

Toyota City, Japan, Jul 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - プリウスは、1997年、世界初の量産ハイブリッドカーとして誕生し、以来、圧倒的な燃費性能に、エモーショナルなデザイン、運転の楽しさに加え、安全装備をはじめとする様々な先進技術を常に採用し、進化を続けてきました。さらに、プリウスPHVでは、電気利用を拡大し、エコでパワフルな走りをさらに進化させています。


具体的には、Toyota Safety Senseの機能向上や、インテリジェントクリアランスソナー[パーキングサポートブレーキ(静止物)]を全車に標準装備、さらに、運転に不安をお持ちのドライバー向けにプラスサポート(急アクセル時加速抑制)をトヨタ初採用するなど、安全・安心機能を強化しました。



また、今回の一部改良にあわせブラインドスポットモニター、リヤクロストラフィックアラート、バックカメラ搭載ナビレディセットなど、さらなる安全・安心機能を充実させたプリウス 特別仕様車 S“Safety PlusII”を設定し、同日発売しました。



詳細は http://toyota.jp/ をご覧ください。

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Toyota City, Japan, Jul 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - トヨタ自動車株式会社(以下、トヨタ)は、ペダル踏み間違い事故のさらなる抑止・被害軽減のため既存のシステムに加え、新たな「急アクセル時加速抑制」機能を開発し、新車向けとして「プラスサポート」を導入、また既販売車種向けの後付け装置に本機能を追加し「踏み間違い加速抑制システムII」として、それぞれ7月1日に発売しました。




なお、この「急アクセル時加速抑制」の機能を加えた「プラスサポート」・「踏み間違い加速抑制システムII」、それぞれの詳細は、以下の通りです。(ご参照: https://global.toyota/jp/newsroom/corporate/33012004.html)






詳細は http://toyota.jp/ をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Jul 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 東北大学 大学院工学研究科(注1)、同 大学院情報科学研究科(注2)、日本電気株式会社(注3、以下 NEC)は、内閣府が主導する戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(注4)「統合型材料開発システムによるマテリアル革命」のうち、研究開発課題名「多機能CFRPの開発による高付加価値化」において、スーパーコンピュータを活用し、航空機用の炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CFRP、注5)の開発を加速するマテリアルズインテグレーションシステムの研究開発を開始しました。本研究開発では、次世代航空機用複合材料の開発・製造コスト・期間を従来の50%以下に低減し、国際競争力強化への貢献を目指します。


本研究開発では、これまで東北大学が中心となって開発してきた航空機用複合材料・構造のシミュレーション技術とスーパーコンピュータの高速化技術、および NECのベクトル型スーパーコンピュータ「SX-Aurora TSUBASA (注6)」を用い、航空機用CFRPの材料開発をデジタル上にて行える統合型システムを世界に先駆けて開発します。




詳細は www.nec.co.jp をご覧ください。

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Myanmar Citizens Bank to issue MPU-JCB Co-Branded Debit Card in Myanmar

Yangon and Tokyo, Jul 1, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Myanmar Citizens Bank (MCB Bank), a listed company on the Yangon Stock Exchange in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar), and JCB International Co. Ltd. (JCBI), the international operations subsidiary of JCB Co., Ltd., announced that MCB Bank will start to issue MPU-JCB Co-Branded Debit Cards as of June 2020.

The MCB MPU-JCB Co-Branded Card combines the MPU brand and JCB brand with the MCB brand, a strong and trusted banking brand in Myanmar. Cardmembers can use MPU's nation-wide merchant network in Myanmar and JCB's international merchant network with over 34 million locations globally.

The new MCB International Debit Card offers 2 different card types, Platinum debit card and Classic debit card. All the cardmembers can enjoy JCB privileges such as discounts at over 150 merchants in Yangon and also at an extensive merchant network around the world. JCB also provides lounge services in the city centers of several famous travel destinations such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Seoul, Taipei and Paris.

In addition to the above, the Platinum cardmembers can enjoy exclusive JCB Platinum services such as JCB Platinum airport lounge service for free at 61 lounges worldwide.

Takeshi Fujii, Chief Representative of JCB International (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Yangon Branch) commented, "Myanmar is one of the most important countries for our global business expansion with the number of JCB cards in Myanmar now reaching 2 million. We would like to contribute significantly to the vision of a cashless society in Myanmar through this new tie-up venture with MCB".

Mr Godfrey Swain, CEO of MCB Bank commented, "I am delighted to announce the launch of Myanmar Citizens Bank MPU JCB Co-branded Debit card to support the needs of our customers with convenience of cashless transactions domestically in Mynanmar and internationally. The card can be used for all face-to-face and ecommerce payments as well as for ATM transactions. Our customers will enjoy the extensive range of merchant discounts and benefits that come with the card, please visit Myanmar Citizen Bank website for more product information. The launch of this card is another step forward in realizing the transformational vision of MCB Bank, a project that commenced in 2019 and is designed to transform the Bank by the year 2023.

About MCB

Established in 1992, Myanmar Citizens Bank is one of the first private commercial banks in the country, the first bank to be listed on the Yangon Stock Exchange and enjoys one of the fastest growth rates in Myanmar within the banking sector. MCB, a Bank with a traditional focus on Commercial and SME segments, is now rapidly expanding its Corporate and Retail banking arms distributing innovative and competitive products and services through a network of nearly 50 branches covering 26 cities in Myanmar. In 2019 MCB signed a wide-ranging, long term consultancy and partnership agreement with the International Financial Corporation (IFC), an arm of the World Bank, embarking on a three-year transformation journey to modernize and build its banking operations, product and service offerings as a best in class model, meeting and exceeding international banking standards, efficiency levels and customer service. For more information, please visit: https://www.mcb.com.mm

About JCB

JCB is a global payment brand and a leading credit card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. Its acceptance network includes about 34 million merchants as well as cash advance locations around the world. JCB cards are now issued in 24 countries and territories, with more than 140 million cardmembers. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to providing responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide. For more information, please visit: www.global.jcb/en/

JCB (Head Office in Japan)
Contact: Kumiko Kida, Ayaka Nakajima
Email: jcb-pr@jcb.co.jp
Phone: +81 3 5778 8353

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source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59954/

富士通、全社員の行動の原理原則となる「FUJITSU Way」を刷新

TOKYO, Jul 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 当社グループが果たすべき存在意義として新たに定めた「パーパス」を軸とした経営方針や事業戦略を実践していくため、全社員の原理原則である「FUJITSU Way」を12年ぶりに刷新しました。新しい「FUJITSU Way」は、「パーパス」とそれを実現するために意識すべき「大切にする価値観」、「行動規範」の3つの要素から構成されています。

当社グループは今後、刷新された「FUJITSU Way」を、社員一人ひとりの行動の新たなより所として企業活動を推進していくことで、「パーパス」の実現を目指していきます。


当社グループは、全社員の行動の原理原則として「The FUJITSU Way」を2002年に制定しました。その後、社会や事業を取り巻く環境の変化に合わせ、2008年に改訂するとともに「FUJITSU Way」へと名称を変更し、社員へのさらなる浸透を図ってきました。

昨今、世界はより複雑に結びつき、急速に変化する不確実な時代を迎えており、地球規模の持続可能性に関する様々な脅威が顕在化してきています。そのような中、当社グループはテクノロジーを通じてお客様に価値を提供し、社会の変革に主体的に貢献していくため、「イノベーションによって社会に信頼をもたらし、世界をより持続可能にしていくこと」を当社グループの「パーパス」と定め、その実現に向け、12年ぶりに「FUJITSU Way」を刷新することとしました。

当社グループは、約13万人のグループ全社員が新たな「FUJITSU Way」に則って、あらゆるステークホルダーに配慮しながら自律的に働き、イノベーションによって社会課題の解決に主体的に貢献していくことで「パーパス」を実現することを目指していきます。

刷新した「FUJITSU Way」の概要

刷新した「FUJITSU Way」は、「パーパス」「大切にする価値観」「行動規範」の3つから構成されます。それぞれが表すものは以下のとおりです。さらに、「大切にする価値観」は「パーパス」を実現していくために当社が実行すべき「挑戦」「信頼」「共感」の3つの行動の循環を示しています。

-「パーパス」: 社会における当社の存在意義

当社グループは、新たな「FUJITSU Way」を社員一人ひとりの行動のより所として企業活動を推進し、「パーパス」の実現を目指していきます。

「FUJITSU Way」について

「FUJITSU Way」は、当社グループが今後一層の経営革新とグローバルな事業展開を推進していく上で不可欠なグループ全体の求心力の基となる「パーパス」、価値観および社員一人ひとりがどのように行動すべきかの原理原則を示したものです。すべての当社グループ社員が「FUJITSU Way」を等しく共有し、日々の活動において実践することで、グループとしてのベクトルを合わせ、さらなる企業価値の向上と国際社会・地域社会への貢献を目指していくことを目的として制定しています。



詳細は http://jp.fujitsu.com/ をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Jul 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - NECは、株式会社横浜銀行(本社:神奈川県横浜市、代表取締役頭取:大矢恭好 以下、横浜銀行)向けにマネーロンダリングや特殊詐欺などの疑わしい取引のモニタリング業務の高度化を目的として、「AI不正・リスク検知サービス for Banking」(以下、本サービス)を提供します。本サービスは横浜銀行において、10月より稼働します。



NECは金融犯罪や不正の撲滅に向け、金融機関が安心・安全に金融商品を取り扱えるようAIなどの先進技術を駆使したRiskTech(注1)を提供しています。本サービスにおいても、NECの最先端AI技術群「NEC the WISE」(注2)の1つである異種混合学習技術(注3)を活用しています。異種混合学習技術はホワイトボックス型AIであり、本審査業務においても、高度な予測精度と予測に至る根拠を可視化する解釈性を両立しています。また、AI活用プラットフォーム「NEC Advanced Analytics Platform」(注4)と「業務分析テンプレート」(注5)を活用することで、AIの短期間かつ効率的な導入を実現しています。

NECは、2020年度までの3カ年の中期経営計画「2020中期経営計画」のもと、AIをはじめとする先進技術を活用し、安全で快適な金融サービスを、あらゆる人と産業へ届けるための取り組みを推進します。これにより、人やモノ、プロセスの情報・状態をバリューチェーン全体で共有し、新たな価値を生み出す「NEC Value Chain Innovation」(注6)をお客さまと共に実現していきます。



詳細は www.nec.co.jp をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Jul 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱商事株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 垣内 威彦、以下「三菱商事」)とNTTアノードエナジー株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 高間 徹、以下「NTTアノードエナジー」)は、2019年12月20日に三菱商事株式会社と日本電信電話株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 澤田 純)で合意した「産業DX推進」に関する業務提携の取り組みの一つとして、エネルギー分野における協業検討について合意(以下、「本合意」)いたしました。




1. 再生可能エネルギー発電事業

2. EVや蓄電池を組合せたエネルギーマネジメント事業



(1) 蓄電池のライフサイクルを通した状態監視並びに残存価値評価:グローバル規模で革新のテクノロジーとサービスを提供するリーディングカンパニーである独ボッシュ社が有する「Battery in the Cloud」*3
(2) 蓄電池を活用したエネルギーマネジメント:2019年2月に三菱商事が出資した英OVO社が保有する「Kaluza」技術*4




詳細は www.mitsubishicorp.com をご参照ください。

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TOKYO, Jul 1, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Global Coalition for Adaptive Research(米国、カリフォルニア州、ロサンゼルス、以下 GCAR)と エーザイ株式会社(本社:東京都、代表執行役CEO:内藤晴夫、以下 エーザイ)は、このたび、University of Pittsburgh Medical Center(米国、ペンシルベニア州、ピッツバーグ、以下 UPMC)と共同でCOVID-19による入院患者様に対する複数の治療薬の効果を確認する革新的なアダプティブプラットフォーム臨床試験*であるREMAP-CAP(A Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia)のサブスタディーとなるREMAP-COVIDを実施することをお知らせします。

エーザイ創製のTLR4(Toll-Like Receptor 4)拮抗剤エリトランがREMAP-COVIDにおける免疫調節療法としての最初の評価対象治験薬に選定され、中等度のCOVID-19患者様に対して有効性が評価されます。本試験はUPMCヘルスシステム下の病院および米国内の複数の医療センターで実施され、今後、日本を含むグローバルなREMAP-COVIDネットワークの臨床試験サイトにも実施施設を拡大する予定です。エリトランの安全性プロファイルは、重症セプシスを対象として実施した大規模な臨床第III相試験で確認されています。エリトランは、様々な炎症誘発性メディエーターの過剰産生と放出によって引き起こされるサイトカインストームを抑制し、COVID-19患者様の肺や他の臓器の損傷から保護することが期待されます。

Department of Critical Care Medicine at the University of PittsburghおよびUPMCの准教授でREMAP-CAP:COVIDの米国の治験責任医師であるChristopher Seymour, M.D. MSCは、「私たちは、エーザイと共同で、この有望な治験薬候補に対する臨床試験を開始することを大変嬉しく思います。従来の臨床試験とは違い、アダプティブデザインを用いることで、患者様の安全性に最大限配慮しながら、臨床試験の結果をより早く得られる可能性が高くなります。REMAP-COVIDは、COVID-19に有効な治療法を、可能な限り安全、迅速かつ効果的に見出す最適な研究です」と述べています。

エーザイ ニューロロジービジネスグループのチーフクリニカルオフィサーである Lynn Kramer, M.D.は、「エーザイは、この前例のないCOVID-19のパンデミックと闘うため、本共同イニシアチブに参加できることを誇りに思っています。当社の免疫調節療法薬剤TLR4拮抗剤エリトランについて、単独、もしくは他の薬剤との併用で、COVID-19入院患者様に対する有効性が評価されることを嬉しく思います。私たちは、ヒューマン・ヘルスケア理念のもと、世界中の患者様、そのご家族、および医療関係者に貢献していきます」と述べています。


REMAP-CAPは、世界の主要な救命救急医療の治験医師のほか、パンデミックおよび感染症の集団発生、ウイルス、免疫、救急医療の専門家、およびベイズ統計学者によって主導されています。大規模国際プラットフォームであるREMAP-CAPには、北米、ヨーロッパ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドの218拠点で1100人以上の患者様が既に登録されています。この重要な研究は、アダプティブプラットフォーム臨床試験の統計的設計のリーダーであるBerry Consultantsと共同で実施されており、各国政府、および直近に米国の治験施設へ100万ドル(Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortiumを通じて)の資金提供を行ったThe Breast Cancer Research Foundationをはじめとする世界中の非営利団体からサポートされています。

Robert J. Margolis Professor of Business, Medicine, and Policy および founding Director of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy at Duke University であるMark McClellan, M.D. Ph.D.は、「既存の関連知識を駆使したCOVID-19に対するREMAP研究戦略の要は、ウイルスに対する複数の治療法の安全性と有効性を迅速かつ同時に評価するためのプラットフォームです。COVID-19に対する臨床試験を通して、我々は様々なことを学ぶことができるようになります」と説明しています。

GCARのCEOであるMeredith Buxton, Ph.D. MPHは、「GCARは、この国際的な取り組みに参加し、米国地域調整センターとして機能するピッツバーグ大学と並んで、米国でREMAP-CAP:COVIDのトライアルスポンサーとして参加することを光栄に思います。この重要な取り組みをサポートするために、我々のプラットフォーム試験における豊富な経験を活用できることを嬉しく思います。アカデミア、業界、慈善団体の主要なパートナーと協力することで、COVID-19患者様に最適な治療オプションの発見に努めます」と述べています。



詳細は www.eisai.co.jp をご覧ください。

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Jacobson Pharma Announces FY2020 Annual Results

HONG KONG, Jun 30, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Jacobson Pharma Corporation Limited ("Jacobson Pharma" or the "Company"; Stock Code: 2633), a leading company engaged in the research, development, production, marketing and sale of generic drugs and proprietary medicines, today announced its annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") for the year ended 31 March 2020 (the "FY2020" or the "Reporting Period").

Resilient Performance under Distressed Economy
Amidst the overwhelming business challenges from the distressed economy in Hong Kong, the Group delivered a solid performance by posting a modest 6.3% year-on-year growth bringing its total revenue to HK$1,571.5 million (FY2019: HK$1,478.1 million (restated)). Gross profit grew by 2.3% to HK$690.0 million (FY2019: HK$674.7 million (restated)), while profit attributable to shareholders of the Company softened by 13.9% to HK$215.6 million (FY2019: HK$250.6 million (restated)) mainly due to the one-off revaluation gains recognised in the previous year, along with the increase in investments and operating expenses in setting up a regional management structure plus one-off professional expenses in preparing for the separation of the Group's consumer health business.

The Board recommends payment of a final dividend of HK2.5 cents per share (FY2019: HK3.0 cents per share). Combined with the interim dividend of HK2.0 cents per share, the full-year dividend for FY2020 remains the same as last year at HK4.5 cents per share. The Group's EBITDA (Adjusted) increased by 3.9% to HK$476.2 million, representing its strong capability of generating cash inflows.

Strong Market Position in Generics
Carrying a strong portfolio of generic drugs and a leadership position in a number of therapeutic categories in Hong Kong, the generic drugs business of the Group registered a positive growth of 3.6% in sales revenue in FY2020, amounting to HK$1,298.7 million (FY2019: HK$1,253.0 million), despite a decline in in-person consultation visits to medical clinics due to Covid-19 pandemic in the last quarter of the financial year.

The Group's offerings in certain therapeutic classes demonstrated strong growth, with oral anti-diabetic and anti-ulcerative products registered a robust growth of 42.3% and 34.1% respectively, which was attributed to an increased usage of these essential medicines in chronic disease management. In addition, the cardiovascular products achieved a sales growth of 28.4%, whilst the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) also grew by 28.7% due to an expanded market position in the public hospital sector.

The Group launched 19 new products during the reporting period, including some difficult-to-make products such as Diltiazem Controlled Release Tablets, Dihydrocodeine Tablets, Perindopril Tablets, Atomoxetine Capsules, Mesalazine Enteric Coated Tablets 500mg and Finasteride Tablets. Besides, over 27 regulatory filings were submitted for new drug registration by the Group.

Tapping New Market Potentials with High Value-added Offerings
In supplementing its R&D pipeline and portfolio offerings, the Group has signed in-license agreements with a host of multi-national companies for a total of 79 specialised drugs covering several therapeutic classes including cardiovascular, central nervous system, infectious diseases, oncology, gastrointestinal, and ophthalmology, as well as a medical device for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and Influenza rapid diagnostics test kit. Among them, 23 items are eligible for tender bidding in the coming years, and 22 items have been launched in Hong Kong.

Notable Growth in Proprietary Medicines with Newly Acquired Business
Albeit the negative sentiments prevailing in the retail sector, the Group's proprietary medicines business during the reporting period still registered a double-digit growth. With the incorporation of its newly acquired proprietary Chinese medicine business, sales revenue of the Group's proprietary medicine segment posted a 21.2% growth to HK$272.8 million (FY2019: HK$225.1 million).

Despite the economic distress, resilient performance has been demonstrated by proprietary brands such as Ho Chai Kung, a well-recognised heritage brand in the analgesics category, which delivered a notable growth of 10.8% over the same period of last year. Shiling Oil, a medicated oil brand of the Group, also presented a growth of 8.4% in overseas markets building on its strong tradition and recognition backed by persistent market development efforts.

Regional Expansion Strategy with China Focus
On the front of business development driven by its regional strategy, the Group has been actively forging strategic collaborations with multinational partners that cover in-licensing and representation of reputable branded products in Greater China and Asia regions.

The Group has respectively entered an exclusive distribution agreement with Vemedia for marketing and distribution of the renowned medicated foot care brand Excilor in Mainland China and a joint venture agreement with Kin Fung Weisen-U Company Limited to distribute and sell certain of its products - including the well-recognised gastrointestinal OTC drug "Weisen-U" and the popular nasal spray brand "Flucur Nebuliser" - to new markets in the Asia Pacific region, as well as to explore and develop product extensions in broadening the proprietary medicine platform of the Group.

In the consumer nutrition arena, the Group has entered an in-license agreement with Smartfish from Norway in a strategic collaboration to launch its patented and clinically substantiated high dose Omega-3 health and sports nutrition drinks in Greater China.

Tapping into the potential of the fast-growing cross-border e-commerce in China, the Group has developed its self-operating flagship store in a leading cross-border e-commerce platform in China in collaboration with key strategic partners to fully exploit the demand for proprietary medicines and consumer healthcare products among Mainland consumers, especially in Southern China and the Greater Bay Area.

Consumer Health Spin-off to Facilitate Expansion
By leveraging its regional commercial operations and focusing its efforts to tap into the burgeoning consumer healthcare market, the Group is also actively pursuing a spin-off of its branded consumer health business comprised of a strategically selected portfolio of branded medicines, proprietary Chinese medicines, and health and wellness products including health supplements, personal care products and diagnostic kits.

The potential spin-off is expected to facilitate the expansion of the consumer health business under a separate nimble platform from the generic drug business of the Group and groundworks have been undertaken to prepare for the spin-off plan.

Mr. Derek Sum, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Jacobson Pharma, said, "We will continue to strive for business excellence across all divisions as we pursue our goal of creating two separate and nimble platforms through a spin-off of our branded consumer health business from the Group. This separation initiative serves as a catalyst to reset capabilities and cost base, and helps deliver a value-creation opportunity for both businesses. It is also a significant step forward in terms of shaping Jacobson into a company comprising two enterprises, one being intently focused on its generic drugs business whilst the other is principally focused on consumer health products."

Mr. Sum added, "The dynamic and challenging environment requires us to continually assess our market position to ensure that our business remains relevant and strategically well-aligned. Looking ahead, we remain confident that by building on our reputation, strong R&D pipeline and network resources of the Group, we are well positioned to deliver a sustainable growth and returns to our shareholders in the long term."

About Jacobson Pharma Corporation Limited (Stock Code: 2633)
Jacobson Pharma is a leading generic drug company in Hong Kong. The Group also carries a portfolio of proprietary brands, notably being Po Chai Pills, Ho Chai Kung TjiThung San, Contractubex Scar Gel, Flying Eagle Woodlok Oil, Tong Tai Chung Woodlok Oil, Doan's Ointment, Saplingtan, Shiling Oil and Col-gan Tablet, which have been widely recognised by the market. In the strategic expansion of its branded healthcare business platform, the Group has introduced health and wellness brands and products such as Dr. FreemanFlu/RSV Combo, SmartfishHealth Nutrition Products, Dr.Freeman Infection Control Product Series and Dr Freeman COVID-19 Rapid Test Kit, among other reputable brands represented in overseas markets such as Excilor and Weisen-U.

The Group aims at the continued strategic enrichment of both of its generic drug and branded healthcare portfolios through the addition of high value-added products. With its corporate headquarters based in Hong Kong, the Group has also established its operating subsidiaries in China, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore and Cambodia forming a regional commercial platform to tap the market potential in the Asia Pacific and Greater China region. Jacobson Pharma has been a constituent stock of MSCI Hong Kong Micro Cap Index since 1 June 2017. For more details about Jacobson Pharma, please visit the Group's website: http://www.jacobsonpharma.com

For media enquiries, please contact:
Strategic Financial Relations Limited
Vicky Lee Tel: (852) 2864 4834 Email: vicky.lee@sprg.com.hk
Stephanie Liu Tel: (852) 2864 4852 Email: stephanie.liu@sprg.com.hk
Rachel Ko Tel: (852) 2864 4806 Email:rachel.ko@sprg.com.hk
Fax: (852) 2527 1196

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59961/


Toyota City, Japan, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - トヨタ自動車(株)(以下、トヨタ)は、2020年7月1日付の役員体制の変更について発表しました。


- トップと密に連携しチーフオフィサーとして会社全体を俯瞰し経営を担う役割→「執行役員」
- プレジデント・地域CEO・本部長は、実行部隊のトップとして、現場で即断即決即実行を進める役割→「幹部職」に一本化






詳細は http://toyota.jp/ をご覧ください。

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ザ・ボディショップは、1976年にイギリスのブライトンでデイム・アニータ・ロディックが創業したグローバル・ビューティブランドです。B CorpTM認証を取得しており、高品質で自然から着想を得たエシカルでサステナブルな方法で製造されるスキンケア、ボディケア、ヘアケア、メイクアップ製品を提供することで、世界によい変化をもたらすことを追求しています。また、「ビジネスには世界をよくする力がある」という哲学の先駆者であり、この信念はブランドの推進力となっています。現在70か国以上で約3,000か所の販売拠点を運営しており、イソップ(Aesop)、エイボン(Avon)、ナチュラ(Natura)とともにナチュラ・コスメティコス(Natura & Co)のグループ会社となっています。ナチュラ・コスメティコスは、経済的、社会的、環境的にポジティブな影響を生み出すことにコミットしているグローバルなマルチチャネル・マルチブランド化粧品グループです。(2020年現在)

フィンズベリー(服部 070-7484-7703、鍋田070-7467-8016、岡本080-9898-5591)


米国セントラルワシントン州立大学を卒業後、現地のコンサルティングファーム プライスウォーターハウスクーパーズ(PwC)にて、コンサルタントとしてリテール業界のグローバル展開などを支援。帰国後、ギャップジャパン、コーチジャパンを経て、2014年から2019年までフルラジャパン株式会社代表取締役社長を務めた。

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02


TOKYO, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 英国生まれのエシカルでサステナブルなビューティブランドであるザ・ボディショップを展開するザ・ボディショップ・インターナショナル・リミテッド(以下、ザ・ボディショップインターナショナル)は本日、日本におけるザ・ボディショップ事業について、フランチャイジーである株式会社イオンフォレスト(以下、イオンフォレスト)の株式を取得し子会社化することを、同社の親会社であるイオン株式会社と合意しましたので、お知らせいたします。








ザ・ボディショップは、1976年にイギリスのブライトンでデイム・アニータ・ロディックが創業したグローバル・ビューティブランドです。B CorpTM認証を取得しており、高品質で自然から着想を得たエシカルでサステナブルな方法で製造されるスキンケア、ボディケア、ヘアケア、メイクアップ製品を提供することで、世界によい変化をもたらすことを追求しています。また、「ビジネスには世界をよくする力がある」という哲学の先駆者であり、この信念はブランドの推進力となっています。現在70か国以上で約3,000か所の販売拠点を運営しており、イソップ(Aesop)、エイボン(Avon)、ナチュラ(Natura)とともにナチュラ・コスメティコス(Natura & Co)のグループ会社となっています。ナチュラ・コスメティコスは、経済的、社会的、環境的にポジティブな影響を生み出すことにコミットしているグローバルなマルチチャネル・マルチブランド化粧品グループです。(2020年現在)

フィンズベリー(服部 070-7484-7703、鍋田070-7467-8016、岡本080-9898-5591)

米国セントラルワシントン州立大学を卒業後、現地のコンサルティングファーム プライスウォーターハウスクーパーズ(PwC)にて、コンサルタントとしてリテール業界のグローバル展開などを支援。帰国後、ギャップジャパン、コーチジャパンを経て、2014年から2019年までフルラジャパン株式会社代表取締役社長を務めた。


Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02


TOKYO, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱自動車工業株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表執行役CEO:加藤 隆雄、以下三菱自動車)は、自動車リサイクル法(正式名称「使用済自動車の再資源化等に関する法律」)に基づき、2019年度(2019年4月~2020年3月)における自動車シュレッダーダスト(ASR:Automobile Shredder Residue)、エアバッグ類、フロン類の特定3品目の再資源化等の実施状況を公表しました。



また、これら特定3品目の再資源化等に要した費用総額は1,779,870,743円で、資金管理法人(公益財団法人 自動車リサイクル促進センター)から払い渡しを受けた預託金総額は2,065,867,791円、全体収支は285,997,048円の黒字となりました。このうち、200,000,000円を公益財団法人 自動車リサイクル高度化財団(J-FAR)*1へ拠出しています。






人とクルマ、社会とクルマ、地球とクルマの新しい時代を拓くために。いま、三菱自動車は挑戦を始めています。走行中のCO2排出ゼロ。地球温暖化防止に貢献する新世代電気自動車、i MiEV(アイミーブ)の世界投入。軽自動車で培った技術を存分に活用、燃費性能にすぐれたグローバル・スモールの提案。世界の環境基準をクリアしながら、走りの楽しさにあふれた三菱ならではの小型SUVの開発。さらに、新ディーゼルエンジンによるラリー参戦を通じて、走りと環境を両立する、新次元のクルマづくりを追求してゆきます。


詳細はこちらからご覧ください。 www.mitsubishi-motors.co.jp

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Toyota City, Japan, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - トヨタ自動車(株)(以下、トヨタ)は、電子部品などの製造過程で基板に銅やニッケルなどの金属の被膜を形成するめっき処理工程において、金属イオンを通す高分子膜(固体電解質膜)を使いめっき処理の必要な部位にのみスタンプを押すようにめっき処理を施す、世界初*1となる技術を開発しました。そして、この新技術を活かした新しいめっき処理装置の普及に向け、ミカドテクノス株式会社(以下、ミカドテクノス)と兼松株式会社(以下、兼松)の協力により、製造・販売を行うこととしました。7月1日より発売します。










詳細は http://toyota.jp/ をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 三菱重工グループの三菱重工環境・化学エンジニアリング株式会社(MHIEC、社長:菱沼 隆之、本社:横浜市西区)は、北海道の釧路市など6市町村で構成される釧路広域連合から、一般廃棄物焼却施設「釧路広域連合清掃工場」(釧路市高山30)の基幹的設備改良工事を受注しました。処理能力240トン/日の流動床式ガス化溶融炉(注1)設備を改修し、長寿命・省エネルギー化をはかります。受注額は39.93億円(税込)、完工は2023年9月を予定しています。 








詳細は www.mhi.co.jp をご覧ください。

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JCB expands its merchant network with 3C Payment in Spain

Madrid / Tokyo, Jun 30, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - JCB International, Co., Ltd. (JCBI), the international operations subsidiary of JCB Co., Ltd., Japan's only international payment brand, and 3C Payment, a leading global payment solutions provider, today announce the activation of JCB payment acceptance in over 85 locations of a well-established Hotel Group in Spain.

This partnership strengthens JCB's coverage across Spain and further enhances the payment brand's goal to expand its network of 34 million merchant partners; and to provide a unique and seamless shopping experience to its 140 million global cardmembers.

With over 30 years' experience, 3C Payment provides integrated payment solutions for hotels, Quick Service Restaurants (QSR), retail and parking industries across over 47 countries and territories, providing an effective solution to protecting cardholder data.

Mr. Tsuyoshi Notani, Managing Director, JCB International (Europe) Ltd., said: "JCB is happy to collaborate with 3C Payment because we understand the importance of global PSPs for providing excellent service to our cardmembers, as well as to increase acceptance in more international locations. Spain is a key market for JCB's expansion and this collaboration could be introduced to the other European markets, so we have strategically chosen to partner with 3C Payment because of its ability to provide broad-coverage payment solutions in the T&E sector across Europe."

Damien Estrade, General Manager Europe at 3C Payment said: "This partnership will help to encourage increased revenue for our clients who will now be able to cater to JCB card members looking to spend in Spain. The JCB card has a strong presence across the hospitality sector spend which matches well with the aspirations of our client base worldwide. We look forward to being able to widen our collaborations together with JCB in future".

About 3C Payment

3C Payment makes it easy for consumers to pay anyhow, anywhere, using highly secure specialised transaction flows that supports the needs of their clients. 3C Payment cover the full transactional journey from integrated P2PE EMV hardware linked to their hosted infrastructure and payment gateway services, to online and in-app payment acceptance linked to onsite and ERP systems. Their secure 3C Integra hosted platform unifies multiple payment channels allowing merchants to confidently trade in person and online in over 47 countries worldwide with local or centralized reporting accessible from anywhere through 3C Payment's web portal. 3C Payment has agreed to be acquired by payment company, Planet, subject to regulatory approval by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK.

About JCB

JCB is a major global payment brand and a leading credit card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. Its acceptance network includes over 34 million merchants and over a million cash advance locations in the world. JCB cards are now issued in 24 countries and territories, with more than 140 million Cardmembers. As part of its international growth strategy, JCB has formed alliances with hundreds of leading banks and financial institutions globally to increase merchant coverage and Cardmember base. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to providing responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide.

Press Contacts:

JCB International/Europe
Contact: India Stone
Email: istone@jcbeurope.eu
Phone: +44 020 7087 4754

JCB (Head Office in Japan)
Contact: Kumiko Kida, Ayaka Nakajima
Email: jcb-pr@jcb.co.jp
Phone: +81 3 5778 8353

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59875/


TOKYO, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 当社は、NetApp(本社:米国カリフォルニア州、CEO:George Kurian、以下、NetApp)と2019年12月に締結した、デジタルトランスフォーメーションを支えるデータマネジメントインフラの提供に向けた戦略的パートナーシップの第一弾として、NetAppの高度なデータマネジメントソフトウェアを活用したストレージシステム「FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS」の4シリーズを6月30日より販売開始(注1)します。



データマネジメントインフラの提供に向けた取り組みとして、お客様が保有する膨大なデータの効率的な管理と活用を促進し、運用管理コストの低減を実現するエントリとミッドレンジのストレージ4シリーズ「ETERNUS AB」、「ETERNUS HB」、「ETERNUS AX」、「ETERNUS HX」を販売します。

「ETERNUS AB」「ETERNUS HB」シリーズは、お客様の基幹システムに活用されるデータベースや高度な科学計算システムに活用されるHPCに適したストレージです。SSD(注2)の性能を最大限まで引き出した高速データ処理(注3)と、サーバとの大量のデータ通信(注4)を実現します。また、お客様のオンプレミスやパブリッククラウドを組み合わせたハイブリッドクラウド環境では、バックアップ・アーカイブ用のデータをパブリッククラウドに転送することで、運用、管理のコストを削減することが可能です。

「ETERNUS AX」「ETERNUS HX」シリーズは、仮想化システムやファイルサーバに適したストレージです。仮想化システムで求められる、ブロックアクセスによる高いレスポンス性能と、ファイルアクセスによる簡易なデータ管理を、一台のストレージで柔軟に実現します。また、容量や性能の増加の要求に応じて、システムを停止させることなく、ストレージのノードを最大24ノード、26ペタバイトまで拡張できるほか、データのアクセス頻度に応じてデータセンターやパブリッククラウドにデータを自動で振り分け、コストとのバランスをとった効率的な運用を可能とします。




このほか、データセンター内のプライベートクラウド環境とパブリッククラウド環境を一つのストレージで管理できるNetApp Cloud Data Servicesを活用したハイブリッドクラウドソリューションなどの開発も予定しています。

NetApp, Inc. Executive Vice President and General Manager, Hybrid Cloud Group, Brad Anderson氏のコメント

富士通 理事 インフラストラクチャシステム事業本部長 坂井 賢一のコメント



詳細は http://jp.fujitsu.com/ をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Hondaは、1987年に限定販売された高性能スーパースポーツモデル「VFR750R(RC30)」を対象に、ベストコンディションに維持するプログラム「リフレッシュプラン」をスタートします。

お客様の相談および申し込みは、「RC30 リフレッシュプラン受付店」※にて、7月28日(火)より開始します。






詳細は www.honda.co.jp をご覧ください。

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TOKYO, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 株式会社日立製作所(執行役社長CEO:東原敏昭/以下、日立)は、独自開発してきた幸福度計測技術を事業化してwith/afterコロナ時代の企業のマネジメント支援などに活用するとともに、計測した幸福度を多様な場面で活用して、新たなハピネス&ウエルビーイング産業を創生することを目的とした株式会社ハピネスプラネット(以下、新会社)を、7月20日に設立します。


日立はこの社会課題解決に貢献するため、スマートフォンやウエアラブル端末を活用して人の幸福感を定量的に計測する技術の研究開発を進め、従業員の前向きな心を引き出すスマートフォンアプリ「Happiness Planet」(以下、アプリ)を開発し、83社から約4,300人の参加によりその効果を実証してきました*1。日立グループ内でも、新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響で広まった在宅勤務におけるマネジメント支援や組織活性化に活用しており、新常態(ニュー・ノーマル)の時代における働き方の基本ツールになると期待しています。




新会社 代表取締役CEO 矢野和男のコメント

株式会社日立製作所 執行役社長兼CEO 東原敏昭のコメント
日立による幸福度向上に貢献するハピネスの技術が、このたび設立される新会社により事業化され、今後、より多くのお客さまにご利用いただけることを大変嬉しく思います。本技術の活用により、各利用者の幸福度が「見える化」できることは、企業経営にも役立つと確信しています。テレワーク環境下においてもグループやチームの幸福度と業務効率との相関を見ることで、業務効率の向上策を検討するなど強力な経営サポートツールになると期待しています。これからも、日立の持つノウハウや人財を存分に活用しつつ、革新に満ちた新事業をスピーディに創生して、世界中の人々のQoL(Quality of Life)を高め、社会価値、環境価値、経済価値の向上に貢献してまいります。



詳細は www.hitachi.co.jp をご参照ください。

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TOKYO, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - 株式会社日立製作所(執行役社長兼CEO:東原 敏昭/以下、日立)は、国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(理事長:石塚 博昭/以下、NEDO)が公募した「再生可能エネルギーの大量導入に向けた次世代電力ネットワーク安定化技術開発/研究開発項目(1)-1日本版コネクト&マネージ*1を実現する制御システムの開発」に応募し、採択されました。本事業は7月1日から2024年2月までの予定です。






詳細は www.hitachi.co.jp をご参照ください。

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

Sino-Entertainment Technology Holdings Limited Announces Proposed Listing on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

HONG KONG, Jun 30, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Sino-Entertainment Technology Holdings Limited ("Sino-Entertainment Technology Holdings" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, collectively referred as the "Group") has recently announced the details of the proposed listing of its shares on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("HKEx") (the "Global Offering").

Investment Highlights
- Published an extensive portfolio of games and established successful partnerships with a significant number of publishers
- An integrated major mobile game publisher and developer in China
- Possessed game development capabilities and talents
- Management team with extensive experience in the mobile game industry

Sino-Entertainment Technology Holdings plans to offer a total of 100,000,000 shares (subject to the Over-allotment Option), comprising 10,000,000 Hong Kong Public Offer Shares (subject to adjustment) and 90,000,000 International Offer Shares (comprising 66,000,000 new Shares and 24,000,000 Sale Shares, subject to adjustment and the Over-allotment Option), at an Offer Price ranges between HK$1.63 to HK$1.87 per Offer Share. The Public Offer will open at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 and will close at 12:00 noon on Monday, 6 July 2020. The allotment results will be announced on Tuesday, 14 July 2020. Dealings in shares on HKEx are expected to commence on Wednesday, 15 July 2020, under the stock code 6933.HK.

WAG Worldsec Corporate Finance Limited is the Sole Sponsor. Huajin Securities (International) Limited, Zhongtai International Securities Limited and China Tonghai Securities Limited act as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Lead Managers. Huajin Securities (International) Limited, Zhongtai International Securities Limited, China Tonghai Securities Limited, BOCOM International Securities Limited, Guosen Securities (HK) Capital Company Limited, Soochow Securities International Brokerage Limited and Orient Securities (Hong Kong) Limited act as Joint Bookrunners.

Company Overview

Sino-Entertainment Technology Holdings is an integrated game publisher and developer in China with a focus on publishing mobile games in the market of China. The Group is committed to bringing quality and interactive gameplay experience to game players by drawing upon its experience and expertise in the mobile game industry together with its sound understanding with the Group's publishing partners and game players gained over the years of its operations to develop and publish high-quality and well-customised mobile games.

During the three years end 31 December 2019 (the "Track Record Period"), the Group has published over 320 third party games; and since the commencement of its mobile game development in 2015 and up to 21 June 2020, the Group has developed 22 proprietary games mainly in the RPG and casual games genres. It targets to launch five additional self-developed games in each of 2021 and 2022.

Business Model

Sino-Entertainment Technology Holdings is principally engaged in mobile game publishing as well as development and sale of customised software and mobile games. The Group has covered the businesses from upstream to midstream, being as the game developer, game publisher, co-publisher and distribution channel.

As a game developer, the Group focuses on the development of RPG and casual game genres, and these self-developed games were offered for sale or published by the Group.

As a game publisher, the Group is responsible for marketing, promotion, distribution, and other user-related services.

As a co-publisher, in light of the Group's publishing capabilities and resources, the Group also co-publish third party games with third party publishers. This business segment has generated the majority of the Group's revenue in the past three years.

As a distribution channel, the Group distributes third party games that the Group co-publishes, on its self-operated platform.

Financial Highlights

The total revenue of the Group was approximately RMB107.3 million, RMB151.2 million and RMB187.7 million for FY2017, FY2018 and FY2019, respectively, representing a CAGR of 32.3%. For FY2017, FY2018 and FY2019, the Group's gross profit was RMB40.0 million, RMB57.0 million and RMB75.8 million, respectively, and its gross profit margin was 37.3%, 37.7% and 40.4%, respectively.

The net profit of the Group for FY2017, FY2018 and FY2019 amounted to approximately RMB31.5 million, RMB39.4 million and RMB50.5 million, respectively, representing a CAGR of 26.6%. The net profit margin are 29.4%, 26.1% and 26.9% respectively. Excluding the non-recurring listing expenses of RMB4.8 million and RMB11.1 million for FY2018 and FY2019, the Group's net profit for the two years reached RMB44.2 million and RMB61.6 million, with a net profit margin of 29.2% and 32.8%, respectively.

Competitive Strengths

The Group believes that its success is attributable to the following competitive strengths:

First of all, the Group published an extensive portfolio of games and established successful partnerships with a significant number of publishers. During the Track Record Period, the Group co-published over 320 third party games including PRG, SLG, causal games and others.

With the business practice of co-publishing an extensive game portfolio of mobile games with wide coverage of game genres, the Group enjoyed the flexibility to select and focus on co-publishing third party games with relatively higher profitability and cease to publish games which do not meet its expected market reception, which in turn will diverse and mitigate its risk and generate stable revenue in its game publishing business.

The Group also successfully established partnerships with more than 120 mobile game publishing partners including third party publishers and service providers.

Second, the Group is an integrated major mobile game publisher and developer in China.

The Group is also committed to devoting its resources to develop its self-developed games and it had developed 22 mobile games since the commencement of its mobile game development in 2015 and up to the 21 June 2020. In addition to providing publishing services to third-party publishers as co-publisher for their third party mobile games, the Group has also published two of its self-developed proprietary games, namely Hollow Storm and Princess in Distress during the Track Record Period and launched one self-developed game, namely Stratagem in the Three Kingdoms in February 2020.

Third, the Group possesses game development capabilities and talent. It believes that its experience and proficiency in identifying and targeting potential users, converting active users into paying users, and responding keenly to industry changes and user behaviour patterns help promote the Group's game developed in-house. As at 21 June 2020, the Group development team consists of 62 employees, 15 of whom had more than five years of experience in the mobile game industry.

Last but not least, the Group has a management team with extensive experience in the mobile game industry. With the experience of its senior management team, the Group is able to be more player-oriented and innovative to meet the ever-changing demand from players. Under the management team's leadership and vision, the Group aspires to further expand its business in the mobile game industry in China and to ensure further sustainable growth.

Mr. Sui Jiaheng, the Chairman of the Board and an Executive Director of Sino-Entertainment Technology Holdings concluded, "We are pleased to witness this significant milestone in the Group's history. Through our listing on the Main Board of HKEx, we will tap into the international capital markets. This will not only broaden our capital and shareholder base, but will also provide us with capital to fund our expansion plan, which will finally strengthen our position in the industry and further enhance our competitive advantages, thereby driving the Group's long-term development."

"Looking ahead, we will be devoted to further develop and strengthen our position in the mobile game development and publishing industry in China. We will strive to capture the rapidly growing mobile game industry in China by expanding our game development capabilities and coverage and increasing the number of our self-developed games that we launch into the market. In addition, we will further strengthen our publishing capabilities by expanding our third party game portfolio and diversify our revenue sources by placing our business focus on both development and publishing of mobile games."


Details of Global Offering:

Number of Offer Shares: 100,000,000 Shares comprising 76,000,000 new
Shares and 24,000,000 Sale Shares (subject to the Over-allotment Option)
Number of Hong Kong Offer Shares: 10,000,000 Shares (subject to adjustment)
Number of International Offer Shares: 90,000,000 Shares comprising 66,000,000 new Shares and 24,000,000 Sale Shares (subject to adjustment and the Over-allotment Option)
Offer Price Range: From HK$1.63 to HK$1.87 per Offer Share
Board Lot Size: 2,000 Shares
Nominal Value: US$0.0001 per Share
Public Offer Period: 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 30 June to 12:00 noon on Monday, 6 July 2020
Announcement of Allotment Results: Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Expected Listing Date: Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Stock Code: 6933.HK

Use of Proceeds:

The aggregate net proceeds from the Global Offering (after deducting underwriting fees and estimated expenses payable by the Group in connection with the Global Offering), assuming an Offer Price of HK$1.75 per Offer Share, being the mid-point of the indicative Offer Price range of HK$1.63 to HK$1.87 per Share, will be approximately HK$99.8 million. The Group currently intends to apply the net proceeds from the Share Offer in the following manner:

Use of Proceeds / % of Net Proceeds
Enhance game development capabilities and expand game portfolio: Approximately 33.1%
Strengthen publishing capabilities: approximately 46.1%
Establish an integrated game distribution platform: Approximately 13.7%
Expand geographic coverage and build international user base: Approximately 7.1%

Track Record:

RMB '000 For the year ended31 December
FY2017 FY2018 FY2019
Revenue 107,267 151,214 187,710
Gross profit 40,000 57,015 75,813
Gross profit margin 37.3% 37.7% 40.4%
Profit for the year 31,454 39,391 50,500
Net profit margin 29.4% 26.1% 26.9%
Listing expenses - 4,810 11,145
Adjusted Profit by excluding listing expenses 31,454 44,201 61,645

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59938/

Captiva Verde Land Corp Announces Solargram Farms Corporation Receives Health Canada Standard Cultivation Cannabis License for Renauds Mills, New Brunswick

Coquitlam, British Columbia, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Captiva Verde Land Corp. (CSE: PWR) (the "Company") is extremely pleased to announce that Solargram Farms Corporation ("Solargram"), a Canadian controlled private corporation, having corporate offices in Moncton, NB has officially received its Standard Cultivation Cannabis License from Health Canada. The license was issued in accordance with the Canadian Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations. 100% of the Solargrams shares are held in an escrow account ready to be transferred to Captiva Verde in exchange for 35 Million Captiva shares subject to a tight pooling agreement, subject to Health Canada approving the application by all the Captiva Verde officers and directors to pass a security clearance and CSE approval.

Under this Health Canada License, Solargram is now authorized at its site location to conduct the activities listed below:

- From its indoor-area special purpose, state of the art Greenhouse facility: cultivation, propagating, testing, harvesting, and selling cannabis,
- From its custom designed, massive outdoor farm grow area: cultivation, propagation, and harvesting cannabis.

It has taken Solargram eighteen (18) months to have achieved this major milestone while recently completing final installation of its New Brunswick 5.6 million square feet grow infrastructure build out located in Renauds Mills, New Brunswick in anticipation of receiving its Standard Cannabis Cultivation License.

The CEO of Captiva Verde Jeff Ciachurski states: "With this exciting news release I declare my intention to purchase 500,000 additional shares of Captive Verde on the open market and as CEO of Greenbriar Capital Corp (which already owns 10.7 million shares of Captiva Verde) declares its intention to seek Toronto Venture Exchange approval to purchase an addition 3 million shares of Captiva Verde on the open market.

Renauds Mills Site Infrastructure Buildout Results

Over the last six months through the best winter and spring conditions in the area in over a decade, the extremely dedicated and focused Solargram team led by Len Wood, Executive Vice President Captiva Verde and Vice President Solargram Farms, and Marc LeBlanc, President Solargram Farms, have amazingly achieved:

- Installation of over 8,000 feet of security perimeter fencing over approximately 50 acres,
- Implementation of one of Canada's top robust, lowest-cost outdoor farm grown cannabis cultivation facilities having significant, highly cost efficient, infrastructure assets,
- Purchasing and integrating an approximate 130 land acres package together with an onsite six million gallon water holding pond as well as high capacity water wells to self-serve our planned cannabis outdoor grow farm,
- Purchasing, renovating, and repurposing three onsite buildings totalling over 36,000 square feet, allowing for vertically integrated seed-to-sale, onsite propagating mothers and clones, de-bucking, milling, drying, and extraction operation capabilities for 2020 and beyond. Outdoor farm cannabis crop planting now underway to produce an expected year one 10,000+ kg's of dried cannabis over 25 acres (1,100,000 square feet) with combination hoop house crop coverage including specific designed additional micro climate grow areas to achieve for increased crop protection and maximization of cannabis grow cultivation yield.
- Site infrastructure buildout was fully funded, completed on time, and was completed 65% under original capital budget. We remain completely debt free, and are now funded for our 2020 grow season.

Len Wood states, "Marc and I wish to congratulate all of our team members for their immense effort and dedication in aiding Solargram to achieve this amazing Health Canada licensing milestone. We have truly created an operation that is built for success based on sound business practices including fiscal responsibility as well as planned positive sustainable operating cash-flows, which is a real business. We wish to thank all of our loyal stakeholders that have continued to support our vision while understanding our mission to create a unique Canadian Licenced Producer cannabis market leader that will show and demonstrate the business model required to produce sustainable positive annual cash flow profits, while providing enhanced returns for our shareholders."

Captiva Verde is proud that the company has now positioned Solargram's world class team of experienced operators and growers with a financially debt-free, fully developed set of land assets, growing assets, buildings, proprietary IP and technological expertise to successfully run and operate significantly planned, vertically integrated, cannabis outdoor grow farm land acreages at a planned and budgeted ultra-low sub $0.25 production grow cost per gram. Outdoor grow is a major market disruptor and differentiator and this will allow Solargram to sell its planned high cannabinoid full spectrum cannabis oil products at prices that are significantly below its competitors cost of production as well as below black market pricing. Outdoor is a game changer and will allow our company to become an effective leader in this market.

Solargram has a five year planned outdoor farm grown production capacity in excess of 130 farm acres at the Renaud Mills New Brunswick outdoor grow site alone representing over 65,000 kg's of dried cannabis targeted for end product full spectrum cannabis oil (THC, THCV, CBD, CBG, CBD-THC) concentrate for export as well as for end product, best in class unique cannabis and edible products.

According to The Guardian less than 10% of Canada's current legal cannabis products are derived from outdoor operations. Sun grown outdoor plants have the lowest cost with consistent high yields and potency, providing consumers with an opportunity to choose from a selection of natural and healthier products than what the market currently offers. Publicly released results from three (3) Canadian outdoor licensed grow facilities in 2019 reported cash costs of between eight (8) cents to twenty-four (24) cents per gram. The new successful companies like Solargram, can provide both a superior product and a price point, inclusive of taxes, that is well below the black market rates, which the latter currently outperforms the legal market at a rate of more than three to one.

Solargram embraces the experiences of long time growing veterans, scientist and proven business leaders whose collective experience together, puts cannabis where its intention is most valued, to the trusted consumer. Cannabis is an evolutionary business within a revolutionary change of politics. The torch is being handed back to veteran growers, scientist and proven business leaders who understand the original intent of legalization, which is to have the lowest cost, first in class products available to everyone.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"Jeff Ciachurski"
Jeffrey Ciachurski
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Cell: (949) 903-5906
E-mail: westernwind@shaw.ca

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Information

This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include regulatory actions, market prices, and continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02


FAYETTEVILLE, AR / ACCESSWIRE, Jun 30, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - COVID-19の流行により、企業は通常業務の変更を余儀なくされています。Zenwork, Inc.が提供するFidentityは、従業員と来客の健康と安全のために尽力しています。その取り組みの結果の1つが、Fidentityシステムへの新機能の追加です。これらの新機能により、組織はオフィスに入室する誰にとっても安全・安心な環境を構築することができます。

Fidentityの親会社であるZenwork, Inc.の創設者兼CEOであるSanjeev Singhは、次のように述べています。「私たちは、オフィスに入室する人たちの健康上のリスクが増大していることを目の当たりにしたため、既にロードマップにあったいくつかの機能の実装を加速させることにしました。パンデミックの流行により、従業員や来客の健康を危険にさらすリスクは高まっています。これらの新機能は、企業がテクノロジーを通じてコンプライアンスの達成を支援するという当社の使命の一環として、ビルに入館するすべての人にとって安全な職場を実現するという目標を達成するうえで役立つものと確信しています。」





新たに追加されたソフトウェア機能に加えて、Zenworkの最新のハードウェアである、顔認証機能内蔵ZenScan-Temperature Scannerは、COVID-19に対抗するAI技術を組み込んでいます。Zenscanは、温度スキャン、PPEスキャン、顔認証、従業員管理ソフトウェアの4つの機能を提供しています。これらの機能により、職場での安全対策を強化し、効率的な従業員のタッチレスサインインプロセスを実現します。

ZenScanは、額の温度スキャンや顔認証を実行し、適切な個人用保護具 (PPE) を着用していないかどうかを検出することで、ビルに入館する人全員にCOVID-19の症状がないかどうかをチェックします。ZenScanは、従業員を識別し、必要な健康診断をパスするなどの状況を踏まえ、職場へのアクセスを自動的に拒否または許可するようにプログラムすることができます。従業員には、ビルに入館した際に、給与計算と同期したタイムスタンプで自動的に入退室時刻が表示されるという利点もあります。


Zenworkの製品ディレクターであるNick Bondurantは、次のように述べています。「COVID-19の流行が始まって以来、当社製品を使用して企業が職場の安全を守ることができることをわかっていたため、当社は自社リソースを使用してFidentityに迅速な変更を加えてきました。」




Fidentity.comは、Zenwork, Inc.が提供するAIベースの従業員、来客、デリバリー、イベント管理システムで、従業員、来客、デリバリー、イベント管理のチェックインプロセスを完全に自動化するように設計されたクラウドベースのソフトウェアです。Fidentityは、従業員や来客の情報をリアルミーで追跡、保存、表示することもできます。Fidentityを利用することで、組織はカスタマイズされたタッチレスチェックインプロセスを作成でき、オフィスに入室するすべての人にとっての来客の体験を最大化できます。

担当者: Tim Johnson
電話番号: 877-811-3829 - Option 7
Eメール: info@fidentity.com


Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

Fidentity Releases New Back to Work. Touchless Tools For Business, Employees and Visitors

FAYETTEVILLE, AR / ACCESSWIRE, Jun 29, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - With the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, businesses must make changes to their regular operations. Fidentity, powered by Zenwork, Inc, is committed to the health and safety of your employees and visitors. One result of that commitment is the new additions to the Fidentity System. These new features enable organizations to create a safe and secure environment for anyone entering the workplace.

"As we saw the health risks multiply for anyone entering a place of business, we decided to speed up our implementation of several features we already had on the roadmap," said Sanjeev Singh, Founder, and CEO of Zenwork, Inc, the parent company of Fidentity. "The risk of endangering employee and visitor health has increased with the pandemic. As part of our mission to help companies achieve compliance through technology, we strongly feel these new features will aid companies in their goal to have a safe workplace for anyone who enters the building."

For more details Download Fidentity Brochure Now. https://pr.report/aGpHMeru

Fidentity's newly launched platform includes QR code and facial recognition based Touchless Employee Attendance, Visitor and Delivery Management System. Touchless Employee Management System component that Fidentity added to the already robust Visitor Management Software (VMS). The Fidentity Visitor Management System with Employee Management consolidates employees and visitors into one centralized system, creating an automated process that is efficient and completely touchless.


In addition to newly added software features, ZenScan-Temperature Scanner with built-In Facial Recognition is Zenwork's latest hardware, incorporating AI-driven technology to combat COVID-19. Zenscan offers four features: temperature scanning, PPE scanning, facial recognition, and employee management software. These features increase safety precautions in the workplace and create an efficient touchless sign-in process for employees.

ZenScan checks everyone who enters the building for COVID-19 symptoms by conducting a forehead temperature scan, running facial recognition, and detecting if someone isn't wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). ZenScan can be programmed to automatically deny or allow access into your workplace based on the employee being identified and passing the required health checks. Employees have the added benefit of being automatically clocked-in when they enter the building, with timestamps that sync to payroll.

For more information download Zenscan Brochure now! https://pr.report/iI5dJrFH

Nick Bondurant, Product Director for Zenwork, said, "Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have used our resources to make rapid changes to Fidentity, knowing that companies can use our products to keep their workplace safe."

In addition to the Employee Management System features, Fidentity has added Delivery Management. The Delivery Management Software enables companies to handle incoming deliveries, delivery locations, delivery notifications, and reminders with ease. When a package arrives, the recipient will receive a notification alerting them to pick up their package. With the growth of delivery services and the need for employees who cannot be at home when a package arrives to receive their package without the fear of theft, Delivery Management System provides an efficient method for companies to permit employees to receive their packages at work instead of home.

The new Fidentity features will assist businesses small and large to remain in compliance with changing CDC recommendations while making life easier for their employees at the same time.

About Fidentity

Fidentity.com is powered by Zenwork, Inc. is an AI-based Employee, Visitor, Delivery, and Event Management System which is cloud-based software designed to fully automate the check-in process for employees, visitors, delivery and event management. Fidentity will also track, store, and display employee and visitor information in real me. Fidentity allows organizations to create a customized touchless check-in process that maximizes visitor experience for everyone that enters the business.

Name: Tim Johnson
Number 877-811-3829 - Option 7
Email: info@fidentity.com


Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59922/

Migom Global Corp. Announces the Acquisition of Migom Bank

NEW YORK, Jun 29, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Migom Global Corp. (OTC: MGOM), a US publicly traded company focused on building synergistic ventures in international banking, has notified the SEC of the acquisition of Migom Bank (www.migom.com), an international full-service 'neobank' domiciled and regulated in the small Caribbean state of Commonwealth of Dominica.

"Today, businesses across multiple jurisdictions and industries have faced numerous hurdles opening and maintaining simple operating bank accounts. Arbitrarily frozen funds, suddenly blocked accounts, and other previously rare limitations have become a commonplace occurrence in daily banking for many regular businesses. This type of practice is often disguised as "de-risking" in the name of compliance, which in itself has morphed from the necessary but secondary function into a universal shroud weaponized by some of the mainstream banks in their purge of unwanted business," stated Thomas Schaetti, the President of Migom Global Corp.

He continued: "In reality, those large international banks seem to be simply discriminating small and medium-sized, transaction-heavy businesses, which they don't see as a profitable market. As the result, millions of unbanked or under-banked entrepreneurs have a hard time growing their companies and contributing to the economic development of their industries and regions. We identify ourselves with these companies and are making our best effort to position Migom Bank as the destination financial institution serving their needs around the world".

Migom Global Corp. aims to bridge the gaps in international banking by building a network of banks and affiliated businesses to provide seamless integration of traditional regulated banking with new-age financial services and emerging fintech solutions. Committed to solving the problem of under-banked businesses and individuals worldwide, the Company recently notified the SEC of the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Migom Bank, a full-service global bank for the digital age that is available to customers across a variety of industries and regions.

Migom Bank offers a full suite of e-banking services tailored to the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs, including online account opening, holding and operating corporate and individual bank accounts with full online access to account management and detailed reporting, international SWIFT / SEPA transfers in multiple currencies, issuing prepaid debit cards, certificates of deposit, investment, savings accounts and other services. The regulatory information enumerating multiple services provided by the bank is published on its website.

In addition to providing traditional banking services, Migom Bank offers its account holders one of a kind crypto-to-fiat and fiat-to-crypto OTC functionality, including secure custody and instant-execution trading of crypto assets with unlimited liquidity volumes, best global spot prices and immediate availability of funds or crypto assets. Migom Bank account holders can seamlessly transfer fiat funds into crypto assets and back using their mobile app or account dashboard online.

About Migom Global Corp.
Migom Global Corp. is a US publicly traded company (OTC: MGOM) building synergistic ventures in international banking, securities brokerage, electronic money distribution as well as digital assets origination and market making. The Company is developing the network of affiliated businesses in several countries, which may provide a seamless integration between the traditional regulated banking and financial services and the innovative emerging fintech solutions, benefiting consumers and businesses worldwide.

About Migom Bank
Migom Bank is a global neobank focused on the emerging markets offering a full suite of e-banking services tailored for the needs of small-to-medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs. Migom Bank is fully licensed to provide retail depository and inter-banking services, full suite of cryptocurrency-related services, securities dealing and investment banking services, featuring deal-oriented compliance, higher private banking limits and custom-tailored flexible solutions to help its versatile international clientele. For more information, please, visit http://migom.com.

Media contact:
PR Department, Migom Bank
E: info@migom.com
W: https://migom.com

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com Via JCN Newswire https://ift.tt/2pbRN02

Hygeia Healthcare Successfully Listed on Main Board of SEHK, Further Strengthen Its Leading Market Position

HONG KONG, Jun 29, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - The largest oncology healthcare group in China, Hygeia Healthcare Holdings Co., Limited ("Hygeia Healthcare" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group", stock code: 6078), is officially listed and commenced trading on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") at 9:00 a.m. this morning. Hygeia Healthcare opened at HKD22.80 per share on the first trading day and the highest share price recorded throughout the day was HKD27.70 per share, an increase of 21.49%. The closing price was HKD26.00 per share, which was about 40.54% higher than the offer price; the trading volume was about 78.68 million shares, with a total turnover of approximately HKD1,913 million, and total market value amounted to HKD15.6 billion.

Mr. Fang Min, Chairman of the Board and Non-executive Director of Hygeia Healthcare Holdings Co., Limited, said, "Today marks an important milestone in Hygeia Healthcare's development. The official listing on the SEHK is a great recognition of our business strategy and philosophy, providing us enough momentum to further accelerate our development. At the same time, by stepping into the international capital market, it will be more conducive for us to expand diversified financing channels, strengthen our financial position and enhance the brand image of Hygeia Healthcare. We are honored to receive enthusiastic support from our investors. As an oncology-focused healthcare group, Hygeia Healthcare has always endeavored to make healthcare services more accessible and affordable, addressing unmet demand of oncology patients in China. Looking forward, we will expand our network of oncology-focused hospitals and radiotherapy centers to broaden our business scale and enlarge market share; upgrade our existing in-network hospitals to improve our service capacity and widen our service offering; continue to improve the quality of healthcare services provided by our in-network hospitals and further enhance our brand awareness; and further optimize the oncology healthcare service industry chain to continuously strengthen our leading edges and enhance our core competitiveness, striving to create great investment returns for our shareholders and investors."

Morgan Stanley Asia Limited and Haitong International Capital Limited are the Joint Sponsors. Morgan Stanley Asia Limited, Haitong International Securities Company Limited, and Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited are the Joint Global Coordinators; Morgan Stanley Asia Limited (in relation to the Hong Kong Public Offering), Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc (in relation to the International Offering), Haitong International Securities Company Limited, and Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited are the Joint Bookrunners and Joint Lead Managers.

About Hygeia Healthcare Holdings Co., Limited
Hygeia Healthcare Holdings Co., Limited (stock code: 6078), as an oncology-focused healthcare group, endeavors to make healthcare services more accessible and affordable, addressing the unmet demand of oncology patients in China. According to Frost & Sullivan, Hygeia Healthcare is the largest oncology healthcare group in China in terms of revenue generated from radiotherapy-related services in 2019 and number of radiotherapy equipment installed in in-network hospitals and radiotherapy centers as of December 31, 2019. Since the start of its business in 2009, Hygeia Healthcare has built a nationwide footprint of oncology-focused hospitals and radiotherapy centers through a combination of organic growth, strategic acquisitions, and cooperation with hospital partners.

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.acnnewswire.com

source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59919/

Migom Global Corp. Announces the Acquisition of Migom Bank

NEW YORK, Jun 29, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Migom Global Corp. (OTC: MGOM), a US publicly traded company focused on building synergistic ventures in international banking, has notified the SEC of the acquisition of Migom Bank (www.migom.com), an international full-service 'neobank' domiciled and regulated in the small Caribbean state of Commonwealth of Dominica.

"Today, businesses across multiple jurisdictions and industries have faced numerous hurdles opening and maintaining simple operating bank accounts. Arbitrarily frozen funds, suddenly blocked accounts, and other previously rare limitations have become a commonplace occurrence in daily banking for many regular businesses. This type of practice is often disguised as "de-risking" in the name of compliance, which in itself has morphed from the necessary but secondary function into a universal shroud weaponized by some of the mainstream banks in their purge of unwanted business," stated Thomas Schaetti, the President of Migom Global Corp.

He continued: "In reality, those large international banks seem to be simply discriminating small and medium-sized, transaction-heavy businesses, which they don't see as a profitable market. As the result, millions of unbanked or under-banked entrepreneurs have a hard time growing their companies and contributing to the economic development of their industries and regions. We identify ourselves with these companies and are making our best effort to position Migom Bank as the destination financial institution serving their needs around the world".

Migom Global Corp. aims to bridge the gaps in international banking by building a network of banks and affiliated businesses to provide seamless integration of traditional regulated banking with new-age financial services and emerging fintech solutions. Committed to solving the problem of under-banked businesses and individuals worldwide, the Company recently notified the SEC of the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Migom Bank, a full-service global bank for the digital age that is available to customers across a variety of industries and regions.

Migom Bank offers a full suite of e-banking services tailored to the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs, including online account opening, holding and operating corporate and individual bank accounts with full online access to account management and detailed reporting, international SWIFT / SEPA transfers in multiple currencies, issuing prepaid debit cards, certificates of deposit, investment, savings accounts and other services. The regulatory information enumerating multiple services provided by the bank is published on its website.

In addition to providing traditional banking services, Migom Bank offers its account holders one of a kind crypto-to-fiat and fiat-to-crypto OTC functionality, including secure custody and instant-execution trading of crypto assets with unlimited liquidity volumes, best global spot prices and immediate availability of funds or crypto assets. Migom Bank account holders can seamlessly transfer fiat funds into crypto assets and back using their mobile app or account dashboard online.

About Migom Global Corp.
Migom Global Corp. is a US publicly traded company (OTC: MGOM) building synergistic ventures in international banking, securities brokerage, electronic money distribution as well as digital assets origination and market making. The Company is developing the network of affiliated businesses in several countries, which may provide a seamless integration between the traditional regulated banking and financial services and the innovative emerging fintech solutions, benefiting consumers and businesses worldwide.

About Migom Bank
Migom Bank is a global neobank focused on the emerging markets offering a full suite of e-banking services tailored for the needs of small-to-medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs. Migom Bank is fully licensed to provide retail depository and inter-banking services, full suite of cryptocurrency-related services, securities dealing and investment banking services, featuring deal-oriented compliance, higher private banking limits and custom-tailored flexible solutions to help its versatile international clientele. For more information, please, visit http://migom.com.

Media contact:
PR Department, Migom Bank
E: info@migom.com
W: https://migom.com

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source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59918/

Tianyun International Brand Value Exceeded RMB 1.5Billion For the First Time

HONG KONG, Jun 29, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Tianyun International Holdings Limited ("Tianyun International", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") (Stock code: 6836.HK), a leading seller and manufacturer of processed fruits products in China, is pleased to announce that the Group's subsidiary Shandong Tiantong Food Co.,Ltd. (the "Tiantong Food") was highly recognized for its distinguished brand and product quality and being elected on "2020 Most Valuable Chinese Brands List" for four consecutive years and given with a brand value of RMB 1.53Billion. The increasing brand value confirms the market's high affirmation of the Group.

2020 China Brand Evaluation Online Press Conference

2020 China Brand Value Evaluation information is released online recently. On the premise of higher requirements for assessment, the number of brands released this year reached 564, including leading companies in most industries. The average brand value has grown by 5.1% over last year. The information of the China brand value is one of the essential events to fight the epidemic, boost confidence, lead brand consumption, and create more world-renowned Chinese brands. The Group was shortlisted again in the 2020 China Brand Evaluation List. The brand value increased by almost RMB 500Million compared to last year and surpassed the RMB 1.5billion mark for the first time, indicating an improvement in company's brand strength and official recognition. This fully reflects the high potential of the Group's own brand business and confirms consumers' trust in the Group's brand.

Management of the Group said: "We are honored to be listed on the China Brand Evaluation List for the fourth time in a row and highly recognized by authoritative institutions, which fully reflect the Group's efforts in branding. As a leading corporation of processed fruits products in China, we will continue to promote the development of the Group's own brand business, strive to enhance brand awareness and reputation, explore online and offline diversified marketing channels to broaden income sources, provide consumers with the most natural, healthy, safe, and high-quality products, which further enhance the Group's comprehensive core competitiveness in the post-COVID-19 era."

About Tianyun International Holding Limited (Stock Code: 6836.HK)
Tianyun International Holdings Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Group") are principally engaged in (i) the production and sales of processed fruit packaged in metal containers, plastic cups, glass containers and aluminium foil bags and ii) trading of fresh fruit. Processed fruit products are sold both under its own brands "Bingo Times", "fruit zz" and "Tiantong Times" and on an OEM basis.

The Group has been consistently committed to provide healthy and safe products to its customers. As one of the food enterprises with the most complete quality certifications, we have been continuously dedicated to adhering to stringent international production standards and are accredited with BRC (A), IFS Food (High), FDA(FSMA), HALAL, SC, KOSHER, BSCI and ISO22000, etc. in respect of our production facilities, quality control and management. The Group has also passed the internal food production standard reviews and audits from several the UK and US supermarket chains. At the same time, as a Chinese "Equal production line; Equal standard; Equal quality" food production and export enterprise, the Group has been supplying products of equivalent quality to domestic and international markets. Since 2016, the Group's own brand processed fruit products have continued to obtain a high degree of market recognition, and became the first fruit processor in China's fruit processing industry to place the "Zero Added Preservatives" label on its products.

The Group was awarded respectively the China's Most Promising Listed Companies by the internationally renowned financial magazine Forbes, and the "2017 Linyi Mayor Quality Award" as an integrated food production and sales enterprise by the government of the Linyi City of the Shandong Province. The Group's newly and proprietary researched, developed and produced pure fruit snack food also received a "Certificate of Invention Patent" from the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China in 2018. The Group and its own brand "Bingo Times" were awarded as China Canned Food Leading Enterprise and China Canned Food Leading Brand by national institutions respectively in 2019.

For more information, please visit www.tianyuninternational.com and https://v.douyin.com/v2de9w/

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source http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/59913/