow the rate of tau accumulations failed outright last year. A drug from Roche, semorinemab, showed limited effectiveness.

"It took maybe 20 or 30 years before we found a drug that really targeted the right form of amyloid to make a difference,” Boxer said. “It’s still early days.”

source https://netdace.com/latest-news/rare-success-for-alzheimers-research-unlocks-hope-for-future-therapies/



EQS 新聞 via SEAPRWire.com / 2022-11-29 / 09:00 UTC+8





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  • 集團提出並踐行的高質量發展戰略與黨和國家的教育方針高度契合。
  • 高質量發展腳步穩健,業績增長穩定:總收入同比增長24.6%,經調整歸母淨利潤同比增長16.4%


20221129香港)領先的高等職業教育集團 – 中國新高教集團有限公司(「新高教集團」,連同其附屬公司統稱「集團」,股份代號:2001.HK)欣然公佈截至2022831日止年度業績。








  • 加大教學方面精准投入。師資成本投入同比增加40.5%,高學歷高職稱教師同比增長31%,引進及培養雙師型教師550余人,組織內外部培訓逾500場,高質量師資建設成果顯著。加大雲教學平台投入,實現教學全過程實時監控,全面升級教學日誌功能,提升教學質量。優勢專業建設投入同比增長69.1%,與哈佛大學教育學院斯諾實驗室共建7門國際水平學前教育課程,實現線上線下教育資源共享;與西交利物浦大學共建會計和計算機科學與技術優勢專業,從育人目標、員工賦能等方面支撐高質量發展戰略。專門設置教學質量保障機構,開展專業質量評價、課程質量評價、課堂教與學質量評價、就業質量評價,評估教學質量。
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  • 加大在校生活方面精准投入。本學年追加人民幣近2.35億元,持續更新升級實驗實訓室、智慧教室、學生自習空間等,繼續改造學生公寓住宿、餐廳、球場等育人環境,打造美麗校園,全面提升視覺體驗,同時提高校園網速,實現校園信號無死角覆蓋,持續改善學生生活環境。























集團具備港股績優公用事業股屬性,包括:業績增長穩定、投資回報穩健、現金流充裕、安全邊際較高(Forward PE:5.26倍,數據來源:彭博)、分紅穩定(自上市以來維持每年現金派息,近三次派息比率均達50%)。












文件: 新高教集團高質量發展蹄疾步穩,高質量精准投入不斷產出新成果

2022-11-29 此財經新聞稿由EQS Group via SEAPRWire.com轉載。本公告內容由發行人全權負責。

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HONG KONG, Nov 29, 2022 – (亞太商訊 via SEAPRWire.com) – 據證券日報報道,近日,吸引了全球目光的世界杯比賽正進行得“如火如荼”,此前的11月19日,《周遊記2》宣布再次啟程,預告片中,瘦身後的周杰倫和好友們比拼花式足球、魔術足球,吸引了大量粉絲關注。當晚,周杰倫又趁熱打鐵,在快手的“周同學”賬號上舉行了線上演唱會,這場一個多小時的線上演唱會最終斬獲了超10億的點贊,周杰倫再次證明了其強大的號召力。據悉,“周同學”是周杰倫的二次元IP,背後的創作運營團隊正是近期遞表港交所準備港股上市的巨星傳奇集團有限公司(下稱“巨星傳奇”)。




從收入來看,巨星傳奇精準切入的健康管理賽道也為公司提供了業績支撐。 2019年-2021年及2022年上半年,公司健康管理產品的銷售額分別佔總收入的83%、74.5%、75.4%及66.2%。公司近年毛利率表現穩健攀升,2019至2021年健康管理產品銷售業務毛利率均穩定在71.1-71.6%的水平。











未來,巨星傳奇還計劃利用劉畊宏夫婦在社交媒體平台上的知名度,透過其各自的明星IP為產品銷售賦能,再通過產品口碑,獲得長尾流量。 “可以相信,巨星傳奇能夠應用類似周杰倫的明星IP賦能商業模式,將劉畊宏夫婦的商業價值放大到最大,從而反哺新零售業務的增長。”上述業內人士表示。

Copyright 2022 亞太商訊. All rights reserved. (via SEAPRWire)

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Blue Sapphire Announces the Launch of BST Token & Ecosystem

Smart City Solutions and Credible Digital Assets – Blue Sapphire Tokens the Future of Crypto Currency

Dubai, UAE, November 28, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – Recently, Blue Sapphire is proud to announce the launch of their BST Token & Ecosystem. People are tired of hearing that Digital Currency and Tokens tanking. They have yet to hear of one of the most Credible Digital Asset. Blue Sapphire Tokens is a unique digital asset and a cryptocurrency supported not just by genuine Gemstones but by the BST group of companies and their vision for Web 3.0 and enhanced Ecosystem. Continue reading to learn more about what the BST group offers for profitable and sustainable investment in Blue Sapphire Tokens.

  • Blue Sapphire Swap – Big portfolio of partners already invested in BST, making it easier to swap and cash out anytime.
  • Audit and KYC – With professional auditing of 3rd party, investors are secure and comfortable in investing in Blue Sapphire.
  • Metaverse Technology – BST plans to provide high-quality urban services strategies to cities in the shape of smart and sustainable management and growth in industry and housing.
  • Blockchain Center of Excellence – In collaboration with European Digital University, the center in Dubai will bring experts in the field of blockchain with companies around the world to collaborate better.
  • Integrated Mobile App – Communication, sharing, exchanging funds, and so much more in their integrated blockchain and Blue Sapphire, the best of both worlds.
  • Ecosystem and Utility – Blue Sapphire Technologies will support gaming, metaverse, real estate projects, and digital currencies. Not just that, they are planning to enhance the digitalization for smart cities, integrate with shopping malls and gemstone industries, and breathe new life into eCommerce platforms.

Future Roadmap

  • Stage 1 – BST Gemstones General  Trading LLC

BST – Group collected rough sapphire and rough gemstones.

  • Stage 2 – BST Project Initiation and presales launching.
  • Stage 3 – Improved strategic alliances and regulations from Switzerland for future exchange listings and gemstone auctions.
  • Stage 4 – BST utility, BST wallet, Sapphire blockchain, and Saphex exchange.

BST-Metaverse Auction plac


  • Stage 5 and Beyond – So much more to come and transpire. Learn more at BSTokens or join their Telegram group.
  • PinkSale Pre-Sale – Stay tuned for massive presale benefits if users join PinkSale and pre-purchase Blue Sapphire Tokens. Presale on 1st December.

Social links

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bstgroupworld

Telegram: https://t.me/bstokens_official

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BstworldUAE/

Media contact

Brand: Blue Sapphire

Contact: Media team

E-mail: info@bstgroup.world

Website: https://www.bstokens.com

SOURCE: Blue Sapphire

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source https://netdace.com/top-story/blue-sapphire-announces-the-launch-of-bst-token-ecosystem/

USGS: Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano begins eruption

This webcam image released by the US Geological Survey (USGS) on Nov 28, 2022 courtesy of the National Weather Service, shows the lava in the summit caldera of Mauna Loa in Hawaii, which is erupting for the first time in nearly 40 years. (HANDOUT/ US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY / AFP)

An eruption began in the summit caldera of Hawaii's Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, on Sunday night, the US Geological Service's (USGS) volcanic activity service said.

"At this time, lava flows are contained within the summit area and are not threatening downslope communities," the notification said.

Mauna Loa, which takes up more than half of the Big Island in Hawaii, and rises 13,679 feet (4,169 meters) above the Pacific Ocean, last erupted in March and April of 1984

However, the notification warned, based on previous events, that the early eruption stages of this volcano can be very dynamic and the location and advance of lava flows can change rapidly.

ALSO READ: Historic Hawaii volcano eruption scarred landscape, lives

The volcano alert level was upgraded from an "advisory" to a "warning."

The notification added that the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) would conduct aerial reconnaissance as soon as possible to assess hazards and better describe the eruption.

Over a dozen earthquakes of more than 2.5 magnitude struck the region in the last two hours, according to the USGS, with one measuring 4.2 in magnitude.

READ MORE: Hawaii volcano eruption enters new phase as crater falls quiet

Mauna Loa, which takes up more than half of the Big Island in Hawaii, and rises 13,679 feet (4,169 meters) above the Pacific Ocean, last erupted in March and April of 1984, sending a flow of lava within 5 miles (8.05 km) of the city of Hilo.

source https://netdace.com/latest-news/usgs-hawaiis-mauna-loa-volcano-begins-eruption/

‘Russia, US have ways to manage nuclear risks’

Russia and the United States have ways to manage nuclear risks at the level of intelligence agencies, charge d'affaires of the US embassy in Moscow Elizabeth Rood told Russia's state news agency, adding that for now there are no meetings scheduled.

Earlier this month, CIA director William Burns met Sergei Naryshkin, head of Russian foreign intelligence, and warned him about the consequences of any Russian use of nuclear weapons, the White House said. Russia has said the issues discussed were "sensitive" and declined to comment on them.

Earlier this month, CIA director William Burns met Sergei Naryshkin, head of Russian foreign intelligence, and warned him about the consequences of any Russian use of nuclear weapons, the White House said

"The United States has channels for managing risk with the Russian Federation, particularly nuclear risks and that was the purpose of CIA director Burns' meeting with his Russian counterpart," Rood said in a video on RIA's Telegram channel.

ALSO READ: Russia slams European Parliament

"Director Burns did not negotiate anything and he did not discuss a settlement of the conflict in Ukraine."

Rood said if there is need for another conversation in that channel it can happen.

"There is not anything scheduled that I know of."

Russia said after Naryshkin's meeting with Burns that Moscow was open to more high-level talks with the United States, but the Kremlin dismissed the idea of a summit between President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden as "out of the question" for now.

READ MORE: Weapons industry booms as Russia-Ukraine conflict continues

Officials from the two countries were set to meet in the Egyptian capital of Cairo from Nov 29 to Dec 6 to discuss resuming inspections under the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty, although Moscow has played down the prospect of a quick breakthrough.

source https://netdace.com/latest-news/russia-us-have-ways-to-manage-nuclear-risks/

COP27 summit ‘missed chance’ on fossil fuels, critics say

Sameh Shoukry, president of the COP27 climate summit (right) speaks during a closing plenary session at the UN Climate Summit, Nov 20, 2022, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. (PETER DEJONG / AP)

Fossil fuel producers benefited from sympathetic treatment in Egypt at the COP27 climate talks, government officials said, bringing their influence to bear in rushed final negotiations and frustrating those who hoped for a more ambitious outcome.

Officials said the host Egypt, a natural gas exporter and frequent recipient of funds from Gulf oil producers, was partly responsible, although the conflict in Ukraine and the subsequent European energy crisis also had an impact.

Egyptian officials have said their priority was to provide a conducive atmosphere for negotiations and act as a neutral mediator. The presidency denied that fossil fuel producers had been given sympathetic treatment.

The COP27 meeting yielded mixed results, with a hard-fought agreement on a fund for countries most harmed by climate change being welcomed by vulnerable nations, but a cover text that some officials said lacked ambition due to the influence of fossil fuel producers

"The end decision at COP27 was a compilation of inputs reached by consensus of all the UNFCCC parties who were all consulted," it said in a statement, referring to nearly 200 countries taking part in the summit under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

READ MORE: COP27 agrees deal on ‘loss and damage’

Demands from environmental groups and scientists that governments and companies should leave oil and gas in the ground have had less traction this year, since European countries have scrambled to replace Russian gas.

The COP27 meeting yielded mixed results, with a hard-fought agreement on a fund for countries most harmed by climate change being welcomed by vulnerable nations, but a cover text that some officials said lacked ambition due to the influence of fossil fuel producers. The cover text summarizes key outcomes of the summit.

"The cover decision and the mitigation work program does not fully reflect the urgency of the climate crisis and did indeed cater too much to the more fossil and backward-looking forces," said Espen Barth Eide, Norway's minister of climate and environment.

Some of the countries that had pushed hardest for the new fund for loss and damage simultaneously tried to weaken language around phasing down fossil fuels, he added.

Sameh Shoukry, president of the COP27 climate summit (left) listens as Simon Stiell, UN climate chief, speaks during a closing plenary session at the COP27 UN Climate Summit, Nov 20, 2022, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. (PETER DEJONG / AP)

Low-emission energy 

The COP27 agreements are in line with what came out of the Glasgow meeting last year, to accelerate "efforts towards the phasedown of unabated coal power and phase-out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies", rather than being strengthened to phasing down fossil fuels as some countries had pushed for.

ALSO READ: COP27 draws mixed reactions in Pacific Island nations

It also included a new reference to "low emission and renewable energy". The Egyptian presidency said the language reflected part of the "just transition" adopted by all parties, which includes the use of hydrogen and nuclear energy to reduce emissions.

Egypt's COP27 President Sameh Shoukry acknowledged there had been "disappointment in certain quarters" but told reporters after the deal that "a single party cannot achieve all their ambition, and this does not take away from the value of what was reached".

Pollution rises from the BASF chemical plant in Ludwigshafen, Germany, Nov 7, 2022. (MICHAEL PROBST / AP)

For some, the Egyptian presidency had delivered a satisfactory deal by forging the agreement to set up a loss and damage fund. The idea had been resisted for years by some of the largest emitters, such as the United States and Europe, who were worried about the extent of liabilities.

Loss and damage was "the one thing we wanted a lot for ages, and that being solved at a COP being hosted by a developing country, that in itself is a great win because it shows their diplomatic strength," said Selamawit Wubet, an adviser to a group of countries highly vulnerable to climate change.

READ MORE: Good and bad news from COP 27

But climate activists and some delegates said little progress had been made on most other issues, contending that the tone had been set by fossil fuel producers who played a more public and prominent role in Sharm el-Sheikh than at previous summits.

Some negotiators expressed concern that Egypt had advanced its proposal without thorough consultation, as major emitters and producers took a stand against more ambitious goals on limiting fossil fuel use

'Difficult transition'

"It has now become quite clear that the transition away from fossil fuels is going to be a difficult one," said Pakistan's UN Ambassador Munir Akram, citing the impact of the conflict in Ukraine.

In the final 24 hours, the COP presidency held a meeting where calls from negotiators from countries and groups including Switzerland, the United States, Latin America and small island states, for Egypt to include language initially proposed by India to phase down all fossil fuels were unheeded, officials said. At least 80 countries supported such language, they said.

Some negotiators expressed concern that Egypt had advanced its proposal without thorough consultation, as major emitters and producers took a stand against more ambitious goals on limiting fossil fuel use.

READ MORE: EU gas cap seen in place for one year, countries spar over price level

The Egyptian presidency told Reuters the process was "praised by all parties for being focused and streamlined".

"The issue of phasing down all fossil fuels was not agreed upon by many countries," it said.

All night talks

Ahead of the final plenary meeting where a deal was struck just after 5:30 am local time, a Reuters reporter saw some delegates caught off guard by the presidency's last-minute announcement of the session. Guards had to wake up some delegates sleeping on couches and chairs outside the plenary hall after 3 am, instructing them to go inside.

Attendees and members of the media lounge as they wait for a closing plenary session at the COP27 UN Climate Summit, Nov 20, 2022, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. (PETER DEJONG / AP)

"It was very rushed towards the end," said Shauna Aminath, Maldives environment minister. "The normal procedure is that there would be more consultation and open dialogue on these things," she said.

The European Union, which had threatened to walk out, fell reluctantly in line to preserve the deal on loss and damage.

ALSO READ: UNEP: Bold emission cuts needed for climate change

Egypt will hold the COP presidency until it hands over to the United Arab Emirates, an ally and a major hydrocarbons producer, in just under a year.

"Holding COPs in petro-states may seem counterproductive but actually we can't ignore these countries. They need to be engaged in the process and putting pressure on them as a COP host may provide bigger gains," said Mohamed Adow, founder of think tank Power Shift Africa.

source https://netdace.com/latest-news/cop27-summit-missed-chance-on-fossil-fuels-critics-say/