Busan, Korea, December 05, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – South Korea’s ocean exploration company Geoview successfully completed the marine geophysical exploration for the floating offshore wind farm in Ulsan.

In the first half of 2022, Geoview won an ocean exploration project from Equinor, a Norwegian national energy company, for the first time as a Korean company.
Geoview conducted and completed the project solely, earning the reputation that their technologies can compete against the global companies in Europe at a similar level.
Geoview, founded in 2005, has conducted numerous ocean exploration projects through which they acknowledge the importance of meeting the global standards. Subsequently, the company made aggressive investments in R&D and equipment.
In 2019, Geoview conducted an exploration task on the area where NGCP’s underwater cables were to be installed in the Philippines. In 2021, the company conducted geophysical and geotechnical survey on the 90km route between Wando and the Jeju Island in Korea. Recognized for its technologies in the field, the company has been receiving many inquiries for the eighty nine offshore wind farm projects that are in progress in Korea.
Geoview conducted the NGCP project in partnership with a local company MJAS. MJAS provided an exploration vessel and surveyor while Geoview dispatched exploration equipment and technical personnel. In the process, Geoview was able to pass on its high-level exploration techniques to MJAS. The two companies has been maintaining a close relationship ever since and are now preparing for the next project together.
Leveraging the joint project experience in the Philippines, Geoview is planning a “Grow Together” business model which promotes shared growths with local companies in the Southeast Asian countries from 2023.
Hyundo Kim, the CEO of Geoview, is looking for more business opportunities with interested companies with a vision to make a multinational ocean exploration group based in East Asia and Southeast Asia that can compete against the global ocean exploration companies in a few years by accumulating various technologies and experiences; and creating an industrial ecosystem to build upon seamless partnerships.

Social Link
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeoView.co.kr
Media contact
Brand: Geoview
Contact: Media team
Email: geoview@geoview.co.kr
Website: https://www.geoview.co.kr
Address: 4F, Sejin Bldg. 423, Hasinbeonyeong-ro, Saha-gu, Busan, 49301, Pepublic of Korea.
Phone: +82-51-294-1603 (Business hours 09:00~18:00 GMT)
SOURCE: Geoview
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source https://netdace.com/top-story/south-koreas-geoview-executes-equinors-floating-offshore-wind-farm-project-in-ulsan/