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NECの顔認証を活用した本人確認プラットフォーム「Star Alliance Biometrics」がフランクフルト空港とミュンヘン空港でサービス運用開始
「Star Alliance Biometrics」はNECの世界No.1の認証精度を有する顔認証技術(注1)とID管理ソフトウェアを活用したプラットフォームです。NECとスターアライアンスは、生体認証を活用した本人確認プラットフォームの開発において2019年7月から協業を進めており(注2)、今回のフランクフルト空港とミュンヘン空港が初めての商用サービスとなります。
本サービスを利用する乗客は、事前に各社のモバイルアプリで顔画像とパスポート情報を登録することで、保安検査場と搭乗ゲートを非接触で通過することができます。また本プラットフォームでは、マスク着用時でも高精度な認証を実現する顔認証エンジンを採用しており、乗客はマスクを着用した状態で本人確認を行うことができます。本サービスを発表後、Miles & More(注3) 会員のうち1,700名以上が登録を行っています。
NECは、顔や指紋を使った生体認証による共通のIDで、複数の場所やサービスにおいてお客様へ一貫した体験を提供するコンセプト「NEC I:Delight(アイディライト)(注4)」を掲げています。今後もパーソナライズされたサービスを空港内および空港の外へ拡大し、旅行体験をより快適なものにするため、生体認証におけるスターアライアンスとの協業を強化していきます。
詳細は をご覧ください。
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Kidsland Collaborates with Tencent Video and Original Force to Unveil Live-Action Animation
"Monsters in the Forbidden City", the first children's fantasy and adventure series based on the Forbidden City in China, is written by Chang Yi, a renowned fairytale writer. Of the fifteen books published, over 7 million copies have been sold, and have gone on to win more than 30 book awards including "7th Top Publication in China". This live-action animation created by a team with great experience in the industry is now undergoing creation and production process. The series is highly anticipated as the team includes Haolin Han, a first-tier child star starring in "Joy of Life", "My People, My Country" and "My People, My Homeland", and Jiaxin Pei, starring in "Legend of Yunxi" and "I Will Never Let You Go", plus the support of Nicomama, a leading mother and child care KOL. Everything from the acting lineup and production ideas demonstrates the capabilities and sincerity in creating high quality teen contents of the three collaborating parties.
With competitive edges in such areas as direct operation, distribution and O2O sales, Kidsland and its toy brand partners will launch a series of marketing and promotion activities and exhibition tour for the toys of this animation, as well as support the O2O omnichannel promotion and operation.
Being a leading video and music platform in China, Tencent Video possesses significant traffic. Original Force has valuable experience in producing large-scale projects. As one of the Chinese toy brand operators with the strongest capabilities, including a thorough understanding of consumers insight gained from its channels and retail operations, Kidsland will leverage such strengths to promote this IP. While doing so, it will tap the national retail market through its retail operation, distribution and O2O sales system, and maintain close communication and interaction with audience and consumers.
The series is expected to be broadcasted exclusively on Tencent Video,, and in summer 2021.
Mr. Lee Ching Yiu, Chairman and CEO of Kidsland, said, "We are excited to join forces with Tencent Video and Original Force, as both are leaders in their respective field. Kidsland acts decisively in an ever-changing market, particularly in the face of challenges brought by COVID-19, which has resulted in a new normal. On top of expediting digital transformation, we are expanding to the burgeoning trendy and collectible toy market in order to seize new business opportunities. This collaboration combining the investment, development and operation of the first season of 'Monsters in the Forbidden City' is not only an innovative IP collaborative model in China, but also opens the IP investment field for the Group, which will improve our sources of revenue and profitability, and support the Group's high quality growth in the future."
About Kidsland International Holdings Limited (stock code: 2122)
Kidsland International Holdings Limited ("Kidsland" or "the Group") is engaged in retail, wholesale, e-commerce and brand operation of toys and infant products in China. As the largest toy retailer in China, it has near 20 years of industry experience. The Group owns the most comprehensive online and offline sales network in China. Currently, its self-operated offline retail system includes "Kidsland Toy Store", "LEGO Certified Store", "FAO Schwarz" flagship store and kkplus.
Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
C-puzzleが採用しているCO2(R744)冷媒は、オゾン破壊係数(ODP:Ozone Depletion Potential(注2))が0、地球温暖化係数(GWP:Global Warming Potential(注3))が1であり、環境負荷が非常に低いため温暖化抑制に大きく寄与します。低温機器市場において、国内では2015年4月のフロン排出抑制法改正(注4)により機器の低GWP冷媒化が求められ、また国際的にも2019年1月の「モントリオール議定書・キガリ改正」発効および改正オゾン層保護法の施行に伴い、代替フロンの生産および消費量の段階的削減が義務化されており、気候変動防止に向けた取り組みが強化されています。
詳細は をご覧ください。
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
今回開発する5G無線装置は、基地局制御装置(CU:Central Unit/DU:Distributed Unit)との通信を担うフロントホールのインターフェースに、O-RAN(注2)標準仕様を採用しています。これにより、本仕様に準拠する異なるベンダー間の基地局制御装置との接続ができ、オープンRAN構成の柔軟なネットワーク構築が可能となります。
また、高効率かつ広帯域の電力増幅技術を活用した無線装置の小型化と低消費電力化を実現し、5Gにおけるサービス提供の加速を図るとともに、従来のMIMO(Multi Input Multi Output、注3)より多くのアンテナ素子を搭載することで、ビームフォーミング(注4)や空間多重の効果を高め、人が多く集まる場所などでの快適なモバイル通信に貢献します。
KDDI株式会社 執行役員 要海敏和様のコメント
概要: 富士通株式会社
詳細は をご覧ください。
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Kidsland Collaborates with Tencent Video and Original Force to Unveil Live-Action Animation
"Monsters in the Forbidden City", the first children's fantasy and adventure series based on the Forbidden City in China, is written by Chang Yi, a renowned fairytale writer. Of the fifteen books published, over 7 million copies have been sold, and have gone on to win more than 30 book awards including "7th Top Publication in China". This live-action animation created by a team with great experience in the industry is now undergoing creation and production process. The series is highly anticipated as the team includes Haolin Han, a first-tier child star starring in "Joy of Life", "My People, My Country" and "My People, My Homeland", and Jiaxin Pei, starring in "Legend of Yunxi" and "I Will Never Let You Go", plus the support of Nicomama, a leading mother and child care KOL. Everything from the acting lineup and production ideas demonstrates the capabilities and sincerity in creating high quality teen contents of the three collaborating parties.
With competitive edges in such areas as direct operation, distribution and O2O sales, Kidsland and its toy brand partners will launch a series of marketing and promotion activities and exhibition tour for the toys of this animation, as well as support the O2O omnichannel promotion and operation.
Being a leading video and music platform in China, Tencent Video possesses significant traffic. Original Force has valuable experience in producing large-scale projects. As one of the Chinese toy brand operators with the strongest capabilities, including a thorough understanding of consumers insight gained from its channels and retail operations, Kidsland will leverage such strengths to promote this IP. While doing so, it will tap the national retail market through its retail operation, distribution and O2O sales system, and maintain close communication and interaction with audience and consumers.
The series is expected to be broadcasted exclusively on Tencent Video,, and in summer 2021.
Mr. Lee Ching Yiu, Chairman and CEO of Kidsland, said, "We are excited to join forces with Tencent Video and Original Force, as both are leaders in their respective field. Kidsland acts decisively in an ever-changing market, particularly in the face of challenges brought by COVID-19, which has resulted in a new normal. On top of expediting digital transformation, we are expanding to the burgeoning trendy and collectible toy market in order to seize new business opportunities. This collaboration combining the investment, development and operation of the first season of 'Monsters in the Forbidden City' is not only an innovative IP collaborative model in China, but also opens the IP investment field for the Group, which will improve our sources of revenue and profitability, and support the Group's high quality growth in the future."
About Kidsland International Holdings Limited (stock code: 2122)
Kidsland International Holdings Limited ("Kidsland" or "the Group") is engaged in retail, wholesale, e-commerce and brand operation of toys and infant products in China. As the largest toy retailer in China, it has near 20 years of industry experience. The Group owns the most comprehensive online and offline sales network in China. Currently, its self-operated offline retail system includes "Kidsland Toy Store", "LEGO Certified Store", "FAO Schwarz" flagship store and kkplus.
Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
- 調査対象となった日本の銀行すべておよび韓国の銀行の約6割は、気候変動関連リスクに対する方針を打ち出しており、気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(TCFD)に賛同しています。ASEANの銀行は、24%が気候変動に対する方針を打ち出していますが、これは昨年比4倍に上ります。ASEANの銀行は後れをとっているものの、改善の傾向にあることを示しています。
- ASEANの銀行の34%が森林破壊や生物多様性リスクを認識しているものの、昨年に比べるとわずか3%の増加にとどまっています。また、日本の銀行すべてが森林破壊のリスクを認識していますが、森林破壊の根絶のための取り組みを行った銀行は1つもありませんでした。
- 水質汚染以外の水リスクを認識しているのは、ASEANの銀行の約2割と韓国の銀行の2割にとどまっています。日本の銀行の1行と複数のASEANの銀行は、水質汚染をリスクとして認識していますが、水不足や洪水のリスクを見落としています。また、顧客に対して水質調査や水質管理を義務付けている銀行もありませんでした。しかしながら、水に関するリスクは企業にとって重大な影響を及ぼす可能性があり、予想最大損失額は、世界全体で最大4,250億米ドルに上ると考えられています。
- セクターおよび課題に関する分析では、日本と韓国の銀行が石炭関連への投資を削減する措置を講じていることが分かりました。新韓銀行と日本の銀行すべては、一部の技術や炭素回収を除いて、石炭火力発電所の新設事業への融資を停止しています。みずほフィナンシャルグループ、三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループおよび三井住友フィナンシャルグループは、それぞれ石炭火力発電所の新規事業への融資停止のタイムラインを発表しています。しかし、ASEANの銀行の約9割は引き続き新規の石炭火力発電所事業に融資をしており、DBS銀行、OCBC銀行およびUOB銀行の3行のみが、ASEANの銀行で新規の石炭火力発電所事業への融資を停止している銀行です。CIMB銀行は、2020年末までに石炭政策を発表する意向を示しています。石炭への継続的な投資によって銀行は、炭素税や技術の陳腐化をはじめ、気候変動関連のリスクにさらされることになります。
- ASEANの銀行のうち53%は現在、サステナブル・ファイナンスに関して規制当局と連携しており、昨年の31%に比べて大幅に増加しています。
今回の調査対象のうち、日本の銀行4行および韓国の銀行2行を含む35%の銀行が、持続可能なプロジェクトや事業への投資を増やすための数値目標を設定しています。このように、金融事業において、数値目標を設定し、目標を達成することは重要だと考えられています。しかし、投資家が社会的課題に向けた取り組みを重視し、ESGリスクを重要視するようになっている中で、銀行は、脱炭素化するための科学的と整合した目標を設定するなど、具体的な戦略の策定が必要となっています。今回の調査対象となったアジアの48の銀行のうち、新韓銀行(新韓金融グループの1つ)は、初めて正式に科学的整合した目標(Science Based Target Initiative(SBTi))を設定した銀行です。
ゴードン・アンド・ベティ・ムーア財団、International Climate Initiative (IKI)、連邦環境・自然保護・原子力安全省は、ドイツ連邦議会が採択した決定に基づき、今回のイニシアティブに賛同しています。本調査レポートに記載されている見解は、著者に責任の所存があり、連邦環境・自然保護・原子力安全省の意見を反映しているわけではありません。
WWF Sustainable Finance(ASEAN)
Ted Kin Chen
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
- 調査対象となった日本の銀行すべておよび韓国の銀行の約6割は、気候変動関連リスクに対する方針を打ち出しており、気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(TCFD)に賛同しています。ASEANの銀行は、24%が気候変動に対する方針を打ち出していますが、これは昨年比4倍に上ります。ASEANの銀行は後れをとっているものの、改善の傾向にあることを示しています。
- ASEANの銀行の34%が森林破壊や生物多様性リスクを認識しているものの、昨年に比べるとわずか3%の増加にとどまっています。また、日本の銀行すべてが森林破壊のリスクを認識していますが、森林破壊の根絶のための取り組みを行った銀行は1つもありませんでした。
- 水質汚染以外の水リスクを認識しているのは、ASEANの銀行の約2割と韓国の銀行の2割にとどまっています。日本の銀行の1行と複数のASEANの銀行は、水質汚染をリスクとして認識していますが、水不足や洪水のリスクを見落としています。また、顧客に対して水質調査や水質管理を義務付けている銀行もありませんでした。しかしながら、水に関するリスクは企業にとって重大な影響を及ぼす可能性があり、予想最大損失額は、世界全体で最大4,250億米ドルに上ると考えられています。
- セクターおよび課題に関する分析では、日本と韓国の銀行が石炭関連への投資を削減する措置を講じていることが分かりました。新韓銀行と日本の銀行すべては、一部の技術や炭素回収を除いて、石炭火力発電所の新設事業への融資を停止しています。みずほフィナンシャルグループ、三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループおよび三井住友フィナンシャルグループは、それぞれ石炭火力発電所の新規事業への融資停止のタイムラインを発表しています。しかし、ASEANの銀行の約9割は引き続き新規の石炭火力発電所事業に融資をしており、DBS銀行、OCBC銀行およびUOB銀行の3行のみが、ASEANの銀行で新規の石炭火力発電所事業への融資を停止している銀行です。CIMB銀行は、2020年末までに石炭政策を発表する意向を示しています。石炭への継続的な投資によって銀行は、炭素税や技術の陳腐化をはじめ、気候変動関連のリスクにさらされることになります。
- ASEANの銀行のうち53%は現在、サステナブル・ファイナンスに関して規制当局と連携しており、昨年の31%に比べて大幅に増加しています。
今回の調査対象のうち、日本の銀行4行および韓国の銀行2行を含む35%の銀行が、持続可能なプロジェクトや事業への投資を増やすための数値目標を設定しています。このように、金融事業において、数値目標を設定し、目標を達成することは重要だと考えられています。しかし、投資家が社会的課題に向けた取り組みを重視し、ESGリスクを重要視するようになっている中で、銀行は、脱炭素化するための科学的と整合した目標を設定するなど、具体的な戦略の策定が必要となっています。今回の調査対象となったアジアの48の銀行のうち、新韓銀行(新韓金融グループの1つ)は、初めて正式に科学的整合した目標(Science Based Target Initiative(SBTi))を設定した銀行です。
WWFの活動の詳細はWWFのウェブサイト( )やWWFのTwitter( @WWF_media )をご覧ください。また、WWFによるサステナブル・ファイナンスに関する各地域の取り組みの詳細はこちら( )よりご覧いただけます。
ゴードン・アンド・ベティ・ムーア財団、International Climate Initiative (IKI)、連邦環境・自然保護・原子力安全省は、ドイツ連邦議会が採択した決定に基づき、今回のイニシアティブに賛同しています。本調査レポートに記載されている見解は、著者に責任の所存があり、連邦環境・自然保護・原子力安全省の意見を反映しているわけではありません。
WWF Sustainable Finance(ASEAN)
Ted Kin Chen
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
BioVaxys Provides Viral Vaccine Platform Program Update
Dr. David Berd, the Chief Medical Officer of BioVaxys, stated, "Antibody titer is the usual way of measuring the amount of an antibody in the blood or a mouse or a human subject. It is determined by serially diluting a serum sample to reach the point where antibody is no longer detectable. An antibody titer of 1:9430 means that the serum sample could be diluted up to 9000-fold and still retain biologic activity. In human subjects who had recovered from Covid-19, antibody titers were between 1:100 and 1:1000."
The preclinical study (also known as the "murine model study"), which began in September 2020 and was conducted by leading independent contract research organization Charles River Laboratories, Inc. under contract with BioVaxys, evaluated the anti-virus immune response elicited by BVX-0320 in a controlled murine model by measuring the development of antibodies to the protein that binds the virus to human cells. Previous results from the preclinical study show that BVX-0320 elicits a 96.4% positive immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 s-spike protein in a formulation not requiring an extraordinary cold-chain; the titer analysis confirms that 100% of vaccinated mice in all but the lowest dose group had a positive immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 s-spike protein.
BioVaxys has developed its vaccine technology platforms based on the established immunological concept that modifying proteins with simple chemicals called haptens makes them more visible to the immune system. The process of haptenization "teaches" a patient's immune system to recognize and make target proteins more 'visible' as foreign, thereby stimulating an immune response. The haptenization of viral proteins imparts BioVaxys with the flexibility of a 'cassette-type' approach not possible with other vaccines, where they can "drop in" or "swap" the appropriate viral antigen(s) for haptenization and the creation of a new vaccine, potentially allowing for faster development timelines relative to other vaccine approaches.
Kenneth Kovan, co-founder, President & Chief Operating Officer of BioVaxys, says that, "The 100% efficacy seen across higher dose levels in the animal study, safety profile, dose-response, and formulation present a very promising emerging profile for BVX-0320. The preclinical data also supports our corporate strategy of expanding this haptenized viral protein vaccine platform across a range of viral diseases, which we are actively pursuing. Our approach is generating interest as it appears to be ideally suited for quickly addressing emerging viruses."
The Company is in preliminary discussions with third parties on potential collaborations under which BioVaxys would create new vaccines for a range of viral diseases based on haptenizing different viral proteins. BioVaxys co-founder and CEO James Passin stated that, "The results from our Covid-19 vaccine study are highly encouraging and support our view on the scientific and commercial merits of our haptenized viral protein vaccine technology platform; we hope to leverage these encouraging results to accelerate ongoing partnership discussions."
Data from additional analysis by BioVaxys is imminent, including the measurement of post-vaccination T-cell response. This consists of stimulating T-cells obtained from the same mice with viral peptides and measuring the degree of T-cell activation using the established analytical method of flow cytometry and the production of cytokines, including IL-2 and gamma interferon.
In a separate study under BioVaxys' collaboration with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, the mouse sera collected from the test animals will be tested for ability to inactivate live SARS-Cov-2 virus. Results are anticipated in the coming weeks.
The Company is not making any express or implied claims that its product has the ability to eliminate, cure or contain the Covid-19 (or SARS-2 Coronavirus) at this time.
About BioVaxys Technology Corp.
Based in Vancouver, BioVaxys Technology Corp., a British Columbia-registered biotechnology company, is a world leader in haptenized protein vaccines that is developing viral and oncology vaccine platforms as well as immuno-diagnostics. The Company is advancing a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine based on its haptenized viral protein technology, and is planning a clinical trial of its haptenized autologous cell vaccine used in combination with anti-PD1 and anti-PDL-1 checkpoint inhibitors that will initially be developed for ovarian cancer. Also in development is a diagnostic for evaluating the presence or absence of a T-cell immune response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. BioVaxys has two issued US patents and two patent applications related to its cancer vaccine, and pending patent applications for its SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) vaccine and diagnostic technologies. BioVaxys common shares trade on the CSE under the stock symbol "BIOV" and are listed on the Frankfurt Bourse (FSE: 5LB).
Signed "James Passin"
James Passin, CEO
+1 646 452 7054
Media Contacts
Andrea Vuturo
+1 508 301 3774
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Information
This press release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation including the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, without limitation, statements relating the future operating or financial performance of the Company, are forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements in this news release relate to, among other things, completion of the murine model study, regulatory approval for a Phase I study of its BVX-0320 Vaccine Candidate in humans and the overall development of BioVaxys' vaccines, including any haptenized SARS-Cov-2 protein vaccine. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements.
These forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates, primarily the assumption that BioVaxys will be successful in developing and testing vaccines, that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies including, primarily but without limitation, the risk that BioVayxs' vaccines will not prove to be effective and/or will not receive the required regulatory approvals. With regards to BioVaxys' business, there are a number of risks that could affect the development of its biotechnology products, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital to fund clinical trials, its lack of operating history, uncertainty about whether its products will complete the long, complex and expensive clinical trial and regulatory approval process for approval of new drugs necessary for marketing approval, uncertainty about whether its autologous cell vaccine immunotherapy can be developed to produce safe and effective products and, if so, whether its vaccine products will be commercially accepted and profitable, the expenses, delays and uncertainties and complications typically encountered by development stage biopharmaceutical businesses, financial and development obligations under license arrangements in order to protect its rights to its products and technologies, obtaining and protecting new intellectual property rights and avoiding infringement to third parties and their dependence on manufacturing by third parties.
The Company does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law.
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Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
BioVaxys Provides Viral Vaccine Platform Program Update
Dr. David Berd, the Chief Medical Officer of BioVaxys, stated, "Antibody titer is the usual way of measuring the amount of an antibody in the blood or a mouse or a human subject. It is determined by serially diluting a serum sample to reach the point where antibody is no longer detectable. An antibody titer of 1:9430 means that the serum sample could be diluted up to 9000-fold and still retain biologic activity. In human subjects who had recovered from Covid-19, antibody titers were between 1:100 and 1:1000."
The preclinical study (also known as the "murine model study"), which began in September 2020 and was conducted by leading independent contract research organization Charles River Laboratories, Inc. under contract with BioVaxys, evaluated the anti-virus immune response elicited by BVX-0320 in a controlled murine model by measuring the development of antibodies to the protein that binds the virus to human cells. Previous results from the preclinical study show that BVX-0320 elicits a 96.4% positive immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 s-spike protein in a formulation not requiring an extraordinary cold-chain; the titer analysis confirms that 100% of vaccinated mice in all but the lowest dose group had a positive immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 s-spike protein.
BioVaxys has developed its vaccine technology platforms based on the established immunological concept that modifying proteins with simple chemicals called haptens makes them more visible to the immune system. The process of haptenization "teaches" a patient's immune system to recognize and make target proteins more 'visible' as foreign, thereby stimulating an immune response. The haptenization of viral proteins imparts BioVaxys with the flexibility of a 'cassette-type' approach not possible with other vaccines, where they can "drop in" or "swap" the appropriate viral antigen(s) for haptenization and the creation of a new vaccine, potentially allowing for faster development timelines relative to other vaccine approaches.
Kenneth Kovan, co-founder, President & Chief Operating Officer of BioVaxys, says that, "The 100% efficacy seen across higher dose levels in the animal study, safety profile, dose-response, and formulation present a very promising emerging profile for BVX-0320. The preclinical data also supports our corporate strategy of expanding this haptenized viral protein vaccine platform across a range of viral diseases, which we are actively pursuing. Our approach is generating interest as it appears to be ideally suited for quickly addressing emerging viruses."
The Company is in preliminary discussions with third parties on potential collaborations under which BioVaxys would create new vaccines for a range of viral diseases based on haptenizing different viral proteins. BioVaxys co-founder and CEO James Passin stated that, "The results from our Covid-19 vaccine study are highly encouraging and support our view on the scientific and commercial merits of our haptenized viral protein vaccine technology platform; we hope to leverage these encouraging results to accelerate ongoing partnership discussions."
Data from additional analysis by BioVaxys is imminent, including the measurement of post-vaccination T-cell response. This consists of stimulating T-cells obtained from the same mice with viral peptides and measuring the degree of T-cell activation using the established analytical method of flow cytometry and the production of cytokines, including IL-2 and gamma interferon.
In a separate study under BioVaxys' collaboration with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, the mouse sera collected from the test animals will be tested for ability to inactivate live SARS-Cov-2 virus. Results are anticipated in the coming weeks.
The Company is not making any express or implied claims that its product has the ability to eliminate, cure or contain the Covid-19 (or SARS-2 Coronavirus) at this time.
About BioVaxys Technology Corp.
Based in Vancouver, BioVaxys Technology Corp., a British Columbia-registered biotechnology company, is a world leader in haptenized protein vaccines that is developing viral and oncology vaccine platforms as well as immuno-diagnostics. The Company is advancing a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine based on its haptenized viral protein technology, and is planning a clinical trial of its haptenized autologous cell vaccine used in combination with anti-PD1 and anti-PDL-1 checkpoint inhibitors that will initially be developed for ovarian cancer. Also in development is a diagnostic for evaluating the presence or absence of a T-cell immune response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. BioVaxys has two issued US patents and two patent applications related to its cancer vaccine, and pending patent applications for its SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) vaccine and diagnostic technologies. BioVaxys common shares trade on the CSE under the stock symbol "BIOV" and are listed on the Frankfurt Bourse (FSE: 5LB).
Signed "James Passin"
James Passin, CEO
+1 646 452 7054
Media Contacts
Andrea Vuturo
+1 508 301 3774
Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Information
This press release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation including the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, without limitation, statements relating the future operating or financial performance of the Company, are forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements in this news release relate to, among other things, completion of the murine model study, regulatory approval for a Phase I study of its BVX-0320 Vaccine Candidate in humans and the overall development of BioVaxys' vaccines, including any haptenized SARS-Cov-2 protein vaccine. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements.
These forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates, primarily the assumption that BioVaxys will be successful in developing and testing vaccines, that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies including, primarily but without limitation, the risk that BioVayxs' vaccines will not prove to be effective and/or will not receive the required regulatory approvals. With regards to BioVaxys' business, there are a number of risks that could affect the development of its biotechnology products, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital to fund clinical trials, its lack of operating history, uncertainty about whether its products will complete the long, complex and expensive clinical trial and regulatory approval process for approval of new drugs necessary for marketing approval, uncertainty about whether its autologous cell vaccine immunotherapy can be developed to produce safe and effective products and, if so, whether its vaccine products will be commercially accepted and profitable, the expenses, delays and uncertainties and complications typically encountered by development stage biopharmaceutical businesses, financial and development obligations under license arrangements in order to protect its rights to its products and technologies, obtaining and protecting new intellectual property rights and avoiding infringement to third parties and their dependence on manufacturing by third parties.
The Company does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Fifth Belt and Road Summit opens today
Overcoming geographical boundaries, the event has brought together investors, project owners and professional investment advisors from Mainland China, the Asian Pacific region, Europe, the Middle East and Africa to share insights on the latest developments related to the Belt and Road Initiative.
Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, officiated at the summit's opening ceremony and delivered the opening address. She said: "Since its inception, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been well received by the international community. So far, China has already signed over 200 cooperation documents with 138 countries and 31 international organisations. The BRI is all about collaboration and partnership. "As an active player in the Initiative, Hong Kong is keen to strengthen our collaboration and partnership with other Belt and Road economies. For Hong Kong, given our location and our growing economic ties with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, the Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in the ASEAN region will present ample opportunities to Hong Kong enterprises and their partners."
Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, gave a pre-recorded address in which he spoke about how the Belt and Road Initiative is helping to promote virus control, infrastructure development, economic development and commerce in the region. He said: "Our world is facing a common enemy: the COVID-19 pandemic. To control the virus, we must work together and synergise. Everyone must walk and move in-sync towards a common goal, a healthy community, and a strong and robust economy. Through synergy, anything we do will be more effective and have a bigger impact; and we can apply this lesson in many other areas, including Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation. The key to BRI cooperation is synergy. Indonesia hopes the BRI cooperation will also encourage partnerships between the government, the public and the private sector, in the form of Public-Private Partnership or PPP. Second, we must continue to maintain the principle of equality in cooperation. Equality will create space for countries to plan projects based on their national interests. Indonesia's infrastructure development projects are open for cooperation with all partners, including BRI. The Government of Indonesia guarantees the establishment of a conducive environment for mutually beneficial cooperation."
Also delivering special addresses were officials from the People's Republic of China, including Ning Jizhe, Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission; Wang Bingnan, Vice Minister, Ministry of Commerce; Ren Hongbin, Vice Chairman, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council; and Xie Feng, Commissioner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The speakers focused on the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative in driving the steady growth of China's national economy and examined Hong Kong's vital role in the process.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr Peter K N Lam, Chairman of the HKTDC, said: "International cooperation is more important than ever as we face the challenge of a global pandemic. Hong Kong is the ideal platform to turn Belt and Road projects into viable commercial opportunities, and it was here in 2016 that the Belt and Road Summit was conceived. Growing together with the Belt and Road Initiative, the summit is now the premier international business event to find partners, raise funds and learn about new developments and investment opportunities on the Belt and Road. We are confident that the online summit will provide a powerful platform to share ideas and make connections."
Hong Kong group forms partnership with Indonesian industrial estates
The first day of the summit marked the beginning of a new business partnership. Facilitated by the HKTDC, the Smart City Consortium used the virtual platform to sign a memorandum of understanding with an Indonesia-based enterprise, PT Graha Buana Cikarang, for the purpose of expanding Hong Kong's smart city technology to Southeast Asia. PT Graha Buana Cikarang is a subsidiary company of a listed industrial estates operator in Indonesia, which is managing various industrial estates and developing new towns in different areas of the country. Both parties agreed to cooperate in research areas such as smart mobility, e-health, crisis and disaster protection management, environment and energy.
The Indonesian government has been making plans to relocate the country's capital city to the province of East Kalimantan. The Belt and Road Infrastructure Investment Roundtable will be held by the HKTDC the day after tomorrow to discuss how to act on infrastructure development in Kalimantan as new opportunities arise. Participants will include representatives from some of the infrastructure projects in Kalimantan province, together with investors from Hong Kong and Mainland China and a number of local professional service providers and financial institutions.
Forum highlights Post-COVID economy
The pandemic has slowed down or halted economic activities, posing challenges to logistics and customer flow. Different cooperation activities and development projects under the Belt and Road Initiative have been affected to various extents. Today's plenary session was a policy dialogue focused on "Creating a Healthy, Sustainable and Inclusive Future", hosted by Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR. Mr Yau exchanged ideas with senior international figures including Peter Szijjarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Hungary; Jerry Sambuaga, Vice Minister of Trade from Indonesia; Ceferino S Rodolfo, Undersecretary of the Industry Development and Trade Policy Group, Department of Trade and Industry in the Philippines; Sultana Afroz, Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh and CEO of the Public Private Partnership Authority in Bangladesh; and Sompop Pattanariyankool, Assistant Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy in Thailand. The discussion examined the policy landscapes and investment opportunities in their respective economies, including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a regional free trade agreement formed in mid-November this year.
Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR, delivered the opening remarks at the main plenary session that followed. The Business Plenary was hosted by Victor Chu, Chairman & CEO of First Eastern Investment Group, leading a group joined by Francis Chua, Chairman Emeritus of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Victor Fung, Group Chairman of the Fung Group, Vikrom Kromadit, Chairman of Amata Corporation PCL, Richard Lancaster, CEO of CLP Holdings Limited, Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman and CEO & CEO Asia of Schneider Electric, Wang Tongzhou, Chairman and General Manager of China Communications Construction Group Ltd, and Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive of Standard Chartered PLC. Discussions focused on the topic "Powering the World's Recovery through Sustainable and Inclusive Development", seeking to find a way out of the current social and economic doldrums caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by adopting sustainable and inclusive development solutions, and examining how to navigate a clear pathway through the post-pandemic era.
Exploring infrastructure potential amid uncertainties
The economic challenges brought about by the pandemic have affected economic and trade cooperation, production cooperation and regional infrastructure development to varying degrees. Today's afternoon breakout session, titled "Challenges and Opportunities for Belt and Road International Infrastructural Cooperation", was co-organised with the China International Contractors Association to examine how to promote continuous innovation in the area of infrastructure cooperation in the new global landscape, exploring opportunities amid the current uncertainty.
Greater Bay Area a key focus for innovation
The markets resulting from the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative are providing valuable opportunities to Hong Kong's innovation and technology sectors. Co-organised with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, a session titled "Fighting the Coronavirus with Innovative Tech and Thriving in a Post-Pandemic World - Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area" brought together prominent experts in respiratory diseases, biomedical professors and business leaders to examine how anti-virus technology has become the driving force to help Hong Kong overcome the impact of the pandemic, and how to give added momentum to the local economy by taking advantage of the ample opportunities created by the Greater Bay Area. Another breakout session, jointly organised with Hong Kong Cyberport, gathered representatives from Hong Kong's digital technology sector to share the latest information related to the Greater Bay Area and the not-to-be missed opportunities for the digital technology sector.
A thematic breakout session titled "Positioning Hong Kong for Deal-Making and Dispute Resolution under the Belt and Road Initiative", co-organised with the Department of Justice of the HKSAR, saw the participation of distinguished legal professionals who exchanged insights on the current landscape for deal-making and dispute resolution, and how technology may be used to overcome some of the challenges brought by the pandemic. One of the major discussions was about Hong Kong's strengths and how the city can build on its position as a leading international deal-making and dispute resolution centre to serve Belt and Road investors.
Given the unprecedented disruption of supply chains through the "double whammy" blow of global trade disputes coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, how is the cluster development of Belt and Road Economic and Cooperation Zones paving the way for international cooperation on alternative manufacturing locations and huge consumer markets, creating opportunities for enterprising new overseas ventures? The thematic breakout session "Manufacturing and Selling in Belt and Road Markets: Seizing Opportunities from the Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones" invited enterprising Belt and Road pioneers to share their first-hand experience in this area and offer advice on how to seize the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.
The thematic breakout sessions tomorrow will be co-organised with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office (IFFO), the Financial Services Development Council, Hong Kong Association of Banks, Hong Kong Insurance Authority and InvestHK. Important issues such as financing, investment, risk management and start-ups will be discussed.
All-day online project pitching and business matching for first time
For the first time at the summit, a virtual exhibition is showcasing more than 30 local companies representing different sectors including banking and finance, infrastructure, professional services, and technology and innovation. The Global Investment Zone connects investors, project owners and professional investment consultants from 12 countries and regions, sharing the latest business information and highlighting investment opportunities.
The eagerly awaited Investment and Business Matching Session is held again this year. One-to-one business matching meetings and project pitching sessions will run virtually, providing a platform for project owners, investors and service providers to connect and discuss their business and investment needs as well as exploring cooperation opportunities. The project pitching sessions cover four main areas: innovation and technology, transport and logistics infrastructure, energy, natural resources and public utilities, and urban development.
- Belt and Road Summit website:
- HKTDC Belt and Road Portal:
- Photo download:
Angel Tang, tel: +852 2584 4544, email: Clayton Lauw, tel: +852 2584 4472, email:
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Fifth Belt and Road Summit opens today
Overcoming geographical boundaries, the event has brought together investors, project owners and professional investment advisors from Mainland China, the Asian Pacific region, Europe, the Middle East and Africa to share insights on the latest developments related to the Belt and Road Initiative.
Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, officiated at the summit's opening ceremony and delivered the opening address. She said: "Since its inception, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been well received by the international community. So far, China has already signed over 200 cooperation documents with 138 countries and 31 international organisations. The BRI is all about collaboration and partnership. "As an active player in the Initiative, Hong Kong is keen to strengthen our collaboration and partnership with other Belt and Road economies. For Hong Kong, given our location and our growing economic ties with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, the Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in the ASEAN region will present ample opportunities to Hong Kong enterprises and their partners."
Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, gave a pre-recorded address in which he spoke about how the Belt and Road Initiative is helping to promote virus control, infrastructure development, economic development and commerce in the region. He said: "Our world is facing a common enemy: the COVID-19 pandemic. To control the virus, we must work together and synergise. Everyone must walk and move in-sync towards a common goal, a healthy community, and a strong and robust economy. Through synergy, anything we do will be more effective and have a bigger impact; and we can apply this lesson in many other areas, including Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) cooperation. The key to BRI cooperation is synergy. Indonesia hopes the BRI cooperation will also encourage partnerships between the government, the public and the private sector, in the form of Public-Private Partnership or PPP. Second, we must continue to maintain the principle of equality in cooperation. Equality will create space for countries to plan projects based on their national interests. Indonesia's infrastructure development projects are open for cooperation with all partners, including BRI. The Government of Indonesia guarantees the establishment of a conducive environment for mutually beneficial cooperation."
Also delivering special addresses were officials from the People's Republic of China, including Ning Jizhe, Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission; Wang Bingnan, Vice Minister, Ministry of Commerce; Ren Hongbin, Vice Chairman, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council; and Xie Feng, Commissioner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The speakers focused on the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative in driving the steady growth of China's national economy and examined Hong Kong's vital role in the process.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr Peter K N Lam, Chairman of the HKTDC, said: "International cooperation is more important than ever as we face the challenge of a global pandemic. Hong Kong is the ideal platform to turn Belt and Road projects into viable commercial opportunities, and it was here in 2016 that the Belt and Road Summit was conceived. Growing together with the Belt and Road Initiative, the summit is now the premier international business event to find partners, raise funds and learn about new developments and investment opportunities on the Belt and Road. We are confident that the online summit will provide a powerful platform to share ideas and make connections."
Hong Kong group forms partnership with Indonesian industrial estates
The first day of the summit marked the beginning of a new business partnership. Facilitated by the HKTDC, the Smart City Consortium used the virtual platform to sign a memorandum of understanding with an Indonesia-based enterprise, PT Graha Buana Cikarang, for the purpose of expanding Hong Kong's smart city technology to Southeast Asia. PT Graha Buana Cikarang is a subsidiary company of a listed industrial estates operator in Indonesia, which is managing various industrial estates and developing new towns in different areas of the country. Both parties agreed to cooperate in research areas such as smart mobility, e-health, crisis and disaster protection management, environment and energy.
The Indonesian government has been making plans to relocate the country's capital city to the province of East Kalimantan. The Belt and Road Infrastructure Investment Roundtable will be held by the HKTDC the day after tomorrow to discuss how to act on infrastructure development in Kalimantan as new opportunities arise. Participants will include representatives from some of the infrastructure projects in Kalimantan province, together with investors from Hong Kong and Mainland China and a number of local professional service providers and financial institutions.
Forum highlights Post-COVID economy
The pandemic has slowed down or halted economic activities, posing challenges to logistics and customer flow. Different cooperation activities and development projects under the Belt and Road Initiative have been affected to various extents. Today's plenary session was a policy dialogue focused on "Creating a Healthy, Sustainable and Inclusive Future", hosted by Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR. Mr Yau exchanged ideas with senior international figures including Peter Szijjarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Hungary; Jerry Sambuaga, Vice Minister of Trade from Indonesia; Ceferino S Rodolfo, Undersecretary of the Industry Development and Trade Policy Group, Department of Trade and Industry in the Philippines; Sultana Afroz, Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh and CEO of the Public Private Partnership Authority in Bangladesh; and Sompop Pattanariyankool, Assistant Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy in Thailand. The discussion examined the policy landscapes and investment opportunities in their respective economies, including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a regional free trade agreement formed in mid-November this year.
Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR, delivered the opening remarks at the main plenary session that followed. The Business Plenary was hosted by Victor Chu, Chairman & CEO of First Eastern Investment Group, leading a group joined by Francis Chua, Chairman Emeritus of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Victor Fung, Group Chairman of the Fung Group, Vikrom Kromadit, Chairman of Amata Corporation PCL, Richard Lancaster, CEO of CLP Holdings Limited, Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman and CEO & CEO Asia of Schneider Electric, Wang Tongzhou, Chairman and General Manager of China Communications Construction Group Ltd, and Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive of Standard Chartered PLC. Discussions focused on the topic "Powering the World's Recovery through Sustainable and Inclusive Development", seeking to find a way out of the current social and economic doldrums caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by adopting sustainable and inclusive development solutions, and examining how to navigate a clear pathway through the post-pandemic era.
Exploring infrastructure potential amid uncertainties
The economic challenges brought about by the pandemic have affected economic and trade cooperation, production cooperation and regional infrastructure development to varying degrees. Today's afternoon breakout session, titled "Challenges and Opportunities for Belt and Road International Infrastructural Cooperation", was co-organised with the China International Contractors Association to examine how to promote continuous innovation in the area of infrastructure cooperation in the new global landscape, exploring opportunities amid the current uncertainty.
Greater Bay Area a key focus for innovation
The markets resulting from the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative are providing valuable opportunities to Hong Kong's innovation and technology sectors. Co-organised with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, a session titled "Fighting the Coronavirus with Innovative Tech and Thriving in a Post-Pandemic World - Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area" brought together prominent experts in respiratory diseases, biomedical professors and business leaders to examine how anti-virus technology has become the driving force to help Hong Kong overcome the impact of the pandemic, and how to give added momentum to the local economy by taking advantage of the ample opportunities created by the Greater Bay Area. Another breakout session, jointly organised with Hong Kong Cyberport, gathered representatives from Hong Kong's digital technology sector to share the latest information related to the Greater Bay Area and the not-to-be missed opportunities for the digital technology sector.
A thematic breakout session titled "Positioning Hong Kong for Deal-Making and Dispute Resolution under the Belt and Road Initiative", co-organised with the Department of Justice of the HKSAR, saw the participation of distinguished legal professionals who exchanged insights on the current landscape for deal-making and dispute resolution, and how technology may be used to overcome some of the challenges brought by the pandemic. One of the major discussions was about Hong Kong's strengths and how the city can build on its position as a leading international deal-making and dispute resolution centre to serve Belt and Road investors.
Given the unprecedented disruption of supply chains through the "double whammy" blow of global trade disputes coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, how is the cluster development of Belt and Road Economic and Cooperation Zones paving the way for international cooperation on alternative manufacturing locations and huge consumer markets, creating opportunities for enterprising new overseas ventures? The thematic breakout session "Manufacturing and Selling in Belt and Road Markets: Seizing Opportunities from the Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones" invited enterprising Belt and Road pioneers to share their first-hand experience in this area and offer advice on how to seize the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.
The thematic breakout sessions tomorrow will be co-organised with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office (IFFO), the Financial Services Development Council, Hong Kong Association of Banks, Hong Kong Insurance Authority and InvestHK. Important issues such as financing, investment, risk management and start-ups will be discussed.
All-day online project pitching and business matching for first time
For the first time at the summit, a virtual exhibition is showcasing more than 30 local companies representing different sectors including banking and finance, infrastructure, professional services, and technology and innovation. The Global Investment Zone connects investors, project owners and professional investment consultants from 12 countries and regions, sharing the latest business information and highlighting investment opportunities.
The eagerly awaited Investment and Business Matching Session is held again this year. One-to-one business matching meetings and project pitching sessions will run virtually, providing a platform for project owners, investors and service providers to connect and discuss their business and investment needs as well as exploring cooperation opportunities. The project pitching sessions cover four main areas: innovation and technology, transport and logistics infrastructure, energy, natural resources and public utilities, and urban development.
- Belt and Road Summit website:
- HKTDC Belt and Road Portal:
- Photo download:
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong's trade. With 50 offices globally, including 13 in Mainland China, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a two-way global investment and business hub. The HKTDC organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to create business opportunities for companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in the mainland and international markets. The HKTDC also provides up-to-date market insights and product information via trade publications, research reports and digital news channels. For more information, please visit: Follow us on Twitter @hktdc and LinkedIn.
Angel Tang, Tel: +852 2584 4544, Email: Clayton Lauw, Tel: +852 2584 4472, Email:
Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Remington Sterling、ビジネス展開地域の拡大を発表
London, UK - Remington Sterling社は、スコットランドを拠点にコモディティ金融商品を取り扱う企業で、新興国市場や先進国市場における取引の円滑化やリスク低減を支援する革新的な金融ソリューションを提供している。そして今回、新たなリージョナルヘッドクォーターの立ち上げを発表した。具体的な場所はまだ明かされていないが、新たな金融ソリューションを必要としている企業にとっては、ビジネス拡大のチャンスであることは間違いないだろう。
Remington Sterlingは、企業が本来もつポテンシャルを引き出し、企業の成長に繋がる価値を創造することで長期的なビジネス関係を築いている。同社は、サプライチェーン、そして金融及び技術分野における専門的な豊富な経験をもとに、キャッシュフローの改善や確実な債権回収など、国内外のあらゆる規模の企業のニーズに対応することができる。
「APAC市場への進出をとても楽しみにしています。まず、日本市場でのサービスから始めます。私たちは、国際的なコモディティ取引の重要さを理解しており、私たちが持つ専門知識とサービスを皆様と共有できることを大変嬉しく思います。アジアでの最初の中核市場として日本に進出し、今後その他の地域にも拡大する可能性もあります。」と同社CEO ジェロルド・シェパード氏は述べている。
歴史的に見ても、コモディティ取引には膨大な時間、資金、そして専門知識が求められる。また、取り扱いは主にプロのトレーダーに限られている。幸いなことに、現在はコモディティ市場に参加する手段がいくつか用意されている。Remington Sterlingを利用すれば、より多くの投資家がコモディティ取引を体験することが可能である。2020年現在、Remington Sterlingでは、フォワード契約やゴールドスポットを通して金の現物取引も可能だ。投資家のリスク分散が可能になり、投資会社にとっては、安定した配当利回りの確保が可能となる。
Remington Sterlingについて
2016年に設立されたRemington Sterlingは、新興国市場や先進国市場における取引の円滑化やリスクの低減をサポートする金融ソリューションを提供している。
同社は、商品の生産者や加工業者、商社、流通業者にストラクチャードファイナンスソリューションを提供している。同社の顧客は、グローバルに展開する大企業から、特定の地域での数種類のコモディティ商品に特化した企業まで多岐にわたっている。Remington Sterlingは、独自の信用分析ソフトウェアを利用してリスクの低い金融取引を特定し、取引を行っている。そうすることで、債務不履行のリスクを大幅に軽減し、投資家に収益を還元している。
Gabriel Roberts
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Remington Sterling、ビジネス展開地域の拡大を発表
Remington Sterlingは、企業が本来もつポテンシャルを引き出し、企業の成長に繋がる価値を創造することで長期的なビジネス関係を築いている。同社は、サプライチェーン、そして金融及び技術分野における専門的な豊富な経験をもとに、キャッシュフローの改善や確実な債権回収など、国内外のあらゆる規模の企業のニーズに対応することができる。
「APAC市場への進出をとても楽しみにしています。まず、日本市場でのサービスから始めます。私たちは、国際的なコモディティ取引の重要さを理解しており、私たちが持つ専門知識とサービスを皆様と共有できることを大変嬉しく思います。アジアでの最初の中核市場として日本に進出し、今後その他の地域にも拡大する可能性もあります。」と同社CEO ジェロルド・シェパード氏は述べている。
歴史的に見ても、コモディティ取引には膨大な時間、資金、そして専門知識が求められる。また、取り扱いは主にプロのトレーダーに限られている。幸いなことに、現在はコモディティ市場に参加する手段がいくつか用意されている。Remington Sterlingを利用すれば、より多くの投資家がコモディティ取引を体験することが可能である。2020年現在、Remington Sterlingでは、フォワード契約やゴールドスポットを通して金の現物取引も可能だ。投資家のリスク分散が可能になり、投資会社にとっては、安定した配当利回りの確保が可能となる。
Remington Sterlingについて
2016年に設立されたRemington Sterlingは、新興国市場や先進国市場における取引の円滑化やリスクの低減をサポートする金融ソリューションを提供している。
同社は、商品の生産者や加工業者、商社、流通業者にストラクチャードファイナンスソリューションを提供している。同社の顧客は、グローバルに展開する大企業から、特定の地域での数種類のコモディティ商品に特化した企業まで多岐にわたっている。Remington Sterlingは、独自の信用分析ソフトウェアを利用してリスクの低い金融取引を特定し、取引を行っている。そうすることで、債務不履行のリスクを大幅に軽減し、投資家に収益を還元している。
Gabriel Roberts
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Sino Biopharmaceutical Announces 2020 Third Quarterly Results
Development Highlights
- The Group has achieved considerable sales growth from a number of new products and oncology products, with sales from new products soaring by 66.9% to RMB6.66 billion, representing 36.7% of the total revenue.
- The proportion of innovative medicines increased from approximately 20% same period last year to approximately 25%, and a large number of important products will be launched soon.
- Sales of oncology medicines amounted to approximately RMB 5,792.06 million, an increase of approximately 37.8% over the same period last year.
- Satisfactory progress in R&D has been achieved and 11 new production approvals were obtained. For the nine months ended 30 September 2020, the total R&D expenditure accounted for approximately 11.6% of the Group's revenue.
- The Group had 13 newly launched products in 2018, 26 newly launched products in 2019, and has 26 newly launched products since 2020.
- The Group has facilitated convenient communications between doctors and patients via various Internet platforms. It has also commenced Internet marketing activities through a number of qualified platforms, reaping satisfactory results.
- The Group's member company, CT Tianqing, has achieved a top 20 ranking on the list of "Top 100 Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China" by China National Pharmaceutical Industry Information Center for the sixth consecutive year. It has also been named "Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprise with the Best Drug Pipeline in 2020".
- Sino Biopharmaceutical has been ranked 2nd on the "Top 100 Chemical Pharmaceutical Enterprises" among the "2019 Top 100 Series of Pharmaceutical Industries in China", which was announced during the "2020 National Pharmacy Week, China Pharmaceutical Industry Top 100 Annual Conference, and China Pharmaceutical Internet Economy Annual Conference".
During the review period, the Group recorded revenue of approximately RMB18.13 billion (9M2019: RMB19.32 billion). The proportion of new product sales to total revenue increased from approximately 20.6% in the same period last year to approximately 36.7% during the review period. Profit attributable to the owners of the parent was approximately RMB1.85 billion (9M2019: RMB2.26 billion). Basic earnings per share were approximately RMB9.81 cents (9M2019: RMB11.95 cents). Excluding the impact of amortization expenses of new identifiable intangible assets arising from the acquisition of 24% interests in Beijing Tide (net of related deferred tax and non-controlling interests), the unrealized fair value losses (net) on equity investments and financials assets, as well as the fair value loss of Convertible Bond embedded derivative component and effective interest expenses of Convertible Bond debt component, underlying profit would have been approximately RMB2.29 billion (9M2019: RMB2.60 billion). Based on underlying profit, the earnings per share were approximately RMB12.16 cents (9M2019: RMB13.77 cents). The Group has maintained a strong financial position with cash and bank balances reaching approximately RMB16.10 billion at the period end.
The Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of HK2 cents per share. Together with the first quarterly dividend of HK2 cents per share and the second quarterly dividend of HK2 cents paid, the total dividend of the three quarters amounted to HK6 cents per share (9M2019: 6 cents).
COVID-19 hits the whole world, industry policies expedite business reform
During the review period, the pandemic crisis remained far from over. However, China has implemented strict anti-epidemic measures, production and businesses gradually returns to normal. As a result, the number of outpatients and inpatients began to climb, resulting in the improvement in drug sales.
The government published several documents to establish a tiered diagnosis and treatment model, and partnerships between medical institutions operating, so as to facilitate initial consultations at the lower tier. To encourage "Internet + Health Care" and medical informatization, restrictions on the coverage of online consultations have been further relaxed, trying to include eligible medical services in the medical insurance reimbursement list.
The government also intensified its reforms of medical expenses control. At the diagnosis end, national trials of multiple-payment models such as Diagnosis-Related Groups payment or disease category-based payment have commenced. Measures for managing essential drugs covered by medical insurance have also been published to enhance pertinent controls. Also, the third centralized drug procurement program has been expanded to cover a greater variety of drugs, with average prices down by 53%, and some even falling by more than 90%. In expanding the coverage of the centralized drug procurement program, establishing its relevant methodology, and making it a regular practice, competition will intensify, profitability and product structure of the industry will be notably impacted, reform of drug sales and marketing model will accelerate, and the business landscape will be polarized.
Adjustments to the National Reimbursement Drug List ("NRDL") have also commenced, which marks the beginning of dynamic adjustments of the list to come. Innovative drugs and oncology drugs have higher chances to be included quickly. As the NRDL expands its coverage, the coverage for outpatient reimbursement will also be expanded, hence, accessibility to and fairness of the products above are likely to be enhanced.
During the review period, the National Medical Products Administration published three technical documents, including the Working Procedures for the Review and Approval of Breakthrough Therapy Designed Drugs (for Trial Implementation) to expedite the filing and assessment of innovative drugs, and facilitate the implementation of the assessment and approval policy that encourage innovation.
Pursue product mix transformation in response to policy changes
During the review period, with a rebound in the number of hospitalized patients, the Group gradually resumed its work on sales of pharmaceutical products. Also, implementation of the third round of the centralized drug procurement program, which covered a number of the Group's key products in the hepatitis, cardio-vascular and analgesic therapeutic areas, had differing effects on sales of the Group's various products. For newly approved products such as the oncology medicines, Qingkeshu, Anxian, Jizhi, and Weishou; the respiratory system medicine, Tianqingsuchang; the cardio-vascular medicines, Anbeining, Taishule, Anxinfen and Beilishu; and the osteoarthritis medicines, Taiyan and Sulibao, their sales volume have increased rapidly following implementation of the centralized drug procurement program.
The Group actively addressed the impact of centralized drug procurement on its sales cost structure by quickly shifting academic and promotion investments to new products, as well as by building a strong sales portfolio of the selected products and their associated products that are able to capitalize on the centralized drug procurement program. The results from such strategies were encouraging. The Group's new oncology medicines, Anxian, Yinishu, Leweixin, Yijiu, and Qingkeyi; antiemetic medicine associated with chemotherapy, Shanqi; new analgesic medicines, Fenkexin and Yu'an; new anti-infective medications, Tianming, Kangsuping, Fengruineng, and Yiruida; and contrast agents, Xian'ai and Qingliming, all delivered robust results.
Sales transformation by building Internet ecosystem
Amid the pandemic, the Group has facilitated convenient communications between doctors and patients via various Internet platforms. In addition, it has stepped up efforts in chronic disease management of the cardio-vascular, respiratory, analgesic, hepatitis and oncology therapeutic areas to enhance patients' professional knowledge and awareness of product applications. It has also commenced Internet marketing activities through a number of qualified platforms, reaping satisfactory results.
During the review period, satisfactory results were achieved in R&D. During the third quarter, the Group was granted 6 clinical trial approvals, 11 production approvals, and 15 approvals for Consistency Evaluation, and made 6 clinical trial applications, 6 applications for Consistency Evaluation and 2 production applications. Cumulatively, a total of 398 pharmaceutical products had obtained clinical trial approval, or were under clinical trial or applying for production approval. Out of these, 37 were for hepatitis medicines, 190 for oncology medicines, 22 for respiratory system medicines, 20 for endocrine, 16 for cardio-cerebral medicines and 113 for other medicines.
Over the years, the Group has been placing high importance on R&D and innovation, as well as through collaboration and imitation, to raise both R&D standards and efficiency. Regarding R&D as the lifeblood of the Group's development, the Group continues to devote into more resources. For the nine months ended 30 September, 2020, the total R&D expenditure of approximately RMB2.11 billion, which accounted for approximately 11.6% of the Group's revenue.
The Group also emphasizes on the protection of intellectual property rights. During the third quarter, the Group has received 37 authorized patent notices and filed 119 new patent applications. Cumulatively, the Group has obtained 879 invention patent approvals, 30 utility model patents and 115 apparel design patents.
Looking ahead, the Group will continue to act proactively along with the varying characteristics of times and trends, accelerate its development of new drugs, and continuously optimize products in the R&D pipeline. The Group will also continue to optimize the layout of the Internet ecosystem, while promote the transformation and upgrade of organizational structure, so as to achieve a comprehensive strategic transformation in the Group as soon as possible, which in turn will lay a more solid foundation for the Group's long-term development and create long-term value for shareholders.
About Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited (HKEX:1177)
Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited is a leading, innovative R&D driven pharmaceutical conglomerate in the PRC. Its business encompasses a fully-integrated chain which covers an array of R&D platforms, a line-up of intelligent production and a strong sales system. The Group's products have gained a competitive foothold in various therapeutic categories with promising potentials, comprising a variety of biopharmaceutical and chemical medicines for treating tumors, liver diseases, respiratory system diseases, anti-infectious diseases and orthopedic diseases.
Sino Biopharm is a constituent stock of the following indices: MSCI Global Standard Indices - MSCI China Index, Hang Seng Index, Hang Seng Index - Commerce & Industry, Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng Composite Industry Index - Consumer Goods, Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index, Hang Seng Composite LargeCap & MidCap Index, Hang Seng China (Hong Kong-listed) 100 Index and Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Index. Sino Biopharm was ranked as one of "Asia's Fab 50 Companies" by Forbes Asia for three consecutive years in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Shineway Pharmaceutical (2877.HK) recorded 29.4% revenue growth for October 2020
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1. 取締役の異動
新任取締役 2021 年3月下旬開催の定時株主総会にて選任の予定
丸山 寿(まるやま ひさし)(昭和電工マテリアルズ株式会社 取締役社長兼CEO (代表取締役))
2. 執行役員の異動
(1)退任執行役員 2021 年1月3日付
西村 浩一(にしむら こういち)(現 執行役員 社長付特命担当(化学品関連安全・環境推進担当)産業ガス事業部、基礎化学品事業部、情報電子化学品事業部、機能性化学品事業部、川崎事業所、東長原事業所、伊勢崎事業所、龍野事業所管掌)
ユニオン昭和(株)社長就任予定(2021 年 1 月 4 日付)
神保 彰宏(じんぼ あきひろ)(現 執行役員 基礎化学品事業部長)
丸全昭和運輸(株)業務顧問就任予定(2021 年 1 月 4 日付)
(2)委嘱事項の変更 2021 年1月4日付
石川 二朗(いしかわ じろう)(現 専務執行役員 デバイスソリューション事業部長 電子機能材事業部、秩父事業所管掌)
専務執行役員 デバイスソリューション事業部長 電子機能材プロジェクト、秩父事業所管掌
上口 啓一(かみぐち けいいち)(現 執行役員 最高リスク管理責任者(CRO) 内部監査部、法務部、CSR・総務部、人事部、購買・SCM部管掌兼安全保障輸出管理委員会委員長)
常務執行役員 最高リスク管理責任者(CRO) 内部監査部、法務部、CSR・総務部、人事部、購買・SCM部管掌兼安全保障輸出管理委員会委員長
海宝 益典(かいほう ますのり)(現 執行役員 生産技術部、エネルギー・電力部、SPS改革推進部、レスポンシブルケア部管掌兼保安対策委員会委員長)
執行役員 川崎事業所、東長原事業所、伊勢崎事業所、龍野事業所、生産技術部、エネルギー・電力部、SPS改革推進部、レスポンシブルケア部管掌兼保安対策委員会委員長
酒井 浩志(さかい ひろし)(現 執行役員 最高技術責任者(CTO) 先端電池材料事業部、融合製品開発研究所、先端技術ラボ、研究開発部、知的財産部管掌)
執行役員 最高技術責任者(CTO) 先端電池材料事業部、融合製品開発研究所、研究開発部、知的財産部管掌
平倉 一夫(ひらくら かずお)(現 執行役員 産業ガス事業部長兼昭和電工ガスプロダクツ(株)社長)
執行役員 産業ガス事業部長兼昭和電工ガスプロダクツ(株)社長 基礎化学品事業部、情報電子化学品事業部、機能性化学品事業部管掌
(3)新任執行役員 2021 年1月4日付
辻 勝行(つじ かつゆき)(現 理事役 先端電池材料事業部長兼出向昭和電工パッケージング(株)[社長])
執行役員 先端電池材料事業部長兼昭和電工パッケージング(株)社長
(1)退任理事 2021 年1月3日付
加藤 信裕(かとう のぶひろ)(現 理事 財務・経理部IR室長)
退任 財務・経理部嘱託(2021 年1月4日付)
稗田 隆紀(ひえだ たかのり)(現 理事 レスポンシブルケア部長)
退任 鶴崎共同動力(株)社長就任予定(2021 年1月4日付)
戸早 孝幸(とはや たかゆき)(現 理事 戦略企画部)
退任 昭和電工建材(株)社長就任予定(2021 年1月4日付)
(2)新任理事 2021 年1月4日付
木村 真(きむら まこと)(現 大分コンビナート環境安全・品質保証統括部長)
理事 レスポンシブルケア部長兼環境安全室長
速水 宏悦(はやみ ひろよし)(現 理事役 内部監査部長)
理事 内部監査部長
松岡 清文(まつおか きよふみ) (現 理事役 アルミ機能部材事業部長)
理事 アルミ機能部材事業部長
原 聡(はら さとし)(現 理事役 購買・SCM部長)
理事 基礎化学品事業部長
取締役・監査役 2021 年1月4日
代表取締役社長 森川 宏平(もりかわ こうへい)
代表取締役 髙橋 秀仁(たかはし ひでひと)
代表取締役 竹内 元浩(たけうち もとひろ)
取締役 取締役会議長 市川 秀夫(いちかわ ひでお)
取締役 酒井 浩志(さかい ひろし)
取締役 尾嶋 正治(おしま まさはる)(社外取締役)
取締役 西岡 潔(にしおか きよし)(社外取締役)
取締役 一色 浩三(いっしき こうぞう)(社外取締役)
取締役 森川 典子(もりかわ のりこ)(社外取締役)
常勤監査役 加藤 俊晴(かとう としはる)
常勤監査役 田中 淳(たなか じゅん)
監査役 齋藤 聖美(さいとう きよみ)(社外監査役)
監査役 大西 節(おおにし せつ)(社外監査役)
監査役 矢嶋 雅子(やじま まさこ)(社外監査役)
取締役・監査役 2021 年3月下旬予定
代表取締役社長 森川 宏平(もりかわ こうへい)
代表取締役 髙橋 秀仁(たかはし ひでひと)
代表取締役 竹内 元浩(たけうち もとひろ)
取締役 取締役会議長 市川 秀夫(いちかわ ひでお)
取締役 丸山 寿(まるやま ひさし)(新任)
取締役 酒井 浩志(さかい ひろし)
取締役 尾嶋 正治(おしま まさはる)(社外取締役)
取締役 西岡 潔(にしおか きよし)(社外取締役)
取締役 一色 浩三(いっしき こうぞう)(社外取締役)
取締役 森川 典子(もりかわ のりこ)(社外取締役)
常勤監査役 加藤 俊晴(かとう としはる)
常勤監査役 田中 淳(たなか じゅん)
監査役 齋藤 聖美(さいとう きよみ)(社外監査役)
監査役 大西 節(おおにし せつ)(社外監査役)
監査役 矢嶋 雅子(やじま まさこ)(社外監査役)
詳細は をご覧ください。
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Shineway Pharmaceutical (2877.HK) recorded 29.4% revenue growth for October 2020
Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Captiva Verde Land Corp. Announces Solargram Farms' Completion of Successful New Brunswick Outdoor Cannabis Harvest with One of the Highest Reported THC and Terpene Values in Canada
First Year Harvest Results
The Solargram cannabis harvest began on September 17th and was completed on October 30th with final processing completed on November 27, 2020. The Solargram team is credited with a final harvest of approximately 13,000 plants over 350,000 square feet of outdoor farm grown canopy resulting in 15,000 kg of wet cannabis. This harvest is ranked as one of Canada's top single largest, and lowest cost outdoor legal cannabis crop in Canadian history and is also the largest outdoor cannabis crop ever grown and harvested in New Brunswick.
Very Low Cost of Production Results
Exceeding expectations, the year one total grow cost of production, including direct labor and direct materials, were CDN $0.05/gram wet; $0.22/gram dry which ranks as one of the top tier, lowest cost of cannabis production facilities in the Canadian cannabis industry.
Cannabis is a commodity within the CPG (consumer packaging goods) industry. Lowest cost and highest quality wins. Solargram is a major market disruptor and differentiator as its high quality, very low cost of production, allows its planned high cannabinoid full spectrum and distillate oil products to be sold at prices that are produced at a fraction of its competitors' cost of production. This competitive advantage will allow Solargram to become a leader in the Canadian cannabis market place commencing in 2021.
HIGH THC REPORTED - Independent Laboratory Test Results
Solargram produced and harvested approximately 35 genetics of which its R2 strain, representing 65% of its year one outdoor cannabis crop, produced a COA (certificate of analysis) from an independent laboratory supplier at 21.53% THC and 2.7% terpenes.
The independent THC laboratory results received for the top five genetics produced, representing the harvested crop include:
R2 (21.53%); Bitter Cherry Punch (18.81%); Gelatoz (17.59%);
Black Garlic (18.86%); New York Purple Diesel (19.66%)
These significant high THC results rival and/or exceed indoor cannabis grown facilities in Canada. Independent test results also validate the crop is pesticide and heavy metal free.
100% of the Solargram shares are held in an escrow account to be transferred to Captiva Verde in exchange for 35 Million Captiva Verde shares subject to a tight pooling agreement, and subject to Health Canada approving an in-process application by all the Captiva Verde Officers and Directors to pass a security clearance and CSE approval.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"Jeff Ciachurski"
Jeffrey Ciachurski
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Cell: (949) 903-5906
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include regulatory actions, market prices, and continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.
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