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-「X“L package”」にLEDヘッドランプを標準装備
-「X“L package”」に、シルバー+ピアノブラック調加飾を施したオーディオクラスターとサイドレジスターリングを設定
- 外板色のラインアップを見直し、ターコイズブルーマイカメタリックを新設定(モノトーン9色、ツートーン4色の全13色)
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本システム導入にあたり、日本電気株式会社(代表取締役 執行役員社長 兼 CEO:森田 隆之、以下、「NEC」)が設計・構築・管理を行い、NECネッツエスアイ株式会社(代表取締役執行役員社長:牛島 祐之、以下、「NECネッツエスアイ」)が施工及び、本移転に伴うICT全般の取りまとめを行いました。
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昭和電工グループは日立化成(現 昭和電工マテリアルズ)をパートナーとして、新たな一歩を踏み出した。まさに、100年に一度の大きな変化だ。
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リゴラック(R)BMC :14円/Kg
リゴラック(R)SMC :18円/Kg
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こうした中NECは、政府が提唱する「クラウド・バイ・デフォルト原則」に基づき、先進的なデジタル技術を用いて柔軟かつ短期間で行政サービスの構築・運営を実現するため、これまでの官公庁や自治体向けのシステム提案や構築などの幅広い実績・ノウハウを活かし、それらの関係機関向けにクラウドサービスを提供(注1)してきました。 また、政府が運営する政府情報システムにおける安全性を評価するセキュリティ評価制度(ISMAP:Information system Security Management and Assessment Program、注2)の基準を満たすクラウドサービスリストに、NECのクラウド基盤サービス「NEC Cloud IaaS」が本年3月12日に登録されるなど、NECは官公庁向けのクラウド事業を推進するための取り組みや体制を強化してきました。
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IBI Announces Disposal of Strategic Investments and Realises Gain of HK$25.2 Million
IBI Investment has diversified investment profiles. As of 31 March 2021, the Company has announced four disposals in the open market, including a total of 94,900 shares of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ("ANZ"); a total of 96,600 shares of National Australia Bank Limited ("NAB"); a total of 96,600 shares of Westpac Banking Corporation ("WBC") and a total of 27,200 shares of Commonwealth Bank of Australia ("CBA"), for a combined total consideration of approximately HK$58.2 million. As a result of the Disposal, the Group expects to realise a gain of approximately HK$25.2 million, representing the difference between the aggregate consideration of the Disposal and the aggregate purchase price of the shares sold. Subsequently, the Disposal is expected to enhance the Group's cash flow position and it intends to use the net proceeds as general working capital.
Mr. Neil Howard, Chairman and CEO of IBI, said, "Adhering to IBI Investment's mission to extend the Group's reach by making strategic investments, we have been exploring different investment opportunities that would be beneficial to the Group. Leveraging our strong financial position, we have made good use of our internal resources and invested in international blue chip companies with long histories and strong fundamentals. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has invariably affected the global economy, we are pleased to generate a favourable income for the Group amid this adversity and to have added significant additional value for our shareholders."
About IBI Group Holdings Limited (stock code: 1547)
Established in Hong Kong in 1997, the Group is an investment holding company focused on investments in the built environment. With the mission to deliver premium products, services and customer experiences with a strong influence of innovation, sustainability and wellness, the Group principally centers around the role of contracting along with subsidiaries providing innovative and high tech built environment solutions including air quality monitoring and management. Its major customers include a number of reputable organisations and commercial enterprises, including a horse racing and betting operator in Hong Kong, multinational banks, international hotel groups and hotel and casino operators. For more information, please refer to IBI's website:
Media Enquiries:
Strategic Financial Relations Limited
Heidi So +852 2864 4826
Stephanie Liu +852 2864 4852
Adrianna Lau +852 2114 4987
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分散型金融(DeFi)という概念は2019年当時はほとんど知られていませんでしたが、2020年に爆発的に市場が成長しました。DeFiの情報データベースのDeFi Pulseによると、2019年第4四半期までにDeFiに預け入れられた暗号資産の総額(TVL)が約1,000億円に達するまでに約2年かかったのに対し、DeFiのTVLが550億円から約4,000億円を超えるまで(約727%増)には、半年もかからなかったと報告されています(2020年3月~7月の期間)。そして現在、DeFiのTVLは約4兆3000億円にまで成長しています。
Muse.Financeは、暗号資産保有者はステーキングに参加しながら、ラップアセットを通じてレンディングの利益を得ることができ、また同時にイールドファーミングを行うことができる分散型のプラットフォームです。Muse Swap、Muse Lending、Muse Wrapで構成されるそのエコシステム設計によって、Ethereum上で発行されるトークン(ERC-20)のDeFiエコシステムとEthereum 2.0をつなぎ、流動性を生み出すPoSプラットフォームを実現しています。また、高度なクロスチェーン技術を用いることで、Cardanoから始まり、Polkadot、Solana、Oasis、Terra、Centralityなどへとサービス提供が可能な暗号資産経済圏を拡大しています。
Muse.Financeは、当初ERC-20のエコシステムにCosmos、IRISnet、Cardanoのような非ERC-20の暗号資産を接続することにより、プラットフォーム上にステークした資産の所有者が、レンディング、リクイディティマイニング、イールドファーミングのようなDeFiサービスに参加できるようにしており、最終的には様々なチェーンが接続できるようにしていきます。更に今回、Moonstakeが運営するステーキングサービスと連携することで、高い拡張性を持つプラットフォームとなります。実証実験を完了したMuse.Financeは、現在動作するMVP版の製品を有しており、ロードマップに沿って2021年5月にラップアセットとスワッピング機能が実装され、年内にはイールドファーミングとレンディング機能が追加される予定です。Muse.Financeのコンセプトペーパーはこちらから( )ご覧いただけます。
Muse.Financeは、MoonstakeのシニアアドバイザーのShogo Ishidaが新たに設立したプロジェクトです。Shogoは、世界初のセキュリティトークン(証券型トークン)の仕様の標準化を提唱したブロックチェーンRegTech(規制関連技術)企業であるQRC社の元CEOとしても知られています。この規格は、あらゆる分散型台帳システム上で発行されるトークンを対象に、セキュリティトークンの技術仕様とクロスブロックチェーンでの公開を規定するもので、英国の国家標準化機関であるBSIが独立して展開しています。
Muse.FinanceのファウンダーであるShogoは以下のように述べています。「レンディング、リクイディティマイニング、イールドファーミングはすべて、今日のDeFiの需要の高いアプリケーションです。Muse.Financeは、Moonstakeのステーキングプールを公式パートナーとして統合することで、世界レベルのスケーラビリティを備えた強固なエコシステムの中で、コミュニティがこれらの価値あるDeFiサービスにアクセスできるように開発されました。苦労の末、今年はいよいよMuse.Financeの価値を皆様にお見せできることになりました。今年中のMuse.Financeの主要なロードマップ( )に従い、プロダクト開発にもご期待ください。」
Mitsuru Tezuka, Founder of Moonstake は以下のように述べています。「Moonstakeは、Muse.Fiananceと共にDeFi市場に参入し、ステーキングの非流動性の解消に取り組むことで、DeFiへのアクセスを促進・拡大します。また、Moonstakeのプラットフォームへの接続を希望するDeFi商品からの申請を広く受け付けます。世界中の投資家やウォレットユーザーから信頼されているグローバルなステークスプロバイダーのトップ10の1つであるMoonstakeがMuse.Financeを通じてDeFiと接続することで、我々の強力なネットワークを通じて高品質なDeFi商品の開発と普及をサポートすることができます。」
Muse.Financeは、5月に最初のプロダクトとなるラップとスワップのプロダクトを発表します。その後、年内に、レンディング、イールドファーミングと順次DeFi プラットフォームを強化していきます。
Muse.Financeは、暗号資産保有者がステーキング報酬を受け取るだけでなく、ラップ、スワップ、レンディング、イールドファーミングに参加して利益を得ることができる分散型プラットフォームです。Muse Swap、Muse Lending、Muse Wrapで構成されるエコシステムは、ERC-20のDeFiエコシステムとEthereum 2.0を統合した流動性を生み出すPoSプラットフォームを実現しています。また、Muse.FinanceはERC-20エコシステムとCosmos、IRISnet、Cardanoなどの非ERC-20の資産を連携させることで、プラットフォームでステーキングに参加した暗号資産保有者は、そのままレンディング、リクイディティマイニング、イールドファーミングに参加することができます。
アジアを率いるエコシステムを構築していくためにEmurgo、Ontology、NEO、PundiX、Wanchain、Qurasらと、次々とメジャープロジェクトとのパートナーシップを拡大してきました。日本最大のブロックチェーンハブのBinarystar、シンガポール証券取引所上場企業のOIO Holdings Limited (SGX: OIO)と提携しています。アドバイザーには、世界的なプロジェクトのLISKや、プロジェクトの著名プレイヤーを迎えています。
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China Leon Announces 2020 Annual Results, Net Profit Surge for Approx. 160%
The sound performance during the reporting period was mainly due to benefited from the support by China's national macro policies and the improving market demand amid the global public health event as well as the complex and volatile macroeconomic environment in 2020 and the management of the group focused on high-quality development, carried out the concept of platform construction throughout the work, accurately grasped the market trends in each segment, deployed strategic advantages in areas, and continued to improve the quality and efficiency of the group's operations and steadily enhanced its comprehensive competitiveness and brand influence.
Mr. Yang Rongbing, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of China Leon, said: "In 2020, China and Singapore, our major business markets, were the first to restore normal production and operation ,because they had introduced effective prevention and control measures, so that the overall business of the Company was growing well, with continuous increase in all businesses. Besides, We explored the in-depth needs of our customers, overcame the obstacles due to the pandemic, strove to improve the service quality and expanded more business in the onsite inspection, technology consultation and training sectors. As a result, we won praise from our customers, and our business undertaking capability was raised rapidly, which indicated that we were already on a rapid development track and that we successfully attained the initial strategic development goal set for the energy inspection industry."
Continuous enhancement of brand influence and credibility
The Company has obtained CMA "Qualification Certificate of Inspection and Testing Agency" issued by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China and the CNAS "Laboratory Accreditation Certificate" issued by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment. In overseas, it has obtained ISO17025, ISO17020 and ISO14001 certifications. The Company has reached the standards for internationally recognized testing and inspection agencies and other authoritative standards in terms of professional capabilities, and we employ a comprehensive quality management system to govern quality control and operating procedures for stringently controlling the quality of services. The Company has been granted full membership of China Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association and Chinese Certification and Accreditation Association, and rated as a contract-abiding and trustworthy company for a number of years in a row. We are a full member of TIC Council (a merger of IFIA and CEOC). The recognition of all of these qualifications assures that our inspection reports are more internationally credible.
Diversified customer structure
On the basis of maintaining stable and good partnership with key customers such as CHN Energy, Shaanxi Coal Group, China Coal Group, Yitai Group, Datang Group, China Resources Group, CNPC, SINOPEC, CNOOC, ChemChina, SinoChem, Shell, BP, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Total, Saudi Aramco, ENOC and Rosneft, etc., the Group engaged newly customers in new energy, such as Goldwind Science & Technology, SANY Heavy Industry, China Huadian Corporation, China General Certification Center and Tianjin Zhonghai Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.. During the reporting period, we were expanding more regional customers and carrying out centralized marketing in specific industries, like the cement, iron and steel and papermaking industries as well as chemical factory, which further expanded our quality customer base.
Continuous strong growth in energy inspection business
In 2018, the Company acquired Saybolt (Tianjin) Metrology & Inspection Co., Ltd. and Leon Overseas (Hong Kong) Limited (formerly known as Core Laboratories (Hong Kong) Limited), and then . Saybolt (Singapore) Pte Ltd ("Saybolt (Singapore)") in 2019, which marked two major milestones for the Group in terms of globalization and business diversification, and enabled the Group to successfully venture into the petroleum business in the Asia-Pacific Region and extended its services, such as technical testing and inspection as well as analysis services (including product and service certification) for oil, natural gas, chemicals and fuel bulk cargoes, to cover Singapore and the surrounding areas, thus broadening its business scope. The comprehensive and systematic output management enabled us to expand the effectiveness of our M&A assets, grow our business capabilities rapidly and enter a positive payback period, thus resulting in a significant increase in the Group's overall operating income. The volume the Group's oil business segment increased significantly during the year, thanks to the increase in the volume of oil trade transhipped from Europe and the Middle East via Singapore to Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, the coal testing segment of the Company continued to grow steadily, with a gradual increase in its market share and new highs in various core indicators such as number of certificates issued and overall business revenue.
Looking ahead, Mr. Yang Rongbing, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of China Leon, said "2021 marks the start of the "14th Fifth Year" of the country and is also a special year in the process of China's modernization. China Leon actively responds to the development strategy of the country to seek progress while ensuring stability. Based on the achievement in M&A operation over the past three years, the Company firmly implements the 2+X strategy, which, the number "2" of the 2+X strategy
represents coal and oil product inspection, the two existing business pillars of the Group, as well as the further development in the field of energy and commodities inspection and testing; while the "X" represents the expected areas and room for future growth of the Group, focusing on renewable energy and other ESG related fields with long-term sustainable growth potential. Based on the principle of developing the "X" business in chronological order and on the solid market position in the field of commodities and energy, the Company will aggressively expand the following three major TIC sectors: (i) new energy inspection and testing; (ii) regular TIC inspection and testing; and (iii) new industry inspection and testing."
About China Leon Inspection Holding Limited
China Leon Inspection Holding Limited is China's first international third-party independent testing organization listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: HK1586). The Group has in nearly 30 branches and professional laboratories in multiple countries and regions across the globe, dedicated to providing professional testing and authenticating services for global clients. Chine Leon provides services on inspection, testing, measurement and authentication for over 5,000 global clients in energy and commodity fields, including coal, petroleum, petrochemical, electricity, and bulk minerals, covering major trading hubs in China and the Asia Pacific region at large.
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GOME Strengthened Development in the Second Phase of its "Home . Living" Strategy
Strengthened Development in the Second Phase after Successfully Completing the First Phase of "Home . Living" Strategy
In 2020, GOME completed the first phase of strategic development under its "Home . Living" strategy, and started in-depth development in a more refined manner in the second phase. In particular, GOME accelerated the development of its dual-platform new retail ecosystem powered by technology, intelligence and innovation, and established the "Social + Business + Sharing" GOME ecosystem with focus on online operation by integrating online and offline platforms and utilizing the strength of proprietary operation and third party external supply chain.
During the Reporting Period, the novel coronavirus ("COVID-19") pandemic boosted the development of the "Stay-at-Home Economy" and led to change in consumer demand in the market. To capture the opportunities, GOME has stepped up efforts to further implement social marketing and expand its digital local retailing business built on its dual online and offline platforms by leveraging its resourceful supply chain, nationwide logistics network and professional services. In particular, the large home appliance business, which was affected seriously by COVID-19, started to recover in the second quarter of 2020 as reflected by the 31.3% growth in overall sales revenue in the second half of the year comparing to the first half of 2020. Overall gross profit margin also showed a trend of month-on-month recovery since the second quarter this year, and up by about 1 percentage point in the second half of the year comparing to the first half of 2020. 1,034 new county-level stores were open throughout 2020, representing a YOY increase of over 100%. The number of GOME's online communities also saw significant growth and passed the 1 million milestone with coverage of over 100 million users. Online and offline members reached more than 200 million, including over 1 million with paid membership. In December 2020, the first order conversion rate of new customers was 15% and the repurchase rate of members was 31%, representing a YOY increase of 64% and 21% respectively, and the membership activity increased by 105% YOY. In the first quarter of this year, the estimated sales revenue of the Company achieved over 170% YOY increase. These were all attributable to the effective digital operation of GOME's online and offline platforms.
Operating Model Continued to Improve and Cash Position Maintained at Healthy Level
During the Reporting Period, the Group actively responded to the challenges posed by the pandemic by adopting stringent cost control measures and a relatively low-cost online inbound marketing model, coupled with an asset-light franchise operating model, which reduced substantial operating expenses such as rent and labor cost, enhanced operational efficiency, improved the overall profitability of physical stores, increased both customer traffic and sales while also effectively controlling the costs. In 2020, GOME's marketing expenses decreased by 24.3% YOY, administrative expenses decreased by 14.9% YOY, and other expenses excluding major non-operating factors decreased by 14.3% YOY. In terms of financing, GOME is forming a positive operating cash flow thanks to the support of more banking facilities and credit terms offered by suppliers, and has successfully redeemed bonds totaling over RMB3.8 billion in 2020, with all debt service funded by the Company's own cash holdings. At the end of the reporting period, GOME's cash and cash equivalents amounted to approximately RMB9.6 billion, maintaining at a healthy level of around RMB10 billion.
Upgraded Both Online and Offline Operations to Develop a Brand New Omni-channel Digital Platform
In 2020, GOME constructed the industry infrastructure through digital and standardized transformation of online and offline stores, products, transaction processes and service quality, which improved the transaction efficiency and service experience and facilitated the optimization and upgrade of the nationwide store network after the pandemic subsided. GOME has established a three-level service scope structure across the country to meet the demand of household customers in 3km, 5km and 8km radius based on different types of stores, scenarios and customer experience, which formed a grid-based coverage and optimized the store layout and service offerings.
In the future, the Company will continue to rapidly expand its network and complete the basic layout of its offline platform with franchising as the main focus supplemented by proprietary operation, aiming to have 6,000 physical stores in the next 18 months and achieve a monthly active users of over 100 million by diverting customer traffic from offline to online platform. In terms of offline platform, the Group has completed the online migration of more than 3,400 stores nationwide by setting up dedicated webpage for each store, which enabled such stores to carry out internet and digital operation and serve GOME customers in 3-8 km radius through video guide, professional shopping guide and concierge services, thereby becoming the closest and most reliable shopping guide for the customers under the one-stop service model of "real-time online reply + on-time and speedy product delivery + in-store and at-home services".
For online operation, the Group owns an E-commerce trading platform, social sharing platform, large social network, and wide range of community members to support localized operation. The GOME APP has been completely revamped and restructured with the addition of the 1.0 entertainment module including "Video Shopping Guide", "Meixin" and "Short Video + Livestreaming + Matches". The coverage of mini program was further expanded, and the grid-based community expansion was completed, which enabled compact operation. In January 2021, our revamped mobile application was finally launched to the market under the new name of "FUN". Since its launch and up to the end of March 2021, the estimated GMV of "FUN" APP grew nearly four times YOY with MAU stabilized at about 40 million and DAU of nearly 10 million on special offer days. The layout, functions and style of the online platform have taken shape and will continue to release new benefits in the future.
Continuously Explored New Retailing Models and Created Interactive User Experience with Entertaining and Social Features
Based on the grid-based layout of physical stores, GOME actively carried out community marketing to integrate online and offline operation, and further utilized its strength in supply chain, logistics service, video promotion and community-based social network.
In addition, by leveraging its advantageous resources, GOME has developed a high-quality livestreaming product promotion model of "informative content + most popular IP + immersive scenes" to create refreshing and upgraded experience for consumers. In 2020, GOME cooperated with CCTV News, a reputable news outlet, to carry out livestreaming product promotion events in 31 provinces across the country, showcasing GOME's "New Store Image" and localized retailing to consumers in China.
Capitalizing on the favorable development trend, GOME strengthened its efforts in entertaining-oriented marketing model by launching the "FUN" APP in the beginning of 2021. Its core strategy is to facilitate transactions driven by social network where merchants and customers may sell and buy products and services on the platform in an entertaining way. With such interactive experience, entertaining content, fun and enjoyable marketing initiatives and the sharing and social features, GOME has developed a unique retailing ecosystem, which laid a solid foundation for the continuous development of GOME's digital, platform-based and entertainment-oriented operations under the theme of "social + business + sharing".
Meanwhile, based on the new strategy, GOME established the "Home . Living" showroom to showcase high-quality products and create unique experience for its offline platform, implemented the plan to optimize the layout of GOME stores through renovation and business format upgrade, striving to provide customers with the best immersive consumer experience. It also diversified and enriched the offline scenarios by offering a combination of service and content such as video promotion, livestreaming promotion and match broadcast, thereby creating a fun and enjoyable in-store experience for the customers. Looking forward, by maintaining a high standard of retail operation, GOME will fully promote the new model and mechanism of entertaining retailing to enable merchants and customers to sell and buy quality products and services and share their experience on the "FUN" platform, and facilitate the platform and merchants to acquire natural customer traffic at lower cost in a more efficient and sustainable manner, and improve the user stickiness and repurchase rate, thereby enhancing the GMV and profit of the platform.
Expanded and Strengthened Advantages in Supply Chain and Services and Accelerated Digital Development at Its All-out Efforts
After transforming to the "Home . Living" strategy, leveraging its 34 years of extensive experience in proprietary operation in vertical market, the Company launched more carefully selected products and provided digital and intelligent management tools to serve external merchants and the general public under the idea of "being the pioneer of the industry in terms of uniqueness, quality and innovation", thereby establishing a win-win cooperation among GOME, merchants and users. It accelerated the expansion in non-electrical appliance business through stringent selection of products for its proprietary operation, established partnership with more external parties based on stringent selection standards, and developed an open supply chain platform for stringent selection of quality products and services covering all categories.
During the Reporting Period, GOME House Manager under the Group also continued to provide "home installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance and renovation services" to customers. With the optimized logistics and delivery services, GOME has applied its service capabilities in more business scenarios to continuously enhance customer satisfaction and shopping experience. The Group also utilized the power of big data analysis from its online platform to conduct research on consumer behavior and proposed "eight major procedures" for product selection in order to carefully select premium products from various perspectives. Based on massive data, supply chain support, bargaining power with suppliers and the intent of offering benefits to the consumers, GOME formed in-depth cooperation with the suppliers, reduced the prices through direct sales and control product quality at source in order to reward the consumers. During the Reporting Period, GOME has completed the infrastructure for its logistics service platform by setting up centralized warehouses, city warehouses and in-store inventory, and maintained a nationwide logistics network with 5 million square meters of storage space. With the fast delivery and flash store delivery provided by Anxun Logistics, GOME achieved fast and on-time delivery of products to customers and enhanced the turnaround efficiency, setting the highest industry standards with optimal user experience.
Introduced Strategic Partners with Huge Customer Base to Achieve Win-Win Cooperation and Mutual Development
The Group will continue to implement the multi-dimensional marketing strategy by sharing supply chain resources and opening up the logistics network, and form strategic partnership with different channels such as and Pinduoduo to provide carefully selected high-quality products in all categories to consumers while bringing abundant customer traffic and resources to merchants, so as to share resources, reduce costs, enhance efficiency and achieve win-win cooperation and mutual development for GOME, its customers and merchants.
In April and May 2020, GOME formed strategic cooperation with Pinduoduo and, respectively, demonstrating the industry's recognition of the value and potential of GOME's unique resources. In 2021, GOME will further develop its strategic partnership with external high-traffic platforms and third party suppliers and strive to achieve traffic integration and mutual empowerment. In addition, it will also establish a comprehensive supply chain to share advantageous resources and continue to develop the new retail model of online and offline integration to create greater synergy. The Company expects to maintain strong growth in the future with the empowerment of the online and offline platforms and the "FUN" APP covering all scenarios.
The Company management concludes: "In 2020, despite the impact of pandemic on retail industry, the Group actively tackled different challenges and adversities with concerted efforts by leveraging its strengths accumulated over the years, effective business strategies and excellent service capabilities. In 2021, we presented the 'New GOME' with new mindset and ushered in a new stage with new development pattern. For future operation and development, we will focus on facilitating strategic upgrade to develop a new platform layout and enable mutual and targeted support between online and offline platforms, thereby reducing operating costs and fully improving our profitability and user experience. Meanwhile, we will also accelerate the development of digital operation at all-out efforts, continue to expand and strengthen the advantages in supply chain and services, open up the supply chain to cooperate with more third party suppliers, put more efforts in stringent selection of quality products, and ensure premium shopping experience based on highest service standards in the industry. The launch of the 'FUN' APP kicked off GOME's ambitious plan for entertainment-oriented retailing business. To support this plan, we will uphold the core value of new retail to 'create and share fun and enjoyable sales and shopping experience', utilize our unique strength to upgrade the business models and facilitate the development of a digital and platform-based retail ecosystem with entertaining features to fully release the huge potential of 'New GOME'."
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
JCB sees online sales in Europe increase by more than 300% from 2016 to 2019, as online spending among cardmembers boom
These figures have been released alongside the launch of JCB's latest whitepaper, "Ecommerce: Business Without Borders", which includes exclusive insights for European retailers on Asian online spending patterns and why building omnichannel is key.
Europe has always been a top travel destination for JCB cardmembers. However, during recent months without travel, many retailers have had to pivot their offering to cater for customers online. Thus, ecommerce spending in the region, already a growing trend among cardmembers, has now accelerated dramatically in response to recent events.
Asian economies are at the forefront of global economic recovery, and JCB data shows that eager high-net-worth Asian shoppers are still willing to spend with European brands. European e-retailers therefore, have a huge opportunity to tap into this market as a route to returning to economic prosperity in the coming months and years.
The following insights were extracted from JCB cardmembers spend in the region over a two-year period.
JCB's report reveals key insights into the evolving behaviours and expectations of Asian consumers during the last three years, with noticeable variation depending on the issuing region:
- Chinese JCB cardmembers increase spend at UK department stores by 170%:
Chinese cardmembers are still spending in Europe, but shifting from travel to retail, with the latter category accounting for 31% of sales in 2020 - a notable increase from 11% in 2017. Sales at British department stores increased by 170% between 2019 and 2020.
- Japanese JCB cardmembers surpass 90% online transactions in Europe:
Among Japanese cardmembers, 91% of sales were made online in 2020 compared to 73% in 2017. Interestingly, Japanese cardmembers spend also increases in the months of July and December, which correlates with when many Japanese companies offer bonuses.
- Spanish and UK retailers popular with JCB South Korean online spend:
Online shopping has increased over the past four years among South Korean cardmembers to 96% of overall transactions in Europe, up from 76% in 2017. Spain accounted for 34% of sales with European e-brands in 2020, while the UK increased its share to 59%, up from 24% in 2019.
- Ecommerce dominates by Taiwan cardmembers at 98% of sales in Europe:
Ecommerce transactions among Taiwanese cardmembers have grown to 98% of overall transactions in European merchants, up from 78% in 2017. Additionally, travel restrictions have meant that 30% of spend against their total online sales went to retail purchases in 2020. This is particularly notable considering sales in 2017 for retail represented just 6% of spend.
- The retail industry continues to grow its share of Thai online spend:
In 2020, 80% of transactions in Europe made by Thai cardmembers were online compared to 54% in 2017. Incredibly, retail sales jumped to 43% of their total EC transactions in 2020, up from 13% in 2019 and just 2% in 2017.
Tsuyoshi Notani, Managing Director, JCB International (Europe) Ltd. comments: "Ecommerce now offers such a huge opportunity with Asian cardmembers that European retailers cannot afford to miss out. At JCB, we believe in a collaborative approach to ecommerce underpinned by a two-fold mission. Firstly, to offer our cardmembers, who have grown by 48% in the past 4 years in number[2], every possible opportunity to complete their shopping journey with their payment network of choice. Secondly to drive and support brand loyalty by pushing customers for our partners with the core goal of enabling economic prosperity and recovery across Europe - and beyond.
JCB is a leading payment brand in Asia and our cardmembers seek out our logo as a beacon of support when shopping on or offline. When Asian consumers begin travelling again, it will be the retailers that provide both a compelling in-store experience alongside a convenient and secure omnichannel experience that will see their sales grow most rapidly with this market."
Download and read the full whitepaper - HERE
[1] JCB Proprietary Data (May 2020)
[2] JCB Proprietary Data (September 2020)
About JCB
JCB is a major global payment brand and a leading credit card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. Its acceptance network includes about 35 million merchants in the world. JCB cards are now issued in over 20 countries and territories with more than 140 million cardmembers. As part of its international growth strategy, JCB has formed alliances with hundreds of leading banks and financial institutions globally to increase its merchant coverage and cardmember base. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to providing responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide. For more information:
Propeller Group
Contact: Mykayla Carr
Email: /
Phone: +44 7445 067604
JCB International/Europe
Contact: India Stone
Phone: +44 020 7087 4754
JCB (Head Office in Japan)
Contact: Kumiko Kida, Ayaka Nakajima
Phone: +81 3 5778 8353
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
WIKA Books Positive Performance amid Pandemic
The largest contributor to sales was the infrastructure and building sector, followed consecutively by manufacturing industry, energy and industrial plants, and property sector.
Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Company's financial position remains healthy, as reflected by the positive cash flows provided by operating activities amounting to Rp141.28 billion.
WIKA's President Director, Agung Budi Waskito (Agung BW) viewed the Company's ability to perform beyond expectations as the result of adaptability and innovation culture that have been long ingrained in the Company as well as due to various measures to create efficiencies.
"We want to ensure that WIKA remains healthy, where we implemented adaptive and resilient business processes to weather the pandemic. As a contractor, WIKA establishes active communications and strives to align its interests with the interests of project owners. As a result, project schedules and progress remained on track and cost overruns were minimised," said Agung BW.
Various efficiency measures were also adopted by reducing business and operating costs. These measures were taken to ensure that no employees were terminated, among other objectives.
"We believe that human capital is the core driver of WIKA's business operations, which will get the company ready to return to its growth path once the situation improves," said Agung BW.
In 2021, WIKA aims to secure Rp40.12 trillion in new contracts with the target of securing Rp115.02 worth of contracts in its order book.
"These projects will be the objects for production for several years going forward. WIKA, therefore, will continue to grow at current capacity. We believe that by adopting COVID-19 health protocols and healthy habits, we can achieve our targets and accomplish higher achievements," concluded Agung BW.
Mahendra Vijaya
Sekretaris Perusahaan
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Motul and Honda Racing Corporation Aim for the Top in World Super Bike Partnership
Now, for the 2021 season, Team HRC and its two riders, Alvaro Bautista and Leon Haslam, will benefit further from Motul's support as Official Lubricant Partner. Having made great steps forward with every race in 2020, there is only one aim for this season: the top!
A partnership with strength in depth
The trust and deeply cooperative working relationship that has developed over the years has seen Motul contribute to the performance, reliability and efficiency of HRC's competition models over all terrains including circuits, off-road and desert. The strength of this partnership has resulted in multiple victories in many different championships, most notably three wins for HRC at the Dakar Rally - the first being in 1989 and the most recent being this year, 2021. It has also led to several championship titles with Team HRC in MXGP including 2019 and 2020 in the hands of their super-dominant star rider Tim Gajser.
Smoothing the way with Motul
Together with Motul, Team HRC has been continuing development of the CBR1000RR-RR FIREBLADE, with continual feedback to engineers in Japan. Among Motul's international R & D centers is one in Japan whose engineers collaborate with HRC's engine development department on a range of different projects including the development of high-tech synthetic lubricants. Principal among these is the tailor-made Motul 300V Factory Line Racing Kit Oil 2376H 0W-30 fully synthetic engine oil which will be used alongside the Motocool Factory Line and MC CARE range of products.
The viscosity grade 0W-30, 100% synthetic lubricant yields a low traction coefficient thanks to the EsterCore technology, generating a friction reduction and therefore providing a significant gain in engine power.
Nicolas Zaugg, Motul Chief Value Officer: "We are delighted to be extending our great working relationship with Honda and HRC to WorldSBK. The collaborative vision and technological partnership we have developed together is the perfect example of Motul's living laboratory philosophy-developing and testing experimental products in a racing application before offering them for sale to a wider customer base. It's a win-win deal as far as we are concerned."
Tetsuhiro Kuwata, HRC Director - General Manager Race Operations Management Division: "We are pleased to announce Motul as Official Sponsor of our factory Team HRC in the highly competitive 2021 FIM Motul Superbike World Championship, thereby extending the relationship between our brands and further strengthening what is a very important project for us, with our CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE SP. Honda and Motul each boast a long and successful history in high-level motorsport competition around the world, both brands being driven by the constant pursuit of victory and by the strong belief that the racing arena is the ideal setting in which to grow our human capital and develop our know-how and technology. In doing so, we offer our customers the best possible products, while bringing joy and excitement to our fans around the world. We are living in a time of great challenges, but we are ready to fight to achieve our mutual goals, which we will pursue with determination, positivity, and confidence in the future."
About Motul
Motul is a world-class French company specialised in the formulation, production and distribution of high-tech engine lubricants (two-wheelers, cars and other vehicles) as well as lubricants for industry via its Motul Tech activity.
Unanimously recognised for more than 150 years for the quality of its products, innovation capacity and involvement in the field of competition, Motul is also recognised as a specialist in synthetic lubricants. As early as 1971, Motul was the first lubricant manufacturer to pioneer the formulation of a 100% synthetic lubricant, issued from the aeronautical industry, making use of esters technology: 300V lubricant.
Motul is a partner to many manufacturers and racing teams in order to further their technological development in motorsports. It has invested in many international competitions as an official supplier for teams in: Road racing, Trials, Enduro, Endurance, Superbike, Supercross, Rallycross, World GT1, 24 Hours of Le Mans (cars and motorcycles), 24 Hours of Spa, Le Mans Series, Andros Trophy, Paris-Dakar, 8 Hours of Suzuka, Bol d'Or, Daytona 200-mile motorcycle race.
MOTUL Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
1A International Business Park, #06-03
Singapore 609933
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
人とクルマ、社会とクルマ、地球とクルマの新しい時代を拓くために。いま、三菱自動車は挑戦を始めています。走行中のCO2排出ゼロ。地球温暖化防止に貢献する新世代電気自動車、i MiEV(アイミーブ)の世界投入。軽自動車で培った技術を存分に活用、燃費性能にすぐれたグローバル・スモールの提案。世界の環境基準をクリアしながら、走りの楽しさにあふれた三菱ならではの小型SUVの開発。さらに、新ディーゼルエンジンによるラリー参戦を通じて、走りと環境を両立する、新次元のクルマづくりを追求してゆきます。
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
富士通研究所、文化やビジネス慣習によって異なる公平性を設計段階から考慮するAI開発手法Fairness by Designを開発
今回開発したFairness by Designでは、設計段階からユーザーや関係者の意見を取り入れるデザイン手法として社会科学で確立されている参加型デザイン手法(注3)を用いて、例えば、ローン審査の判断基準となる収入、勤務先、取引履歴などの属性と、公平性(注4)に関わる年齢、性別、国籍などの属性の重みを数値化することで、ビジネス上の要件と公平性をバランスさせたAIモデルの開発を可能とします。さらに、公平性に関わる属性、文化やビジネス慣習の違いでは容認されない偏見を除去する手法として、年齢や性別、国籍などの属性が特定の条件で組み合わされた時に現れる交差バイアス(注5)を軽減するアルゴリズムも新たに開発し、Fairness by Designに組み込みました。
概要: 富士通株式会社
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
1. 背景
2. WHO医療機材品質認証(PQS)と、取得の意義
3. ワクチン保冷輸送車の概要
- 車両はトヨタ ランドクルーザー78を使用し、積載するワクチン専用冷蔵庫は、B Medical CF850を使用
- 冷蔵庫容量は396L=ワクチンパッケージ400個分の容量
- 冷蔵庫は独立のバッテリーにより電源無しで約16時間稼働
- 冷蔵庫は走行中は車両から充電し、駐車中は外部電源から充電可能
4. 各社の役割
- 豊田通商は、アフリカにおける事業で培った知見と課題認識力を生かし、PQS認証取得会社としてワクチン保冷輸送車を提供します。
- トヨタ自動車は、トヨタ ランドクルーザー78の車両を提供します。
- B Medical Systemsは、ワクチン専用冷蔵庫 CF850を提供します。
- 豊田通商グループのCFAO SASと、トヨタ自動車グループの株式会社トヨタカスタマイジング&ディベロップメントがワクチン保冷輸送車の架装を実施します。
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Motul and Honda Racing Corporation Aim for the Top in World Super Bike Partnership
Now, for the 2021 season, Team HRC and its two riders, Alvaro Bautista and Leon Haslam, will benefit further from Motul's support as Official Lubricant Partner. Having made great steps forward with every race in 2020, there is only one aim for this season: the top!
A partnership with strength in depth
The trust and deeply cooperative working relationship that has developed over the years has seen Motul contribute to the performance, reliability and efficiency of HRC's competition models over all terrains including circuits, off-road and desert. The strength of this partnership has resulted in multiple victories in many different championships, most notably three wins for HRC at the Dakar Rally - the first being in 1989 and the most recent being this year, 2021. It has also led to several championship titles with Team HRC in MXGP including 2019 and 2020 in the hands of their super-dominant star rider Tim Gajser.
Smoothing the way with Motul
Together with Motul, Team HRC has been continuing development of the CBR1000RR-RR FIREBLADE, with continual feedback to engineers in Japan. Among Motul's international R & D centers is one in Japan whose engineers collaborate with HRC's engine development department on a range of different projects including the development of high-tech synthetic lubricants. Principal among these is the tailor-made Motul 300V Factory Line Racing Kit Oil 2376H 0W-30 fully synthetic engine oil which will be used alongside the Motocool Factory Line and MC CARE range of products.
The viscosity grade 0W-30, 100% synthetic lubricant yields a low traction coefficient thanks to the EsterCore technology, generating a friction reduction and therefore providing a significant gain in engine power.
Nicolas Zaugg, Motul Chief Value Officer: "We are delighted to be extending our great working relationship with Honda and HRC to WorldSBK. The collaborative vision and technological partnership we have developed together is the perfect example of Motul's living laboratory philosophy-developing and testing experimental products in a racing application before offering them for sale to a wider customer base. It's a win-win deal as far as we are concerned."
Tetsuhiro Kuwata, HRC Director - General Manager Race Operations Management Division: "We are pleased to announce Motul as Official Sponsor of our factory Team HRC in the highly competitive 2021 FIM Motul Superbike World Championship, thereby extending the relationship between our brands and further strengthening what is a very important project for us, with our CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE SP. Honda and Motul each boast a long and successful history in high-level motorsport competition around the world, both brands being driven by the constant pursuit of victory and by the strong belief that the racing arena is the ideal setting in which to grow our human capital and develop our know-how and technology. In doing so, we offer our customers the best possible products, while bringing joy and excitement to our fans around the world. We are living in a time of great challenges, but we are ready to fight to achieve our mutual goals, which we will pursue with determination, positivity, and confidence in the future."
About Motul
Motul is a world-class French company specialised in the formulation, production and distribution of high-tech engine lubricants (two-wheelers, cars and other vehicles) as well as lubricants for industry via its Motul Tech activity.
Unanimously recognised for more than 150 years for the quality of its products, innovation capacity and involvement in the field of competition, Motul is also recognised as a specialist in synthetic lubricants. As early as 1971, Motul was the first lubricant manufacturer to pioneer the formulation of a 100% synthetic lubricant, issued from the aeronautical industry, making use of esters technology: 300V lubricant.
Motul is a partner to many manufacturers and racing teams in order to further their technological development in motorsports. It has invested in many international competitions as an official supplier for teams in: Road racing, Trials, Enduro, Endurance, Superbike, Supercross, Rallycross, World GT1, 24 Hours of Le Mans (cars and motorcycles), 24 Hours of Spa, Le Mans Series, Andros Trophy, Paris-Dakar, 8 Hours of Suzuka, Bol d'Or, Daytona 200-mile motorcycle race.
MOTUL Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
1A International Business Park, #06-03
Singapore 609933
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
ZC Rubber Focuses on Innovation and Growth at Global Online Dealer Conference
The conference offered a series of presentations outlining the company's strategic vision and plans for continued growth in 2021 and introduced its latest products, technologies and services to provide distributors and customers with resourceful information for better collaboration in the future.
Mr. Shen Jinrong, the Chairman of ZC Rubber Group, said the company would continue to strengthen its position through further global expansion and technological innovation after achieving a historic performance in 2020 as its sales revenue reached RMB 28.22 billion, increased by 2.25%.
"We have been pursuing a strategy of Technological Innovation and have realized the overall improvement in product quality, production efficiency, and quality control since last year," Mr. Shen said. In 2020, ZC Rubber brought forward a new generation truck and bus tire based on the latest PSCT design theory and the state-of-the-art Flagship Series passenger car tires.
He also shared the company's vision towards a full digitalization, focusing on smart manufacturing, Future Factory, and sustainable development. ZC Rubber's first Future Factory, equipped with top facilities and digital technologies, is expected to be completed by the middle of the year.
Mr. Shen noted that the company is eyeing a new overseas plant in America, Europe, or the Middle East.
Mr. Ge Guorong, Vice President of ZC Rubber Group, expressed his willingness to spread the Chinese market's success to the world. He mentioned that the company has benefited from digital marketing and sales in recent years through online-to-offline (O2O) services network expansion and the smart S2B2b platform connecting suppliers, distributors, retailers, and end-users in China.
"ZC Rubber's successful experience in the Chinese market is not only to be enjoyed in China but also shared globally," he added. "Our digital development will empower global distributors and retailers in coming years."
Regarding its growth plan in international markets, Mr. Ge pointed out that "demand in several segments is pretty strong," targeting a 15% export growth this year. He emphasized ZC Rubber's focus on brand marketing in 2021 to provide vital support to its distributors and retailers worldwide. He said the company would invest more in advertising and dealer events in various formats.
ZC Rubber also presented its global product lines and its latest leading technologies for both consumer and commercial segments.
As the new top-tier passenger car tire line, the Flagship Series of Westlake, Goodride, Trazano and Chaoyang was officially launched globally. This series made its debut in China last year. With core technologies, the four flagship products aim to strike a perfect balance of quietness, grip, and fuel efficiency. The series will "enrich the high-end product matrix of ZC Rubber's passenger car tire lineup" and is positioned as "premium tires with leading design, performance and satisfaction" the company stated.
Looking ahead, ZC Rubber is excited to continue its strong commitment to working closely with all distributors and partners. "We expect to thrive with our distributors and partners, to strengthen the channels, retail stores, products and expand market share further. We will move towards a leading global tire company" said Mr. Ge Guorong.
Media contact:
Linch - ZC Rubber
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
トヨタは小型バス コースターをベースに、FC医療車を開発しており、動力源には燃料電池自動車MIRAIに搭載されているトヨタフューエルセルシステム*2を採用し、走行時にCO2や環境負荷物質を排出しない優れた環境性能と、低騒音・低振動を実現しました。
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当社は2006年に1号CVCファンドを設立して以来、2010年に2号ファンド、2015年に3号ファンドを設立して国内外の有望なスタートアップへの投資を実行し、一定の成果を挙げてきました。また、2015年にはベンチャー共創活動「FUJITSU ACCELERATOR」を開始し、スタートアップ100社以上との協業を推進しているのに加えて、2020年には「Strategic Growth & Investment室」を新設し、スタートアップ投資を含む当社グループの非連続的成長(Inorganic Growth)活動を主導しています。
昨今のビジネス環境において、イノベーションの創出ならびにDX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)の加速を目指すうえで、革新的なスタートアップとの連携は重要性を増すばかりです。このため、当社経営方針における重要施策である成長投資の一環として、新CVCファンドの組成により「Strategic Growth & Investment室」のスタートアップ投資機能をさらに強化し、より柔軟かつ迅速な投資活動の実現を目指します。また、スタートアップと当社との協業においては「FUJITSU ACCELERATOR」との連携をさらに密接にし、DXを支えるテクノロジーの強化に加え、ビジネス機会創出と新事業を推進するための投資を実行していきます。
概要: 富士通株式会社
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
富士通、医療従事者の働き方改革を支援する「HOPE タイムリフォーマー」を提供
「HOPE タイムリフォーマー」は、24時間365日をシフトで勤務する看護師向けの勤務表作成機能や、職種や業務で異なる複雑な勤務形態を踏まえた勤務時間や各種手当を一元的に管理する機能などを備えており、個々の医療従事者の勤務状況や年休取得、残業手当などを容易かつ正確に把握し管理できます。これにより、医療機関は、法律に準拠した適正な労働時間管理や、労働時間の可視化による業務分析が可能になります。
また、「HOPE タイムリフォーマー」の勤怠情報と連携することで、個人だけでなく組織の時間外労働状況や電子カルテ端末などの利用時間と勤怠情報の乖離を可視化できる「FUJITSU Software TIME CREATOR ヘルスケア(以下、TIME CREATOR ヘルスケア)」を株式会社富士通エフサス(注2)が開発し、2021年4月中に、富士通Japanから提供を開始します。
概要: 富士通株式会社
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Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Azelis releases 'Action 2025', confirming sustainability as a key driver in growth strategy
Highlights & rationale
- Azelis' sustainability commitments and efforts have further matured and are now crystalized into 'Action 2025', its new sustainability strategy.
- With its strategy, Azelis aspires to become the world-leading distributor of sustainable solutions and services in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients distribution industry.
- Together with digitalization and innovation, sustainability is a key strategic driver for Azelis' future growth.
Azelis' sustainability journey started in 2015 when the company defined the fundamentals of its sustainability program, following the Paris Agreement on climate change and the release of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations.
The Azelis sustainability program is based on the United Nations Global Compact (UN GC) initiative, ISO 26000 and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The program consists of four pillars - each with goals and KPIs - and with every pillar Azelis also contributes to the selected United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- People - we will be recognized as a global employer of choice for our industry
- Products and innovation - we will be the leader in distribution of sustainable, innovative and safe chemicals
- Governance - we will be fair in business practices and compliant with all laws and regulations, embedding trust and ethics in the foundation of our operations
- Environment - we will continually reduce the environmental impact of our operations
'Action 2025'
In its ongoing transition to an even more sustainable business model, the company has redefined its sustainability strategy - based on the four pillars set out above - and set targets for 2025. To reach these 2025 targets, Azelis will both be launching several new initiatives in the coming years and intensifying other initiatives which are already being implemented.
One very important target for Azelis is to continue to identify sustainable products within its extensive product portfolio to bring additional value to customers, helping them to achieve their sustainability goals with more environmentally-friendly products. This identification of the sustainable product portfolio is done in close collaboration with Azelis' principals who are equally dedicated to contributing to a sustainable future. Being a proud member of Together for Sustainability (TfS) and measuring and reporting on sustainability efforts within the EcoVadis framework, Azelis will continue with sustainability assessments to help its suppliers in developing sustainability practices, improve the sustainability standards in the value chain and work on the reputation of the chemical industry.
'Action 2025' is based on learnings the company gathered from in-depth interviews with suppliers and customers, results and improvement suggestions from its EcoVadis assessment, input from Azelis business representatives, and the materiality assessment exercise Azelis performed last year in the context of its first sustainability report. Azelis is committed to publishing sustainability reports annually, communicating on progress and provide further information in this important area.
Dr. Hans Joachim Muller, Azelis Chief Executive Officer, states: "We are part of a global industry that plays a significant role in the economy of the world and we have an obligation to utilize the world's resources in a sustainable manner. Aligned with our brand promise 'Innovation through formulation', it is our aspiration to contribute to a more sustainable future by connecting and empowering both principals and customers to work on the development of sustainable chemical solutions through innovation. Our innovations catalyze sustainability in the market segments we serve and their value chains, and will help realize concepts such as circular economy. Our sustainability reputation and our EcoVadis Gold ratings have already positively influenced commercial decisions of some our partners. It remains crucial to our sustainability ambitions that we continue to work with the best partners who equally respect human rights, environment and fair business practices."
Maria J. Almenar Martin, Group SHEQ & Sustainability Director, adds: "Our sustainability ambitions have been captured in a more formalized way since the creation of our sustainability program back in 2015 and have now entered a new phase with the launch of our 2025 sustainability strategy. In an ever-changing industry and world, Azelis' ambitions for a sustainable future will never stop. We want to engage our current and potential partners to contribute to our sustainable cause, next to converting the sustainability aspirations of our principals and customers into innovative sustainable solutions. We also wish to set an example for our peers and motivate them to also embark on the journey to a sustainable business model."
To become a world-leading innovation service provider in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients distribution industry, Azelis has identified digitalization, innovation and sustainability as its growth drivers. Through Azelis' connected solutions, the company is leading the way in customer engagement, whilst providing the digital insight that will drive new levels of chemical innovation. With its redefined sustainability strategy, Azelis is building a resilient, thriving and responsible business. Through these commitments, the company will meet the needs of its stakeholders, whilst also creating a positive and widespread impact on the environment and communities around the world. 'Innovation through formulation' is Azelis' passion and promise to every colleague, customer and partner, as the company combines products, ingredients and ideas - providing the expertise that will always matter in our changing world.
Learn more about 'Action 2025' with this animation video.
Contact information
Sarah Van Alsenoy
Corporate Communications Business Partner
T: +32 499 22 36 62
About Azelis
Azelis is a leading distributor of specialty chemicals and food ingredients present in over 50 countries across the globe with around 2,500 employees. Our knowledgeable teams of industry, market and technical experts are each dedicated to a specific market within Life Sciences and Industrial Chemicals. We offer a lateral value chain of complementary products to about 43,000 customers, creating a turnover of EUR2.22 billion (2020).
Throughout our extensive network of more than 60 application laboratories, our award-winning technical staff help customers develop formulations. We combine a global reach with a local focus to offer a reliable, integrated service to local customers and attractive business opportunities to principals. And we believe in building and nurturing solid, honest and transparent relationships with our people and partners.
Impact through ideas. Innovation through formulation.
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SC ゴールド社 は、金やその他のコモディティなどのオルタナティブ資産に投資することで、金融ソリューションを提供しています。これらの資産に投資することで、投資家は大きな分散効果を得ることができ、また、インフレに対するヘッジにもなるという、これらの資産クラスにしかないメリットがあります。当社は、個人投資家の皆様に、オルタナティブファイナンスを通じたポートフォリオやビジネスの多様化と成長の機会を提供するために、市場を調査し、当社グループのサプライヤーから様々な鉱山を評価しています。
SC ゴールド社は、南アフリカのレンターマイン社とパートナーシップを結んだことを発表しました。レンターマイン社は、アフリカ大陸で探鉱、鉱山開発、生産を積極的に行っている金鉱山会社です。 同社の主力鉱山の多くは、「金の産地」として知られるハウテン州にありますが、この地域は「金の産地」と呼ばれています。SC ゴールド社は、品質とコストに妥協することなく、効率的な運営を行っています。
「パートナーシップにおける成長と利益還元(ROI)は、金の価値だけでなく、会社の予想される将来の収益に大きく依存しています。効果的な管理、生産コスト、埋蔵量、鉱山探査、プロジェクト開発、ヘッジ活動などの要素は、当社がレンター鉱山と提携する際に考慮する要素のひとつです。」と、SC ゴールド社の最高経営責任者であり創業者でもあるザック・ベーカー氏は語ります。
金の採掘コストは年々下がっており、2020年に向けて金の価格が高騰すると、かなりの利益率になります。SC ゴールドは、この未曾有の時代にレンターマインの費用をすべて負担し、その代わりに90%の利益を得ることができます。このため、SC ゴールドコアの戦略は、安全で安定した、持続可能なプラットフォームを構築することとなります。投資家の皆様の利益は、プラットフォームの持続性にとって非常に重要です。
「今後、四半期ごとに1つの金鉱山を取得する予定です。2021年末までには、金鉱買収事業の事業体を著名な証券取引所に上場するための手続きを開始する予定です。当社のSC投資家は、IPO前の割引価格で当社株式を優先的に購入することができます。そして2022年の第2四半期までには、SC ゴールド社は上場する予定です。」とベイカーは語ります。
画像引用: Pixabay
担当者: Zyaire Rahzel
電話番号: +254 (20) 7640212
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
SC ゴールド社 は、金やその他のコモディティなどのオルタナティブ資産に投資することで、金融ソリューションを提供しています。これらの資産に投資することで、投資家は大きな分散効果を得ることができ、また、インフレに対するヘッジにもなるという、これらの資産クラスにしかないメリットがあります。当社は、個人投資家の皆様に、オルタナティブファイナンスを通じたポートフォリオやビジネスの多様化と成長の機会を提供するために、市場を調査し、当社グループのサプライヤーから様々な鉱山を評価しています。
SC ゴールド社は、南アフリカのレンターマイン社とパートナーシップを結んだことを発表しました。レンターマイン社は、アフリカ大陸で探鉱、鉱山開発、生産を積極的に行っている金鉱山会社です。 同社の主力鉱山の多くは、「金の産地」として知られるハウテン州にありますが、この地域は「金の産地」と呼ばれています。SC ゴールド社は、品質とコストに妥協することなく、効率的な運営を行っています。
「パートナーシップにおける成長と利益還元(ROI)は、金の価値だけでなく、会社の予想される将来の収益に大きく依存しています。効果的な管理、生産コスト、埋蔵量、鉱山探査、プロジェクト開発、ヘッジ活動などの要素は、当社がレンター鉱山と提携する際に考慮する要素のひとつです。」と、SC ゴールド社の最高経営責任者であり創業者でもあるザック・ベーカー氏は語ります。
金の採掘コストは年々下がっており、2020年に向けて金の価格が高騰すると、かなりの利益率になります。SC ゴールドは、この未曾有の時代にレンターマインの費用をすべて負担し、その代わりに90%の利益を得ることができます。このため、SC ゴールドコアの戦略は、安全で安定した、持続可能なプラットフォームを構築することとなります。投資家の皆様の利益は、プラットフォームの持続性にとって非常に重要です。
「今後、四半期ごとに1つの金鉱山を取得する予定です。2021年末までには、金鉱買収事業の事業体を著名な証券取引所に上場するための手続きを開始する予定です。当社のSC投資家は、IPO前の割引価格で当社株式を優先的に購入することができます。そして2022年の第2四半期までには、SC ゴールド社は上場する予定です。」とベイカーは語ります。
画像引用: Pixabay
担当者: Zyaire Rahzel
電話番号: +254 (20) 7640212
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Azelis releases 'Action 2025', confirming sustainability as a key driver in growth strategy
Highlights & rationale
- Azelis' sustainability commitments and efforts have further matured and are now crystalized into 'Action 2025', its new sustainability strategy.
- With its strategy, Azelis aspires to become the world-leading distributor of sustainable solutions and services in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients distribution industry.
- Together with digitalization and innovation, sustainability is a key strategic driver for Azelis' future growth.
Azelis' sustainability journey started in 2015 when the company defined the fundamentals of its sustainability program, following the Paris Agreement on climate change and the release of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations.
The Azelis sustainability program is based on the United Nations Global Compact (UN GC) initiative, ISO 26000 and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The program consists of four pillars - each with goals and KPIs - and with every pillar Azelis also contributes to the selected United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- People - we will be recognized as a global employer of choice for our industry
- Products and innovation - we will be the leader in distribution of sustainable, innovative and safe chemicals
- Governance - we will be fair in business practices and compliant with all laws and regulations, embedding trust and ethics in the foundation of our operations
- Environment - we will continually reduce the environmental impact of our operations
'Action 2025'
In its ongoing transition to an even more sustainable business model, the company has redefined its sustainability strategy - based on the four pillars set out above - and set targets for 2025. To reach these 2025 targets, Azelis will both be launching several new initiatives in the coming years and intensifying other initiatives which are already being implemented.
One very important target for Azelis is to continue to identify sustainable products within its extensive product portfolio to bring additional value to customers, helping them to achieve their sustainability goals with more environmentally-friendly products. This identification of the sustainable product portfolio is done in close collaboration with Azelis' principals who are equally dedicated to contributing to a sustainable future. Being a proud member of Together for Sustainability (TfS) and measuring and reporting on sustainability efforts within the EcoVadis framework, Azelis will continue with sustainability assessments to help its suppliers in developing sustainability practices, improve the sustainability standards in the value chain and work on the reputation of the chemical industry.
'Action 2025' is based on learnings the company gathered from in-depth interviews with suppliers and customers, results and improvement suggestions from its EcoVadis assessment, input from Azelis business representatives, and the materiality assessment exercise Azelis performed last year in the context of its first sustainability report. Azelis is committed to publishing sustainability reports annually, communicating on progress and provide further information in this important area.
Dr. Hans Joachim Muller, Azelis Chief Executive Officer, states: "We are part of a global industry that plays a significant role in the economy of the world and we have an obligation to utilize the world's resources in a sustainable manner. Aligned with our brand promise 'Innovation through formulation', it is our aspiration to contribute to a more sustainable future by connecting and empowering both principals and customers to work on the development of sustainable chemical solutions through innovation. Our innovations catalyze sustainability in the market segments we serve and their value chains, and will help realize concepts such as circular economy. Our sustainability reputation and our EcoVadis Gold ratings have already positively influenced commercial decisions of some our partners. It remains crucial to our sustainability ambitions that we continue to work with the best partners who equally respect human rights, environment and fair business practices."
Maria J. Almenar Martin, Group SHEQ & Sustainability Director, adds: "Our sustainability ambitions have been captured in a more formalized way since the creation of our sustainability program back in 2015 and have now entered a new phase with the launch of our 2025 sustainability strategy. In an ever-changing industry and world, Azelis' ambitions for a sustainable future will never stop. We want to engage our current and potential partners to contribute to our sustainable cause, next to converting the sustainability aspirations of our principals and customers into innovative sustainable solutions. We also wish to set an example for our peers and motivate them to also embark on the journey to a sustainable business model."
To become a world-leading innovation service provider in the specialty chemicals and food ingredients distribution industry, Azelis has identified digitalization, innovation and sustainability as its growth drivers. Through Azelis' connected solutions, the company is leading the way in customer engagement, whilst providing the digital insight that will drive new levels of chemical innovation. With its redefined sustainability strategy, Azelis is building a resilient, thriving and responsible business. Through these commitments, the company will meet the needs of its stakeholders, whilst also creating a positive and widespread impact on the environment and communities around the world. 'Innovation through formulation' is Azelis' passion and promise to every colleague, customer and partner, as the company combines products, ingredients and ideas - providing the expertise that will always matter in our changing world.
Learn more about 'Action 2025' with this animation video.
Contact information
Sarah Van Alsenoy
Corporate Communications Business Partner
T: +32 499 22 36 62
About Azelis
Azelis is a leading distributor of specialty chemicals and food ingredients present in over 50 countries across the globe with around 2,500 employees. Our knowledgeable teams of industry, market and technical experts are each dedicated to a specific market within Life Sciences and Industrial Chemicals. We offer a lateral value chain of complementary products to about 43,000 customers, creating a turnover of EUR2.22 billion (2020).
Throughout our extensive network of more than 60 application laboratories, our award-winning technical staff help customers develop formulations. We combine a global reach with a local focus to offer a reliable, integrated service to local customers and attractive business opportunities to principals. And we believe in building and nurturing solid, honest and transparent relationships with our people and partners.
Impact through ideas. Innovation through formulation.
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
TANAKA Memorial Foundation Announces Recipients of Precious Metals Research Grants
Following a rigorous screening process, the Gold Awards, each for 2 million yen, were presented to Professor Yasushi Sekine and Professor Hideyuki Murakami, both of Waseda University. In addition, three research projects received Silver Awards, and four Young Researcher Awards were presented.
The TANAKA Memorial Foundation undertakes programs designed to foster developments in new precious metal fields while contributing to the advancement of science, technology, and socio-economics for the overall enrichment of society. The research grant program was launched in FY1999 and has continued each year since with the goal of supporting the various challenges of the "new world opened up by precious metals." This year, the program's 22nd year, a total of 171 applications were received in a wide range of fields where precious metals can make contributions to the research and development of new technologies. A total of 16.1 million yen in research grants was awarded for 26 projects.
The names of the two Gold Award recipients, their research, and the reasons for their selection are below.
- Professor Yasushi Sekine, Waseda University
Development and application of precious metal catalytic reactions with unconventional low-temperature action using surface protonics
This research seeks to develop solid catalyst reactions at low temperatures (from room temperature to 200 degrees) using surface protonics. This research and development was highly rated for its potential contributions to the SDGs and ESG investment as well as its ability to make major contributions to the government's target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
- Professor Hideyuki Murakami, Waseda University
Development of oxidation resistant Ir-based high-entropy alloy
This research seeks to develop high-entropy alloys, a new category of metal materials that are currently the focus of significant attention, using an iridium (Ir) based alloy to create a material with excellent high-temperature characteristics and oxidation resistance. This research was highly rated because it may lead to a solution to the problem of Ir depletion at high temperatures in the range of 1,000 degrees Celsius and may improve ductility, which is an issue for Ir alloys.
Three Silver Awards, four Young Researcher Awards, and 17 Encouragement Awards were also granted. The recipients and an overview of the Precious Metals Research Grants are indicated below. Applications for the FY2021 research granted are scheduled to open in the fall.
List of FY2020 Precious Metals Research Grants Recipients
- Platinum Award (0 award, 5 million yen)
Non granted
- Gold Award (2 awards, 2 million yen each)
Yasushi Sekine, Professor, Waseda University
Development and application of precious metal catalytic reactions with unconventional low-temperature action using surface protonics
Hideyuki Murakami, Professor, Waseda University
Development of oxidation resistant Ir-based high-entropy alloy
- Silver Awards (3 awards, 1 million yen each)
Ryuji Tamura, Professor, Tokyo University of Science
Precious metal hyper-materials
Masahito Inagaki, Researcher, Nagoya University
Development of nucleic acid cutting technology using silver nano-particles and pharmaceutical development applications
Tatsuya Oshima, Professor, University of Miyazaki
Search for and discovery of optimal ion solvation extraction agent for gold extraction and separation processes
- Young Researcher Awards (4 awards, 1 million yen each)
Noriyuki Uchida, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Photonic precious metal crystal sensors made primarily from water
Yuki Ueda, Researcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Development of precious metal element separation and recovery processes using the hydrophobicity of fluorous solvents
Rajashekar Badam, Senior Lecturer, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
IrO2-based organic-inorganic hybrid catalyst with strong metal-base interaction with efficient oxygen generation catalytic activity suitable for water decomposition
Yohei Ishida, Assistant Professor, Hokkaido University
Self-synthesis of multi-element alloy clusters using nano-chemical reaction fields
- Encouragement Award (17 awards, 300,000 yen each)
Shunsuke Shiba, Assistant Professor, EHIME University
Takayuki Iseki, Specially Appointed Prof., Osaka University
Chen Chuantong, Associate Professor, Osaka University
Kohsuke Mori, Associate Professor, Osaka University
Hiromi Yuasa, Professor, Kyushu University
Yoshikazu Hirai, Assistant Professor, Kyoto University
Ken-ichi Fujita, Professor, Kyoto University
Ryo Kasuya, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Masahiro Aoyama, Assistant Professor, Shizuoka University
Daisuke Nagai, Associate Professor, University of Shizuoka
Takanari Ouchi, Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
Takuto Soma, Assistant Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kohei Fujiwara, Associate Professor, Tohoku University
Atsushi Satsuma, Professor, Nagoya University
Naoki Ishimatsu, Assistant Professor, Hiroshima University
Takuya Yamamoto, Associate Professor, Hokkaido University
Yoshiaki Nishijima, Associate Professor, YOKOHAMA National University
Overview of the 2020 Precious Metals Research Grants
Research content that falls under any of the following
- New technology related to precious metals
- Research and development related to precious metals that bring about innovative evolution in products
- Research and development of new products using precious metals
*Precious metal refers to eight elements of platinum, gold, silver, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium.
*If development is conducted jointly (or planned to be) with other material manufacturers, please indicate so.
*Products that have already been commercialized, put to practical use, or that are planned are not eligible.
Grant Amounts:
- Platinum Award: 5 million yen (1 award)
- Gold Award: 2 million yen (1 award)
- Silver Awards: 1 million yen (4 awards)
- Young Researcher Awards: 1 million yen (2 awards)
- Encouragement Award: 300,000 yen (several awards)
*The grant amount is treated as a scholarship donation.
*Awards may not be granted in some cases.
*The number of awards is subject to change.
Eligible Candidates:
- Personnel who belong to (or work for) educational institutions in Japan (universities, graduate schools, or technical colleges) or public and related research institutions may participate.
*As long as the applicant is affiliated with a research institution in Japan, the base of activity can be in Japan or overseas.
*The Young Researcher Awards are for researchers under the age of 37 as of April 1, 2020.
Application Period:
- 9am, September 1, 2020 (Tue) - 5pm, November 30, 2020 (Mon)
Inquiries Concerning the Research Grant Program:
Precious Metals Research Grants Office
Marketing Department, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
22F Tokyo Building, 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6422
TEL: 03-6311-5596 FAX: 03-6311-5529 E-mail:
TANAKA Memorial Foundation website:
Press release in PDF:
TANAKA Memorial Foundation
Established: April 1, 2015
Address: 22F Tokyo Building, 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Hideya Okamoto (Senior Advisor to TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd.)
Purpose of Business: To provide grants for research related to precious metals to contribute to the development and cultivation of new fields for precious metals, and to the development of science, technology, and the social economy.
Areas of Business:
- Provision of grants for scientific and technological research related to precious metals.
- Recognition of excellent analysis of precious metals and holding of seminars and other events.
TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.
Headquarters: 22F, Tokyo Building, 2-7-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Koichiro Tanaka, Representative Director & CEO
Founded: 1885
Incorporated: 1918
Capital: 500 million yen
Employees: 2,393 (as of March 31, 2020)
Sales: JPY 992,679,879,000 (FY2019)
Main businesses: Manufacture, sales, import and export of precious metals (platinum, gold, silver, and others) and various types of industrial precious metals products.
Press Inquiries
TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd.
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