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NEC、「令和3年度 再生可能エネルギーアグリゲーション実証事業」に参画
本事業は、変動性の高い太陽光発電、風力発電等の再生可能エネルギー発電設備と蓄電池等の分散型エネルギーリソース(Distributed Energy Resource、以下DER)を組み合わせ、需給バランス確保のための発電量予測や、リソース制御に必要となる技術等の実証を行うことで、DERを活用した安定かつ効率的な電力システムの構築と、再生可能エネルギーの普及拡大を図ることを目的として行われるものです。
なお需要BGとの連携については、VPP実証で培った技術を基盤に開発した「NEC Energy Resource Aggregation クラウドサービス」でシステム連携し、検証を行う予定です。
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1. 名称: 富士通量子コンピューティング共同研究部門 (Fujitsu Quantum Computing Joint Research Division)
2. 所在地: 大阪大学 世界最先端研究機構「量子情報・量子生命研究センター(QIQB)」内 (大阪府豊中市)
3. 設置期間: 2021年10月1日から2024年3月31日まで
4. 研究内容: 誤り耐性量子コンピュータのための量子ソフトウェアの研究開発
- 数千量子ビット規模の量子コンピュータを想定し、誤りが入った複数の量子ビットから元の情報を復元して量子誤り訂正を行うアルゴリズムの構築と、そのアルゴリズムを性能評価する技術の研究開発を行います。
- 量子誤り訂正符号によって実現される論理量子ビット(注7)を用いた量子計算を行うために、プログラムの入力から結果の出力にわたり必要となる一連のソフトウェアの研究開発と実装に取り組みます。また、将来の実機を想定したノイズを含む仮想マシン環境を用いて、これらのソフトウェアの動作検証を行います。
5. 両者の役割:
- 大阪大学が保有する量子誤り訂正技術の知見を活用して、数千量子ビット規模の量子コンピュータにおける量子誤り訂正の性能評価技術の研究開発を行う。
- 論理量子ビットを用いた量子計算を行うために必要な一連のソフトウェアの研究開発および仮想マシンでの動作検証を行う。
- 富士通が保有するコンピューティング技術の知見を活用し、数千量子ビット規模の量子コンピュータにおける量子誤り訂正を行うアルゴリズムの構築を行う。
- 論理量子ビットを用いた量子計算を行うために必要な一連のソフトウェアの研究開発、仮想マシンへの実装および動作検証支援を行う。
概要: 富士通株式会社
詳細は をご覧ください。
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Edison Oncology and Apollomics Announce Treatment of First Patient with EO1001 (APL-122) in a Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial
"We are thrilled to see our first patient treated with EO1001 and hope that the potential safety and efficacy suggested by our preclinical data has the potential to translate into clinical benefits for patients suffering from cancer," said Jeffrey Bacha, B.Sc., MBA, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Edison Oncology. "Our preclinical studies have shown that EO1001 is potent against multiple activating mutations in the intracellular domain of EGFR. We look forward to the results from this first clinical trial as we believe EO1001 has the potential to address unmet medical needs in many types of cancer including non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer and glioblastoma."
The Phase I/IIa clinical trial will enroll up to 50 patients and is being conducted in Australia under contract service provided by Senz Oncology Pty Ltd. The objective of this first-in-human clinical trial is to examine the safety and tolerability of EO1001 in patients with metastatic or advanced stage ErbB-1(EGFR), ErbB-2(HER2) and/or ERbB-4 (HER4) positive cancer. Patients with relapsed ErbB-positive cancers in solid tumors, including patients with central nervous system (CNS) involvement, will be enrolled at several clinical sites in Australia.
Sanjeev Redkar, PhD, Co-Founder and President of Apollomics, added, "We are pleased to achieve this important milestone in the development of EO1001 which we refer to as APL-122. In preclinical models, APL-122 demonstrated activity in ErbB positive tumors and the ability to penetrate and treat cancers in the CNS. Therefore, this Phase I/IIa study is inclusive of patients with brain metastases. Advancing into human clinical trials marks a pivotal step in our development of this promising cancer therapy."
Dr. Sophia Frentzas, medical oncologist and clinical researcher at Monash Cancer Center in Melbourne, Australia and Principal Investigator for the clinical trial said, "ErbB positive tumors represent a significant patient population with unmet clinical needs. These include patients with HER2 (ErbB2) positive breast cancer and EGFR (ErbB1) mutant lung cancer who have acquired resistance, or are refractory, to frontline targeted therapy. They also include those patients with other tumour types where the ErbB pathway has been increasingly shown to be a clinically significant oncogenic driver (e.g. GBM, endometrial, ovarian, bladder cancer and others). Cross-talk between ErbB family members is implicated in resistance to treatment and the growing incidence of central nervous system metastases plays a significant role in patient morbidity and mortality. In particular, the latter presents a significant limitation with currently available targeted therapies. EO1001 is an oral, brain-penetrating, uniquely potent, pan-ErbB inhibitor. We look forward to exploring its safety and efficacy in this first-in-human trial."
On February 9, 2021, Edison Oncology and Apollomics announced an exclusive licensing agreement whereby Apollomics will develop and commercialize EO1001 (APL-122) globally, except in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
About EO1001
EO1001 is an irreversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that has demonstrated inhibition of EGFR (ErbB1), HER2 (ErbB2) and HER4 (ErbB4) as a single agent in laboratory studies. EO1001 is potent against mutations in the intracellular domain of EGFR that are typically found in diseases such as Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) including T790M, L858R and d746-750, HER2 (ErbB2) which is prominent in breast cancer, and against the EGFR-variant III (EGFRvIII) that is characteristic of glioblastoma. In preclinical trials, EO1001 has been well-tolerated and demonstrated the ability to enter the central nervous system (CNS) following oral dosing and activity against treatment-resistant EGFRvIII-driven tumors, including malignancies in CNS, in vivo. EO1001 is referred to as APL-122 by Apollomics.
About Edison Oncology
Edison Oncology was founded in 2018 by experienced life science industry veterans to develop and commercialize new therapies targeting the fight against cancer. Edison Oncology leverages a deep understanding of cancer biology and cancer pharmacology in order to identify and advance underdeveloped drug candidates with the potential to overcome treatment resistance and improve survival outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients.
About Apollomics Inc.
Apollomics Inc. is an innovative biopharmaceutical company committed to the discovery and development of monotherapies and combination therapies of tumor-targeting and immuno-oncology agents. The Company's product pipeline has several programs at different stages of development, including novel, humanized monoclonal antibodies that restore the body's immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells, and targeted therapies against uncontrolled growth signaling pathways. Apollomics has operating entities in Foster City, California, USA, Hangzhou and Shanghai, China. For more information, please visit
Edison Oncology Contacts:
Company Contact:
Jeffrey Bacha
Chief Executive Officer
(650) 690-1927
Media and Investor Relations Contact:
Amato & Partners, LLC
Investor Relations Counsel
Apollomics Contacts:
Investor Contact:
Wilson W. Cheung
Chief Financial Officer
(650) 209-4436
U.S. Media Contact:
Remy Bernarda
Corporate Communications
(415) 203-6386
China Media Contact:
Porda Havas International Finance Communications Group
Kelly Fung
General Manager
(852) 3150 6763
Phoenix Fung
Vice President
(852) 3150 6773
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カリフォルニア州パロアルト、2021年10月1日 - (JCN Newswire) - カリフォルニア州パロアルトに拠点を置く革新的なブロックチェーン企業、モンスーン・ブロックチェーンは、ビットコインラチナムを動かすための次世代デジタル暗号通貨エコシステムを公表した。ビットコインラチナムは保険付きで資産担保型の暗号通貨だ。ビットコインラチナムは、ビットコインの環境を基礎に構成されており、エコに、速く、安全に、デジタルでの取引を大きく前進させようとしている。モンスーン・ブロックチェーンは、ビットコインラチナム財団に代わりビットコインラチナムネットワークの主要開発者としての役割を果たしている。
ビットコインラチナムは、PoW(プルーフ・オブ・ワーク)に基づくネットワークが抱える問題に対処するため、PoS(プルーフ・オブ・ステーク)メカニズムの高度バージョンを使用している。PoSにより、LTNM保有者は自らのコインを担保としてビットコインラチナムネットワークに賭けることで報酬を得ることができ、これは電力消費量の削減につながる。ビットコインのような既存のトークンでは取引あたり最大885 kWh以上、イーサリアムでは102kWh以上のエネルギー消費が必要だが、ビットコインラチナムでは取引あたり0.00015 kWhにまで削減される。
バジーレ氏はさらに、2020年11月に新規株式公開で2億3600万ドルを確保した買収企業であるRoman DBDRの共同CEO兼会長も務める。Roman DBDRは、プレミアム支払カードの先駆けであり、世界最大級の金融機関を顧客に持つCompo Secure社との合併を発表した。両社の合併により、総企業価値は約12億ドルになる。Compo Secure社は、新たな暗号通貨のコールドストレージソリューション「Arculus」を間もなく公開する予定になっており、ユーザーは最先端の金属製支払カードにデジタル資産を安全に保管・管理することができる。
会社名 モンスーン・ブロックチェーン株式会社
連絡先 Wei Ming(広報責任者)
住所 2100 Geng Road, Palo Alto, California 94303, USA
電話 +1 800-528-0985
出典 モンスーン・ブロックチェーン・コーポレーション
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IAPPが提供するCertified Information Privacy Professional(以下、CIPP)認証、Certified Information Privacy Manager(以下、CIPM)認証はプライバシー業界のグローバル認証として広く認知されており、世界中のプライバシーの専門家がその能力を証明するために取得しています。
IAPP会長兼CEOのJ.トレバー・ヒューズ(J. Trevor Hughes)は、今回の提携に関し、以下のコメントを寄せています。「世界中で訓練を受けたプライバシー専門家に対する需要が高まっています。その需要に応えるためにIAPPはOTPプログラムを用意し、各国でトレーニングと資格を提供しています。テクニカ・ゼンが日本で初めてCIPMとCIPPのトレーニングを提供するようになったことは、法律、テクノロジー、ポリシーなどの分野で一流のトレーニングと資格を提供するプログラムをIAPPが日本で提供できるようになったということを意味し、素晴らしいことだと思っています。」
- IAPPメンバーシップ(1年分)
- トレーニングのテキスト(eBook)
- 認証試験準備のためのサンプル試験
- 認証試験受験用のバウチャー(認証試験は英語での実施)
IAPPは2000 年に設立された国際プライバシー専門家協会(International Association of Privacy Professionals)です。
データ保護の専門知識として必要な知識体系をグローバルな視点から定義し、専門家に対する知識体系の習得を支援するとともに、継続的に改善することを使命としています。政策に中立な(policy neutral)なNPOで、プライバシー業界に非常に大きな影響力を持っています。本社を米国のニューハンプシャー州ポーツマスに置き、世界100カ国以上に75,000人以上の個人会員を擁しています。
IAPP は、プライバシー保護とデータ保護に関するトレーニング、認証、出版、研究、イベント、ネットワーキングの機会を提供しています。
IAPP公式トレーニング、コンプライアンス助言サービス、プライバシー対応支援サービス、プライバシー・ソフトウェアの販売、導入支援、会員制サイトでの各国のプライバシー動向情報の提供 等
代表者:代表取締役 寺川 貴也
所在地:〒659-0013 兵庫県芦屋市岩園町23番45号205
- プライバシー、セキュリティ、ガバナンスに関するコンサルティング・サービス
- プライバシー及びセキュリティに関連したソフトウェアの販売代行
Tel: 0797 61 7530
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New treatment for severe corneal inflammation from DED now listed on PBS
In-licensed for the first time in Australia by Seqirus, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSL, from leading ophthalmic company Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Ikervis contains the disease-modifying treatment ciclosporin, used to reduce inflammation associated with severe keratitis in DED.
According to Professor Stephanie Watson, Ophthalmologist, Clinician Scientist, Ophthalmic Surgeon and Chair of the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia, the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating DED cases due to increased mask use and screen time.
"We have seen a marked increase in dry eye symptoms among mask users. Typically, DED affects women more than men. According to a US study, women are almost three times more likely to develop DED than men and often progress to more severe forms of the disease earlier than men," said Prof. Watson.
"Keratitis, a condition involving inflammation of the cornea, can be a complication for some patients with DED. Patients with severe keratitis from DED typically present with eye surface damage and inflammation that can sometimes feel like an irritating, itchy or burning sensation with possible blurry vision.
"Patients with severe inflammation of the cornea from DED are often managed with a number of different treatment options, which can be costly for a condition that requires ongoing management. A new subsidised treatment option will improve access for these patients," Prof. Watson said.
"Severe inflammation of the cornea from DED is complicated by a difficult cycle involving inflammation of the eye and damage to the eye surface. Treatment options targeting the immune system are therefore needed to manage these complications from DED, and break the cycle of inflammation," said Dr Margaret Lam, Optometrist, Head of Professional Services at George and Matilda Eyecare and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the School of Optometry & Vision Science, UNSW.
"Artificial tears aim to provide symptom relief for DED, but don't address the underlying cause of severe corneal inflammation. In these cases, inflammation-reducing treatment options are required. Today's PBS listing of another treatment option for severe keratitis in adults with DED is therefore welcome news for ophthalmologists, optometrists and patients alike," Dr Lam said.
Executive Chair of The B Team Australasia, Lynette has spent the past 16 years living with severe corneal inflammation from DED. Soon after undergoing cataract surgery on both of her eyes in 2005, her eyes became extremely irritated, and she developed double vision. Little did she know at the time, her cataract surgery, coupled with a delayed diagnosis and her advancing age, would result in developing severe corneal inflammation from DED.
"I'm often unable to see things. For instance, I have to carry a magnifying glass when my eyes get blurry, or I develop double vision. Even at the supermarket, I have to carry a magnifying glass to read the food," said Lynette. "When people ask me to look at something for them at work, whether it is a document, or on-screen, depending on the health of my eyes at the time, I find it really difficult."
Lynette maintains it is important for Australian adults living with severe corneal inflammation from DED to have timely access to a range of treatment options. "Had my eye disease been detected earlier, it may not have had such an impact on my life," Lynette said.
Seqirus Head of Medical Affairs for the International Region, Dr Jonathan Anderson, Melbourne, said Seqirus is excited to be introducing the company's second PBS listed treatment option to the eye care market this year.
"Seqirus is committed to broadening access to eye care products to help address unmet clinical needs," said
Dr Anderson. "Today's PBS listing of Ikervis for severe keratitis in adults with DED will give Australians access to another treatment option that has long been available overseas."
About Ikervis
TGA approved in December 2020, Ikervis is a Schedule 4 (S4): Prescription Only Medicine. Ikervis is listed on the PBS from 1 October 2021 for severe keratitis in DED, for prescription by an optometrist or ophthalmologist and requires Authority Approval.
About Seqirus
Seqirus, a CSL company, is a leading provider of essential vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Having served Australia's healthcare needs for over a century, today we operate Australia's only local manufacturing facility for seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines. Seqirus produces unique medicines in the National Interest, and also in licences a broad range of paediatric and adult vaccines and specialty pharmaceutical products. Visit
Mel Kheradi, VIVA! Communications, m: 0421 551 257, e:
1. Ikervis Approved Product Information.
2. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Medicine Status - Ciclosporin. 2021 September 2021]; Available from:
3. Krolo, I., et al., Mask-Associated Dry Eye During COVID-19 Pandemic-How Face Masks Contribute to Dry Eye Disease Symptoms. Med Arch, 2021. 75(2): p. 144-148.
4. Barabino, S., A Narrative Review of Current Understanding and Classification of Dry Eye Disease with New Insights on the Impact of Dry Eye during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ophthalmol Ther, 2021. 10(3): p. 495-507.
5. Amrane, M., et al., Ocular tolerability and efficacy of a cationic emulsion in patients with mild to moderate dry eye disease - a randomised comparative study. J Fr Ophtalmol, 2014. 37(8): p. 589-98.
6. Leonardi, A., B. Flamion, and C. Baudouin, Keratitis in Dry Eye Disease and Topical Ciclosporin A. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 2017. 25(4): p. 577-586.
7. Baudouin, C., et al., A randomized study of the efficacy and safety of 0.1% cyclosporine A cationic emulsion in treatment of moderate to severe dry eye. Eur J Ophthalmol, 2017. 27(5): p. 520-530.
8. Stapleton, F., et al., TFOS DEWS II Epidemiology Report. The Ocular Surface, 2017. 15(3): p. 334-365.
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
A*STAR and Local SME Work with Vaccination Centres to Deploy AVID System for Filling Syringes
AVID was designed to address the labour-intensive steps of the vaccination process to reduce the workload of healthcare providers, increase accuracy and productivity, and enhance personal safety as well. AVID currently supports the management of vials containing the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, with potential to be customised for the Moderna Vaccine as well.
AVID was developed by researchers from A*STAR's Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC) and Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), in collaboration with local systems integrator Sysmatic Global. The innovative HealthTech solution is the first of its kind to automate the extraction of vaccines from vials using a combination of robotic parts, smart sensors and digital technologies.
How it works:
- After thawing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, it is diluted in the vial.
- Typically, healthcare providers would then have to extract individual doses of the vaccine (0.3 mL for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine) using syringes. One vial of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine contains six doses of vaccine after dilution(*).
- AVID automates this step of extraction of the vaccine from the vial into six individual syringes, including the dispersing of bubbles inside the syringes.
- AVID also automatically uncaps and recaps the syringes during the transfer of vaccine from vials to syringes.
- It is easy to use at just the push of some buttons, only needing simple training without any special qualifications required.
- Reduces workload of healthcare providers, by freeing them from the manual step of extracting vaccines from vials to syringes.
- Allows more focused attention by healthcare providers on interacting and communicating with people receiving the vaccinations.
- Increases productivity at vaccination centres via introduction of automated processes that are accurate, consistent, and fast.
- Reduces risks of cross-contamination and vaccine wastage via safe handling by the machine.
- Improves safety for healthcare providers by reducing the handling of sharp syringes during the extraction step.
- The machine's small footprint and low weight (less than 25kg) means it can be easily deployed to any vaccination centre.
Development and Deployment:
- AVID was developed within six weeks from conceptualisation. It is the result of a collaboration between A*STAR's ARTC and SIMTech, which provided expertise in robotics, automation and Industry 4.0 technologies, and Sysmatic Global, which designed, integrated and constructed the machine.
- AVID has been deployed in at least seven vaccination centres so far which administer the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Thomson Medical, a vaccination centre operator, also supported A*STAR in the development and trial of the machine.
(*) Health Sciences Authority, Singapore: fact sheet for healthcare providers administering Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine:
** AVID fact sheet:
For media queries and clarifications, please contact:
Mr Robin Chan
Head, Corporate Communications
Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Tel: +65 6826 6281
Mobile: +65 9830 2610
Mr Khoo Kiak Nee
Director, Sysmatic Global
Tel : +65 6246 6859
Mobile : +65 9688 2502
Email :
About A*STAR
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) is Singapore's lead public sector R&D agency. Through open innovation, we collaborate with our partners in both the public and private sectors to benefit the economy and society. As a Science and Technology Organisation, A*STAR bridges the gap between academia and industry. Our research creates economic growth and jobs for Singapore, and enhances lives by improving societal outcomes in healthcare, urban living, and sustainability. A*STAR plays a key role in nurturing scientific talent and leaders for the wider research community and industry. A*STAR's R&D activities span biomedical sciences to physical sciences and engineering, with research entities primarily located in Biopolis and Fusionopolis. For ongoing news, visit
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About Sysmatic Global
Sysmatic Global Pte Ltd was established in 2010 as an appointed agent & solution provider for Nitto Seiko, Japan, assembly products. Through the years, we had developed our own design team and evolved to a system integrator providing innovative automation solutions improving customer factory productivity and quality. Coupled with In-house Precision Machining & Sheetmetal fabrication facilities, we strive to provide a full turnkey solution to our customers. Please visit
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Yeahka Ranks First among Non-bank Independent Institutions in QR Code Payment Acquiring Services
Yeahka's interim results show, as of the first half of this year, the total number of active merchants using the Company's payment services has reached 6.13 million, up 30.8% year-on-year ("YoY"). Its daily peak count of QR code payment transactions has reached 42 million, compared to 30 million at the end of last year, leading to a rapid increase in its market share in the non-bank independent QR code payment services market. According to Oliver Wyman, Yeahka ranked second with a market share of 14% in China, according to the number of transactions in 2019.
Based on analysis of the latest open data of other key players, Yeahka has surpassed its competitors to become the largest non-bank independent QR code payment services provider by market share in China.
According to iResearch Consulting's 2021 China's Third-Party Payment Industry Report, published this June, the number of merchants covered by integrated payment services has reached 30.48 million, up 19.2% YoY, as of the first half of 2021. Serving 6.13 million merchants, Yeahka has a market share of approximately 20%.
Number of payment transactions through QR code is displayed real-time on Yeahka's official website (
A payment method that integrates multiple relatively fragmented payments through the use of an integrated QR code, aggregate payment brings more convenience to both merchants and consumers. For a services provider, in addition to providing omni-channel payment services, leveraging its technical capabilities to provide value-added services is a crucial next step.
This is also the key to Yeahka's business - the steady and rapid growth of the payment business also propels another important segment for the Company, namely technology-enabled business services. According to Yeahka's interim report, the revenue of this segment increased 86.6% YoY to RMB360 million, and its contribution to the Company's gross profit increased to 43.5% from 34.9% in the same period of 2020, significantly higher than other players in the same field.
Utilized HK$119.8 million in share incentive scheme
Yeahka announced on 23 September that, as of 21 September 2021, the trustee of the Restricted Share Unit ("RSU") Scheme had utilized an aggregate of approximately HK$119.8 million to purchase 4,104,400 Shares from the market at a consideration of HK$26.30 to HK$30.00 per share to hold in trust for the benefit of the RSU participants pursuant to the rules of the RSU Scheme.
According to the announcement, the shares purchased will be rewards for the RSU participants in the RSU Scheme, as an incentive for their contribution to the Company. In addition, the share purchase pursuant to the RSU Scheme also demonstrates the Company's confidence in its business outlook and prospect. The Company will continue to conduct share purchases in the market based on market conditions.
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Yeahka Ranks First among Non-bank Independent Institutions in QR Code Payment Acquiring Services
Yeahka's interim results show, as of the first half of this year, the total number of active merchants using the Company's payment services has reached 6.13 million, up 30.8% year-on-year ("YoY"). Its daily peak count of QR code payment transactions has reached 42 million, compared to 30 million at the end of last year, leading to a rapid increase in its market share in the non-bank independent QR code payment services market. According to Oliver Wyman, Yeahka ranked second with a market share of 14% in China, according to the number of transactions in 2019.
Based on analysis of the latest open data of other key players, Yeahka has surpassed its competitors to become the largest non-bank independent QR code payment services provider by market share in China.
According to iResearch Consulting's 2021 China's Third-Party Payment Industry Report, published this June, the number of merchants covered by integrated payment services has reached 30.48 million, up 19.2% YoY, as of the first half of 2021. Serving 6.13 million merchants, Yeahka has a market share of approximately 20%.
Number of payment transactions through QR code is displayed real-time on Yeahka's official website (
A payment method that integrates multiple relatively fragmented payments through the use of an integrated QR code, aggregate payment brings more convenience to both merchants and consumers. For a services provider, in addition to providing omni-channel payment services, leveraging its technical capabilities to provide value-added services is a crucial next step.
This is also the key to Yeahka's business - the steady and rapid growth of the payment business also propels another important segment for the Company, namely technology-enabled business services. According to Yeahka's interim report, the revenue of this segment increased 86.6% YoY to RMB360 million, and its contribution to the Company's gross profit increased to 43.5% from 34.9% in the same period of 2020, significantly higher than other players in the same field.
Utilized HK$119.8 million in share incentive scheme
Yeahka announced on 23 September that, as of 21 September 2021, the trustee of the Restricted Share Unit ("RSU") Scheme had utilized an aggregate of approximately HK$119.8 million to purchase 4,104,400 Shares from the market at a consideration of HK$26.30 to HK$30.00 per share to hold in trust for the benefit of the RSU participants pursuant to the rules of the RSU Scheme.
According to the announcement, the shares purchased will be rewards for the RSU participants in the RSU Scheme, as an incentive for their contribution to the Company. In addition, the share purchase pursuant to the RSU Scheme also demonstrates the Company's confidence in its business outlook and prospect. The Company will continue to conduct share purchases in the market based on market conditions.
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
A*STAR and Local SME Work with Vaccination Centres to Deploy Automated Systems for Filling Syringes
AVID was designed to address the labour-intensive steps of the vaccination process to reduce the workload of healthcare providers, increase accuracy and productivity, and enhance personal safety as well.
AVID was developed by researchers from A*STAR's Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC) and Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), in collaboration with local systems integrator Sysmatic Global. The innovative HealthTech solution is the first of its kind to automate the extraction of vaccines from vials using a combination of robotic parts, smart sensors and digital technologies.
AVID currently supports the management of vials used to contain the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, with potential to be customised for the Moderna Vaccine as well.
How it works:
- After thawing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, it is diluted in the vial.
- Typically, healthcare providers would then have to extract individual doses of the vaccine (0.3 mL for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine) using syringes. One vial of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine contains six doses of vaccine after dilution[1].
- AVID automates this step of extraction of the vaccine from the vial into six individual syringes, including the dispersing of bubbles inside the syringes.
- AVID also automatically uncaps and recaps the syringes during the transfer of vaccine from vials to syringes.
- It is easy to use at just the push of some buttons, only needing simple training without any special qualifications required.
- Reduces workload of healthcare providers, by freeing them from the manual step of extracting vaccines from vials to syringes.
- Allows more focused attention by healthcare providers on interacting and communicating with people receiving the vaccinations.
- Increases productivity at vaccination centres via introduction of automated processes that are accurate, consistent, and fast.
- Reduces risks of cross-contamination and vaccine wastage via safe handling by the machine.
- Improves safety for healthcare providers by reducing the handling of sharp syringes during the extraction step.
- The machine's small footprint and low weight (less than 25kg) means it can be easily deployed to any vaccination centre.
Development and Deployment:
- AVID was developed within six weeks from conceptualisation. It is the result of a collaboration between A*STAR's ARTC and SIMTech, which provided expertise in robotics, automation and Industry 4.0 technologies, and Sysmatic Global which designed, integrated and constructed the machine.
- AVID has been deployed to at least seven vaccination centres so far, which administer the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Thomson Medical, a vaccination centre operator, also supported A*STAR in the development and trials of the machine.
[1] Health Sciences Authority, Singapore - Fact sheet for healthcare providers administering Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
For media queries and clarifications, please contact:
Mr Robin Chan
Head, Corporate Communications
Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Tel: +65 6826 6281
Mobile: +65 9830 2610
Mr Khoo Kiak Nee
Director, Sysmatic Global
Tel : +65 6246 6859
Mobile : +65 9688 2502
Email :
About the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) is Singapore's lead public sector R&D agency. Through open innovation, we collaborate with our partners in both the public and private sectors to benefit the economy and society. As a Science and Technology Organisation, A*STAR bridges the gap between academia and industry. Our research creates economic growth and jobs for Singapore, and enhances lives by improving societal outcomes in healthcare, urban living, and sustainability. A*STAR plays a key role in nurturing scientific talent and leaders for the wider research community and industry. A*STAR's R&D activities span biomedical sciences to physical sciences and engineering, with research entities primarily located in Biopolis and Fusionopolis. For ongoing news, visit
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About Sysmatic Global
Sysmatic Global Pte Ltd was established in 2010, as an appointed agent & solution provider for Nitto Seiko, Japan, assembly products. Through the years, we had developed our own design team and evolved to a system integrator providing innovative automation solution improving customer factory productivity and quality. Coupled with In-house Precision Machining & Sheetmetal fabrication facilities, we strike to provide a full turnkey solution to our customers.
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Motul Celebrates Golden Jubilee of the Iconic 300V
Since 1853, Motul has been producing the highest quality of engine lubricants. The 300V is the embodiment of Motul's values and vision to provide a catalyst for high performance engines and evolve alongside those technologies year on year. Inspired by Motul's 300 victories, the brand 300V was launched as a new fully synthetic motor oil. Although available commercially today, the 300V was initially synthesized solely for racing applications. It was engineered with synthetic base oils and ester additives to create perfect synergy of power and reliability. The technological breakthrough, called ESTERCore®, allowed the 300V to maintain its competencies under extreme conditions and constant stress, immediately gaining a reputation as the perfect oil for winning.
300V Timeline
There is a 300V lubricant for every type of engine and application to best suit the engine and keep it performing at the highest level. Motul has made sure to bring the latest racing technology to everyday consumers, perpetually improving their formula from feedback and cooperation from international competitions. Beyond the 300V, Motul provides a range of products including the 8100, H-Tech, RBF, ATF, CVTF and DCTF for other parts of the car.
In the coming months, Motul Asia Pacific will collaborate with some of the region's top experts to test Motul lubricants first-hand and give feedback. Motul fans will be able to check out the experts' reviews via their Social Media channels (watch out for #LegendaryPowerRefined) and on Motul channels.
50 years of the 300V marks an unprecedented achievement for the company. The legacy of this iconic lubricant is built upon a foundation of technological advancements and Motul remains committed to staying at the forefront of the development curve for decades to come.
About Motul
Motul is a world-class French company specialised in the formulation, production and distribution of high-tech engine lubricants (two-wheelers, cars and other vehicles) as well as lubricants for industry via its Motul Tech activity. Motul offers a whole range of products for everyday car use, including the 8100, H-tech, RBF series, ATF, CVTF and DCTF among others. Motul products ensure all parts of the car are kept in pristine condition to extract maximum performance and reliability.
Unanimously recognised for more than 150 years for the quality of its products, innovation capacity and involvement in the field of competition, Motul is also recognised as a specialist in synthetic lubricants. As early as 1971, Motul was the first lubricant manufacturer to pioneer the formulation of a 100% synthetic lubricant, issued from the aeronautical industry, making use of esters technology: 300V lubricant. 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the Motul 300V.
Motul is a partner to many manufacturers and racing teams in order to further their technological development in motorsports. It has invested in many international competitions as an official supplier for teams in: Road racing, Trials, Enduro, Endurance, Superbike, Supercross, Rallycross, World GT1, 24 Hours of Le Mans (cars and motorcycles), 24 Hours of Spa, Le Mans Series, Andros Trophy, Paris-Dakar, 8 Hours of Suzuka, Bol d'Or, Daytona 200-mile motorcycle race.
MOTUL Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
1A International Business Park, #06-03
Singapore 609933
For more information, please contact Motul at
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新職: 産業ガス事業部 産業ガス統括部長
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氏名: 原田 守
新職: カーボン事業部 アジアビジネス統括部長
旧職: カーボン事業部 グローバル統括部長
継続職: -
氏名: 島圖(シマズ) 良和
新職: カーボン事業部 グローバル統括部長
旧職: 戦略企画部
継続職: -
氏名: 田中 卓
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CITIC Telecom CPC Partners With Zscaler To Launch Cloud-Native TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE Service To Secure Expanding SD-WAN Edge
The announcement follows increasing interest in SASE deployments as network edge attacks increase. According to Gartner, at least 60% of enterprises will have explicit strategies and timelines for SASE adoption encompassing user, branch, and edge access by 2025, up from 10% in 2020 . The integration of TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE Service with the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange(TM) offers users holistic protection for the entire SD-WAN network topologies.
"The rise in SD-WAN deployment sees an escalation of network edge attacks. Our partnership with leading zero trust and web security solution provider Zscaler to offer TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE Service expands our existing TrueCONNECT(TM) Hybrid SD-WAN value proposition," said Taylor Lam, Chief Strategy Officer of CITIC Telecom CPC. "The main benefactors of this partnership will be our customers who can now protect their network edges and scale the security as their network edges evolve."
Companies are increasingly adopting SD-WAN to support hybrid workforces and distributed workloads. They also need an agile, robust, and holistic security solution that scales with their expanding network edge. Traditional on-premises network security solutions struggle to cope with the cybersecurity demands of today's distributed enterprises, especially at the network edge. Dynamic usage patterns and a complex network landscape that includes cloud platforms and mobile technologies increase staff overheads, delay troubleshooting, and reduce scalability.
SASE takes a refreshing approach toward protecting distributed network infrastructures by relocating security at the network perimeter. It uses a granular, identity-based access model to eliminate bottlenecks and complexity while enhancing flexibility, trust, and scalability.
CITIC Telecom CPC TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE solution is a cloud-native SASE service that integrates with the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange(TM). The powerful combination offers a Zero Trust answer for distributed enterprises looking to secure their evolving network edges while simplifying edge security management and operational costs. The solution also builds on CITIC Telecom CPC's TrueCONNECT(TM) Hybrid, a fully-managed SD-WAN connectivity solution covering nearly 60 gateways across 50 cities in 20 countries. Distributed enterprises can use the SD-WAN orchestrator to directly steer network traffic via the 150 global data centers backed by the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange.
"Today's cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated and frequent. Enterprises in the region need to look at holistic protection that scales as their network topology and edge grow," said Arun Dharmalingam VP, Channels and Alliances, EMEA & APJ at Zscaler. "We are delighted to partner with CITIC Telecom CPC on their innovative cloud-native SASE service built on Zscaler's zero trust architecture, and believe it will provide an important tool to keep their evolving SD-WAN network protected."
The new cloud-native TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE solution, built on Zscaler's Zero Trust Exchange(TM) offers a wide range of benefits, including:
-- Globally Distributed Comprehensive Security: TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE offers a direct-to-cloud security stack to protect digital assets, users, and devices while reinforcing business continuity, ensuring robust and responsive cybersecurity at all points of access.
-- Immediately Responsive Full Spectrum Security: Threats detected anywhere are immediately neutralized across the network for all users. TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE covers a full range of protective measures, including Browser Isolation, Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud Firewall/IPS, Data Loss Protection (DLP), Sandboxing, and URL Filtering.
-- Full SSL and Content Inspection: TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE gives total content visibility via full SSL inspection across all ports and protocols, with only microseconds of delay. It allows CISOs and SOC teams to monitor security activities across the SD-WAN topology easily and proactively take actions when malicious activities are detected or network usage patterns highlight an imminent attack.
--Effortless Scalability and Seamless Integration: TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE easily scales integrated policies and contextual threat visibility to accommodate additional users, security, and other business needs.
--Zero trust network access (ZTNA) capability: The service offers identity-based authentication and granular access control to empower enterprises with secure private access to cloud-native platforms or applications.
For more information about TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE, please visit: .
About CITIC Telecom CPC
We are CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited ("CITIC Telecom CPC"), a wholly owned subsidiary of CITIC Telecom International Holdings Limited (SEHK: 1883), serving multinational enterprises the world over by addressing their specific ICT requirements with highly scalable tailored solutions built upon our flagship technology suites, comprising TrueCONNECT(TM) private network solutions, TrustCSI(TM) information security solutions, DataHOUSE(TM) cloud data center solutions, and SmartCLOUD(TM) cloud computing solutions.
With the motto "Innovation Never Stops," we leverage innovative technologies, embracing AI, AR, Big Data, IoT, and other cutting-edge emerging technologies to transform technical potential into business value for our customers. As an enterprise digital transformation partner, we strive to help our customers achieving industry-leading positions, high agility, and cost-efficiency through digitalization.
With our Global-Local capabilities, we are committed to providing our customers with one-stop-shop ICT solutions with superior quality. Having a worldwide footprint across 160 countries, including Asia, Europe and America, Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, our global network resources connect over 160 points of presence (POPs), 18 Cloud service centers, 30+ data centers, and two dedicated 24x7 Security Operations Centers (SOCs). As one of the first managed service providers in Hong Kong to achieve multiple ICT-related certifications, including ISO 9001, 14001, 20000, 27001, and 27017, we offer local professional services, superior delivery capabilities as well as exceptional customer experience and best practices through our global presence and extensive industry know-how, becoming a leading integrated intelligent ICT service provider to enterprise customers.
For more information, please visit
Media Contacts:
Micty Wong
CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited
(852) 2170 7511
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Motul Celebrates Golden Jubilee of the Iconic 300V
Since 1853, Motul has been producing the highest quality of engine lubricants. The 300V is the embodiment of Motul's values and vision to provide a catalyst for high performance engines and evolve alongside those technologies year on year. Inspired by Motul's 300 victories, the brand 300V was launched as a new fully synthetic motor oil. Although available commercially today, the 300V was initially synthesized solely for racing applications. It was engineered with synthetic base oils and ester additives to create perfect synergy of power and reliability. The technological breakthrough, called ESTERCore®, allowed the 300V to maintain its competencies under extreme conditions and constant stress, immediately gaining a reputation as the perfect oil for winning.
300V Timeline
About Motul
MOTUL Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd
1A International Business Park, #06-03
Singapore 609933
For more information, please contact Motul at
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
Global New Material, leading the new materials industry, answers in its interim report after 19-day price rally
On July 21, August 3, August 4 and August 11, Global New Material's stock price recorded an intraday increase of 11.47%, 8.75%, 25.87 and 9.66% respectively. Over 19 trading days ended August 13, Global New Material saw its stock price rising by 104.89% and its market value exceeding HKD8 billion.
The earnings report released by the Company on August 30 shows that in the first half 2021, Global New Material recorded total revenue of RMB307 million, representing an increase of 25.3% as compared with that in the first half of 2020, a gross margin of 52.7% from 48.6% in the first half of 2020, a total gross profit of RMB162 million, representing an increase of 36.0% as compared with that in the first half of 2020, and a total profit attributable to the parent company of RMB94.10 million, representing a significant increase of 54.3%.
For now it appears that the capital market values the growth potential of Global New Material in the field of pearlescent materials. In the future, with the continued endogenous growth of the industry and the Company's industry-leading role, Global New Material's stock price momentum at the moment could be only the beginning.
Strong growth in multiple businesses drove revenue
Global New Material is specialized in pearlescent pigment products, coatings, mica and other related products. When measuring revenue in 2020, Global New Material is the world's largest producer of synthetic mica-based pearlescent pigments, the world's fourth-largest producer of pearlescent pigments, and the producer of pearlescent pigments with the highest market share in China.
In the first half of 2021, natural mica-based pearlescent pigment products, synthetic mica-based pearlescent pigment products and glass flake-based pearlescent pigment products, which accounted for the largest part of Global New Material's total revenue, had their revenues increasing by 20.7%, 31.2% and 46.3% respectively and contributed to 25.3%, equivalent to RMB307 million, in the increase in Global New Material's total revenue.
Impressive increase in gross margin and expense ratio further drove up net profit rate
Synthetic mica-based, glass flake-based and silica-based products are more profitable than natural mica-based products. In the first half of 2021, the revenue of these three types of products accounted for 44.4% of Global New Material's total revenue, representing an increase from 41.9% in the first half of 2020, which led to a remarkable rise in Global New Material's gross margin to 52.7% from 48.6% in the first half of 2020.
With the growth in both revenue and gross margin, Global New Material had its final net profit increasing significantly by 56.5% to RMB98.181 million, and its net margin increasing by 6.4 percentage points to 32%.
Great market potential and capacity expansion support future growth
Pearlescent pigments are advantageous over traditional pigments in terms of fading resistance, nontoxicity, safety and environmental friendliness, and therefore are rapidly replacing traditional pigments.
Compared with natural mica-based pigments, synthetic mica-based pearlescent pigments perform much better in terms of glossiness, transparency and high-temperature resistance, and generally do not contain heavy metals. Therefore, synthetic mica-based pearlescent pigments are more suitable for the fast-growing high-end markets such as automobiles and cosmetics.
According to a Frost-Sullivan report, the global market size of synthetic mica products is expected to exceed that of natural mica products in 2022; the market size of synthetic mica products and natural mica products will reach RMB15.4 billion and RMB9.7 billion respectively by 2025; the market size of synthetic mica-based products in China is expected to expand by 39.7% in the next five years and reach RMB7.6 billion by 2025.
In 2020, Global New Material came close to full capacity, with pearlescent pigments and synthetic mica products reaching nearly 14,000 tons and 10,000 tons respectively. Global New Material's phase-2 plants are under construction, and once put into production, are expected to realize a capacity of 30,000 tons of pearlescent pigments and 30,000 tons of synthetic mica products. Forecast by Global New Material, a capacity of 6,000 tons of pearlescent pigments will be realized in the fourth quarter of this year, and a capacity of 6,000 tons of synthetic mica products will be realized in the second quarter of next year, which will lead to a further growth of Global New Material's performance.
Media contact:
Haolu Wang, Peanutmedia
T: +86 18345 162685
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Mitrade Wins Best Forex Fintech Broker Asia 2021 Award
This award is under the Global Forex Awards and is presented by Holiston Media, a leading provider of global financial awards and events. The Global Forex Awards recognizes the best performing forex brands or businesses on a global and regional level. They reward providers of groundbreaking technology, extensive market research tools, low-cost trading, world-class customer support for direct-to-consumer businesses, and more. This is a benchmark of success as award winners are nominated independently through public voting processes by real customers worldwide and others in the forex trading industry, ensuring impartiality.
Amidst the thousands of businesses in the forex industry, Mitrade emerged as one of the winning brands. By clinching the title of Best Forex Fintech Broker Asia for 2021, the company showed its popularity among customers with Mitrade's App and WebTrader - an exclusive self-developed trading platform, competitive platform fees and top-notch customer service.
"It is a great honour to receive this award and we are heartened to see recognition for our dedication to serving the global trading community, especially in Asia. We extend our deepest gratitude to our users who voted for us and supported our product and services. Our team is highly motivated to continue improving our services and we are striving towards bringing traders worldwide a better trading experience", said a representative of Mitrade Holding Ltd.
Since the company launched their proprietary trading platform back in 2019, Mitrade has witnessed robust growth and has over 800,000 users globally to date and continues to expand rapidly with offices around the globe.
Currently, there are over 100 financial instruments including Forex, Commodities, and Indices on Mitrade. A strong team of finance veterans and technology experts are behind the platform, providing unrivalled trading conditions to its customers by having an in-depth understanding of investors' needs and the expertise to improve current market offerings by creating new solutions.
On top of this Best Forex Fintech Broker Asia Award 2021, Mitrade has won the Best Mobile Application 2021 Award by World Forex Award, and the Fastest Growing Broker Australia Award from International Business Magazine for two consecutive years - 2019 and 2020. The company has a multitude of other awards, showing its consistent excellence as an online broker globally. Website:
OTC derivatives are a leveraged product and can result in the loss of your entire capital. Website:
For media inquiry, please contact Ms Belle Toh at
About Mitrade
Mitrade Holding Ltd, the innovative financial technology company that offers OTC derivatives online trading, operates its business under the regulation of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) (SIB 1612446). With a mission to make trading simplified, Mitrade provides a self-developed trading platform and over 100 markets with assets include forex, commodities, and indices that best suit investors' needs from all over the world.
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
Don Agro International and Smart Polymorph Technologies pioneer latest pharmaceutical innovations for the agricultural sector
As part of this pilot program, both Don Agro and Smart Polymorph are working towards enhancing crop production yields and minimising costs through the use of well-known plant growth bio-stimulants that have been modified into new crystalline and amorphous forms via the latter's polymorphic modification technology. To support research efforts, the Group earmarked experimental plots totalling 50 hectares of three different crops, namely winter wheat, corn and sunflower, as a testbed for the application of the new growth bio-stimulator.
According to Smart Polymorph, pharmaceutical drugs which they had developed prior to the latest venture displayed higher therapeutic effect as compared to existing market alternatives, even as the number of active substances used was reduced by three to five times. This is due to the technology's ability to modify the morphology and crystalline form of the respective substances, and manage the control of particle sizes and amount of impurities, thereby ensuring that the end product achieves the highest quality standards.
"Smart Polymorph harnesses a unique technology in polymorphic modification of organic substances that is suitable and can be applied to a wide variety of medicines and bioactive substances used in the agroindustrial complex," explains Mr Yakovlev Ruslan, Director of Science of Smart Polymorph Technologies. He added, "Leveraging on our proprietary technology, we have been able to modify substances that have proved to be more superior and efficient than other alternatives currently existing in the market. Backed by our successful track record to date, we are confident that the same technology can be applied to the agricultural sector to enhance the effectiveness of plant growth stimulants, pesticides and other related substances."
On this latest initiative, Mr Marat Devlet-Kildeyev, Chief Executive Officer of Don Agro commented, "Over the years, we have continued to introduce modern farming techniques, adopt new technologies and implement industry best practices to set ourselves apart from our industry peers. This has included entering the market for organic wheat as well as adopting AI-powered autonomous driving technology to enhance our crop harvesting capabilities. Our latest joint pilot program is a step in the same direction as we apply new and innovative pharmaceutical technologies to our crop fields to achieve maximum crop yields at the lowest cost. Supported by our renowned partner in Smart Polymorph Technologies, we are confident that this initiative will reinforce our position as one of the leading innovators in the agricultural sector."
Since April 2021, the Group has begun cultivating winter wheat using bio-stimulants supplied by Smart Polymorph, with experimental efforts for corn and sunflower crops next in the pipeline. Once the respective crops have been harvested, an analysis of yields and quality of the final product will be carried out by the Group to determine the growth bio-stimulant's effectiveness. The introduction of bio-stimulants does not incur additional costs to the Group as the processes and technology required for sowing seeds and growing crops remain unchanged.
About Don Agro International Limited
Don Agro is one of the largest agricultural companies in the Rostov region in Russia principally engaged in the cultivation of agricultural crops and production of raw milk. The Group is also engaged in crop production in the Volgograd region in Russia. The Group has a total controlled land bank of 67,340 hectares, of which more than 54,420 hectares are arable land. The Group owns approximately 17,200 hectares of its controlled land bank.
The Group's operations are principally located in the Rostov region, one of the most fertile regions of Russia, situated close to the Azov and Black Seas and the Don River which house major international ports. The Group's second operating division in the Volgograd region is located in close proximity to key trading routes including the Volga River. This allows the Group's customers, who are mainly traders and exporters, to save on transportation costs and, as a result, be able to offer higher prices for the Group's crops. Within the crop production segment, the Group is primarily engaged in the farming of commercial crops such as winter wheat, sunflower and corn.
In addition, the Group is the largest milk producer in the Rostov region and owns more than 4,000 heads of dairy cattle which includes approximately 2,200 milking cows.
Equity information at SGX:GRQ, Bloomberg DAG:SP, Reuters DONA:SI.
Issued for and on behalf Don Agro by Financial PR.
For more information please contact:
Jonathan Wee
Tel: +65 6438 2990, Fax: +65 6438 0064
Don Agro International Limited (the "Company") was listed on Catalist of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "Exchange") on 14 February 2020. The initial public offering of the Company was sponsored by PrimePartners Corporate Finance Pte. Ltd. (the "Sponsor").
This press release has been reviewed by the Company's Sponsor. It has not been examined or approved by the Exchange and the Exchange assumes no responsibility for the contents of this document, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained in this document.
The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr Joseph Au, 16 Collyer Quay, #10-00 Income at Raffles, Singapore 049318,
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. Via JCN Newswire
CITIC Telecom CPC Partners With Zscaler To Launch Cloud-Native TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE Service To Secure Expanding SD-WAN Edge
The announcement follows increasing interest in SASE deployments as network edge attacks increase. According to Gartner, at least 60% of enterprises will have explicit strategies and timelines for SASE adoption encompassing user, branch, and edge access by 2025, up from 10% in 2020 . The integration of TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE Service with the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange(TM) offers users holistic protection for the entire SD-WAN network topologies.
"The rise in SD-WAN deployment sees an escalation of network edge attacks. Our partnership with leading zero trust and web security solution provider Zscaler to offer TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE Service expands our existing TrueCONNECT(TM) Hybrid SD-WAN value proposition," said Taylor Lam, Chief Strategy Officer of CITIC Telecom CPC. "The main benefactors of this partnership will be our customers who can now protect their network edges and scale the security as their network edges evolve."
Companies are increasingly adopting SD-WAN to support hybrid workforces and distributed workloads. They also need an agile, robust, and holistic security solution that scales with their expanding network edge. Traditional on-premises network security solutions struggle to cope with the cybersecurity demands of today's distributed enterprises, especially at the network edge. Dynamic usage patterns and a complex network landscape that includes cloud platforms and mobile technologies increase staff overheads, delay troubleshooting, and reduce scalability.
SASE takes a refreshing approach toward protecting distributed network infrastructures by relocating security at the network perimeter. It uses a granular, identity-based access model to eliminate bottlenecks and complexity while enhancing flexibility, trust, and scalability.
CITIC Telecom CPC TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE solution is a cloud-native SASE service that integrates with the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange(TM). The powerful combination offers a Zero Trust answer for distributed enterprises looking to secure their evolving network edges while simplifying edge security management and operational costs. The solution also builds on CITIC Telecom CPC's TrueCONNECT(TM) Hybrid, a fully-managed SD-WAN connectivity solution covering nearly 60 gateways across 50 cities in 20 countries. Distributed enterprises can use the SD-WAN orchestrator to directly steer network traffic via the 150 global data centers backed by the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange.
"Today's cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated and frequent. Enterprises in the region need to look at holistic protection that scales as their network topology and edge grow," said Arun Dharmalingam VP, Channels and Alliances, EMEA & APJ at Zscaler. "We are delighted to partner with CITIC Telecom CPC on their innovative cloud-native SASE service built on Zscaler's zero trust architecture, and believe it will provide an important tool to keep their evolving SD-WAN network protected."
The new cloud-native TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE solution, built on Zscaler's Zero Trust Exchange(TM) offers a wide range of benefits, including:
-- Globally Distributed Comprehensive Security: TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE offers a direct-to-cloud security stack to protect digital assets, users, and devices while reinforcing business continuity, ensuring robust and responsive cybersecurity at all points of access.
-- Immediately Responsive Full Spectrum Security: Threats detected anywhere are immediately neutralized across the network for all users. TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE covers a full range of protective measures, including Browser Isolation, Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud Firewall/IPS, Data Loss Protection (DLP), Sandboxing, and URL Filtering.
-- Full SSL and Content Inspection: TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE gives total content visibility via full SSL inspection across all ports and protocols, with only microseconds of delay. It allows CISOs and SOC teams to monitor security activities across the SD-WAN topology easily and proactively take actions when malicious activities are detected or network usage patterns highlight an imminent attack.
--Effortless Scalability and Seamless Integration: TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE easily scales integrated policies and contextual threat visibility to accommodate additional users, security, and other business needs.
--Zero trust network access (ZTNA) capability: The service offers identity-based authentication and granular access control to empower enterprises with secure private access to cloud-native platforms or applications.
For more information about TrueCONNECT(TM) SASE, please visit: .
About CITIC Telecom CPC
We are CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited ("CITIC Telecom CPC"), a wholly owned subsidiary of CITIC Telecom International Holdings Limited (SEHK: 1883), serving multinational enterprises the world over by addressing their specific ICT requirements with highly scalable tailored solutions built upon our flagship technology suites, comprising TrueCONNECT(TM) private network solutions, TrustCSI(TM) information security solutions, DataHOUSE(TM) cloud data center solutions, and SmartCLOUD(TM) cloud computing solutions.
With the motto "Innovation Never Stops," we leverage innovative technologies, embracing AI, AR, Big Data, IoT, and other cutting-edge emerging technologies to transform technical potential into business value for our customers. As an enterprise digital transformation partner, we strive to help our customers achieving industry-leading positions, high agility, and cost-efficiency through digitalization.
With our Global-Local capabilities, we are committed to providing our customers with one-stop-shop ICT solutions with superior quality. Having a worldwide footprint across 160 countries, including Asia, Europe and America, Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, our global network resources connect over 160 points of presence (POPs), 18 Cloud service centers, 30+ data centers, and two dedicated 24x7 Security Operations Centers (SOCs). As one of the first managed service providers in Hong Kong to achieve multiple ICT-related certifications, including ISO 9001, 14001, 20000, 27001, and 27017, we offer local professional services, superior delivery capabilities as well as exceptional customer experience and best practices through our global presence and extensive industry know-how, becoming a leading integrated intelligent ICT service provider to enterprise customers.
For more information, please visit
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Micty Wong
CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited
(852) 2170 7511
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InvestHK: HKSAR Government's "Report on Hong Kong's Business Environment" highlights Hong Kong's unique advantages and unlimited opportunities
The Director-General of Investment Promotion of the HKSAR, Mr Stephen Phillips, said that the report, announced by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, on September 27, sets out very clearly the exciting opportunities for businesses from around the world in Hong Kong and at the same time sets the record straight about international investors' misconceptions of Hong Kong as a result of persistent biased media reports in some quarters.
"The report not only outlines clearly the robust strengths of Hong Kong as an international financial, aviation, innovation and technology, legal and cultural hub, but also highlights the many attractive opportunities the city has to offer multinationals and entrepreneurs who want a reliable, efficient business base in Asia," Mr Phillips said.
"It is very important for us to tell the real Hong Kong story to the international business community that under the Central Government's support and the 'one country, two systems' principle, Hong Kong and businesses in Hong Kong have a bright future with fantastic opportunities."
Mr Phillips added, "Our pipeline remains strong with many multinationals, small and medium-sized companies and start-ups still planning to come to our city to develop their businesses and scale into Mainland China and wider Asia. Going forward, with the continued support of the Central Government, we see very bright prospects for Hong Kong's economy."
InvestHK is organising a series of global webinars to be held on October 7 for business communities around the world to provide an update on Hong Kong's latest business environment and key announcements relevant to business in next week's Policy Address.
A short video summarising the report can be found at
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Don Agro International and Smart Polymorph Technologies pioneer latest pharmaceutical innovations for the agricultural sector
As part of this pilot program, both Don Agro and Smart Polymorph are working towards enhancing crop production yields and minimising costs through the use of well-known plant growth bio-stimulants that have been modified into new crystalline and amorphous forms via the latter's polymorphic modification technology. To support research efforts, the Group earmarked experimental plots totalling 50 hectares of three different crops, namely winter wheat, corn and sunflower, as a testbed for the application of the new growth bio-stimulator.
According to Smart Polymorph, pharmaceutical drugs which they had developed prior to the latest venture displayed higher therapeutic effect as compared to existing market alternatives, even as the number of active substances used was reduced by three to five times. This is due to the technology's ability to modify the morphology and crystalline form of the respective substances, and manage the control of particle sizes and amount of impurities, thereby ensuring that the end product achieves the highest quality standards.
"Smart Polymorph harnesses a unique technology in polymorphic modification of organic substances that is suitable and can be applied to a wide variety of medicines and bioactive substances used in the agroindustrial complex," explains Mr Yakovlev Ruslan, Director of Science of Smart Polymorph Technologies. He added, "Leveraging on our proprietary technology, we have been able to modify substances that have proved to be more superior and efficient than other alternatives currently existing in the market. Backed by our successful track record to date, we are confident that the same technology can be applied to the agricultural sector to enhance the effectiveness of plant growth stimulants, pesticides and other related substances."
On this latest initiative, Mr Marat Devlet-Kildeyev, Chief Executive Officer of Don Agro commented, "Over the years, we have continued to introduce modern farming techniques, adopt new technologies and implement industry best practices to set ourselves apart from our industry peers. This has included entering the market for organic wheat as well as adopting AI-powered autonomous driving technology to enhance our crop harvesting capabilities. Our latest joint pilot program is a step in the same direction as we apply new and innovative pharmaceutical technologies to our crop fields to achieve maximum crop yields at the lowest cost. Supported by our renowned partner in Smart Polymorph Technologies, we are confident that this initiative will reinforce our position as one of the leading innovators in the agricultural sector."
Since April 2021, the Group has begun cultivating winter wheat using bio-stimulants supplied by Smart Polymorph, with experimental efforts for corn and sunflower crops next in the pipeline. Once the respective crops have been harvested, an analysis of yields and quality of the final product will be carried out by the Group to determine the growth bio-stimulant's effectiveness. The introduction of bio-stimulants does not incur additional costs to the Group as the processes and technology required for sowing seeds and growing crops remain unchanged.
About Don Agro International Limited
Don Agro is one of the largest agricultural companies in the Rostov region in Russia principally engaged in the cultivation of agricultural crops and production of raw milk. The Group is also engaged in crop production in the Volgograd region in Russia. The Group has a total controlled land bank of 67,340 hectares, of which more than 54,420 hectares are arable land. The Group owns approximately 17,200 hectares of its controlled land bank.
The Group's operations are principally located in the Rostov region, one of the most fertile regions of Russia, situated close to the Azov and Black Seas and the Don River which house major international ports. The Group's second operating division in the Volgograd region is located in close proximity to key trading routes including the Volga River. This allows the Group's customers, who are mainly traders and exporters, to save on transportation costs and, as a result, be able to offer higher prices for the Group's crops. Within the crop production segment, the Group is primarily engaged in the farming of commercial crops such as winter wheat, sunflower and corn.
In addition, the Group is the largest milk producer in the Rostov region and owns more than 4,000 heads of dairy cattle which includes approximately 2,200 milking cows.
Equity information at SGX:GRQ, Bloomberg DAG:SP, Reuters DONA:SI.
Issued for and on behalf Don Agro by Financial PR.
For more information please contact:
Jonathan Wee
Tel: +65 6438 2990, Fax: +65 6438 0064
Don Agro International Limited (the "Company") was listed on Catalist of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "Exchange") on 14 February 2020. The initial public offering of the Company was sponsored by PrimePartners Corporate Finance Pte. Ltd. (the "Sponsor").
This press release has been reviewed by the Company's Sponsor. It has not been examined or approved by the Exchange and the Exchange assumes no responsibility for the contents of this document, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained in this document.
The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr Joseph Au, 16 Collyer Quay, #10-00 Income at Raffles, Singapore 049318,
Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.
マサチューセッツ州ボストン - 2021年9月30日 - (JCN Newswire) - 産業部門は世界の二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量の21%を占めており、セメント、製鋼、化学工業などの産業部門が中心となり、年間9ギガトン以上のCO2を排出しています。そのため、セメント、製鋼、化学工業の3産業を脱炭素化することのみで、世界の産業排出量は半分まで削減することが可能となります。ただし、これら産業は長期的に成長し続けることが予測されており、増加する製品需要を満たしつつも、いかにカーボンニュートラリティを達成することができるか、という点が、産業部門における脱炭素化の大きな課題です。
そこで、ラックスリサーチの新しい報告書、『Decarbonization of Industry: The Path Toward Carbon Neutrality(産業部門の脱炭素化:カーボンニュートラリティへの道のり)』は、産業部門における脱炭素化技術を評価するためのフレームワークを紹介しました。
- 当座しのぎの技術(Makeshift technologies):これら技術は産業プロセスの主要段階を変更することなく排出量の削減に貢献します。これらは、効率面におけるギャップ、原料の炭素集約度、またはプロセスの最後に放出される廃棄物への対応による脱炭素化を目指すものであり、工業プロセスのコア技術および基本は変わりません。
- 後付け(レトロフィット)技術(Retrofit technologies):これら技術は、産業プロセスの一つまたは複数の主要段階を変更することで排出量を削減します。これらは、既存のプロセスフロー内に収まる新しい低炭素バリアントをコアプロセスユニットに追加したり入れ替えたりすることで脱炭素化を目指します。ただし工業プロセスの基本は変わりません。
- 変革技術(Transformational technologies):これら技術は、産業プロセスの根本を変えることで排出量を削減します。これらの技術は、既存の主要なプロセスユニットを排除し、既存の産業プロセスフローを完全に変換することによって脱炭素化を目指します。これらは、主に、熱化学プラットフォームを生化学または電気化学プラットフォームに置き換えることになります。
ラックスリサーチのシニアアナリスト、Runeel Daliahは次のように説明しています。
また本調査を担当したRuneel Daliahへのインタビューは、press@luxresearchinc.comより受け付けております。
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