EGMS 2020 officially appointed Irfan Setiaputra as new CEO, replacing I Gusti Ngurah Askhara Danadiputra, who had served as CEO since September 2018. This strengthened the Board of Commissioners' decision of 9th December 2019, which temporarily dismissed the CEO and a number of directors.
The EGMS officially discharged the following Directors:
1. CEO: I Gusti Ngurah Askhara Danadiputra
2. Director of Human Capital: Heri Akhyar
3. Director of Engineering & Services: Iwan Joeniarto
4. Director of Operations: Bambang Adisurya Angkasa
5. Director of Cargo & Business Development: Mohammad Iqbal
The meeting also honorably discharged Director of Commercial, Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah and President Commissioner, Sahala Lumban Gaol, and appointed Triawan Munaf as new Garuda Indonesia, President Commissioner.
By approval of the EGMS, the following became Garuda Indonesia commissioners and directors:
Board of Directors
1. President Director: Irfan Setiaputra
2. Vice President Director: Dony Oskaria
3. Director of Services, Business Development, & Information Technology: Ade R. Susardi
4. Director of Commercial & Cargo: M. Rizal Pahlevi
5. Director of Finance & Risk Management: Fuad Rizal
6. Director of Human Capital: Aryaperwira Adileksana
7. Director of Operations: Tumpal Manumpak Hutapea
8. Director of Engineering: Rahmat Hanafi
Board of Commissioners
1. President Commissioner: Triawan Munaf
2. Vice of President Commissioner: Chairal Tanjung
3. Independent Commissioner: Elisa Lumbantoruan
4. Independent Commissioner: Yenny Wahid
5. Commissioner: Peter F. Gontha
The EGMS further discussed the following agenda:
- Changes in company's articles of association,
- Inauguration of State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) ministerial regulation with number PER-08/MBU/12/2019, on general guidelines for the procurement of goods and services of State-Owned Enterprise (SOE),
- Changes in the composition of company's management
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
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