SINGAPORE, Nov 1, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - SGX Catalist-listed Hatten Limited ("Hatten Land", "Company", and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary Hatten Technology (S) Pte. Ltd. ("Hatten Technology") has signed a joint venture agreement ("JVA") with homegrown fintech company HydraX Pte. Ltd. ("Hydra X") to establish a joint venture company ("JVC") to jointly develop and operate 'first-of-its-kind' cryptocurrency exchanges ("Crypto Exchanges") in Singapore and Malaysia.
The Crypto Exchanges and related custodian services are subject to obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals which JVC will be applying for in both countries. The two Crypto Exchanges, are believed to be the first such exchanges worldwide.
The JVC is the latest initiative undertaken by Hatten Land to re-purpose its malls in Melaka and align its business model with the growth trends of the digital economy. The Group has announced plans to create a 'metaverse' digital twin of historical Malaysian city and to develop a dedicated token system, and create digital assets, including nonfungible tokens ("NFTs").
Hatten Land is also working with partners to install solar panels on rooftops of the malls and potentially build large-scale solar photovoltaic ("LSSPV") facilities of 100 MWp. These panels will enable environmentally-friendly cryptocurrency mining which will commence with 3,000 mining rigs to be operated with two different partners. The digital assets derived from these new initiatives may also be listed or traded on the Crypto Exchanges.
With every transaction being recorded on distributed ledgers, regulated financial institutions might reject Bitcoins that may have been used for illegal activities. However, freshly minted 'Virgin Bitcoins' with no transaction history are considered pristine and can potentially command a premium. 'Green Bitcoins' mined with renewable energy sources are also gaining popularity among cryptocurrency investors.
The Crypto Exchanges will focus on listing and trading of newly-minted Bitcoins (also known as "Virgin Bitcoins" or "Clean Bitcoins"), eco-friendly BTC wrapper tokens ("Green Bitcoins"), as well as other "green" cryptocurrency, tokens and/or "green" credits. In addition to operating the exchanges, the JVC will also generate revenue by providing custody services for the cryptocurrencies and tokens that are being traded.
Under the JVA, the Group will hold a 60% equity stake in the JVC with the remaining 40% equity stake to be held by Hydra X. As partial consideration for the development costs for the Crypto Exchanges, Hydra X will be issued new ordinary shares of Hatten Land and Hydra X will become a shareholder of the Company.
Hydra X Provides a Complete Suite of Professional Features Across Traditional and Digital Asset Classes
Singapore-headquartered Hydra X offers digital technology infrastructure to global financial institutions in the capital markets space. It provides regulatory compliant, end-to-end multi-asset market infrastructure solutions which allow interoperability between digital and traditional assets. Headed by founding CEO Daryl Low, Hydra X's management team has altogether 60 years of experience in finance, financial regulation, law and technology.
Hydra X's customers include financial institutions such as DBS, and currently provides custodian services for digital securities under the FinTech Regulatory Sandbox of the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS").
Proposed Share Placement to Technology-focused Investor, Golden Summit
Hatten Land has proposed to issue 20 million new ordinary shares at S$0.06 per share to Golden Summit International Ltd, of which 70% of the net proceeds will be used to fund new business initiatives of the Group and the rest will be used for working capital.
The placement price of S$0.06 per share represents a discount of approximately 2.12% to the volume weighted average price of S$0.0613, based on trades done on the Shares on SGX-ST from 27 October 2021 up to the trading halt on 28 October 2021 (being the market day on which the Placement Agreement is signed).
Golden Summit invests in consumer and enterprise tech companies in Southeast Asia, North Asia and North America, focusing on enterprise software, fintech, e-commerce and healthcare industry. Its investments include Coupang, the largest online marketplace in South Korea and Stockbit, a popular Indonesian stock trading app, among others.
Dato' Colin Tan, Executive Chairman and Managing Director of Hatten Land, said: "This joint venture to develop and operate Crypto Exchanges is strategic to our digital and blockchain initiatives. The listing and trading of digital assets will significantly enhance the value proposition of our strategic pivot towards the digital economy. While cryptocurrencies are becoming mainstream, we foresee a growing demand for 'Virgin' and "Green" Bitcoins amid the rising ESG trend and we look forward to harness the opportunities in this area."
Mr. Daryl Low, CEO of Hydra X, said "This initiative is a step towards fulfilling Hydra X's aim to help catalyse institutional adoption of digital assets. We look forward to a fruitful partnership with Hatten Land to enable global trading in the digital capital markets space while playing a part in promoting environmental sustainability by addressing concerns of socially conscious investors."
Note: This media release is to be read in conjunction with the SGX announcements released on the same date.
About Hatten Land Limited
Hatten Land Limited is one of the leading property developers in Malaysia specialising in integrated residential, hotel and commercial developments. Headquartered in Melaka, it is the property development arm of the conglomerate Hatten Group, which is a leading brand in Malaysia with core businesses in property development, property investment, hospitality, retail and education.
Hatten Land Limited began trading on the Catalist board of SGX-ST on 28 February 2017 after the completion of the reverse takeover of VGO Corporation Limited. For more information, visit:
For share information, please see SGX: PH0 / Bloomberg: HATT:SP / Reuters: HATT:SI.
Issued on behalf of Hatten Land Limited by WeR1 Consultants Pte Ltd.
Media & Investor Contacts:
Mr Isaac Tang
Mobile: +65 91780269
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
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- ケロロ軍曹
- コバトン(埼玉県マスコット)
- さいたまっち(埼玉県マスコット)
- トコろん(所沢市イメージマスコット)
- りそにゃ(りそなグループのコミュニケーションキャラクター)
富士通:本スキーム提供者。Ridgelinez株式会社(社長 今井 俊哉)が本スキームにおけるシステムとキャッシュレス機能を提供。コレクション性があり広告掲載可能なブロックチェーン技術を活用(特許出願中)。
概要: 富士通株式会社
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
大塚商会・NEC・dotData、中堅・中小企業自らデータ分析を可能とし、データドリブンな経営に貢献する『dotData Lite』を販売開始
そこで、3社はdotDataを活用して大塚商会がお客様の各種経営指標を分析する『大塚商会dotData AI分析サービス』を共同開発し、本年6月に大塚商会から販売開始しました(注)。
今回データ活用のプロセスを内製化したいといったお客様からの要望を受け、中堅・中小企業や、分析対象が小規模の部署単位で自らデータ分析を行えるよう、ユーザ体験は同等のまま価格・構成をおさえた『dotData Lite』を新たに開発・販売開始します。
dotDataは、機械学習自動化におけるリーダーであるdotData, Inc.が開発した、AIを活用して予測分析プロセス全体を自動化するソフトウェアです。日本国内ではNECがdotData, Inc.から本ソフトウェアの独占販売権を取得し、2018年の提供開始以来、企業内に蓄積されるビッグデータを活用した課題解決を加速してきました。
『dotData Lite』は、従来から販売している「dotData Enterprise」が最小5ノード構成からであるのに対し、保有するデータ量が少ない企業向けに1ノード構成となっているため、低コストで利用することができます。誰でも高度なデータ分析が可能になる『dotData Lite』を活用いただくことで、お客様のデータドリブンな経営に貢献します。
大塚商会 執行役員 山口大樹
当社が保有するdotDataと自社活用により蓄積したノウハウを廉価で提供する『大塚商会dotData AI分析サービス』を6月にリリースしご好評をいただいております。今回リリースする『dotData Lite』はdotData環境をお客様自らご利用いただくことが可能なサービスです。中堅・中小企業のお客様にもご利用いただけるように各社の協力をいただき、ミニマム構成による提供を実現しました。本サービスが多くのお客様の経営課題解決のお役に立てればと願っております。
NEC データドリブンDX事業部長 芳賀 宏平
2021年6月の『大塚商会dotData AI分析サービス』に続き、今回は中堅・中小企業のお客様のデータ分析内製化ニーズに応えたいという大塚商会様のご要望のもと、『dotData Lite』の開発に至りました。今後も、大塚商会様と連携しながらdotData, Inc.とNECの強みを活かしたサービスを展開することでお客様のデータドリブン経営の実現に貢献していきたいと思います。
dotData, Inc. CEO 藤巻 遼平
今回の大塚商会様とのパートナーシップは、全ての企業がデータ分析を高度化してよりよい製品やサービスを生み出せる世界を創るというdotDataのビジョンの重要なステップです。『dotData Lite』によってより多くの企業の分析高度化に貢献できることを嬉しく思います。今後も各社との協業をさらに発展させDX加速に貢献してまいります。
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
また新たに、全国で活用が進む教育機関向けグループウェアである Google の Google Workspace for Educaiton と「OPE」を連携することで、活用状況を可視化し、先生や児童生徒の教育ICTの活用促進と児童生徒の学びの深化を支援する機能の開発を進め、2022年の提供開始を目指します。
Society 5.0時代における学びを実現するため、政府はGIGAスクール構想の次の施策であり、ポスト新型コロナウイルス期の新たな学びの在り方として「データ駆動型教育」への推進を掲げています。GIGAスクール構想によって児童生徒に一人一台の端末が配布され、教育環境のデジタル化に向けた取り組みが拡大・加速する中、個人の学習履歴や成績などの情報を収集・分析、可視化することで一人一人に個別最適な学びができるようになると期待されています。政府は、臨時休校などの緊急時にもICT を活用しながら児童生徒の学びを保障する取り組みとして、児童生徒が学校や家庭において、学習やアセスメントができるMEXCBTを推進しています。MEXCBTは、本年11月下旬から順次希望する全国の学校で活用される予定となっています(注5)。
今回NEC は、データ駆動型教育が進む学校教育現場に向けて、MEXCBTへの接続を行い、今後 Google Workspace for Education との連携などの以下の機能を強化し提供していきます。
1. MEXCBTに準拠した学習eポータル
2. Google Workspace for Education との連携
Google の提供する教育機関向けグループウェアの Google Workspace for Education は、教育機関において先生や児童生徒の双方向のコミュニケーションや、資料の共有や共同編集等により学習をコラボレーションすることができるツール群で、 Chromebook と共に多くの教育機関に採用されています。
児童生徒の主体的な学びや協働的な学びの実現に向けて、教育委員会や学校、先生が、教育ICT環境を活用した授業等のあり方に明確な方向性を持ち、授業への活用段階の進捗を確認する仕組みづくりとして、NECは Google Workspace for Education の活用状況を可視化するダッシュボード機能を開発し、2022年の提供開始を目標としています。
また、 Google Workspace for Education との連携とあわせて、学校や教室、家庭において児童生徒が安全安心にICTを活用できていることの確認や、MEXCBTでの学習結果を始めとした各種学習コンテンツの学習ログとの掛け合わせにより教育ICTの活用と学びの結果がどのように結びついているかの把握ができる学習eポータルを目指し、順次機能強化を行います。
詳細は をご覧ください。
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Hatten Land Forms Joint Venture with Singapore Fintech Group Hydra X to Develop and Operate Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Singapore and Malaysia Focused on "Green" and "Clean" Cryptocurrencies and Tokens
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The Crypto Exchanges and related custodian services are subject to obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals which JVC will be applying for in both countries. The two Crypto Exchanges, are believed to be the first such exchanges worldwide.
The JVC is the latest initiative undertaken by Hatten Land to re-purpose its malls in Melaka and align its business model with the growth trends of the digital economy. The Group has announced plans to create a 'metaverse' digital twin of historical Malaysian city and to develop a dedicated token system, and create digital assets, including nonfungible tokens ("NFTs").
Hatten Land is also working with partners to install solar panels on rooftops of the malls and potentially build large-scale solar photovoltaic ("LSSPV") facilities of 100 MWp. These panels will enable environmentally-friendly cryptocurrency mining which will commence with 3,000 mining rigs to be operated with two different partners. The digital assets derived from these new initiatives may also be listed or traded on the Crypto Exchanges.
With every transaction being recorded on distributed ledgers, regulated financial institutions might reject Bitcoins that may have been used for illegal activities. However, freshly minted 'Virgin Bitcoins' with no transaction history are considered pristine and can potentially command a premium. 'Green Bitcoins' mined with renewable energy sources are also gaining popularity among cryptocurrency investors.
The Crypto Exchanges will focus on listing and trading of newly-minted Bitcoins (also known as "Virgin Bitcoins" or "Clean Bitcoins"), eco-friendly BTC wrapper tokens ("Green Bitcoins"), as well as other "green" cryptocurrency, tokens and/or "green" credits. In addition to operating the exchanges, the JVC will also generate revenue by providing custody services for the cryptocurrencies and tokens that are being traded.
Under the JVA, the Group will hold a 60% equity stake in the JVC with the remaining 40% equity stake to be held by Hydra X. As partial consideration for the development costs for the Crypto Exchanges, Hydra X will be issued new ordinary shares of Hatten Land and Hydra X will become a shareholder of the Company.
Hydra X Provides a Complete Suite of Professional Features Across Traditional and Digital Asset Classes
Singapore-headquartered Hydra X offers digital technology infrastructure to global financial institutions in the capital markets space. It provides regulatory compliant, end-to-end multi-asset market infrastructure solutions which allow interoperability between digital and traditional assets. Headed by founding CEO Daryl Low, Hydra X's management team has altogether 60 years of experience in finance, financial regulation, law and technology.
Hydra X's customers include financial institutions such as DBS, and currently provides custodian services for digital securities under the FinTech Regulatory Sandbox of the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS").
Proposed Share Placement to Technology-focused Investor, Golden Summit
Hatten Land has proposed to issue 20 million new ordinary shares at S$0.06 per share to Golden Summit International Ltd, of which 70% of the net proceeds will be used to fund new business initiatives of the Group and the rest will be used for working capital.
The placement price of S$0.06 per share represents a discount of approximately 2.12% to the volume weighted average price of S$0.0613, based on trades done on the Shares on SGX-ST from 27 October 2021 up to the trading halt on 28 October 2021 (being the market day on which the Placement Agreement is signed).
Golden Summit invests in consumer and enterprise tech companies in Southeast Asia, North Asia and North America, focusing on enterprise software, fintech, e-commerce and healthcare industry. Its investments include Coupang, the largest online marketplace in South Korea and Stockbit, a popular Indonesian stock trading app, among others.
Dato' Colin Tan, Executive Chairman and Managing Director of Hatten Land, said: "This joint venture to develop and operate Crypto Exchanges is strategic to our digital and blockchain initiatives. The listing and trading of digital assets will significantly enhance the value proposition of our strategic pivot towards the digital economy. While cryptocurrencies are becoming mainstream, we foresee a growing demand for 'Virgin' and "Green" Bitcoins amid the rising ESG trend and we look forward to harness the opportunities in this area."
Mr. Daryl Low, CEO of Hydra X, said "This initiative is a step towards fulfilling Hydra X's aim to help catalyse institutional adoption of digital assets. We look forward to a fruitful partnership with Hatten Land to enable global trading in the digital capital markets space while playing a part in promoting environmental sustainability by addressing concerns of socially conscious investors."
Note: This media release is to be read in conjunction with the SGX announcements released on the same date.
About Hatten Land Limited
Hatten Land Limited is one of the leading property developers in Malaysia specialising in integrated residential, hotel and commercial developments. Headquartered in Melaka, it is the property development arm of the conglomerate Hatten Group, which is a leading brand in Malaysia with core businesses in property development, property investment, hospitality, retail and education.
Hatten Land Limited began trading on the Catalist board of SGX-ST on 28 February 2017 after the completion of the reverse takeover of VGO Corporation Limited. For more information, visit:
For share information, please see SGX: PH0 / Bloomberg: HATT:SP / Reuters: HATT:SI.
Issued on behalf of Hatten Land Limited by WeR1 Consultants Pte Ltd.
Media & Investor Contacts:
Mr Isaac Tang
Mobile: +65 91780269
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
TRON Officially Launches Cross-Chain Scaling Solution BitTorrent Chain (BTTC)
SINGAPORE, Nov 1, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - On October 30, TRON tweeted to announce the official launch of BitTorrent Chain (BTTC) test network. BTTC is already compatible with TRON, Ethereum and BSC. It will also support HECO and OEC in the near future. Down the road, BTTC will arrive on more public chains to deliver its mission of connecting all chains. In the meantime, TRON will earmark $1 billion to spur the migration of projects from Ethereum onto BTTC.
BTTC is co-developed by the core teams of BitTorrent and TRON, and is the first heterogeneous cross-chain interoperability protocol in the industry. It features a PoS consensus mechanism and multi-node validation, and supports off-chain matching and smart contract extension through sidechains. These have endowed BTTC with core competencies such as a heterogeneous cross-chain structure, fast and cost-effective transfers, and asset security.
By leveraging the fully decentralized BTTC, users are able to transfer mainstream assets among TRON, Ethereum, BSC in a decentralized manner without any limit, according to the open letter by TRON founder Justin Sun on TRON's new vision and the official launch of BitTorrent Chain.
Further, as a layer 2 network that is compatible with both the TRON and Ethereum protocols, BTTC features full compatibility with EVM -- all EVM developers are allowed to easily migrate their Ethereum-based applications fully onto BitTorrent Chain, which provides superior scalability for the Ethereum network.
As BTTC arrives, TRON will see the emergence of a closed-loop ecosystem of layer 1 and 2 networks with sound cross-chain connectivity. By integrating both a robust underlying network of Global Human Settlement Layer and a heterogeneous, scalable cross-chain network BitTorrent Chain that features high throughput and full compatibility with EVM, TRON will enable smooth communication with the world's top layer 1 networks such as Ethereum and BSC.
It is noteworthy that a verifier election of BitTorrent Chain nodes will be held on the TRON blockchain, similar to the one for the TRON protocol. Everyone can take part in the election to become a BTTC node, and BTT holders can cast their votes to earn staking rewards. It is also worth attention that only a limited number of seats are available, and the election will be ended once the limit is reached. Users can earn BTT rewards and co-govern the community once they become the verifiers.
TRON is among the top three public chains and one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world. It has been on a fast track to growth since its inception, and now boasts upwards of 58 million users, more than 2.5 billion transactions, and a TVL of over $11.5 billion. Compared with traditional financial transfer networks, TRON's daily settlement volume is already five times higher than that of PayPal.
TRON has also been active in the innovation of NFT's underlying technology. Besides launching the first NFT standard TRC-721 this March, TRON also enhanced the world's largest distributed storage system BTFS, providing a comprehensive and efficient infrastructure to turn artworks as NFTs on blockchains. Today, TRON's ecosystem is taking off on all fronts.
With the BTTC launch as the prelude, TRON and BitTorrent are officially making inroads into the cross-chain race, ushering in a new era for us all.
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
BTTC is co-developed by the core teams of BitTorrent and TRON, and is the first heterogeneous cross-chain interoperability protocol in the industry. It features a PoS consensus mechanism and multi-node validation, and supports off-chain matching and smart contract extension through sidechains. These have endowed BTTC with core competencies such as a heterogeneous cross-chain structure, fast and cost-effective transfers, and asset security.
By leveraging the fully decentralized BTTC, users are able to transfer mainstream assets among TRON, Ethereum, BSC in a decentralized manner without any limit, according to the open letter by TRON founder Justin Sun on TRON's new vision and the official launch of BitTorrent Chain.
Further, as a layer 2 network that is compatible with both the TRON and Ethereum protocols, BTTC features full compatibility with EVM -- all EVM developers are allowed to easily migrate their Ethereum-based applications fully onto BitTorrent Chain, which provides superior scalability for the Ethereum network.
As BTTC arrives, TRON will see the emergence of a closed-loop ecosystem of layer 1 and 2 networks with sound cross-chain connectivity. By integrating both a robust underlying network of Global Human Settlement Layer and a heterogeneous, scalable cross-chain network BitTorrent Chain that features high throughput and full compatibility with EVM, TRON will enable smooth communication with the world's top layer 1 networks such as Ethereum and BSC.
It is noteworthy that a verifier election of BitTorrent Chain nodes will be held on the TRON blockchain, similar to the one for the TRON protocol. Everyone can take part in the election to become a BTTC node, and BTT holders can cast their votes to earn staking rewards. It is also worth attention that only a limited number of seats are available, and the election will be ended once the limit is reached. Users can earn BTT rewards and co-govern the community once they become the verifiers.
TRON is among the top three public chains and one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world. It has been on a fast track to growth since its inception, and now boasts upwards of 58 million users, more than 2.5 billion transactions, and a TVL of over $11.5 billion. Compared with traditional financial transfer networks, TRON's daily settlement volume is already five times higher than that of PayPal.
TRON has also been active in the innovation of NFT's underlying technology. Besides launching the first NFT standard TRC-721 this March, TRON also enhanced the world's largest distributed storage system BTFS, providing a comprehensive and efficient infrastructure to turn artworks as NFTs on blockchains. Today, TRON's ecosystem is taking off on all fronts.
With the BTTC launch as the prelude, TRON and BitTorrent are officially making inroads into the cross-chain race, ushering in a new era for us all.
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
PIL Announced Nine Months 2021 Results, with Quarterly Revenue Chalking New Height
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For the nine months ended 30 September 2021, the Group's revenue was contributed by both the ATE and FAS segments, with each constituting approximately 70.0% and 30.0% respectively of the Group's revenue during the Period.
The ATE segment recorded an increase in revenue by MYR68.1 million to MYR271.4 million for the nine months ended 30 September 2021 as compared to the Previous Corresponding Period. The ATE segment, was predominantly contributed by the electro-optical segment and the automotive segment. While the electro-optical segment continued to show recovery since fourth quarter 2020, the automotive segment gained its revenue momentum in the current quarter mainly through the delivery of its test handling equipment for IPM (integrated power module), thereby closing the automotive segment's revenue during the Period with a growth rate of 21.2% as compared to the same period last year. The Group continues to see upturn in momentum from the automotive segment given the strong growth in automotive electrification and the Group's timely involvement in anchoring its position in this segment as well as geographically across key automotive markets in North Asia region and European market. In general, the global technology "super cycle" momentum will continue to provide a growth platform for the Group's ATE in the immediate term and against the backdrop of such opportunity and supply chain headwinds, the Group continues to leverage on its research and development capabilities to methodically expand its product portfolio and offerings.
Revenue from the FAS segment for the nine months ended 30 September 2021 increased by approximately 2.1% from MYR116.0 million recorded in the Previous Corresponding Period to MYR118.5 million. After marking double digit growth in 2020, the growth in the FAS segment for the nine months ended 30 September 2021 returned to its normal state given the current capacity and its projects on hand which require longer project lead time coupled with the supply chain disruptions. However, it was notable to witness a wider customer base achieved within this segment during the Period, in addition to a broader project portfolio under the application of the Group's proprietary i-ARMS (intelligent Automated Robotic Manufacturing System) solutions especially from the consumer and industrial products segment and electro-optical segment. From quarter two of 2021 to quarter three of 2021, the FAS segment marked a growth of approximately 35.2% and the Group is optimistic on the growth prospects of its FAS segment. The Group continues to witness the rapid shift of various industries towards smart manufacturing and the adoption of automation technology, more so with the effect of COVID-19 pandemic where many companies are keen to accelerate the pace of automation for better operational efficiency and digitalisation.
On the back of a healthy order book which is fuelled by a robust market sentiment in the current "super cycle", the Group expects to end its financial year 2021 commendably with yearly revenue record achievement. As the Government of Malaysia and global economies lifting the various level of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic and with the impending opening up of more cross border travelling, the Group anticipates a smoother progress in its project site installation and deployment at its customer's premise, which is an important milestone for revenue recognition to take place.
The widely-reported semiconductor shortage and supply chain constraints remained a pertinent concern to the global technology market. Towards this end, it is imperative for the Group to adjust its inventory management strategies as well as project lead time planning with its customers in order to effectively manage the challenging situation. As it is, the Group has been experiencing order intake momentum where customers across the industry segments are gradually preparing for higher levels of inventory to ensure supply security.
Looking ahead, whilst still maintaining a cautious and observance stance, the Group anticipates a more stable and favourable operating environment as global economies' are slowly opening up with the pick-up in vaccination rate. The structural shift towards a greener Earth coupled with the proliferation of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things have accelerated the massive digital transformation across key industries such as the electro-optical, automotive, and semiconductor segment. The Group as a customised solution provider with many years of experience in this level playing field, believes it is well positioned to leverage and capture the growth from these industry megatrends where such trends will continue to sustain the Group's businesses on a long term basis. The Group's continuous focus on its 3-pillar business strategies of diversification across geographical region, business segments as well as product portfolio remains key in attaining a profitable and sustainable business operation. As it is, the Group has outlined key capital expenditure in funnelling its investment in anchoring its exposure to the rapid development in technological revolution and industrial transformation to enable the Group to seize its long term business prospects.
About Pentamaster International Limited
PIL (HKEX stock code: 1665) is a leading global supplier in providing automation technology and solutions to multinational manufacturers mainly in the semiconductor, automotive, electrical & electronics, medical devices and consumer industrial products sectors spanning APAC, North America and Europe. The Group's broad range of integrated automation products and solutions entails innovating, designing, manufacturing and installing automated equipment and/or automated manufacturing solutions.
To learn more about PIL, please visit us at
For media enquiries, please contact:
Pentamaster International Limited
ICA Investor Relations (Asia) Limited
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Strives for Five-fold Growth in Next Three Years, Grand Debut of Shimao Services' "City Services Manager"
HONG KONG, Nov 1, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - In the advent of its first listing anniversary, Shimao Services Holdings Limited ("Shimao Services" or the "Company"; HKEX Stock Code: 873.HK) has been very active - setting up its second headquarters in Chengdu, cooperating with Lang Chao Infrastructure, undertaken overall operation and maintenance of the Westlake University Yungu Campus in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, among others. In the first half of this year, Shimao Services achieved operating revenue of RMB4,234 million, a 171% surge year-on-year. Its net profit attributable to the parent was RMB578 million, up 136% year-on-year. According to its 2020 results announcement, Shimao Services achieved a five-fold growth in both revenue and business scale in the past three years, and will strive for another five-fold growth in the next three years.
On 29 October, in Shanghai, Shimao Services held an appreciation banquet to celebrate its first listing anniversary and the launch of its city services business. Ye Mingjie, Executive Director and President of Shimao Services Holdings, said he is optimistic about the development prospects of the property industry and Shimao Services will seize opportunities to speed up development. Shimao Services also, for the first time, announced the strategy of its city services business, positioning itself as a "City Services Manager" focusing on four main business areas - environment management, space management, renewal management and smart city management, to help it achieve the strategic goal of making it among leaders in the property service industry by 2023. The 2021 interim results of the Company shows that the newly added city services, with revenue reaching RMB134 million.
In recent years, favorable national policies have presented conditions for property enterprises to standardize operation and conducive to the long-term positive development of the industry. Shimao Group, the parent company of Shimao Services, is also confident of the prospect of the property industry hence will put its weight behind Shimao Services in striving for continuous rapid growth. Mr. Jason Hui, Vice Chairman and President of Shimao Group and Chairman of the Board of Shimao Services, stressed that, for Shimao Group, Shimao Services has always been one of the two wings in its "Big Plane Strategy" and it believes the property service industry has a promising outlook. Hence, in the future, it will keep providing resources as well as different business opportunities to Shimao Services.
Currently, although city services still have to the appropriate operation model, with the country encouraging property enterprises to partake in city services, Shimao Services sees opportunities for its business. On 14 October, Shimao Services announced that its second national headquarters has been set up in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, making it the first listed property management company to have dual headquarters to back the development of city services business, helping improve the scientific, precision and intelligence levels of city management.
In fact, since May this year, Shimao Services has forged partnership with Shenzhen Shenxiong Environment Co., Ltd. ("Shenxiong Environment") and Wuxi Jinshatian Technology Co., Ltd. ("Jinshatian Technology"), respectively, to help with mapping out its reach in two key regions, namely the Greater Bay Area and the Yangtze River Delta, and build its core and comprehensive city service capabilities. Shenxiong Environment is a top 10 environmental sanitation company in the Greater Bay Area, which also scored first in the Shenzhen Environmental Assessment Index Ranking 13 times in a row. As for Jinshatian Technology, which ranked sixth in the municipal environmental sanitation industry in China, has had it eye on growing the Yangtze River Delta market. Furthermore, in collaboration with local governments, Shimao Services has secured service projects in 15 cities, including Sucheng District of Suqian City and the Acheng District of Harbin City, five projects have commenced operation.
All signs and moves considered, Shimao Services is clearly positive about the prospect of city services and is sparing no effort to grow the business. In its plan, the business shall be guided by the "City Services Manager" positioning, with coverage extended from residents previously to "residents + citizens", from inside to "inside + outside" and from property services to "all scenario services". The manager will focus on four main areas - environment management, space management, renewal management and smart city management, aiming to raise the scientific, precision and intelligence levels of city management. For example, in space management, transportation, culture and leisure activities will be the emphases and, drawing on its advantages in resources, and operational and lean management capability, the company will take part in operating and managing transportation networks, pubic venues and parks, helping create beautiful and harmonious city space for people.
"Those at the top rule" is true as ever. Thus, Shimao Services has never stopped striving for a place among leaders in the industry. Apart from scaling up business, it also sees value-added service business as a new engine for sustainable growth in the medium and long term. In the first half of this year, community value-added services brought in revenue of RMB1.393 billion, a 233.9% leap year-on-year. Certain "property services + life services" policies and measures introduced by ministries and state commissions have presented huge development opportunities to the value-added service sector. Looking ahead, Shimao Services will push to tap segments with strong potential, broaden its value-added service offerings, attain professional operational capabilities and hone its strength. For instance, Shimao Services' subsidiary SUNIT has built a 0-2KM core community social life circle, with a good number of stores opened in regions including Shanghai and Nanjing. In October this year, joining hands with MYFARM, it also opened its first self-operated farm at Shimao Riviera Garden in Shanghai.
In the one year since listing, the Group's businesses, such as comprehensive property management service, community value-added services and smart city services, all performed well, with business indicators improving across the board. The Group has realized quality growth and prides a more solid and healthy operational foundation now. Shimao Services is expected to maintain brilliant performances going forward and be able to deliver on its promises to customers, cooperative partners and the capital market.
About Shimao Services Holdings Limited (Stock code: 873)
Established in 2005, Shimao Services is China's leading provider of integrated property management and community life services. It is also one of the important wings of Shimao Group's "big aircraft" strategy. Shimao Services takes the "Smart Maker of Good Life" as its brand concept and implements the "iBlue Strategy", focusing on the four core high-energy city clusters in the Yangtze River Delta Region, Central and Western China, Southern China and Bohai Economic Rim. As of June 2021, the company had more than 530 properties under management, 239 million square meters of contract area, covering residential, schools, government and public facilities, health care centers and hospitals, VIP lounges in waiting rooms, etc, and provided comprehensive property management, community life services and non-owner value-added services for nearly 3.2 million owners and users.
For more information, please visit Shimao Services' website:
For further information, please contact:
Strategic Financial Relations Limited
Sharon Lau / Cherry Chen
Tel: (852) 2864 4852 / (852) 2114 4903
Fax: (852) 2527 1196
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
On 29 October, in Shanghai, Shimao Services held an appreciation banquet to celebrate its first listing anniversary and the launch of its city services business. Ye Mingjie, Executive Director and President of Shimao Services Holdings, said he is optimistic about the development prospects of the property industry and Shimao Services will seize opportunities to speed up development. Shimao Services also, for the first time, announced the strategy of its city services business, positioning itself as a "City Services Manager" focusing on four main business areas - environment management, space management, renewal management and smart city management, to help it achieve the strategic goal of making it among leaders in the property service industry by 2023. The 2021 interim results of the Company shows that the newly added city services, with revenue reaching RMB134 million.
In recent years, favorable national policies have presented conditions for property enterprises to standardize operation and conducive to the long-term positive development of the industry. Shimao Group, the parent company of Shimao Services, is also confident of the prospect of the property industry hence will put its weight behind Shimao Services in striving for continuous rapid growth. Mr. Jason Hui, Vice Chairman and President of Shimao Group and Chairman of the Board of Shimao Services, stressed that, for Shimao Group, Shimao Services has always been one of the two wings in its "Big Plane Strategy" and it believes the property service industry has a promising outlook. Hence, in the future, it will keep providing resources as well as different business opportunities to Shimao Services.
Currently, although city services still have to the appropriate operation model, with the country encouraging property enterprises to partake in city services, Shimao Services sees opportunities for its business. On 14 October, Shimao Services announced that its second national headquarters has been set up in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, making it the first listed property management company to have dual headquarters to back the development of city services business, helping improve the scientific, precision and intelligence levels of city management.
In fact, since May this year, Shimao Services has forged partnership with Shenzhen Shenxiong Environment Co., Ltd. ("Shenxiong Environment") and Wuxi Jinshatian Technology Co., Ltd. ("Jinshatian Technology"), respectively, to help with mapping out its reach in two key regions, namely the Greater Bay Area and the Yangtze River Delta, and build its core and comprehensive city service capabilities. Shenxiong Environment is a top 10 environmental sanitation company in the Greater Bay Area, which also scored first in the Shenzhen Environmental Assessment Index Ranking 13 times in a row. As for Jinshatian Technology, which ranked sixth in the municipal environmental sanitation industry in China, has had it eye on growing the Yangtze River Delta market. Furthermore, in collaboration with local governments, Shimao Services has secured service projects in 15 cities, including Sucheng District of Suqian City and the Acheng District of Harbin City, five projects have commenced operation.
All signs and moves considered, Shimao Services is clearly positive about the prospect of city services and is sparing no effort to grow the business. In its plan, the business shall be guided by the "City Services Manager" positioning, with coverage extended from residents previously to "residents + citizens", from inside to "inside + outside" and from property services to "all scenario services". The manager will focus on four main areas - environment management, space management, renewal management and smart city management, aiming to raise the scientific, precision and intelligence levels of city management. For example, in space management, transportation, culture and leisure activities will be the emphases and, drawing on its advantages in resources, and operational and lean management capability, the company will take part in operating and managing transportation networks, pubic venues and parks, helping create beautiful and harmonious city space for people.
"Those at the top rule" is true as ever. Thus, Shimao Services has never stopped striving for a place among leaders in the industry. Apart from scaling up business, it also sees value-added service business as a new engine for sustainable growth in the medium and long term. In the first half of this year, community value-added services brought in revenue of RMB1.393 billion, a 233.9% leap year-on-year. Certain "property services + life services" policies and measures introduced by ministries and state commissions have presented huge development opportunities to the value-added service sector. Looking ahead, Shimao Services will push to tap segments with strong potential, broaden its value-added service offerings, attain professional operational capabilities and hone its strength. For instance, Shimao Services' subsidiary SUNIT has built a 0-2KM core community social life circle, with a good number of stores opened in regions including Shanghai and Nanjing. In October this year, joining hands with MYFARM, it also opened its first self-operated farm at Shimao Riviera Garden in Shanghai.
In the one year since listing, the Group's businesses, such as comprehensive property management service, community value-added services and smart city services, all performed well, with business indicators improving across the board. The Group has realized quality growth and prides a more solid and healthy operational foundation now. Shimao Services is expected to maintain brilliant performances going forward and be able to deliver on its promises to customers, cooperative partners and the capital market.
About Shimao Services Holdings Limited (Stock code: 873)
Established in 2005, Shimao Services is China's leading provider of integrated property management and community life services. It is also one of the important wings of Shimao Group's "big aircraft" strategy. Shimao Services takes the "Smart Maker of Good Life" as its brand concept and implements the "iBlue Strategy", focusing on the four core high-energy city clusters in the Yangtze River Delta Region, Central and Western China, Southern China and Bohai Economic Rim. As of June 2021, the company had more than 530 properties under management, 239 million square meters of contract area, covering residential, schools, government and public facilities, health care centers and hospitals, VIP lounges in waiting rooms, etc, and provided comprehensive property management, community life services and non-owner value-added services for nearly 3.2 million owners and users.
For more information, please visit Shimao Services' website:
For further information, please contact:
Strategic Financial Relations Limited
Sharon Lau / Cherry Chen
Tel: (852) 2864 4852 / (852) 2114 4903
Fax: (852) 2527 1196
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Seven concurrent trade fairs close, attracting 16,000+ onsite buyers
HONG KONG, Oct 30, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) brought its seven autumn trade fairs* together onto a single "physical + online" platform in 2021. The physical fairs ended today, attracting more than 16,000 industry buyers to visit in person and conduct business discussions, while the online fairs run until 6 November. To date, more than 3,000 meetings have been arranged while close to 12,000 buyers browsed products and conducted business discussions online.
Featuring more than 1,700 exhibitors from 18 countries and regions, the hybrid fairs present a comprehensive range of the latest technologies. HKTDC Deputy Executive Director Benjamin Chau said this year's policy address outlined steps to build Hong Kong into an international innovation and technology centre, underlining the huge potential for companies in the innovation and technology industry. The seven fairs ran in a hybrid format to allow global buyers and exhibitors to connect and conduct business matching both online and offline, creating more business opportunities.
Positive sales outlook
The HKTDC conducted an on-site survey during the fairs. Among more than 450 exhibitors and buyers interviewed, more than half (55%) expected overall sales to increase next year, while 30% expected sales to remain steady. In terms of market potential, respondents were most optimistic about Taiwan (78%) and South Korea (63%) among traditional markets, and Mainland China (76%), India (72%) and Eastern Europe (72%) among emerging markets.
The COVID-19 pandemic affected exhibitors and buyers in different ways, including a drop in sales and revenue (64%), rising logistics costs (23%) and rising sourcing/production costs (19%). With just two months remaining until the new year, 44% of respondents believed fluctuations in the global economy will be the major challenge to their businesses in 2022, followed by an increase in operating costs (32%) and changing political developments (29%). Asked about opportunities, 37% of respondents expected that business leads driven from e-tailing would have the most impact, followed by recovering customer purchasing power (36%) and rising demand from emerging markets (34%).
Seven fairs present latest technology
The seven trade shows took on a vibrant atmosphere, presenting a one-stop shop for electronic technologies, smart city solutions, lighting solutions, medical and environmental protection technologies, services and information.
At the HKTDC Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo, Innobuild exhibitor BeeInventor displayed a smart helmet which deploys Internet of Things (IoT) technology to improve construction-site management. Commercial manager Simon Yau said the company targets Hong Kong customers and had met 40 potential buyers in the first two days, including those from construction companies and government departments. The company expects 30% of these prospects to become new customers, far exceeding expectations.
HKTDC International ICT Expo exhibitor Dayta AI Limited showed cloud solutions that analyse customer traffic patterns at offline retailers. Dayta's Head of Business Development Jack Ling said the company had negotiated with 30 potential partners at the expo and closed a deal with a fashion retailer. Other buyers include non-government organisations and retailers in the IT sector. He expects more deals to be made after the event.
Eco Expo Asia promotes green recovery for carbon neutrality
The Environment Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region earlier this month released Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050. The plan outlines the four major decarbonisation strategies and measures - net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport and waste reduction - that will lead Hong Kong towards carbon neutrality. Themed "Promoting Green Recovery for Carbon Neutrality", this year's Eco Expo Asia brought together companies offering environmental protection products, solutions, equipment and technology in different categories, including Green Building & Energy Efficiency, Green Transportation and Waste Treatment & Recycling.
A buyer at the expo, Max Tsang, Director of GreenCo ESG Advisory Limited, said he was looking for the latest eco-friendly solutions and products for clients and was helped by the HKTDC's business matching service, which assisted them in screening suitable suppliers and successfully identify three potential providers of waste management equipment and food waste decomposers. Mr Tsang said Eco Expo Asia provided an ideal platform for him to learn the latest environmental protection trends, adding that he would like to participate again next year.
Online fairs create new business opportunities
At the online fairs, which run until 6 November, the HKTDC is continuing to mobilise its network of 50 offices worldwide to invite overseas buyers to conduct discussions with exhibitors via video conferencing. The online fairs are once again featuring Click2Match, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered online business matching platform launched by the HKTDC last year, to bring exhibitors together with potential buyers. Buyers and exhibitors can also take advantage of functions such as a meeting planner, live chat, video meetings and e-business card exchange, helping to facilitate their online business.
AT-Vibe Technology Ltd, which participated in both the physical and online formats of the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) for the first time, demonstrated its latest IoT solutions. Product manager Wilson Chan was very satisfied with the response at the fair. "We are negotiating orders with potential buyers from several IT companies and a bank that we met at the physical exhibition," Mr Chan said. "The HKTDC has also lined up virtual meetings for us to meet with overseas buyers on its AI-powered Click2Match platform to further explore overseas business opportunities."
* The seven autumn trade fairs include the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition), HKTDC International ICT Expo, HKTDC Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair, HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition), HKTDC Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo, electronicAsia, which is jointly organised by the HKTDC and MMI Asia Pte Ltd, and Eco Expo Asia, which is jointly organised by the HKTDC and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.
Seven autumn trade fairs websites
- Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition):
- electronicAsia:
- International ICT Expo:
- Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition):
- Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo:
- Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair:
- Eco Expo Asia:
Photo download:
HKTDC Media Room:
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong's trade. With 50 offices globally, including 13 in Mainland China, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a two-way global investment and business hub. The HKTDC organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to create business opportunities for companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in the mainland and international markets. The HKTDC also provides up-to-date market insights and product information via trade publications, research reports and digital news channels. For more information, please visit: Follow us on Twitter @hktdc and LinkedIn
Media enquiries:
HKTDC's Communications & Public Affairs Department
Clayton Lauw, Tel: +852 2584 4472, Email:
Janet Chan, Tel: +852 2584 4369, Email:
Agnes Wat, Tel: +852 2584 4554, Email:
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Featuring more than 1,700 exhibitors from 18 countries and regions, the hybrid fairs present a comprehensive range of the latest technologies. HKTDC Deputy Executive Director Benjamin Chau said this year's policy address outlined steps to build Hong Kong into an international innovation and technology centre, underlining the huge potential for companies in the innovation and technology industry. The seven fairs ran in a hybrid format to allow global buyers and exhibitors to connect and conduct business matching both online and offline, creating more business opportunities.
Positive sales outlook
The HKTDC conducted an on-site survey during the fairs. Among more than 450 exhibitors and buyers interviewed, more than half (55%) expected overall sales to increase next year, while 30% expected sales to remain steady. In terms of market potential, respondents were most optimistic about Taiwan (78%) and South Korea (63%) among traditional markets, and Mainland China (76%), India (72%) and Eastern Europe (72%) among emerging markets.
The COVID-19 pandemic affected exhibitors and buyers in different ways, including a drop in sales and revenue (64%), rising logistics costs (23%) and rising sourcing/production costs (19%). With just two months remaining until the new year, 44% of respondents believed fluctuations in the global economy will be the major challenge to their businesses in 2022, followed by an increase in operating costs (32%) and changing political developments (29%). Asked about opportunities, 37% of respondents expected that business leads driven from e-tailing would have the most impact, followed by recovering customer purchasing power (36%) and rising demand from emerging markets (34%).
Seven fairs present latest technology
The seven trade shows took on a vibrant atmosphere, presenting a one-stop shop for electronic technologies, smart city solutions, lighting solutions, medical and environmental protection technologies, services and information.
At the HKTDC Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo, Innobuild exhibitor BeeInventor displayed a smart helmet which deploys Internet of Things (IoT) technology to improve construction-site management. Commercial manager Simon Yau said the company targets Hong Kong customers and had met 40 potential buyers in the first two days, including those from construction companies and government departments. The company expects 30% of these prospects to become new customers, far exceeding expectations.
HKTDC International ICT Expo exhibitor Dayta AI Limited showed cloud solutions that analyse customer traffic patterns at offline retailers. Dayta's Head of Business Development Jack Ling said the company had negotiated with 30 potential partners at the expo and closed a deal with a fashion retailer. Other buyers include non-government organisations and retailers in the IT sector. He expects more deals to be made after the event.
Eco Expo Asia promotes green recovery for carbon neutrality
The Environment Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region earlier this month released Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050. The plan outlines the four major decarbonisation strategies and measures - net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport and waste reduction - that will lead Hong Kong towards carbon neutrality. Themed "Promoting Green Recovery for Carbon Neutrality", this year's Eco Expo Asia brought together companies offering environmental protection products, solutions, equipment and technology in different categories, including Green Building & Energy Efficiency, Green Transportation and Waste Treatment & Recycling.
A buyer at the expo, Max Tsang, Director of GreenCo ESG Advisory Limited, said he was looking for the latest eco-friendly solutions and products for clients and was helped by the HKTDC's business matching service, which assisted them in screening suitable suppliers and successfully identify three potential providers of waste management equipment and food waste decomposers. Mr Tsang said Eco Expo Asia provided an ideal platform for him to learn the latest environmental protection trends, adding that he would like to participate again next year.
Online fairs create new business opportunities
At the online fairs, which run until 6 November, the HKTDC is continuing to mobilise its network of 50 offices worldwide to invite overseas buyers to conduct discussions with exhibitors via video conferencing. The online fairs are once again featuring Click2Match, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered online business matching platform launched by the HKTDC last year, to bring exhibitors together with potential buyers. Buyers and exhibitors can also take advantage of functions such as a meeting planner, live chat, video meetings and e-business card exchange, helping to facilitate their online business.
AT-Vibe Technology Ltd, which participated in both the physical and online formats of the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) for the first time, demonstrated its latest IoT solutions. Product manager Wilson Chan was very satisfied with the response at the fair. "We are negotiating orders with potential buyers from several IT companies and a bank that we met at the physical exhibition," Mr Chan said. "The HKTDC has also lined up virtual meetings for us to meet with overseas buyers on its AI-powered Click2Match platform to further explore overseas business opportunities."
* The seven autumn trade fairs include the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition), HKTDC International ICT Expo, HKTDC Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair, HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition), HKTDC Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo, electronicAsia, which is jointly organised by the HKTDC and MMI Asia Pte Ltd, and Eco Expo Asia, which is jointly organised by the HKTDC and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.
Seven autumn trade fairs websites
- Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition):
- electronicAsia:
- International ICT Expo:
- Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition):
- Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo:
- Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair:
- Eco Expo Asia:
Photo download:
HKTDC Media Room:
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong's trade. With 50 offices globally, including 13 in Mainland China, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a two-way global investment and business hub. The HKTDC organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to create business opportunities for companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in the mainland and international markets. The HKTDC also provides up-to-date market insights and product information via trade publications, research reports and digital news channels. For more information, please visit: Follow us on Twitter @hktdc and LinkedIn
Media enquiries:
HKTDC's Communications & Public Affairs Department
Clayton Lauw, Tel: +852 2584 4472, Email:
Janet Chan, Tel: +852 2584 4369, Email:
Agnes Wat, Tel: +852 2584 4554, Email:
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
TRON Officially Launches Cross-Chain Scaling Solution BitTorrent Chain (BTTC)
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BTTC is co-developed by the core teams of BitTorrent and TRON, and is the first heterogeneous cross-chain interoperability protocol in the industry. It features a PoS consensus mechanism and multi-node validation, and supports off-chain matching and smart contract extension through sidechains. These have endowed BTTC with core competencies such as a heterogeneous cross-chain structure, fast and cost-effective transfers, and asset security.
By leveraging the fully decentralized BTTC, users are able to transfer mainstream assets among TRON, Ethereum, BSC in a decentralized manner without any limit, according to the open letter by TRON founder Justin Sun on TRON's new vision and the official launch of BitTorrent Chain.
Further, as a layer 2 network that is compatible with both the TRON and Ethereum protocols, BTTC features full compatibility with EVM -- all EVM developers are allowed to easily migrate their Ethereum-based applications fully onto BitTorrent Chain, which provides superior scalability for the Ethereum network.
As BTTC arrives, TRON will see the emergence of a closed-loop ecosystem of layer 1 and 2 networks with sound cross-chain connectivity. By integrating both a robust underlying network of Global Human Settlement Layer and a heterogeneous, scalable cross-chain network BitTorrent Chain that features high throughput and full compatibility with EVM, TRON will enable smooth communication with the world's top layer 1 networks such as Ethereum and BSC.
It is noteworthy that a verifier election of BitTorrent Chain nodes will be held on the TRON blockchain, similar to the one for the TRON protocol. Everyone can take part in the election to become a BTTC node, and BTT holders can cast their votes to earn staking rewards. It is also worth attention that only a limited number of seats are available, and the election will be ended once the limit is reached. Users can earn BTT rewards and co-govern the community once they become the verifiers.
TRON is among the top three public chains and one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world. It has been on a fast track to growth since its inception, and now boasts upwards of 58 million users, more than 2.5 billion transactions, and a TVL of over $11.5 billion. Compared with traditional financial transfer networks, TRON's daily settlement volume is already five times higher than that of PayPal.
TRON has also been active in the innovation of NFT's underlying technology. Besides launching the first NFT standard TRC-721 this March, TRON also enhanced the world's largest distributed storage system BTFS, providing a comprehensive and efficient infrastructure to turn artworks as NFTs on blockchains. Today, TRON's ecosystem is taking off on all fronts.
With the BTTC launch as the prelude, TRON and BitTorrent are officially making inroads into the cross-chain race, ushering in a new era for us all.
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Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Strives for Five-fold Growth in Next Three Years, Grand Debut of Shimao Services' "City Services Manager"
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On 29 October, in Shanghai, Shimao Services held an appreciation banquet to celebrate its first listing anniversary and the launch of its city services business. Ye Mingjie, Executive Director and President of Shimao Services Holdings, said he is optimistic about the development prospects of the property industry and Shimao Services will seize opportunities to speed up development. Shimao Services also, for the first time, announced the strategy of its city services business, positioning itself as a "City Services Manager" focusing on four main business areas - environment management, space management, renewal management and smart city management, to help it achieve the strategic goal of making it among leaders in the property service industry by 2023. The 2021 interim results of the Company shows that the newly added city services, with revenue reaching RMB134 million.
In recent years, favorable national policies have presented conditions for property enterprises to standardize operation and conducive to the long-term positive development of the industry. Shimao Group, the parent company of Shimao Services, is also confident of the prospect of the property industry hence will put its weight behind Shimao Services in striving for continuous rapid growth. Mr. Jason Hui, Vice Chairman and President of Shimao Group and Chairman of the Board of Shimao Services, stressed that, for Shimao Group, Shimao Services has always been one of the two wings in its "Big Plane Strategy" and it believes the property service industry has a promising outlook. Hence, in the future, it will keep providing resources as well as different business opportunities to Shimao Services.
Currently, although city services still have to the appropriate operation model, with the country encouraging property enterprises to partake in city services, Shimao Services sees opportunities for its business. On 14 October, Shimao Services announced that its second national headquarters has been set up in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, making it the first listed property management company to have dual headquarters to back the development of city services business, helping improve the scientific, precision and intelligence levels of city management.
In fact, since May this year, Shimao Services has forged partnership with Shenzhen Shenxiong Environment Co., Ltd. ("Shenxiong Environment") and Wuxi Jinshatian Technology Co., Ltd. ("Jinshatian Technology"), respectively, to help with mapping out its reach in two key regions, namely the Greater Bay Area and the Yangtze River Delta, and build its core and comprehensive city service capabilities. Shenxiong Environment is a top 10 environmental sanitation company in the Greater Bay Area, which also scored first in the Shenzhen Environmental Assessment Index Ranking 13 times in a row. As for Jinshatian Technology, which ranked sixth in the municipal environmental sanitation industry in China, has had it eye on growing the Yangtze River Delta market. Furthermore, in collaboration with local governments, Shimao Services has secured service projects in 15 cities, including Sucheng District of Suqian City and the Acheng District of Harbin City, five projects have commenced operation.
All signs and moves considered, Shimao Services is clearly positive about the prospect of city services and is sparing no effort to grow the business. In its plan, the business shall be guided by the "City Services Manager" positioning, with coverage extended from residents previously to "residents + citizens", from inside to "inside + outside" and from property services to "all scenario services". The manager will focus on four main areas - environment management, space management, renewal management and smart city management, aiming to raise the scientific, precision and intelligence levels of city management. For example, in space management, transportation, culture and leisure activities will be the emphases and, drawing on its advantages in resources, and operational and lean management capability, the company will take part in operating and managing transportation networks, pubic venues and parks, helping create beautiful and harmonious city space for people.
"Those at the top rule" is true as ever. Thus, Shimao Services has never stopped striving for a place among leaders in the industry. Apart from scaling up business, it also sees value-added service business as a new engine for sustainable growth in the medium and long term. In the first half of this year, community value-added services brought in revenue of RMB1.393 billion, a 233.9% leap year-on-year. Certain "property services + life services" policies and measures introduced by ministries and state commissions have presented huge development opportunities to the value-added service sector. Looking ahead, Shimao Services will push to tap segments with strong potential, broaden its value-added service offerings, attain professional operational capabilities and hone its strength. For instance, Shimao Services' subsidiary SUNIT has built a 0-2KM core community social life circle, with a good number of stores opened in regions including Shanghai and Nanjing. In October this year, joining hands with MYFARM, it also opened its first self-operated farm at Shimao Riviera Garden in Shanghai.
In the one year since listing, the Group's businesses, such as comprehensive property management service, community value-added services and smart city services, all performed well, with business indicators improving across the board. The Group has realized quality growth and prides a more solid and healthy operational foundation now. Shimao Services is expected to maintain brilliant performances going forward and be able to deliver on its promises to customers, cooperative partners and the capital market.
About Shimao Services Holdings Limited (Stock code: 873)
Established in 2005, Shimao Services is China's leading provider of integrated property management and community life services. It is also one of the important wings of Shimao Group's "big aircraft" strategy. Shimao Services takes the "Smart Maker of Good Life" as its brand concept and implements the "iBlue Strategy", focusing on the four core high-energy city clusters in the Yangtze River Delta Region, Central and Western China, Southern China and Bohai Economic Rim. As of June 2021, the company had more than 530 properties under management, 239 million square meters of contract area, covering residential, schools, government and public facilities, health care centers and hospitals, VIP lounges in waiting rooms, etc, and provided comprehensive property management, community life services and non-owner value-added services for nearly 3.2 million owners and users.
For more information, please visit Shimao Services' website:
For further information, please contact:
Strategic Financial Relations Limited
Sharon Lau / Cherry Chen
Tel: (852) 2864 4852 / (852) 2114 4903
Fax: (852) 2527 1196
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
GCL-Poly has Fulfilled all Resumption Guidance and will Resume Trading
HONG KONG, Oct 31, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - Having fulfilled the five conditions set out in the Resumption Guidance on 29 October 2021, GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 3800.HK) ("GCL-Poly" or the "Company"; together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") has made an application to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") for the resumption of trading in GCL-Poly's shares with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 1 November 2021 (tomorrow) on the Stock Exchange.
Fulfillment of the five conditions in the "Resumption Guidance" are as follows:
1. Conduct an appropriate independent investigation into the various concerns raised by Deloitte in the Auditor Letter, assess the impact on GCL-Poly's business operation and financial position, disclose the findings and impact, and take appropriate remedial actions
2. Publish all outstanding financial results required under the Listing Rules and address any audit modifications
3. Demonstrate compliance with Rule 13.24 of the Listing Rules (i.e. GCL-Poly shall carry out, directly or indirectly, a business with a sufficient level of operations and assets of sufficient value to support its operations to warrant the continued listing of GCL-Poly's securities)
4. Announce all material information for GCL-Poly's shareholders and investors to appraise its position
5. Demonstrate that GCL-Poly has in place adequate internal controls and procedures to comply with the Listing Rules
Meanwhile, thanks to the significantly increased demand in solar products market and the rebound of selling price of solar products, GCL-Poly recorded promising results in the first half of 2021. For the six months ended 30 June 2021, the Group's unaudited revenue was approximately RMB8,779 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 22.3% as compared with the corresponding period in 2020. Gross profit increased by 97.5% year-on-year to approximately RMB3,599 million. Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Company amounted to approximately RMB2,407 million, while loss for the period attributable to owners of the Company of approximately RMB1,996 million was incurred in the same period in 2020.
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Fulfillment of the five conditions in the "Resumption Guidance" are as follows:
1. Conduct an appropriate independent investigation into the various concerns raised by Deloitte in the Auditor Letter, assess the impact on GCL-Poly's business operation and financial position, disclose the findings and impact, and take appropriate remedial actions
2. Publish all outstanding financial results required under the Listing Rules and address any audit modifications
3. Demonstrate compliance with Rule 13.24 of the Listing Rules (i.e. GCL-Poly shall carry out, directly or indirectly, a business with a sufficient level of operations and assets of sufficient value to support its operations to warrant the continued listing of GCL-Poly's securities)
4. Announce all material information for GCL-Poly's shareholders and investors to appraise its position
5. Demonstrate that GCL-Poly has in place adequate internal controls and procedures to comply with the Listing Rules
Meanwhile, thanks to the significantly increased demand in solar products market and the rebound of selling price of solar products, GCL-Poly recorded promising results in the first half of 2021. For the six months ended 30 June 2021, the Group's unaudited revenue was approximately RMB8,779 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 22.3% as compared with the corresponding period in 2020. Gross profit increased by 97.5% year-on-year to approximately RMB3,599 million. Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Company amounted to approximately RMB2,407 million, while loss for the period attributable to owners of the Company of approximately RMB1,996 million was incurred in the same period in 2020.
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Dusit International partners leading culinary institutes to develop The Food School, Thailand's First International Multi Brand Culinary School
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Set to open in Q1 2022, The Food School will bring together three globally recognised institutions, including Dusit's own Dusit Thani College, Japan's renowned Tsuji Culinary Institute, and La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana (ALMA), the world's leading education and training centre for Italian cuisine. Each will offer long-course modules in Thai cuisine, Japanese cuisine, and Italian cuisine and bakery, respectively.
Designed to provide an innovative, progressive and experiential learning environment, The Food School is targeted at young professionals, keen amateurs, career-switchers and entrepreneurs seeking to get the best possible start for their food and beverage businesses. The project will occupy 3,200 sq.m of thoughtfully designed space set over three floors at the new Creative & Startup Village in the city's Sam Yan district.
Students will have access to The Food School's unique entrepreneurial incubator platform, The Test Kitchen, which will offer facilities for product testing and experimentation; business planning services; professional coaching and mentorship from renowned local chefs; and exclusive opportunities to get financial support from investors during specially arranged pitching sessions.
Equity partners in the THB 336 million development include Dusit International, Glowfish Co-Working Space (under privately owned real estate investment company Heritage Estates Co., Ltd.), Allied Metals (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (one of Asia's leading suppliers of professional kitchens and kitchen infrastructure), and La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana (ALMA).
"The Food School aims to create a vibrant, dynamic and collaborative ecosystem that brings together Thailand's food community to drive positive social, environmental, and economic developments in the food and beverage industry at large," said Ms Suphajee Suthumpun, Group CEO, Dusit International.
"Three clear highlights set The Food School apart as a unique proposition in Bangkok. First, it is the first mover in the market to offer multi-cuisine training and business incubation all under one roof. Second, its Test Kitchen facilities will provide an unrivalled opportunity for experienced or fledgling chefs and savvy entrepreneurs to trial new concepts, receive advice on these concepts from seasoned industry experts, and tap into Thailand's dynamic food and beverage market. Third, The Food School will play an active role in the food and beverage community by hosting regular events that bring together key industry players to discuss latest trends, evaluate concepts, and brainstorm the way ahead for established and upcoming food and beverage businesses alike."
Ms Suthumpun said that no other facility offers such comprehensive services for culinary startups and young professionals in Bangkok. "By responding to the professional needs of the market in the new normal, fully leveraging Dusit's rich experience in providing hospitality education for more than 20 years, and offering access to mentorship from celebrated chefs and well-known restaurateurs in Thailand, and later globally, we look forward to helping The Food School's students, entrepreneurial associates, and community supporters to fulfill their potential with services, facilities and hands-on learning specially created to equip them for success in the post COVID-19 days ahead."
Ms Prim Jitcharoongphorn, Chairperson of the Executive Board at Allied Metals, said, "The highlight of The Food School facility is the design of kitchen classrooms that fosters teamwork and collaboration among peers. Our facility is equipped with eco-friendly equipment which is energy-efficient, user-friendly, and versatile. Kitchens at The Food School are truly state of the art. We are delighted that our innovative solutions will contribute to the sustainable development of culinary talents in Thailand by facilitating maximum productivity with minimal environmental impact."
Mr Gavin Vongkusolkit, Managing Director of Heritage Estates Co. Ltd and Founder of Glowfish Co-Working Space, said, "Glowfish is all about people, community, and genuine collaboration, and any partnership or project we undertake will always be built on these solid foundations. Bringing our expertise in value-driven collaboration to The Food School, we look forward to building a thriving ecosystem of creativity and innovation, not only for Thailand's food industry but also for the wider benefit of tourism, agriculture, wellness, sustainability, entrepreneurship, education and many connecting parts of our society and economy."
To learn more, please see or contact:
Photo caption:
The Food School - A Winning Partnership:
Equity partners in The Food School include Dusit International, Glowfish Co-Working Space, Allied Metals (Thailand) Co, Ltd and La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana (ALMA).
Pictured (from left):
- Mr Siradej Donavanik, Managing Director, ASAI Hotels, Vice President, Development, Dusit International
- Mr Gavin Vongkusolkit, Managing Director, Heritage Estates Co. Ltd, Founder, Glowfish Co-Working Space
- Ms Suphajee Suthumpun, Group Chief Executive Officer, Dusit International
- Ms Prim Jitcharoongphorn, Chairperson, Executive Board of Allied Metals (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- Mr Yannis Janssens, Technical Director, The Food School
- Mr Laurent Casteret, School Director, The Food School
About Dusit International
Established in 1948, Dusit International is a leading hospitality group listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Building on its two core areas of business - Hotels & Resorts and Hospitality Education - the company has expanded its operations over the past four years to comprise five business units. The additional units include Foods, Property Development, and Hospitality-Related Services. Today, the company's property portfolio comprises more than 300 distinctive hotels, resorts and luxury villas operating under six brands across 17 countries worldwide, as well as two leading hospitality colleges with campuses in Thailand and the Philippines. Following a three-pronged strategy for sustainable growth, including balance, expansion and diversification, the company has recently expanded into food production, on-demand hospitality services, and property development to reach new markets and add further recurring streams of revenue to the company.
For more information, please visit
Official photos of Dusit Hotels & Resorts can be downloaded at
Media Contact:
Sureerat Sudpairak | Corporate Director of Public Relations | Dusit International
Tel: +66 2200 9999 ext. 3321 | Mobile: +66 89 006 8697 | Email:
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Cros is Launching to Streamline Collaboration between Enterprises on Distributed Ledger
SINGAPORE, Oct 30, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - Cros Network ( is launching to streamline the collaboration between enterprises using distributed ledger. Cros is a cross-organizational platform designed to facilitate business process execution on a foundation of ownership, trust, and control. With this protocol, businesses can collaborate and securely execute their business processes in a tamper proof manner, without trusted intermediaries.
While the global B2B e-commerce market size is estimated to reach $20.9 trillion by 2027, the industry has operational shortcomings that would prove more inefficient inching towards this growth; especially that business process collaboration could triple to $100 billion in the next five years, with 80% spent moving, aggregating, cleansing, verifying and sharing data with other businesses and stakeholders. Enterprise revenues are estimated to decrease by 27 to 40% as coordination costs increase proportionally by degree of specialization. Retailers in Asia alone lose around $40 billion annually, reliant on siloed processes and absence of trust among enterprises.
The traditional view of markets and enterprises relies on sequential thinking, whether it is supply-chain or business value chain. Companies are slowly realizing that they are part of a larger network, not a link in a chain. This demands an ecosystem approach to resource planning, business process execution and collaboration between the various nodes of the network. Being a cross-organizational network built on distributed ledger, tamper-proof and seamless, Cros aims to fill in these gaps.
"The solution we envisioned was an innovative cross-org collaboration and integration platform; a decentralized integration platform, into which small and medium businesses can collaborate and correctly execute their business process without the need for trusted intermediaries," says Cros' visionary founder Ajay Bhandari, the former Google and Microsoft Chief Architect.
"Cros translates existing collaborative process models to distributed ledger and ensures that the process is secure and is executed correctly. Distributed ledger checks for compliance before changing a state of process, providing a single source of truth to all participants, and full traceability."
Bhandari offers a solution for challenges related to data exchange, complicated transformations, traceability and shared truth, and trust between parties. Cros would be empowering enterprises to collaborate with ease, integrate with their IT infrastructure and Cloud ERPs, while preserving data guardianship and maintaining control.
Similar problems were solved within the enterprise (intra-business integration) utilizing databases, service bus and ERP systems. However, those technologies and platforms are insufficient for cross-enterprise collaboration, due to concerns of ownership, trust and control. Enterprise today runs on centralized systems, coordinating transactions between suppliers, vendors, business partners and regulators. It is difficult to build consensus on running and operating cross-enterprise collaboration while addressing ownership, trust, and control issues.
A paradigm shift is necessary, based on a completely revised definition of "ownership," "control," and "trust", the hallmarks of the operational model of traditional business. Distributed ledger technology can be the enabler of such a paradigm shift towards cooperative competition, or "co-opetition".
Cros is the flagship project of Bussr Technologies (, a leading Singaporean payments infrastructure platform for mobility companies. Bussr Technologies is partnering with best-in-class entities to build Cros, and foster the development of services and applications that will run on it.
About Cros
Cros is the natural development evolved from the same ethos and philosophy of Bussr Technologies Ltd, with the aim to streamline collaboration between small, medium, and large enterprises using distributed ledger. Cros' approach is from enterprise to distributed ledger, thereby easing the familiar challenges of integration with existing infrastructure. Learn more at or contact
Media Contact
HA, Bussr Technologies
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
While the global B2B e-commerce market size is estimated to reach $20.9 trillion by 2027, the industry has operational shortcomings that would prove more inefficient inching towards this growth; especially that business process collaboration could triple to $100 billion in the next five years, with 80% spent moving, aggregating, cleansing, verifying and sharing data with other businesses and stakeholders. Enterprise revenues are estimated to decrease by 27 to 40% as coordination costs increase proportionally by degree of specialization. Retailers in Asia alone lose around $40 billion annually, reliant on siloed processes and absence of trust among enterprises.
The traditional view of markets and enterprises relies on sequential thinking, whether it is supply-chain or business value chain. Companies are slowly realizing that they are part of a larger network, not a link in a chain. This demands an ecosystem approach to resource planning, business process execution and collaboration between the various nodes of the network. Being a cross-organizational network built on distributed ledger, tamper-proof and seamless, Cros aims to fill in these gaps.
"The solution we envisioned was an innovative cross-org collaboration and integration platform; a decentralized integration platform, into which small and medium businesses can collaborate and correctly execute their business process without the need for trusted intermediaries," says Cros' visionary founder Ajay Bhandari, the former Google and Microsoft Chief Architect.
"Cros translates existing collaborative process models to distributed ledger and ensures that the process is secure and is executed correctly. Distributed ledger checks for compliance before changing a state of process, providing a single source of truth to all participants, and full traceability."
Bhandari offers a solution for challenges related to data exchange, complicated transformations, traceability and shared truth, and trust between parties. Cros would be empowering enterprises to collaborate with ease, integrate with their IT infrastructure and Cloud ERPs, while preserving data guardianship and maintaining control.
Similar problems were solved within the enterprise (intra-business integration) utilizing databases, service bus and ERP systems. However, those technologies and platforms are insufficient for cross-enterprise collaboration, due to concerns of ownership, trust and control. Enterprise today runs on centralized systems, coordinating transactions between suppliers, vendors, business partners and regulators. It is difficult to build consensus on running and operating cross-enterprise collaboration while addressing ownership, trust, and control issues.
A paradigm shift is necessary, based on a completely revised definition of "ownership," "control," and "trust", the hallmarks of the operational model of traditional business. Distributed ledger technology can be the enabler of such a paradigm shift towards cooperative competition, or "co-opetition".
Cros is the flagship project of Bussr Technologies (, a leading Singaporean payments infrastructure platform for mobility companies. Bussr Technologies is partnering with best-in-class entities to build Cros, and foster the development of services and applications that will run on it.
About Cros
Cros is the natural development evolved from the same ethos and philosophy of Bussr Technologies Ltd, with the aim to streamline collaboration between small, medium, and large enterprises using distributed ledger. Cros' approach is from enterprise to distributed ledger, thereby easing the familiar challenges of integration with existing infrastructure. Learn more at or contact
Media Contact
HA, Bussr Technologies
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Cros is Launching to Streamline Collaboration between Enterprises on Distributed Ledger
While the global B2B e-commerce market size is estimated to reach $20.9 trillion by 2027, the industry has operational shortcomings that would prove more inefficient inching towards this growth; especially that business process collaboration could triple to $100 billion in the next five years, with 80% spent moving, aggregating, cleansing, verifying and sharing data with other businesses and stakeholders. Enterprise revenues are estimated to decrease by 27 to 40% as coordination costs increase proportionally by degree of specialization. Retailers in Asia alone lose around $40 billion annually, reliant on siloed processes and absence of trust among enterprises.
The traditional view of markets and enterprises relies on sequential thinking, whether it is supply-chain or business value chain. Companies are slowly realizing that they are part of a larger network, not a link in a chain. This demands an ecosystem approach to resource planning, business process execution and collaboration between the various nodes of the network. Being a cross-organizational network built on distributed ledger, tamper-proof and seamless, Cros aims to fill in these gaps.
"The solution we envisioned was an innovative cross-org collaboration and integration platform; a decentralized integration platform, into which small and medium businesses can collaborate and correctly execute their business process without the need for trusted intermediaries," says Cros' visionary founder Ajay Bhandari, the former Google and Microsoft Chief Architect.
"Cros translates existing collaborative process models to distributed ledger and ensures that the process is secure and is executed correctly. Distributed ledger checks for compliance before changing a state of process, providing a single source of truth to all participants, and full traceability."
Bhandari offers a solution for challenges related to data exchange, complicated transformations, traceability and shared truth, and trust between parties. Cros would be empowering enterprises to collaborate with ease, integrate with their IT infrastructure and Cloud ERPs, while preserving data guardianship and maintaining control.
Similar problems were solved within the enterprise (intra-business integration) utilizing databases, service bus and ERP systems. However, those technologies and platforms are insufficient for cross-enterprise collaboration, due to concerns of ownership, trust and control. Enterprise today runs on centralized systems, coordinating transactions between suppliers, vendors, business partners and regulators. It is difficult to build consensus on running and operating cross-enterprise collaboration while addressing ownership, trust, and control issues.
A paradigm shift is necessary, based on a completely revised definition of "ownership," "control," and "trust", the hallmarks of the operational model of traditional business. Distributed ledger technology can be the enabler of such a paradigm shift towards cooperative competition, or "co-opetition".
Cros is the flagship project of Bussr Technologies (, a leading Singaporean payments infrastructure platform for mobility companies. Bussr Technologies is partnering with best-in-class entities to build Cros, and foster the development of services and applications that will run on it.
About Cros
Cros is the natural development evolved from the same ethos and philosophy of Bussr Technologies Ltd, with the aim to streamline collaboration between small, medium, and large enterprises using distributed ledger. Cros' approach is from enterprise to distributed ledger, thereby easing the familiar challenges of integration with existing infrastructure. Learn more at or contact
Media Contact
HA, Bussr Technologies
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
China's New Regulation on Internet Healthcare Will Benefit Platforms like WeDoctor
HONG KONG, Oct 29, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - On 27 October, China's National Health Commission (NHC), the authority responsible for the medical industry, issued a new policy that calls for the regulation of China's fast-growing internet healthcare industry. The policy is expected to push China's internet healthcare industry from the period of minimal regulatory constraints into the era of standardized development.
According to the NHC, as of June 2021, the number of internet hospitals in China has exceeded 1,600, the internet hospital is the provider of online medical services such as online consultations. The first Internet hospital in China was established in 2015 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province by digital medical service platform WeDoctor.
This policy has generated widespread interest within the Chinese healthcare industry since its release, and the regulatory measures taken by Beijing on the education and training industry since the third quarter of this year have caused participants in various industries to be very concerned about the potential impact of the regulation. Unlike the education and training industry, the regulatory policy on online medical consultation has been well received within the industry, with the release of the policy seen as beneficial to the development of the internet healthcare industry, especially for some of large digital medical platforms that engage strictly online medical services.
The document, titled "Rules on the Regulation of Online Medical Consultation (Draft for Comments)", states that physicians are required to authenticate their real identity before providing consultations to ensure that such online consultations are provided by the said doctor. Other people, AI software, etc. are not allowed to impersonate or replace the physicians themselves. As a result, some companies that focusing on using AI technology to provide consultation services may be negatively impacted.
China does not allow internet healthcare platforms to use consultations as a tool for the sale of prescription drugs. The policy proposes that the occurrence of unified prescriptions and prescription refills is prohibited, that the personal income of healthcare workers must not be linked to income from drugs and medical examinations, and that doctors must not designate locations to purchase drugs and consumables.
In a report published by the People's Daily, Liao Jieyuan, founder of China's largest digital medical service platform WeDoctor, believes that the policy has released a clear signal that online medical consultation should be of the same quality as that provided by physical institutions, reflecting China's determination to develop digital medical services, which is essential for the standardized development and market expansion of the Internet healthcare industry.
The healthcare services and physical hospitals nowadays in China are unable to meet the huge demand of its 1.4 billion population. Platforms such as WeDoctor have leveraged technology to help alleviate the demand and supply imbalance in China's healthcare industry.
According to a publicly released research report by CICC, with the regulatory policies for internet healthcare becoming more transparent and standardized, companies providing actual medical services with a sound regulatory compliance system are expected to benefit the most.
(Source: Bloomberg Terminal)
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
According to the NHC, as of June 2021, the number of internet hospitals in China has exceeded 1,600, the internet hospital is the provider of online medical services such as online consultations. The first Internet hospital in China was established in 2015 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province by digital medical service platform WeDoctor.
This policy has generated widespread interest within the Chinese healthcare industry since its release, and the regulatory measures taken by Beijing on the education and training industry since the third quarter of this year have caused participants in various industries to be very concerned about the potential impact of the regulation. Unlike the education and training industry, the regulatory policy on online medical consultation has been well received within the industry, with the release of the policy seen as beneficial to the development of the internet healthcare industry, especially for some of large digital medical platforms that engage strictly online medical services.
The document, titled "Rules on the Regulation of Online Medical Consultation (Draft for Comments)", states that physicians are required to authenticate their real identity before providing consultations to ensure that such online consultations are provided by the said doctor. Other people, AI software, etc. are not allowed to impersonate or replace the physicians themselves. As a result, some companies that focusing on using AI technology to provide consultation services may be negatively impacted.
China does not allow internet healthcare platforms to use consultations as a tool for the sale of prescription drugs. The policy proposes that the occurrence of unified prescriptions and prescription refills is prohibited, that the personal income of healthcare workers must not be linked to income from drugs and medical examinations, and that doctors must not designate locations to purchase drugs and consumables.
In a report published by the People's Daily, Liao Jieyuan, founder of China's largest digital medical service platform WeDoctor, believes that the policy has released a clear signal that online medical consultation should be of the same quality as that provided by physical institutions, reflecting China's determination to develop digital medical services, which is essential for the standardized development and market expansion of the Internet healthcare industry.
The healthcare services and physical hospitals nowadays in China are unable to meet the huge demand of its 1.4 billion population. Platforms such as WeDoctor have leveraged technology to help alleviate the demand and supply imbalance in China's healthcare industry.
According to a publicly released research report by CICC, with the regulatory policies for internet healthcare becoming more transparent and standardized, companies providing actual medical services with a sound regulatory compliance system are expected to benefit the most.
(Source: Bloomberg Terminal)
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
China's New Regulation on Internet Healthcare Will Benefit Platforms like WeDoctor
HONG KONG, Oct 29, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - On 27 October, China's National Health Commission (NHC), the authority responsible for the medical industry, issued a new policy that calls for the regulation of China's fast-growing internet healthcare industry. The policy is expected to push China's internet healthcare industry from the period of minimal regulatory constraints into the era of standardized development.
According to the NHC, as of June 2021, the number of internet hospitals in China has exceeded 1,600, the internet hospital is the provider of online medical services such as online consultations. The first Internet hospital in China was established in 2015 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province by digital medical service platform WeDoctor.
This policy has generated widespread interest within the Chinese healthcare industry since its release, and the regulatory measures taken by Beijing on the education and training industry since the third quarter of this year have caused participants in various industries to be very concerned about the potential impact of the regulation. Unlike the education and training industry, the regulatory policy on online medical consultation has been well received within the industry, with the release of the policy seen as beneficial to the development of the internet healthcare industry, especially for some of large digital medical platforms that engage strictly online medical services.
The document, titled "Rules on the Regulation of Online Medical Consultation (Draft for Comments)", states that physicians are required to authenticate their real identity before providing consultations to ensure that such online consultations are provided by the said doctor. Other people, AI software, etc. are not allowed to impersonate or replace the physicians themselves. As a result, some companies that focusing on using AI technology to provide consultation services may be negatively impacted.
China does not allow internet healthcare platforms to use consultations as a tool for the sale of prescription drugs. The policy proposes that the occurrence of unified prescriptions and prescription refills is prohibited, that the personal income of healthcare workers must not be linked to income from drugs and medical examinations, and that doctors must not designate locations to purchase drugs and consumables.
In a report published by the People's Daily, Liao Jieyuan, founder of China's largest digital medical service platform WeDoctor, believes that the policy has released a clear signal that online medical consultation should be of the same quality as that provided by physical institutions, reflecting China's determination to develop digital medical services, which is essential for the standardized development and market expansion of the Internet healthcare industry.
The healthcare services and physical hospitals nowadays in China are unable to meet the huge demand of its 1.4 billion population. Platforms such as WeDoctor have leveraged technology to help alleviate the demand and supply imbalance in China's healthcare industry.
According to a publicly released research report by CICC, with the regulatory policies for internet healthcare becoming more transparent and standardized, companies providing actual medical services with a sound regulatory compliance system are expected to benefit the most.
(Source: Bloomberg Terminal)
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
According to the NHC, as of June 2021, the number of internet hospitals in China has exceeded 1,600, the internet hospital is the provider of online medical services such as online consultations. The first Internet hospital in China was established in 2015 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province by digital medical service platform WeDoctor.
This policy has generated widespread interest within the Chinese healthcare industry since its release, and the regulatory measures taken by Beijing on the education and training industry since the third quarter of this year have caused participants in various industries to be very concerned about the potential impact of the regulation. Unlike the education and training industry, the regulatory policy on online medical consultation has been well received within the industry, with the release of the policy seen as beneficial to the development of the internet healthcare industry, especially for some of large digital medical platforms that engage strictly online medical services.
The document, titled "Rules on the Regulation of Online Medical Consultation (Draft for Comments)", states that physicians are required to authenticate their real identity before providing consultations to ensure that such online consultations are provided by the said doctor. Other people, AI software, etc. are not allowed to impersonate or replace the physicians themselves. As a result, some companies that focusing on using AI technology to provide consultation services may be negatively impacted.
China does not allow internet healthcare platforms to use consultations as a tool for the sale of prescription drugs. The policy proposes that the occurrence of unified prescriptions and prescription refills is prohibited, that the personal income of healthcare workers must not be linked to income from drugs and medical examinations, and that doctors must not designate locations to purchase drugs and consumables.
In a report published by the People's Daily, Liao Jieyuan, founder of China's largest digital medical service platform WeDoctor, believes that the policy has released a clear signal that online medical consultation should be of the same quality as that provided by physical institutions, reflecting China's determination to develop digital medical services, which is essential for the standardized development and market expansion of the Internet healthcare industry.
The healthcare services and physical hospitals nowadays in China are unable to meet the huge demand of its 1.4 billion population. Platforms such as WeDoctor have leveraged technology to help alleviate the demand and supply imbalance in China's healthcare industry.
According to a publicly released research report by CICC, with the regulatory policies for internet healthcare becoming more transparent and standardized, companies providing actual medical services with a sound regulatory compliance system are expected to benefit the most.
(Source: Bloomberg Terminal)
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
第一の目標は、当社グループのCO2排出量(Scope1,2(注1))を、2040年までにNet Zeroにすることです。また、その中間目標として、2030年までに50%削減(2014年比)します。これは、生産活動に伴う当社グループの工場等からのCO2排出量の削減です。開発した技術を導入して、更なる省エネを推進することで、カーボンニュートラル工場を実現していきます。
第二の目標は、バリューチェーン全体からのCO2排出量を、2040年までにNet Zeroにすることです。また、その中間目標として、2030年までに50%削減(2019年比)します。これは、主に当社製品の使用によるお客様のCO2排出量(Scope3(注2)の削減に、CCUS(注3))による削減貢献分を加味したものです。
三菱重工 泉澤 清次 取締役社長 兼CEOは、次のように述べています。
「三菱重工グループは、2040年カーボンニュートラルを宣言します。カーボンニュートラル社会の実現は地球規模の課題であり、当社は、脱炭素分野での実績を誇るリーダーとして、気候変動対策をリードしていくことが我々のミッションであると考えています。CO2削減に貢献できる製品・技術・サービスを通して、世界中のパートナーと協調し、社会のNet Zero実現に貢献していきます。このような我々の理念を表した「Mission Net Zero」を、私自身を含めたグループ員一人ひとりの行動原理としていきます。」
Editor’s Notes(背景補足):
当社グループは、地球規模の課題である気候変動への対策が求められている中、社会課題の解決に貢献し、中長期的に成長を続けていくために優先的に取り組むべきテーマとして「脱炭素社会に向けたエネルギー課題の解決」を含む5つの重要課題(マテリアリティ)を2020年に特定しました。また、同年発表した中期事業計画である「2021事業計画」において、エネルギー供給側で脱炭素化を目指す「エナジートランジション」と、エネルギー需要側で脱炭素・省エネ・省人化を実現する「モビリティ等の新領域」を2つの成長領域に定めました。これらの領域の事業を推進し、また既存の事業の脱炭素化・電化・知能化を推進することにより、2040年Net Zeroを実現し、カーボンニュートラル社会の実現に向けて貢献していきます。
三菱重工グループは、エンジニアリングとものづくりのグローバルリーダーとして、 1884年の創立以来、 社会課題に真摯に向き合い、人々の暮らしを支えてきました。長い歴史の中で培われた高い技術力に最先端の知見を取り入れ、カーボンニュートラル社会の実現 に向けたエナジートランジション、 モビリティの電化・知能化、サイバー・セキュリティ分野 の発展に取り組み、 人々の豊かな暮らしを実現します。
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このサービス開始にあたり、Hondaはインドにバッテリーシェアリングサービス事業を目的とした現地法人を設立して、街中にバッテリー交換ステーション「Honda Mobile Power Pack Exchanger e:(モバイルパワーパックエクスチェンジャーイー)」を設置し、モバイルパワーパックe:の貸し出しを行います。リキシャ製造メーカーと協力し、まずは限定した都市で運用開始し、順次、地域を拡大していきます。
本田技研工業株式会社 ライフクリエーション事業本部長 加藤 稔のコメント
詳細は をご覧ください。
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Honda、着脱式可搬バッテリー「Honda Mobile Power Pack」を活用した取り組みについて
- モバイルパワーパックなどを活用したバッファ機能を設けることで電力需給バランスを実現
- 電力不足時におけるモバイルパワーパック貯蔵電力の電力系統への供給も検討
Hondaは、2050年にHondaの関わるすべての製品と企業活動を通じて、カーボンニュートラルを目指しています。その実現に向けた取り組みのひとつとして、電動モビリティとエネルギーサービスをつなぎ「自由な移動の提供」と「再生可能エネルギーの利用拡大」に貢献する「Honda eMaaS(イーマース)」というコンセプトを掲げており、二輪・四輪製品の電動化やモバイルパワーパックにより電動製品の幅を広げるとともに、インフラと連携したスマートな電力オペレーションを行うことで、再生可能エネルギーの活用を拡大します。
また将来的には、現在開発中の、複数のモバイルパワーパックを充電できるバッテリー交換ステーション「Honda Mobile Power Pack Exchanger e:(モバイルパワーパックエクスチェンジャーイー)」を電力系統につなぎ、電力不足時にはモバイルパワーパックに溜めた電力を電力系統に供給することも検討しています。
- 劣化によりモビリティ用途に適さなくなったモバイルパワーパックの二次利用も検討
- 業種を超えてモバイルパワーパックの活用を広げ、規格の標準化にも取り組む
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新BEVシリーズ、TOYOTA bZも、この方針に基づいています。中国・米国・欧州・日本など、BEVの需要や再生可能エネルギーによる電力供給が多い地域で、多くのお客様に受け入れていただけることを目指しており、2025年までに7車種を導入する予定です。
bZ=beyond Zeroがもたらす新しい価値
トヨタは、TOYOTA bZシリーズの導入にあたり、以下4つの目標価値を定めました。
1. You & Othersヒトとヒト
2. You & Your Carヒトとクルマ
3. You & the Environmentヒトと地球
4. You & Societyヒトと社会
bZ4Xは、これらを踏まえ開発した、TOYOTA bZシリーズ第一弾となるミディアムセグメントSUV型BEVです。トヨタは、このbZ4XからフルラインアップでBEVの展開を推進していきます。
bZ4X 車両概要
1. コンセプトは「Activity Hub」、単なる移動手段ではなく、乗員全員が楽しい時間や空間を共有できる、ワクワク感のあるクルマへ
新しい時代を迎えるクルマとして、乗員全員が一緒に楽しい時間や空間を共有できる「絆」のような役割を担いたいという意志を込め、「Activity Hub」をコンセプトとしました。インテリア、スタイリング、運転感覚、走行性能など、それぞれの分野で革新にチャレンジ。ワクワク感のあるクルマを目指しました。
2. e-TNGAの考え方に基づくBEV専用プラットフォーム(トヨタ初)を採用、低重心・高剛性化により、魅力のある走りを実現
3. 安心と安全に拘り抜いた性能
従来車から乗り換えても、他のトヨタ車同様、安心して安全にお乗りいただける性能に拘り抜きました。実用上、特に冬場の航続距離*2の確保や、世界トップレベルの電池容量維持率(10年後90%*3)を目標とし、安心して長く使えるBEVを目指しました。安全面でも、電池自体の高度な安全性を追求しているほか、最新の予防安全パッケージ「Toyota Safety Sense」の採用や、全方位衝突に対応するボディ構造、衝突時の保護性能確保に寄与する電池パックの採用などにより、安全にお乗りいただけるBEVを目指しました。
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